The AI Rejection Conversation Matters

Honestly, I'm not sure it matters all that much.

AI produces shit stories. So do some human writers. This site (and many others) proves there's a market for shit stories, regardless of the navel-gazing of those of us in the AH (who genuinely do care about excellence in writing, I think). We're a tiny minority in a sea of preferences.

So it's not that clear to me how "dangerous" AI content is to those of us who plug away at this. I have zero fear that anyone who likes my stuff is going to like an AI-generated piece of trash. And, on a free site, I don't see much harm. But it does get complicated, fast, where money or recognition are involved, and therein lies the problem; I get that. I'm glad I'm not in charge of figuring out the response here, but I am at my work. And it's a pain in the fuckin' ass, let me tell you.
AI produces some spectactularly shit stories! 😆 And, I know one wizard with prompts who can get things out of AI that blow my mind. Same with images. There are people out there who are fantastically adept at massaging their prompts. Oh god I'm too horny to talk about anything other than sex right now. Give me a few minutes to let off steam and maybe the little grey cells will work again 😂🤭

“Should we have a party for your brother’s graduation?” Jennifer asked her daughter as they ate breakfest, both only in oersized t-shirts.

When Jennifer’s divorce had finalized with Sarah and Bobby’s father, she had moved near her daughter, buying a house on a few acres outside of Scottsdale. Sarah had moved in despite the longer commute, as she’d grown tired of living in the dorms. Ashley, still lived in the dorms, but spent most of her time in the house as she felt more comfortable there. The longer the school year drug on, the less she wanted to sleep on a twin bed. The three women were happy and often had fun together, but non of them had fucked a guy since winter break.

Jennifer had given in to her feelings for Sarah’s half brother, and her husbands love child, Ian and despite his pleas for her to get out and experience other men, she was saving herself for him. Sure, she’d fooled around with Ashley and Sarah, but she didn’t count that as they all realized they came as some sort of weird package. If you bought into one you got everyone for the same price, whether you liked it or not.

Sarah, for much the same reasons, was saving herself for her brother Bobby. She’d tried fucking around her first semester, but nothing felt right and in the end, she decided she’d just wait for Bobby to graduate and move in with her and their mom. It would be crowded with Ashley in the house, but they were all going to be family once Ashley popped out Bobby’s child in a month. She knew the neighbors would give them all weird looks, but no one knew the true relationships, so there was no fear of being condermed for incest, just run of the mill polyamory.

Ashley, for her part, had continued to sleep with as many guys as she could until they stopped wanting to. The faucet turned off for her early in the second semester. Guys she’d been fuck buddies with no longer wanted to hang out. New recruits were often turned off by her. She’d gained some weight, but utltimate she just chaulked it up to them still being boys. She needed a man. She needed a soon to be college graduate. She needed Bobby.

“For sure, we have to through him a party,” Sarah replied with an enormice smile. “I know he’s going to be tired, but if we can invite all the girls and Ian, then I’m sure he’ll perk up and have a great time.”

“If he doesn’t, then we can have fun without him,” Jennifer replied, “I’ve been dying to see Ian. I can’t believe he couldn’t take spring break because of Baseball. I can’t wait to get him inside me again.”

“Why don’t you just go down there and visit him like you did at halloween?”

“I’ve thought about it, but he’s in college. I want him to be having fun fucking girls his age. I don’t want him to spend his entire time thinking about me and not having fun. If he chooses me in the end, then we can have fun for the rest of our lives. But I want to make sure he chooses me after he’s had a selection of what is out there.”

“I guess that makes sense, but it’s not like you are going out an trying on new men after you left dad. Nor am I fucking all the guys I can. I’m just waiting for Bobby, and you seem okay with that.”

“I am. You’re doing everything all right. But men are different. They want to sow their oats, and I just want to make sure the Ian feels like her can without me looking over his shoulder and questionign each girl he ends up fucking,” Jennifer grimized. “And with you, your brother will be here in a month. It’s not like he has another three years before he graduates.”

“Okay. I see your point, but I am sure Ian is just as excited to see you as you are him,” Sarah smiled as she placed he hand on her mothers thigh, rubbing gently as she inched under the hem of her night shirt.

Edited in Pages

“Should we have a party for your brother’s graduation?” Jennifer asked Sarah as they ate breakfast, both only in oversized t-shirts, their pussies peaking out from a low angle, and their breasts swaying freely as they shifted in their seats, albeit, Jennifer’s much ore than her daughters.

When Jennifer’s divorce had finalized with Sarah and Bobby’s father, she had moved near her daughter, buying a house on a few acres outside of Scottsdale. Sarah had moved in despite the longer commute, as she’d grown tired of living in the dorms and the party scene in Tempe.

Ashley, who’d gone to college with Sarah, still lived in the dorms, but spent most of her time in Jennifer’s house as she felt more comfortable there. The longer the school year drug on, the less she wanted to sleep on a twin bed, opting to share a queen with Sarah most nights. Occasionally, they’d both sleep with Jennifer in the master. The three women were happy and often had fun together, but non of them had fucked a guy since winter break.

Jennifer had given in to her feelings for Sarah’s half brother, and her husband’s love child, Ian, and despite his pleas for her to get out and experience other men, she was saving herself for him. Sure, she’d fooled around with Ashley and Sarah, but she didn’t count that as they all realized they came as some sort of weird package. If you bought into one you got everyone for the same price, whether you liked it or not.

Sarah, for much the same reasons, was saving herself for her brother Bobby. She’d tried fucking around her first semester, but nothing felt right and in the end, she decided she’d just wait for Bobby to graduate and move in with her and their mom. It would be crowded with Ashley in the house, but they were all going to be family, lovers, and roommates, depending on how you looked at it. She knew the neighbors would give them weird looks, but no one knew the true relationships, so there was no fear of being condemned for incest, just run of the mill polyamory.

Ashley, for her part, had continued to sleep with as many guys as she could until they stopped wanting to. The faucet turned off for her early in the second semester. Guys she’d been fuck buddies with no longer wanted to hang out. New recruits were often turned off by her. She’d gained some weight, but ultimately she just chalked it up to them still being boys. Once she started to look at them differently, they treated her in kind. She needed a man. She needed a soon to be college graduate. She needed Bobby.

“For sure, we have to throw him a party,” Sarah replied with an enormous smile. “I know he’s going to be tired, but if we can invite all the girls and Ian, then I’m sure he’ll perk up and have a great time.”

“If he doesn’t, then we can have fun without him,” Jennifer replied, “I’ve been dying to see Ian. I can’t believe he couldn’t take spring break because of Baseball. I can’t wait to get him inside me again.”

“Why don’t you just go down there and visit him like you did at halloween?”

“I’ve thought about it, but he’s in college. I want him to be having fun fucking girls his age. I don’t want him to spend his entire time thinking about me. If he chooses me in the end, then we can have fun for the rest of our lives. But I want to make sure he chooses me after he’s had a selection of what’s out there.”

“I guess that makes sense, but it’s not like you’re going out and trying on new men after you left dad. Nor am I fucking all the guys I can. I’m just waiting for Bobby, and you seem okay with that.”

“I am. You’re doing everything all right. But men are different. They want to sow their oats, and I just want to make sure the Ian feels like he can without me looking over his shoulder and questioning each girl he ends up fucking,” Jennifer grimaced. “And with you, your brother will be here in a month. It’s not like he has another three years before he graduates.”

“Okay. I see your point, but I’m sure Ian’s just as excited to see you as you are him,” Sarah smiled as she placed he hand on her mothers thigh, rubbing gently as she inched under the hem of her night shirt.
FWIW, I caught a typo in your chapter that you posted here.
In one of Flannery O'Connors's letters, I don't remember to whom, there is a one-sentence paragraph imitating a teenager who worked for. It is 250 words long, and you're out of breath by the time you get through it, just like the girl was, and whoever listened to her ramble from one subject to another, rushing through the words as they formed in her head. Of course, Grammarly or ProWritingAid would hate it, but I loved it. It was how teenagers often talk.

That's a reality of life, and AI can't do that right.
The entire first paragraph of the Declaration of Independence is a single sentence:

"When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them to another and to assume among the powers of the Earth the separate and equal station to which the laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect for the opinions of mankind require that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."
You know AI use 'you know and Like' very often? But you're right about that too many clauses. I used to take chatgpt help to express characters emotions. Always writing he said, she said and replied is boring. There I noticed AI like to use as many clauses as possible in a sentence.

To avoid AI detection we all need to put intentional errors and short simple sentences. Back in the day my readers used to eat me alive because of errors.

I really understand this writer story because I was just like him. Volunteer Editors are the worst except a few of them.

Anyway it would be best if literotica told us what AI tool they use. We could check ourselves and fix the issues.
I think my problem seems to be too many short sentences.
As is the first paragraph of A Tale of Two Cities (or clittys if you've a dirty mind)!

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair."

The entire first paragraph of the Declaration of Independence is a single sentence:

"When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them to another and to assume among the powers of the Earth the separate and equal station to which the laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect for the opinions of mankind require that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."
No, there's no comparison to those two first lines. One of them is a long sentence, the other is a dozen short sentences punctuated with commas.
They both flag as AI if you run them through a checker. Syes, there is a comparison. The AI detectors don't like either one because of the artistic license used by the Author. The other considers the conflated sentence as written by a brother-in-arms.
No, there's no comparison to those two first lines. One of them is a long sentence, the other is a dozen short sentences punctuated with commas.
If you don't want to read another post about AI rejection then move on. However, I think this adds to the conversation based on everything I have read on here. Warning, it is quite long when you include the four versions of my story intro (explained below).
Lit is using AI to detect AI. The irony is making me breathless with laughter.
Lit is using AI to detect AI. The irony is making me breathless with laughter.
On what I have read about their policies they were going through some college research funding something about people's responses of sorts now this. I've lost count on how many of my stories have been rejected just because I was using ai to edit my stories. I went as far to show them the original before the edit and never got a response back. I just stopped sending in my stories. Honestly I really don't know what or how to respond I guess in my opinion that they should just add a ai section/category just like they should separate cuck & loving Wives but that's another subject
On what I have read about their policies they were going through some college research funding something about people's responses of sorts now this. I've lost count on how many of my stories have been rejected just because I was using ai to edit my stories. I went as far to show them the original before the edit and never got a response back. I just stopped sending in my stories. Honestly I really don't know what or how to respond I guess in my opinion that they should just add a ai section/category just like they should separate cuck & loving Wives but that's another subject
This shows there needs to be other equal alternatives to Literotica. Having one place where everyone puts their stuff is a huge point of failure. Deviantart is proving to be a similar example for art.
This shows there needs to be other equal alternatives to Literotica. Having one place where everyone puts their stuff is a huge point of failure. Deviantart is proving to be a similar example for art.
There are multiple other story sites around. Many authors here cross-post to them. Every site has its own pluses and minuses.
There are literally hundreds of sites to post stories.
And most of them suck one way or another. There are only a few websites big enough that make it worth publishing free stories, in my opinion. And except for fanfic, Literotica reigns supreme in this group. More players are needed.
There are literally hundreds of sites to post stories.
Lushstories seems okay so far. I migrated there after being rejected multiple times and falsely accused of AI usage here. Besides the fact you can't post over 10k words and the majority of readers dont seem to have an appetite for stories > 4000 words, I do enjoy the site. The feature of being able to create a story cover is a nice as well, providing some visual context to the writing.

Maybe someday I'll try to post here again, but the other site helped restore a passion that this site seamed to steal from me. Personally, I can't write freely with the idea of an AI checker possibly not liking east I have written on any given day it is run.
as for originality (dont remember where in the thread i read it). you automatically get copyright on something if its original enough.

as for AI, it basically downloads the entire internet. early image AI had the copyright notice on images still visible. now the text is corrupted, and theyve created an AI that "does text", but like most AI, it is sloppily programmed, so it only works sometimes.

as for AI spotting, its gotten problematic, in relation to captchas. i hate clicking on ugly photos to show im human. some sites captchas are near impossible, and its getting worse. lately i had to zoom in on the picture to even see what it was about.

as for "allowing anything", no. on a photo site, many groups are over-run with game generated erotica since many years back. its extremely amateurish images, even if they take more effort than putting in a prompt of a few words.

a music streamer had a similar problem. they added an amazing radio feature, where you inputted genre, year, etc, and got a dynamically generated playlist. after awhile, the company itself added "100 most beautiful classical masterpieces" to every genre, after awhile the feature became useless.

nowadays, most music people listen on there is AI, that way the company get 100% of the profits. but since they pay on the likes of 0.0000$ per stream to artists, i wonder about that.

on a social site, its gotten bad as well. i get 3-6 pornspam bot messages per day, before it was 1 per week. the companies are getting greedy.

the internet is almost reminding me of the 90s again.

as for writing AI-like, now i got concious about it. writing this, i think, are my writing skills so flawed i sound like an AI? i have been accused of being a bot several times in the past. (a year ago i got the reply "lol so weird bot?" - thanks...)

i used to write everything in enjambment without any punctuation whatsoever. lately though, ive gotten tired of it.

as for the quality. i was on a photo site in the early o0s, there were big discussions about erotica vs porn there, as it didnt censor anything.

(the general concensus is that one mans erotica is another mans porn. another is that "Proper art has the quality of 'stasis' - it stills the heart of the viewer into a state of aesthetic rest. Meanwhile, improper art has a 'kinetic' quality - it excites rather than stills the mind")

i know myself that if im horny, i dont write good. if im inspired by a wonderful experience, its different. but writing when youve just met someone, never works. you have to digest it first. i can write about something that happened decades ago, or more, in great detail, and it turns out good.

as for spell-checkers, before AI, they were a joke. i havent used them for a long time. always when i got inspired then, id open a huge program, and by the time it had finished loading, id already lost my inspiration.

since many years back, i just write in a text window, without any automatic editing at all. the only option in it, is increasing or decreasing font size. just like image AI, spellcheckers in the past were incredibly amateuristically made.

many sites also have this problem. writing after awhile the text window lags seconds at a time, even with disabling any spellchecker. its refered to as "bloatware". you can download just about any site and check the file size. even for a single page, it can be 1-10 megabytes.

one of my favourite truther sites got updated recently. turns out a thai company re-designed it. they have a lot of images in the CSS coding, which arent even used on most pages.

as for music lyrics, AI seems to only be able to use "the same rhyme every 2 lines". it does sound good, but the compression is limited to a 128kbps mp3, and even the most expensive subscription mentions nothing about sound quality? they dont even want you to edit it! same for AI images, a low quality JPG, when will we get PNG or HDR processable?

AI is like using 4 different crayons, templates, and copy-paper instead of mixing oils to put on a 1x1 meter canvas. sure, it can look good, and if you have skill, it can turn out professionally looking. but if you want to evolve you have to update your tools, and free your mind from conventions.

its gotten so bad though, since they sift through everything, AI is being trained on its own flawed generations. as it is now, it will never reach conciousness nor achieve "realism", no matter how much money they throw at it.

they both censor truther content, is christian based, and only use mainstream science. its like talking to a well-educated but aimlessly boring old man.

i tried it yesterday on correcting a few texts. i mentioned it shouldnt add punctuation, but that was ignored.

i even got an ad today basically saying "create music without effort in seconds!". i have heard of this before though, tutorials and programs which are to automagically make you "creative", while only instilling self-doubt, which ends up killing your inherent creativity.

AI is only hype to impress venture capitalists and gullibe losers. they havent put effort in it nor made it usable for professionals, its only half-assed cookie-cutter content to look good for a few seconds, but you shouldnt inspect it closer. like bras, silicone, make-up and perfume VS caring about your body and not trying to mask out your rampant drinking, smoking and laziness.

i have used image generators extensively though, but i cant understand people who upload 20 images per day, who has the time to shift through all that? for me, it can take 100 tries before i get something acceptable, and i always photoshop it afterwards.

i even tried it for some advanced calculations, but since it confuses concepts, it can be very dangerous to use. and only 3 per day? is AI the worst bloatware in existance?
as for originality (dont remember where in the thread i read it). you automatically get copyright on something if its original enough.

You do, but unless you register that copyright it's essentially worthless under US law because enforcing it requires registration.
as for AI, it basically downloads the entire internet. early image AI had the copyright notice on images still visible. now the text is corrupted, and theyve created an AI that "does text", but like most AI, it is sloppily programmed, so it only works sometimes.
Jesus, if you don't know how it works, don't try to pretend that you do.
Jesus, if you don't know how it works, don't try to pretend that you do.
Lush and I aren't on speaking terms. They asked me back last year. So I put back up two of the stories I'd had there before, and they rejected them. I asked what had changed; they said, "Nothing." I then asked, "Why'd you reject stories that had been here before?" "Did we?" "Yes," I said. "Rework them and resubmit them." I said, "Don't think so."
Lushstories seems okay so far. I migrated there after being rejected multiple times and falsely accused of AI usage here. Besides the fact you can't post over 10k words and the majority of readers dont seem to have an appetite for stories > 4000 words, I do enjoy the site. The feature of being able to create a story cover is a nice as well, providing some visual context to the writing.

Maybe someday I'll try to post here again, but the other site helped restore a passion that this site seamed to steal from me. Personally, I can't write freely with the idea of an AI checker possibly not liking east I have written on any given day it is run.