At least five one-bombs in the last ten votes

If I could ask a really basic question, what is the purpose of the scores? I mean beyond creating petty jealousies and rivalries and grounds for moaning and complaining (unless that is the true purpose)?

Ideally their purpose would be to help a reader decide which of the hundreds of thousands of stories here they should invest their time in reading. Do they accomplish that? IMO, even putting aside issues of manipulation, they do not.

Why not? Because I as a reader don't necessarily want to be guided by the opinions of unknown strangers. There are people whom I have found over time tend to have the similar tastes as I do and I would look to them for guidance. But the votes are anonymous, so they don't allow that judgement. And the really interesting, innovative stories may tend to evoke strong feelings, positive and negative, and end up with lower scores than the pedestrian tried-and-true crowd pleasers.

What would help me as a reader? A blurb, such as most book sites have. Something beyond the half dozen word summary allowed here. Yes, I know the pages are crowded as is, but so are the pages at Amazon and they've figured out how to have blurbs...

By the way, this has nothing to do with the scores on the story I posted here, which I am quite content with.

Those grapes were probably sour anyway.

The site uses the readers' ratings as a way to rank stories for contests, and I suspect that's the purpose of the ratings -- to place stories on a scale of how much readers enjoy the story. It's obviously not perfect that way, if for no other reason, then because readers in different categories rate stories on different scales.

You're free to pine for things you don't have and won't get, but you're better off learning how to use the tools you're given.
Those grapes were probably sour anyway.

The site uses the readers' ratings as a way to rank stories for contests, and I suspect that's the purpose of the ratings -- to place stories on a scale of how much readers enjoy the story. It's obviously not perfect that way, if for no other reason, then because readers in different categories rate stories on different scales.

You're free to pine for things you don't have and won't get, but you're better off learning how to use the tools you're given.

Absolutely. It took me a long time (not here but in my life) to learn that lesson. If you have no power over it, if you can't change it, accept and move on. Years ago I did it frequently and I still find myself at times (less and less as the years pile up), tilting at immovable windmills. All it ever does is give me a headache and frustrate me no end. And afterward, I sit and wonder, why in the hell did I do that? The answer is the same each time too: Because I'm a stubborn dumbass.


Those grapes were probably sour anyway.

The site uses the readers' ratings as a way to rank stories for contests, and I suspect that's the purpose of the ratings -- to place stories on a scale of how much readers enjoy the story. It's obviously not perfect that way, if for no other reason, then because readers in different categories rate stories on different scales.

You're free to pine for things you don't have and won't get, but you're better off learning how to use the tools you're given.

I told you, no sour grapes. I am 100% content with the scores my story got. A couple of chapters have red Hs but I would be equally happy if none of them did or all of them did. I accomplished what I came here to do-post my story...

As for contests, I once bought a PowerBall ticket and it didn't win. Haven't bought one since...
If I could ask a really basic question, what is the purpose of the scores? I mean beyond creating petty jealousies and rivalries and grounds for moaning and complaining (unless that is the true purpose)?


Scores are a form of consumer rating, just like ratings for anything else in any other forum -- movies, books, cars, Rotten Tomatoes, anything you can buy on Amazon, Best Buy, etc.

There's nothing new or strange about Literotica's rating system. People read stories, and people can choose to give them scores, if they want to. I've been reading many, many stories at Literotica for almost 20 years and I would say it's completely obvious that there is a statistically significant correlation between a story's score and its quality. If I sample 50 randomly selected Lit stories with a score of 4.8 and 50 stories with a 4.3, I'm 100% certain, for my own tastes, that on average -- just an average, mind you -- that the 4.8 stories will be better. They will be more interesting stories, they will show more ingenuity and imagination, they will show a far more advanced mastery of the craft of writing, and they'll be far more polished in terms of grammar, punctuation, spelling, and prose style.

That's not to say that there aren't all kinds of good reasons to be skeptical about scores. There are many reasons that scores don't always tell the whole picture, or the right one. But once you've been around for a while, as I have, you automatically take into account all of these considerations when weighing the choice among stories based on their scores.

A score is not a measure of your worth as an author. It's just a tool, for readers -- one among several -- to help them choose stories. I find scores quite helpful, and I suspect the vast majority of Literotica readers do too.

And, by the way, I don't say this as someone who gets the highest scores. I don't. I've never won a contest. There are plenty of authors who on average score higher than I do.
if for no other reason, then because readers in different categories rate stories on different scales.

I think this is where a lot of the stupidity here starts and there is a simple solution.
The issue is people get caught up in 'its not fair' that some categories get a lot more votes/comments etc, than other categories.

That leads to the sour grapes and bitching and moaning then the tired crap of 'well anyone can write there" and the reverse superiority of "I write in low read categories cause I'm a real author!":rolleyes:

All of this can be easily avoided by doing one simple thing; compare your story to its peers. Obviously if you write a story in E/V its not going to have the votes of an incest or LW story, so why bother looking?

Whatever category your story is in, look at THAT category. Go to the 30 day toplist for E/V. How does your story stack up as far as rating, votes comments, etc? Even then of course there are factors, but you'd get a better sense of how you did that way than comparing your story to everything across the board.
Scores are a form of consumer rating, just like ratings for anything else in any other forum -- movies, books, cars, Rotten Tomatoes, anything you can buy on Amazon, Best Buy, etc.

There's nothing new or strange about Literotica's rating system. People read stories, and people can choose to give them scores, if they want to. I've been reading many, many stories at Literotica for almost 20 years and I would say it's completely obvious that there is a statistically significant correlation between a story's score and its quality. If I sample 50 randomly selected Lit stories with a score of 4.8 and 50 stories with a 4.3, I'm 100% certain, for my own tastes, that on average -- just an average, mind you -- that the 4.8 stories will be better. They will be more interesting stories, they will show more ingenuity and imagination, they will show a far more advanced mastery of the craft of writing, and they'll be far more polished in terms of grammar, punctuation, spelling, and prose style.

That's not to say that there aren't all kinds of good reasons to be skeptical about scores. There are many reasons that scores don't always tell the whole picture, or the right one. But once you've been around for a while, as I have, you automatically take into account all of these considerations when weighing the choice among stories based on their scores.

A score is not a measure of your worth as an author. It's just a tool, for readers -- one among several -- to help them choose stories. I find scores quite helpful, and I suspect the vast majority of Literotica readers do too.

And, by the way, I don't say this as someone who gets the highest scores. I don't. I've never won a contest. There are plenty of authors who on average score higher than I do.

I didn't come here with the intention of spending 20 years and nothing I've seen would get me to do that.

Here's what I've seen in 20 days:

1. On this board there are long-running feuds about which absolutely nothing is done. One of the participants believes an opinion unsupported by evidence becomes a fact if he repeats it often enough. Facts have to be established by documentary evidence, not assertion.

2. Over on the Story Feedback board someone is viciously attacking other members. I've complained but nothing has been done about it. This is honestly the worst moderated site I have ever experienced. A 1 rating for the mods wouldn't be out of line.

3. Apparently suggestions from members are ignored. On the free site I regularly post to, I suggested a few years ago putting blurbs with stories. Everyone said that was a great idea and within the week it was done for all new stories going forward and is still in place today. People like the site so much, that they regularly chip in to pay hosting expenses, as it's ad free and wants to remain so. Would the members here chip in for this site?

Now, you've said I focus on the negative. No, there are positives here. I've made contact with a few people with whom I'm enjoying communicating with off site. I got some very positive comments on my story and maybe some of those people will search and find the rest of them elsewhere. If they don't that's fine as well.

But to deny the negatives and accept them as OK, isn't what I do...
windar, if you don't find the ratings helpful, you can turn them off.

I find them helpful as an author, but as a reader not so much. As a reader I usually check out the authors I like and look at their favourite authors and stories lists. I stumble on good stuff that way.
I didn't come here with the intention of spending 20 years and nothing I've seen would get me to do that.

Here's what I've seen in 20 days:

1. On this board there are long-running feuds about which absolutely nothing is done. One of the participants believes an opinion unsupported by evidence becomes a fact if he repeats it often enough. Facts have to be established by documentary evidence, not assertion.

2. Over on the Story Feedback board someone is viciously attacking other members. I've complained but nothing has been done about it. This is honestly the worst moderated site I have ever experienced. A 1 rating for the mods wouldn't be out of line.

This is what you've seen in 20 days of a site that's been running for more than twenty years. This is an adult sight, and people are expected to act like adults. We have moderators, but they ain't yo' mama, and most of us seem to be fine with not having moderators sticking their noses into petty arguments.

3. Apparently suggestions from members are ignored. On the free site I regularly post to, I suggested a few years ago putting blurbs with stories. Everyone said that was a great idea and within the week it was done for all new stories going forward and is still in place today. People like the site so much, that they regularly chip in to pay hosting expenses, as it's ad free and wants to remain so. Would the members here chip in for this site?

Now, you've said I focus on the negative. No, there are positives here. I've made contact with a few people with whom I'm enjoying communicating with off site. I got some very positive comments on my story and maybe some of those people will search and find the rest of them elsewhere. If they don't that's fine as well.

But to deny the negatives and accept them as OK, isn't what I do...

Apparently, you hold your opinion in high regard. It's pretty presumptuous to think the small staff here should put aside all the work they're currently doing to keep the site running, bring it up to current standards, and fix its many identifiable bugs, so they can expand an existing feature to meet your specifications.

You don't seem very happy here. Why are you hanging around and complaining? Why don't you see the opportunity to put your story in front of millions of readers? Why don't you see the opportunity to become better as a writer? Why don't you see the opportunity to trade ideas and experience with other authors?
Now, you've said I focus on the negative. No, there are positives here. ..

Did I say, specifically, that you focus on the negative? If I did I went too far, and I apologize, because I can't presume to know what your intentions are.

Here's the thing about this Site: It has a huge readership, and a huge supply of authors and stories. And it takes a relatively hands-off approach to what people write, with the exception of several, sometimes oddly-defined exceptions.

The thing about negative comments and negative, nutty posts in the threads is that you can choose to ignore them. Nobody is in your face. Cyberspace mediates our interactions.

This is the tradeoff that Literotica offers. It offers more: more readers, more stories, more authors, more total interaction, more readers who will like what you do as an author. But the tradeoff is more obnoxious readers and trolls, as well. I don't like trolls and idiots, but I wouldn't want to see the Site adopt protocols to eliminate the bad guys if the consequence is that I will have fewer readers who like my stories, because that, to me, is the end-all and be-all that a Site like this offers. I can choose to ignore trolls and delete their comments. But if the Site adopts rules that cause me to lose fans, I can't get them back.
Did I say, specifically, that you focus on the negative? If I did I went too far, and I apologize, because I can't presume to know what your intentions are.

You did and your apology is accepted.

I don't get the connection as to how cracking down on abusers would lead to fewer readers. The trolls are a tiny minority who probably don't read stories anyway.

As for millions of readers, do you have numbers on how many views the average story gets? I can only speak to my story, which if I total up the views on all the chapters is in the same ballpark (somewhat lower to be honest) as it got on a site with fewer viewers. My goal isn't to get millions of views anyway unless it's on a site where that comes with millions of dollars. It's one thing to post on a totally free site where no one is making a profit and another to give your work away for others to profit from, which is what happens on Lit. I will assert that as fact...

As for becoming a better writer, sure, I always like to improve and I absolutely have since I wrote the story I posted here, which was my first, but posting stories that I've posted on other sites here won't do that. Many of my later stories, I am not free to post here at present anyway.

I understand you're wedded to this site and don't like to hear negative opinions about it. But that's how I feel and you ought to respect that and perhaps be open to the possibility that the site has room for improvements...
As for millions of readers, do you have numbers on how many views the average story gets? I can only speak to my story, which if I total up the views on all the chapters is in the same ballpark (somewhat lower to be honest) as it got on a site with fewer viewers. My goal isn't to get millions of views anyway unless it's on a site where that comes with millions of dollars. It's one thing to post on a totally free site where no one is making a profit and another to give your work away for others to profit from, which is what happens on Lit. I will assert that as fact...

The views on an average story would be meaningless, because views vary systematically. If you want to minimize your story's exposure, then Novels and Novellas is a good place to put it. If you want to maximize the exposure, then I/T and LW are good for that, and contests give exposure to stories in any category.

Personally, my stories average about 35,000 views, and that number goes up all the time. That covers six or seven categories, and a range from just a few thousand views to over 100k. My stories aren't all that popular. Popular stories can have more than a million views.

To some extent, your choices affect the number of views you get. However you do it, you're drawing from an audience that produces ~million independent hits/month for the site. There are more than six million registered users (not all active), and probably more anons.

The results you get out of all that depends on you.

And I don't think there's anyone who thinks the site can't be improved.
The views on an average story would be meaningless, because views vary systematically. If you want to minimize your story's exposure, then Novels and Novellas is a good place to put it. If you want to maximize the exposure, then I/T and LW are good for that, and contests give exposure to stories in any category.

Personally, my stories average about 35,000 views, and that number goes up all the time. That covers six or seven categories, and a range from just a few thousand views to over 100k. My stories aren't all that popular. Popular stories can have more than a million views.

To some extent, your choices affect the number of views you get. However you do it, you're drawing from an audience that produces ~million independent hits/month for the site. There are more than six million registered users (not all active), and probably more anons.

The results you get out of all that depends on you.

And I don't think there's anyone who thinks the site can't be improved.

The free site I post on has about 30k members and my story got more views there. But that's totally irrelevant.

Look, just so we're clear, my beef isn't with my story and any views, votes or comments it got. Some of you may choose not to believe that, but it's the truth.

My beefs are:

1. How mean, petty and childish people are here. The constant fights, trolling 1-bombing, etc. And again, I'm not speaking of me personally. My story got a few 1s and I believe they were from people who were sincerely offended by the material and that's their right. Believe it or not you can have an adult site where people behave like adults and are actually kind and supportive to each other. I know that from personal experience. But it takes leadership; someone has to look up from counting views and votes and start paying attention to people.

2. The fact that the owners make money and give the authors nothing. I post on a totally free site where the owner begs for money to cover the hosting fees and I and many others are happy to pony up. I also post on pay sites where I have pretty good sales and I get my 70% as promised. But posting for free so that Laurel and Manu can sell ads for cam girls-well can you explain why you think that's wonderful? You guys are being suckered just so some people will read your story and give you a 5 which will get you a latte down at Starbucks if you bring a $5 bill with it.

3. That any suggestion to change anything is shot down as can't be done. That's the road to progress!!!
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That leads to the sour grapes and bitching and moaning then the tired crap of 'well anyone can write there" and the reverse superiority of "I write in low read categories cause I'm a real author!":rolleyes:

Where is this happening.? I don't see this happening on the discussion board. Where is it happening? In comments directly on stories? Anyone other than LC see this happening here to a significant degree? Maybe cite some posts that do this(?)
The free site I post on has about 30k members and my story got more views there. But that's totally irrelevant.

Look, just so we're clear, my beef isn't with my story and any views, votes or comments it got. Some of you may choose not to believe that, but it's the truth.

My beefs are:

1. How mean, petty and childish people are here. The constant fights, trolling 1-bombing, etc. And again, I'm not speaking of me personally. My story got a few 1s and I believe they were from people who were sincerely offended by the material and that's their right. Believe it or not you can have an adult site where people behave like adults and are actually kind and supportive to each other. I know that from personal experience. But it takes leadership; someone has to look up from counting views and votes and start paying attention to people.

2. The fact that the owners make money and give the authors nothing. I post on a totally free site where the owner begs for money to cover the hosting fees and I and many others are happy to pony up. I also post on pay sites where I have pretty good sales and I get my 70% as promised. But posting for free so that Laurel and Manu can sell ads for cam girls-well can you explain why you think that's wonderful? You guys are being suckered just so some people will read your story and give you a 5 which will get you a latte down at Starbucks if you bring a $5 bill with it.

3. That any suggestion to change anything is shot down as can't be done. That's the road to progress!!!

I have no idea why you're still here.
I... Whatever category your story is in, look at THAT category. Go to the 30 day toplist for E/V. How does your story stack up as far as rating, votes comments, etc? Even then of course there are factors, but you'd get a better sense of how you did that way than comparing your story to everything across the board.

That was great advice! Thanks.

I looked at LW, EC, and GS categories, and their last 7 days popular stories. The top 25 stories has LW stories rating avg 3.56, while EC = 4.75, GS = 4.63.

But, one more data source here is to look at the popular tags in those categories, and look at those you assign to your story within the categories. The most popular stories in EC and GS do NOT carry tags of "hotwife", "Cheating wife" or any of those hot topic tags which draw the 1-bombers from LW.

I just now removed the "hotwife" and "shared wife" tags from my pending story in Group Sex, and I'll see if that fares better after it posts. If it does do better, it may be good advice to be careful which tags you assign. The haters will find your story based on those.
That was great advice! Thanks.

I looked at LW, EC, and GS categories, and their last 7 days popular stories. The top 25 stories has LW stories rating avg 3.56, while EC = 4.75, GS = 4.63.

But, one more data source here is to look at the popular tags in those categories, and look at those you assign to your story within the categories. The most popular stories in EC and GS do NOT carry tags of "hotwife", "Cheating wife" or any of those hot topic tags which draw the 1-bombers from LW.

I just now removed the "hotwife" and "shared wife" tags from my pending story in Group Sex, and I'll see if that fares better after it posts. If it does do better, it may be good advice to be careful which tags you assign. The haters will find your story based on those.

Let me offer you a contrary point of view.

This fact is obscured by the virulence of the BTB/anti-cheating wife crowd, but this fact is, absolutely, true: there are more Literotica readers who LIKE hotwife stories than dislike them. They are not as noisy and crazy as the anti crowd, but they exist. If you eliminate tags like "hotwife" and "shared wife" from your story, you may lose these potentially happy readers.

I've posted "hotwife" type stories in the Exhibitionist and Voyeur category, to considerable success. I've used tags like "slut" and "wife" and "hot wife", and the use of the tags hasn't dragged down the scores or views or favorites of the stories, as far as I can see. Yes, there will be some trolls, but not enough to warrant the disuse of these tags.

My philosophy is you should use the Site's tools to connect yourself with the readership you want, rather than focus on avoiding the readership you don't want. Accentuate the positive.
One might argue that stories with 100 5* and 100 1* (average 3*) do better than stories with only 10 5* (perfect red 5) as there are more people who indicated they really liked it (100 vs 10). You shouldn't care about those who don't like it; there's plenty of other work for them.

Ruben, this is my philosophy, exactly. It's why I think people pay way too much attention to numerical scores. It's possible to craft and shape the way you present and publish a story at Literotica so you increase the probability of a good score, but by doing so you may narrow the number of readers, and therefore the number of APPRECIATIVE readers. And if you do that, then what good have you done? To me, it's missing the forest for the trees.

The whole point, the thing that matters more than anything else, is to get your story out there before as many readers as you can who will like and appreciate your story. Nothing else matters, by comparison.
Let me offer you a contrary point of view.

This fact is obscured by the virulence of the BTB/anti-cheating wife crowd, but this fact is, absolutely, true: there are more Literotica readers who LIKE hotwife stories than dislike them. They are not as noisy and crazy as the anti crowd, but they exist. If you eliminate tags like "hotwife" and "shared wife" from your story, you may lose these potentially happy readers.

I've posted "hotwife" type stories in the Exhibitionist and Voyeur category, to considerable success. I've used tags like "slut" and "wife" and "hot wife", and the use of the tags hasn't dragged down the scores or views or favorites of the stories, as far as I can see. Yes, there will be some trolls, but not enough to warrant the disuse of these tags.

My philosophy is you should use the Site's tools to connect yourself with the readership you want, rather than focus on avoiding the readership you don't want. Accentuate the positive.

Good points.

But, as this LitE site's negativity has already tarnished my hopes for the future, I might as well experiment a little.

I'll limit my tags to those most popular tags for the category (NOT Loving Wives, of course). I might lose a few Hotwife seekers. But the potential to maintain a rating above 3 or even 4 might offset that, keeping the story higher in the Most Popular list for the category. The metric will be whether I receive more reader views than previous stories with those tags.
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But, as this LitE site's negativity has already tarnished my hopes for the future, I might as well experiment a little.


You should do whatever works for you and your artistic goals. But I want -- politely -- to push back a little against this.

There is some negativity at this Site and in this forum, but it's not really that bad. Most comments are positive. Most authors who contribute to this forum are positive. Most of the authors who sometimes say negative things in this forum are positive most of the time.

I've been writing at this Site and participating in this forum for five years, so now I barely notice the negativism -- it's like white noise to me at this point. I focus on the positive. If you remain patient and positive, and let yourself roll your eyes at and ignore the stupid and negative stuff, you can get a lot from this Site.
You should do whatever works for you and your artistic goals. But I want -- politely -- to push back a little against this.

There is some negativity at this Site and in this forum, but it's not really that bad. Most comments are positive. Most authors who contribute to this forum are positive. Most of the authors who sometimes say negative things in this forum are positive most of the time.

I've been writing at this Site and participating in this forum for five years, so now I barely notice the negativism -- it's like white noise to me at this point. I focus on the positive. If you remain patient and positive, and let yourself roll your eyes at and ignore the stupid and negative stuff, you can get a lot from this Site.

I recognize some authors have grown with this site and benefited from it. You've garnered a following who often support you and prop up your story ratings, and in general you feel good for their feedback.

As new members come onboard, we're finding it less supportive, and more negative. This might even be following a general trend in our population, being so negative toward everything.

So, times change, and people change to adapt .... or not. Blockbuster Videos went the way of the dinosaurs.
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As new members come onboard, we're finding it less supportive, and more negative. This might even be following a general trend in our population, being so negative toward everything.

So, times change, and people change to adapt.

I'm going to push back again, but not disrespectfully.

To a significant degree, you will find whatever you look for.

My attitude from the time I started publishing stories here (5 years ago today) has been to have no expectations and to comb the Site assiduously for information about how I can write better stories and how I can connect them with readers who will like those stories. Everything else is secondary. I've had my share of trolling and baffling negative comments. I've gotten into silly spats with other forum contributors from time to time. And I move on and I keep writing, and I have found that as long as I maintain that focus and ignore the noise it's very fulfilling. I think other authors can -- and should -- do the same, and I strongly believe that if they maintain the same attitude they likely will experience the same level of enjoyment.
I recognize some authors have grown with this site and benefited from it. You've garnered a following who often support you and prop up your story ratings, and in general you feel good for their feedback.

As new members come onboard, we're finding it less supportive, and more negative. This might even be following a general trend in our population, being so negative toward everything.

So, times change, and people change to adapt .... or not. Blockbuster Videos went the way of the dinosaurs.

Ultimately there is one person you have to please-you. I write stories that I would want to read and I enjoy doing it. I have been fortunate to find others who enjoy them also on a number of sites including even a few here. It would be foolish to expect everyone to like them. But my stories would please me even if no one read them or liked them.

I could suggest you do a search and look for a smaller, niche site. My first postings were on such a site, where only a few story threads were active at any one time, so my story got a lot of attention. That might work for you and you could come back here as you gain more confidence or decide that you are perfectly happy without Literotica, which, believe it or not, is entirely possible...
Ultimately there is one person you have to please-you. I write stories that I would want to read and I enjoy doing it. I have been fortunate to find others who enjoy them also on a number of sites including even a few here. It would be foolish to expect everyone to like them. But my stories would please me even if no one read them or liked them.

I could suggest you do a search and look for a smaller, niche site. My first postings were on such a site, where only a few story threads were active at any one time, so my story got a lot of attention. That might work for you and you could come back here as you gain more confidence or decide that you are perfectly happy without Literotica, which, believe it or not, is entirely possible...

Thanks. The negative trolls on here are sometimes tedious. I've been rating more stories as I read them, and leaving some comments. One of the comments I've left on two different LW stories was giving them a 4 or 5 even when I didn't like them saying "I had some issues with your story (ie. grammar when it's really bad) and would give it a 3, but the 4 is to off-set the 1-bomb haters."

Today, I have a new anonymous comment to my LW story saying "3.39? Too high a score for this story. 1* to offset."

Definitely a hater tracking me.

And it's not about gaining confidence to post here. It's about "why bother", if the stories are not getting to the audience to provide any ratings or comments for qualitative feedback? Without some kind of feedback, I could post my stories in my own recycle folder, and my writing would progress as much.

I've looked at one site where you publish your series, and I'm considering trying that.