Is cym gone for good this time?

That's Monkeyboy....Mister Monkeyboy to you.

Wanna touch it?

Lance "Touch My Monkey" Castor

Originally posted by Painslut, edited ever so gently to expose her need for Monkeyboy's Massive Manmeat

Jiggle it for the audience.

Wiggle your butt and slide on the pole

give you a tip in your g-string.

you're a really fool guy
And so it goes among those totally lacking in imagination. You're repeating yourself. Again. Warped, decript, and ultimately blindly drawn into their own ignominy. Does it feel good to be so worthless? I should think so, you two-step your way through the forum, attempting to collect your subbie admirers while trying to surpress them all at the same time.

Everyone knows you're a flaming hypocrite, well, everyone but you.

I suspect we'll see you moving along to better hunting grounds because when people in these parts fail to fall for you particular line of crap.
There are some words that you and I can both learn from, Lancecastor. Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. If you think you can run me off, you are wrong. I have been through more on Lit than you can possibly imagine, and if you manage to stay here for more than a few months, you might just learn something.

Your games don't hurt me, and that is precisely what this little editing trick you have come up with is, just a game. You would have to matter to me for you to hurt me. Go ahead and make what you can out of this post as well, and show what a clever little fuck you are.
What do you think?

This thread is entitled "Is Cym gone for good this time?"

I don't think she is.

Do you?


KillerMuffin said:
..........edited out by Lance..........
Caspai has nailed it on the head.

It is a word game.

It may even be a control game. I have heard Dom's can sometimes have "control" issues.

For KM???

We all have played a part in this train wreck, even if it is only that we can't ignore those who seek attention.

The point that really hit home for me had to do with stifling and censorship.

I never felt I had to justify my words or chose what I post or don't until the first travesty on the board....when two of the macho het Doms started passing bullshit judgements over the subs here.

I do believe there are far more subs feeling oppressed than there are Doms who would say they can't post their thoughts and feelings. Hell, by nature of the never ending scathing sarcasm and nastiness, it is obvious that their freedom of speech hasn't been stomped on.
You're assuming that cym posted this thread, something she didn't do. You can't assume that because you have no morals and you have no compunctions about doing terrible things that other people don't.

I know who started the thread, he's an inveterate troll that's been around for years.

Hypocrisy, thy name is dickcheese. You can deny just like you can spit in the wind. See, what makes me a bit better of a person than you, even though I'm pretty much a hateful bitch, is that I know I'm a hypocrite and I know when I'm wrong, and I'll admit it and try to change it.

So, when can we expect the usual mass edit to make yourself look pretty and so you can try to shuck accountability for your actions?

I hope you realize that you have little, almost no credibility here. I expect you'll figure out that you're as trustworthy as John Wayne Gacy in a while. Are you going to try to start a new ID? I hope so, I like guessing games and I'm always right about them.
Dear caspai

This thread is entitled "Is Cym gone for good this time."

I don't think she is.

Do you?

(I'm not trying to run you off, started our communication here in this thread with a series of insults towards me. I never heard of you before. And sure, I'll edit your flame bait all I want! It's fun! If you pick a fight with me you'll likely get one....but please remember I'm busy today with lots of flame traffic, so response time and quality might slip a bit....I apologize in advance and promise to tear a much bigger strip off your (undoubtedly mammoth) ass in the future.)



Originally posted by caspai , gently edited by Lance, at her request.

lancecastor you matter to Me.
This thread is entitled "Is Cym gone for good this time?"

I don't think she is.

Do you?


Originally posted by KillerMuffin , trimmed for relevancy by Lance

I know who started the thread

I'm pretty much a hateful bitch

I know I'm a hypocrite

I know when I'm wrong

I'll admit it and try to change it.

MissTaken said:
when two of the macho het Doms started passing bullshit judgements over the subs here.

Hi MissT;

Months ago, a couple of dominant het males said a few things that got the subs here in a total frenzy, as you know.

I'm not sure the subs have ever stopped harping about it!

Maybe it's time for the ladies to let it go, you know?

Do a hurtful word count here sometime....there's no way I could ever type as much stuff as has been tossed at me.


This thread is entitled "Is Cym gone for good this time?"

I don't think she is.

Do you?

I don't expect you to know anything at all about me, Lancecastor. I have stated in other places, and should do so here, that my "home" on Lit is generally on srp. What I am doing today is trying to show you how you appear to people who aren't "regulars" on this board. You appear to be a little person with little to do other than try to tear people down. That opinion is based on the fact that while I haven't posted much to this board before today, I have read here quite a bit. I am a searcher, someone looking for self definition. I don't ask that anyone try to define me for myself. I may not be known here, but I am known. I value intelligence, and I value thoughtfulness. While you show yourself to be clever, and therefore somewhat intelligent, you choose to use that to hurt people. You complain about how horrible this board is. If you find so many problems here, why don't you find a more perfect place for yourself? Or go off and build your own little paradise?

I know that this thread title deals with whether a person will come back to this board or not. My opinion on that? If she finds a place within herself strong enough to face it, she will. I have taken breaks from posting to Lit myself, am just returning from one, in fact. My previous posts have had nothing to do with that topic, and I have now rectified that failure. My reason for posting as I have here and elsewhere on this board today is because I believe that this board has a valid place. There are too many misconceptions about what bdsm is and is not, and there has to be a place where people can come to understand, or to look for help if it is needed. bdsm can be very dangerous, as many have found out. Without a place to learn, and to find help, more hurt will happen. What I have found, through my time of looking in to what you have said, and that goes back more than just today, is that you don't find much good to say about anything or anyone.

And as for my ass, whether it is massive or not, dream on, for you shall never know.
Lancecastor said:

Do a hurtful word count here sometime....there's no way I could ever type as much stuff as has been tossed at me.

Then perhaps you should take that as just a tiny little hint?
Hi Again, Caspia;

Thank you for explaining how you came to wander into this mess today recently returned from a "lit break" like the ones Cym goes on.

I hope things remain stable and happy for you at SRP.

Thanks for all your sage advice and wisdom.



caspai said:
I don't expect you to know anything at all about me, Lancecastor. I have stated in other places, and should do so here, that my "home" on Lit is generally on srp. What I am doing today is trying to show you how you appear to people who aren't "regulars" on this board. You appear to be a little person with little to do other than try to tear people down. That opinion is based on the fact that while I haven't posted much to this board before today, I have read here quite a bit. I am a searcher, someone looking for self definition. I don't ask that anyone try to define me for myself. I may not be known here, but I am known. I value intelligence, and I value thoughtfulness. While you show yourself to be clever, and therefore somewhat intelligent, you choose to use that to hurt people. You complain about how horrible this board is. If you find so many problems here, why don't you find a more perfect place for yourself? Or go off and build your own little paradise?

I know that this thread title deals with whether a person will come back to this board or not. My opinion on that? If she finds a place within herself strong enough to face it, she will. I have taken breaks from posting to Lit myself, am just returning from one, in fact. My previous posts have had nothing to do with that topic, and I have now rectified that failure. My reason for posting as I have here and elsewhere on this board today is because I believe that this board has a valid place. There are too many misconceptions about what bdsm is and is not, and there has to be a place where people can come to understand, or to look for help if it is needed. bdsm can be very dangerous, as many have found out. Without a place to learn, and to find help, more hurt will happen. What I have found, through my time of looking in to what you have said, and that goes back more than just today, is that you don't find much good to say about anything or anyone.

And as for my ass, whether it is massive or not, dream on, for you shall never know.
Oh, forgive me, lancecastor, you referred to my ass as mammoth, not as massive. I would truly hate to twist your words to make them mean something else.

Indeed, Chele, good advice.

Mental note: Buy soap. Wash out the grrls' potty mouths.



SexyChele said:

Then perhaps you should take that as just a tiny little hint?
Lancecastor said:
Indeed, Chele, good advice.

Mental note: Buy soap. Wash out the grrls' potty mouths.



I presume this is supposed to be an attempt at some sort of humor? Your material is running awfully thin today. What? Your crowd of admirers have left you in the dust and you have nothing left - not even a good one-liner?
Good Grrl!

You are forgiven, Cas.

"Tomato, tomahto

Mammoth, massive

Let's take your clothes all off."

Lance "Gluteshwin" Castor

caspai said:
Oh, forgive me, lancecastor, you referred to my ass as mammoth, not as massive. I would truly hate to twist your words to make them mean something else.

You know what, lancecastor? You did something really amazing. You managed to create something that Chele and I agree on. Maybe you should do your homework and find out why that is so amazing. And maybe when you discover the magnitude of your accomplishment, it will give you pause to think. Maybe.
My, my

I've been away from Lit for a while, but this isn't what I hoped to find at the BDSM forum. Not very much to be proud of here. The place seems to have taken a big slippery slide right into the emotional cesspool. It's a pretty far cry from the BDSM thread that started it all, and that's a shame, a real loss. Lots of hurt feelings and busted friendships, too.

Not much to be proud of.

Oh, and Lancecastor, you really are a noisy piece of shit. You can actually get someone to sub with you in RL? It's hard to believe, but I guess it's possible, there ARE people out there with terrible self-esteem issues. Don't bother crafting one of your brilliant rejoinders, unless you just want to jerk yourself off, I won't be back to read it. By the time I ever feel like looking in here again, I'm sure the likes of you will be long gone.

so long
Sorry Chele, but yes, I'm in high demand today, so yes, I only have so much time for you....oh, can you hold for a second?.....Hello. Thank you for your Flame. All our Operators are presently busy on other Flames. Your Flame is important to us. Please stay in front of your terminal, re-reading your post and re-loading the thread until one of our Flame Response Operators can get back to you. To maintain priority insult returns, please....stay at your terminal. Thank you for choosing Lance Castor Flames. Your flame is important to us....

SexyChele said:

I presume this is supposed to be an attempt at some sort of humor? Your material is running awfully thin today. What? Your crowd of admirers have left you in the dust and you have nothing left - not even a good one-liner?
Re: My, my

You said the same things last time Cym took a powder.

See you in 4-6 weeks.


Harbinger said:
I've been away from Lit for a while, but this isn't what I hoped to find at the BDSM forum. Not very much to be proud of here. The place seems to have taken a big slippery slide right into the emotional cesspool. It's a pretty far cry from the BDSM thread that started it all, and that's a shame, a real loss. Lots of hurt feelings and busted friendships, too.

Not much to be proud of.

Oh, and Lancecastor, you really are a noisy piece of shit. You can actually get someone to sub with you in RL? It's hard to believe, but I guess it's possible, there ARE people out there with terrible self-esteem issues. Don't bother crafting one of your brilliant rejoinders, unless you just want to jerk yourself off, I won't be back to read it. By the time I ever feel like looking in here again, I'm sure the likes of you will be long gone.

so long
Glad I could help your healing with Chele.....I've noticed that women here have more cat fights than in RL....why is that, do you suppose?

Anyway, good to see you and Chele together again.

Group *hug*?


caspai said:
You know what, lancecastor? You did something really amazing. You managed to create something that Chele and I agree on. Maybe you should do your homework and find out why that is so amazing. And maybe when you discover the magnitude of your accomplishment, it will give you pause to think. Maybe.
And the attitude and generalizations continue, Lance.

Even if they are cleverly disguised as cute sarcasm.

Even some of your beefs about the board and moderation are quiet little slams against the subs or anyone who uses the forum for friendship and support.

Ya know? Your repeated comments about "therapy" are what come to mind first.

And as for what has been slung at you? Why punish a whole group of people for the actions of a select few?

Frankly, not all of the insults slung your way went uninvited by you. Worse or more? No, not worse because it doesn't bother you. That is good for you and not a condemnation. In fact, you seem to rather enjoy the flame wars that you are involved in. You have no investment in the basic good of the forum, it is all about attention for you. That, again, is your choice. It is just too bad that we can't all feel free to get what we chose from the forum without scathing remarks and hell storms.

Some want attention.
Some want friendship.
Some want serious questions answered with serious responses.
Some want fluff and flirtation.

I don't understand why we can't just do what feels good and ignore what doesn't. I don't undrestand why you can't leave some alone....remarks made on serious threads which seem to berate one or more posters, albeit subtlely, are what concerns me more than your mega threads.

Perhaps, I should have pm ed you, rather than through gasoline on the train wreck.

Oh well....

Lancecastor said:

Hi MissT;

Months ago, a couple of dominant het males said a few things that got the subs here in a total frenzy, as you know.

I'm not sure the subs have ever stopped harping about it!

Maybe it's time for the ladies to let it go, you know?

Do a hurtful word count here sometime....there's no way I could ever type as much stuff as has been tossed at me.


This thread is entitled "Is Cym gone for good this time?"

I don't think she is.

Do you?

See? I didn't think you would take the time to do the research.
MissTaken said:

Some want attention.
Some want friendship.
Some want serious questions answered with serious responses.
Some want fluff and flirtation.

All posters, all posts, are equally as valid.

To suggest anything else is to be judgemental.

Everyone comes here for their own reasons.

Today, several people want to insult me....groovy...I've seen worse.

Please don't be surprised when I send them a cute, sarcastic response.

And please don't insult me for standing by my opinions, thanks.

Feel free to take issue with my opinions, but please don't call me names in the process. (you know I won't call you any in return, so it wouldn't be fair)


To your credit, Lance,

I will say that while you and I don't always agree on things, you have never called me names or flamed me.