Is cym gone for good this time?

Well, you've never called me names or flamed me either.

In the heat of things people either conveniently forget or think it self-serving when I say I rarely will flame first and never insult first....but it is my policy.


MissTaken said:
To your credit, Lance,

I will say that while you and I don't always agree on things, you have never called me names or flamed me.
Fuckin-A! What, is EVERYBODY on the damn rag today?

Dude, you stirred up a hornets nest now... lol.

PBW "Watching and eating popcorn. Still no popcorn for you MsC!"
P. B. Walker said:
Fuckin-A! What, is EVERYBODY on the damn rag today?

Dude, you stirred up a hornets nest now... lol.

PBW "Watching and eating popcorn. Still no popcorn for you MsC!"

I really hate to be the one to tell ya this, PBW, but ya missed the show. It's been over for hours now. I do believe the masses have spoken and the final curtain has come down.

Now, MzC will probably have her input - and that should prove entertaining.

But, as Lance himself said earlier...."move along, nothing here to see, nothing at all...anymore, that is."
i dont even know whats gone on as i've been away

im sorry if cym has left as she was one of the best people on this section of lit and one of the best people from the whole of lit
Heya, I missed you sexy-girl.

Becareful where you step hun.
I'm not going to get involved in this...but I do want to make one point, and this is directed at everyone involved and not involved:

This forum is YOUR forum. Each one of you have the power to make it what you want it to be. And each one of you is responsible for what it is and/or isn't.

All over the web and in real life, there will be people you don't get along with, people you don't agree with, people who annoy the hell out of you. You can deal with these people in one of two ways: you can spend your life complaining about them, or you can let them be them. You can work yourself into a tizzy over something you have no control over, or you can go do something more pleasant.

In situations like these, there tends to be a lot of finger-pointing. So-and-so is an ass who is ruining the forum. No, it's suchandsuch - he's the real jerk who makes this place suck. But when it comes right down to it, we all make out choices on what we choose to do and how much fun we choose to have.

If we come here and spend all our time complaining about someone or something we don't like, then we have no right to be shocked when the board is nothing but flames and complaints.

If instead we come here and start threads about BDSM-related concerns, answer questions that newbies might have, and contribute positively to the forum, the forum will grow.

It's all up to you - each and every one of you. YOU are the ones with the power to shape this place. It's YOURS. Bend it to YOUR needs. Start topics that YOU want to see. Make it a place you're proud to be a part of.

That's all. And now, back to our regularly scheduled flames... ;)
SexyChele said:

I really hate to be the one to tell ya this, PBW, but ya missed the show. It's been over for hours now. I do believe the masses have spoken and the final curtain has come down.

Now, MzC will probably have her input - and that should prove entertaining.

But, as Lance himself said earlier...."move along, nothing here to see, nothing at all...anymore, that is."

Yeah... I'm always late to the show... dammit. Oh well... and I missed riding today... FUCK.

Guess I'll have to entertain myself with legitimate posts today... gawd forbid! ;-)

KM, your words to cym were passed along both by me and by others. I'm pretty sure you'll hear from b again. And don't blame yourself so completely. There are lots of factors in her leaving.

This bout seems to have cooled. Should it heat up again, I'd like to ask everyone involved to keep the personal attacks to yourselves.

All posts are not equal. Yes, occasionally adults must use their own judgement. Moderators, in particular, must make judgements all the time. Now that I'm the solo mod, I can just speak for myself: my ability to be fair is exactly what I'm doing in this position. That doesn't mean that I don't make judgements and even have opinions about people. However, I don't violate my own rules and I don't abuse my responsibilities. But I *do* make judgements here, constantly. That's my job, and to claim otherwise is either ignorant or intentionally misleading.
RisiaSkye said:
don't blame yourself so completely. There are lots of factors in her leaving.


I don't blame myself completely, otherwise I wouldn't have gone on my little afternoon bender like I did. But I do blame myself a lot because when I should have stood by her or, at the very least, kept my mouth shut, I didn't. That's just not how friends treat friends.

Should it heat up again, I'd like to ask everyone involved to keep the personal attacks to yourselves.

I'm sorry about that. Mostly. I'm not at all sorry about stomping all over Lance the Liar, but the rest of it I am.
Recipe for Poison

KillerMuffin said:
I miss cym.

I hate this forum because of what it did to her and I really hate some of the people in it. I hate fluttery bitches who just want to play their bedroom games in a forum that's not designed for that and then get pissy when everyone wants them to take it to the appropriate forum. I hate dramadoms who want every sub to ask their permission to speak before they're allowed to post anything. I hate people who throw the blame at everyone but themselves. I really hate myself for the large part I played in the total travesty that happened here.

This forum is going to hell in a handbasket. Artful's dream is dragging it, kicking and screaming, into a whip me beat me listen to me whine version of the SRP. Lancecastor is congratulating himself for being the local Yayati--like it's a good thing.

Whoopee fucking do. Neither of you are special nor do you deserve congratulations for what you did. Neither of you have tried to come to terms or compromise. It's your way or the highway.

Both of you are completely fake and you're both as vile a human being as I am.

I take almost full responsibility for laying waste to cymbidia. I disagreed with her because I could see that what she was doing was hurting her. I never should have said so publicly. I lost one of my best friends because of this stupid, pathetic, vile little forum.

And what do I get? Prissy Bitch the two-faced idiot and Drama Dom the attention whore crowing about their victory. She conceded defeat, got rid of the moderatorship and both of you are still kicking her. What do you want? Do you want her to cut her throat and bleed all over the forum before you two are fucking happy?

And yes, Dream you're a moron. You're one of the stupidest people it's ever been my displeasure to have to see in the gene pool. You have nothing in your head but empty air and smilies. You do nothing but type and type and type and you never read because you don't give a fuck about anyone but yourself and playing your relationship all over a public board. Anyone with half a brain would have already figured out that the people in this forum don't care if you post here and don't care if you send your look-how-stupid-I-can-be smilie trails all over the place. What they don't want to see is you playing your bedroom games here in the forum. And they don't want you encouraging others to bring their bedroom games into the forum. If you want to come at me, Artful, go right ahead, pick a fight with me. Or better yet, get control of your stupid bitch. She's your responsibility if you believe a single word she's been whining for the last three days.

And lance, you pathetic excuse for a dom. We have words for people like you, abuser. If you're a Dom I'm a painslut. You hurt people and you get joy out of it. Not the good kind of BDSM hurt either. You want them to suffer emotionally until they whither away and die. You pick and you pick and you gouge until they're all gone. There's nothing you won't do to pander for your little crowd except be honest with them and yourself. It has to be your way and when it's not, you destroy the competition by any means necessary. Doms don't do that. What's really fucking pathetic is that I know more about BDSM and I know more about being a human being than you do. They really scraped the bottom of the barrel when they made you, didn't they. You actively hate submissives and women, probably. When you can't bend a woman to your will, you try to dominate her sexually. Don't deny, twatface, I watched you try to do it to me. Men like you are the reason why a lot of BDSM play is illegal. You're a loser and you'll never be anything more than a loser because you don't want to change what's making you a loser. It's just easier to get rid of all the people who are better than you than to impove yourself. As if that could be possible.

The two of you and people just like you are going to turn this place into BDSM hell in ways that cymbidia never did. You're going to oppress and stifle. You're going to run people off with your idiocy and your undesrved arrogance. Well, you're going to try.

Risia, it won't do any good, but when you talk to cym sometime in the future, when she's over this place, tell her that I'm very sorry. I never meant to hurt, but the fact is that I did and nothing will ever change that.

I just wanted a copy of this venom to be on top, so any who might need a recipe of venomous bile, wouldn't have to go digging for it. :rolleyes:
Dear Killer Muffin....

Dear Killer Muffin;

I believe you owe a lot of people a very large apology for your blowout yesterday.

Either that, or run away like Cym does when she is in the wrong. If that becomes your choice, enjoy the journey, but just remember two simple words for when you do skulk back over here...."Compound Interest". (Your best deal is now.)

It might be that some of the things you have said about others simply will never be repaired.

As far as I go, I'm neither expecting nor asking for an apology from you.

Your persona here is blunt and critical and often rude, and you've always delivered the goods in that regard to me, so you have nothing to apologize to me for even if you were inclined to do so.

I prefer communicating with you when you are off the ad hominems, but am fully prepared to do the name calling thing with you if you prefer. Lady's choice.



KillerMuffin said:

I'm sorry about that. Mostly. I'm not at all sorry about stomping all over Lance the Liar, but the rest of it I am.

Originally posted by Laurel, edited down to the points Lance is speaking to:

You can work yourself into a tizzy over something you have no control over, or you can go do something more pleasant.

Lance: There is a third can engage and disagree without getting into a tizzy. Adults do that sometimes too.

If we come here and spend all our time complaining about someone or something we don't like, then we have no right to be shocked when the board is nothing but flames and complaints.

Lance: Agreed, with the addition of some long-overdue words. It is my opinion that the Forum was flawed from its inception due to the insincerity of the words comprising the Sticky and the intentions of the person who wrote it. People were actively disparaged and chased out of here on the basis of their opinions, gender and sexual preference at the behest of the founder and as stated in messages that have circulated each time she has left in a tizzy after failing to drive the kind of people away she simply did not like or want here. Attempts of all kinds to engage her in meaningful discussion on the subject were met with insults, chicanery and character assassination attempts. Consequently, her legacy is one of trying to destroy that which she created when it grew in a way she could not control. Nobody associated with those efforts has any right to express shock at getting their insincere, lying, two-faced, hypocritical asses well and truly kicked when the spotlight was beamed squarely on them, in my view.

It's all up to you - each and every one of you. YOU are the ones with the power to shape this place. It's YOURS. Bend it to YOUR needs. Start topics that YOU want to see. Make it a place you're proud to be a part of.

Lance: Amen.
Last edited:
cheers to Laurel

one hell of a woman ...intelligent and classy..

hey Lance? I just got back fron the U.K. thread at the playground forum.. "Care for some "tea& crumpets"? lol by the way .. congrats on your "We are not a chat room' thread ,it's booming!!:D :rose:
I don't blame myself completely, otherwise I wouldn't have gone on my little afternoon bender like I did. But I do blame myself a lot because when I should have stood by her or, at the very least, kept my mouth shut, I didn't. That's just not how friends treat friends.
Artful, I'm not Lance. I have no need to edit myself because I flap my ass in the wind and don't want anyone to be able to prove it. My ass has flapped before and if you care to sift through however much mulch is in my post totals, you'll find it flapping away and usually the shame faced apologies for it. If I'm good enough to say it, I'm good enough to take the consequences for it, good or bad. I'm not in it for a popularity contest. I'm not here to build up a following of converts. I believe that if people deal with me, they should see what they're dealing with and not a bunch smarmy lies.

I'm not going to apologize for what I said about Dream. I do think she's an idiot who doesn't care about anyone on this board but herself and that she takes pains to prove it. I will, however, apologize to her for being so hateful about it. I was angry because she continued to snipe at cym, or so it appeared, and I felt guilty for what I'd done and, being the ass that I am, took it out on her.

You can quote my post if you like. It's not some of my better work, though. You should dig back a year. I was in rare form back in mid-December of 2001.

Compound interest, Lance? Gee. I'm shaking. Whatcha gonna do, cyberrape me again? Let me guess. In the appropriately menacing voice, of course, "I'm a great friend, stand by you to the end, but I'll be your worst enemy if you fuck with me."

Where have I heard that before. You can try.

You're a 'Net predator, bubba. You're not a Dom, you're a wolf in sheep's clothing and you will not cease being an asshole twat until you run this place. Anyone who can't see that probably hasn't figured out that kissing your ass will only get them beaten for their trouble. At least not yet. We all seem to figure it out in the end, don't we.

You turn on people. I've watched you do it. You violate people. I've watched you do it.

Anyway, if you're fond of the compound interest and do unto others as they do unto you, consider this your paybacks, bitchboy. You did unto me first. You involved me in a sexual scene that is the antithesis of what I would find even remotely consensual and you did so to pander to whatever asskissers you have left. I consider this one of the most offensive things you can do without physically assaulting me. Go ahead, I'll wait while you go edit all the offensive cyberrapist stuff out of your post so incoming subbies won't see you for what you really are.

I'm not a submissive and I never will be. I'm mean, vindictive, and hateful. Moreover, I have utterly no fear of you. Unless you prefer to think of contempt as fear, feel free. You can threaten me in your pretty veiled ways all you like. Everyone knows you're a two-faced liar anyway, keep proving it. Don't forget to edit so you don't look so bad and I look like I'm raving in case any new subbies show up. Wouldn't want them to see you for what you really are.

What are you going to do to me, big boy? Hound me across the boards? Oooh, it's Christmas for Muffy! Down vote all my stories? Like that's not a regular occurrance anyway. Hack into my computer? Best of luck to you. I'll just hack you back, like that would be difficult. Hunt me down in person? Please, please, please come to my house. We have great self-defense laws in this state.

You're helpless, full of empty threats--at least to those of us who know better than to engage you as a Dom--and whiny bitching because you aren't the big cheese and if you can't be the big cheese you're going to damned well make sure no one else is either.

C'mon little boy, throw your best shot. He swings and he misses! As usual. Have some fun now and don't forget to pay the ISP bill so you can come back next week.


Lance "I'm a Liar" Castor's best buddy, Killer "You been at Lit since '96, huh?" Muffin

And no, you can't fuck me. I prefer humans.
Kinda sucks that you don't have a tenth as much honesty in you, doesn't it?

Poor baby.
Just when I thought things had calmed down...

Rah rah rah... goooo Muffy. She kicks ass!

KillerMuffin said:
Kinda sucks that you don't have a tenth as much honesty in you, doesn't it?

Poor baby.


Go start a new lance-hating identity or do your little Unreg thing.

Muff L Gaggirl
Nah, Unreg isn't my bag. Unlike you, I'm not a good liar. It's not like I don't offend the fuck out of people under my regular name anyway. I'm not like you, sugarplum, I have no vested interest in forming a fan club so I don't have to bolster myself or my position with fake IDs attacking cymbidia. People either like me or they don't. Pandering to them won't change their opinion and manipulating them or lying to them sure as hell won't. Hasn't worked for you yet, has it?

Morton Downey Jr. is more your style anyway, you sexweasel, you. Watch out for those *wink* skinheads, baby.