Is cym gone for good this time?

just when you thought it was safe ..

to peek out from under the covers..geez anybody else watch Big Brother3 tonite?
By the way in all seriousness,I'd just like to say that Killer is as much entitled to her opinions of me as anybody else and I am truly sorry she is hurting..
KillerMuffin said:
Nah, Unreg isn't my bag. Unlike you, I'm not a good liar. It's not like I don't offend the fuck out of people under my regular name anyway. I'm not like you, sugarplum, I have no vested interest in forming a fan club so I don't have to bolster myself or my position with fake IDs attacking cymbidia. People either like me or they don't. Pandering to them won't change their opinion and manipulating them or lying to them sure as hell won't. Hasn't worked for you yet, has it?

Morton Downey Jr. is more your style anyway, you sexweasel, you. Watch out for those *wink* skinheads, baby.

Does this mean I should stop cheering for you tonight, KM? Those are some sweet ass-kickin boots your wearing. :)

Cheer up, Muffy...tomorrow's another day!

KillerMuffin said:

Unlike you, I'm not good.

I fuck people under my regular name anyway.

I'm not like you, sugarplum, I have no fan club.

I have fake IDs.

you sexweasel, baby.
lavender said:
Makes my little bulldyke heart swell.

I know...I see you and Muffy, and me, worshipping Sappho under the magnolia trees on your campus and planning for your junior year mid season semi formal....ah, those halcyon days we cherished. Or was it prozac? It's all so blurry.....

Say goodnite my little Lego Larcenist...
Lancecastor said:
ah, those halcyon days we cherished. Or was it prozac? It's all so blurry.....

Those were the roofies you tried to slip us. And you never noticed that you weren't drinking coke until it was too late. You don't mind that we left you in that public restroom down by the park where all the furtive gay men hung out? Did the Preperation H work or was your butt too reamed for that?

I heart you, too lavy, and no you can't watch Lance. No pussy for you. It makes you hyper and you've already got detention.
KillerMuffin said:

Those were the roofies you tried to slip us. And you never noticed that you weren't drinking coke until it was too late. You don't mind that we left you in that public restroom down by the park where all the furtive gay men hung out? Did the Preperation H work or was your butt too reamed for that?

I heart you, too lavy, and no you can't watch Lance. No pussy for you. It makes you hyper and you've already got detention.
*spews water all over the monitor* hehe.... mkay... now this was worth reading... :p
Putting on my Announcer's Hat

Well folks, we've got a fiesty two-on-one war going on tonight. KM is just on fire tonight. She's hitting 3's from all over the court. I think she might just set a record. Lance's defense is a tad weak. He's playing tough defense inside and not allowing the easy lay-ups... but KM's perimeter offense is going to pick him apart if he doesn't adjust. And lavender... well... she's basically running and up down the court. I haven't see any offense or defense from her yet. I think they may have to pull her at the half because she starting to wease pretty loud... we can hear it all the way up here in the box.

Stay tuned folks, this could get very interesting. So far the score is 55 to 52 in favor of the KM-Lav combo, but as we've seen most of that scoring has come from KM.

PBW "Back to you Darryl in the lockerroom"
Good lord. This thread sounds just like something I'd expect from a site full of teenagers.

Only with less typos and better grammar.
A New Scene For Muffy & Lav

Good Morning, Muffy;

Let's see...bump this thread up to push Dick Revile off the front page Vs Letting Dick sink on his own and let yours drop naturally...decisions, decisions....

Well, I'll bump yours up this time, Muffy.

Let's talk BDSM, like to write nastier stuff than me, so I'll set the scene with you bound and gagged face down, ass up.

Lavendar has the strap on and is mimmicking your lesbian cybersex sessions from last nite with Tn on the GB while the guys are gathered 'round to give you humilation and facials. I've got a flogger, which I'm lightly gliding in circles over your ass and up your back. You can hear the guys jacking near your face and Lave has the head of the strap on at your back door, knock, knock, knocking....

Okay...there...that should be more interesting for the readers than you and lav doing "Nyah nyah Laaaaaance !" least it's got some BDSM in it.

Let's see you do something with that. Begin.

KillerMuffin said:

Those were the roofies you tried to slip us. And you never noticed that you weren't drinking coke until it was too late. You don't mind that we left you in that public restroom down by the park where all the furtive gay men hung out? Did the Preperation H work or was your butt too reamed for that?

I heart you, too lavy, and no you can't watch Lance. No pussy for you. It makes you hyper and you've already got detention.
You really have no idea, you think verbage is everything

It's a little pathetic

I quite enjoy the weakness