Is it time yet?

Love will Tear us Apart

But insanity is the glue that sticks us all back together again.

It's my considered opinion *dons the black gown and mortar board* that writers don't like talking about their stuff with other writers anyway because basically all we're actually interested in is what WE'RE doing. Heheheh!

Whish ish why I spensh tonight drinking and vowing never to posht anover shtory on here until the matter of my shtuff getting nicked ish shorted! *grr*

and watched Seabiscuit.

Great story btw... but a bit long... and schmaltzy... and definitely the longest six furlong horse races in the history of the sport. By my reckoning, Santa Anita is about a mile around and they went round there at least twice!*shakes head*

I'll shut up now, shall I?

Yep, you're one of us alright, Sadie. And, you spoke a hell of a lot of sense, for one so insane. :D

*hiccuppy hugs*

Lou :kiss:
... now you've come of age,
Welcome to the lion's den,
Temptation's on its way"

Try the House of Fun,
It's quicker if you run,
This is a chemist,
Not a jokers' shop...

(Sorry, Sadie. :D)

I agree, with everybody. There's too much non-writing BS for my taste, but as a friend once observed, all my taste is in my mouth.

Every once in while, we need a Jeremiah to remind folks this isn't the GB or Playground. I'd like to see more folks asking questions about their writing. I did this with my entry for the Winter/Holiday writing contest and got a lot of very helpful feedback.

I'd also wish there was some way to announce new stories and ask for feedback. The Story Feedback forum is dominated by newbies (Doc and Colly deserved a big warm fuzzy for all the time and advice they've given over there). As Doc pointed out, the Story Discussion Circle is moribund as a story posting site.

With the exception of the political rants, I enjoy some of the BS, but as with anything else but love, only in moderation.

Rumple Foreskin :cool:

That's what it is.

I'm no longer in the clique.

My sophistication and subtlety is far more than the current average AH denizen can comfortably handle. (Yes I'm up my own arse)

I am Stephen Fry on the set of BlackAdder.

Charley. I really can't believe you said that. I deliberately edited the word 'boring' from the original post because it is entirely not what I meant.

Colleen. I always assumed that the AH was for asking authors about writing. Specific stories go on the feedback board. Learning anything from someone from a thread means you learn about the person, not the author. (nothing wrong with that)

Perdita. Demoralising. One of the words that I failed to include in the original post. Whilst agreeing with both you and Colleen about PMing people you like/respect for their opinions on your own stories, don't we, as writers, need to infect others with the bug? ie be interesting?

Minsue and aunty Loulou there is no problem. I love you both.

The AH (b)is(/b) cyclical, as SSSarah points out, and I referred to originally (but far too obtusely it seems) But I will say again:

(b)It's been quite a long time since anyone moaned about the lack of writerly threads in the hangout.(/b)

Phil. I always try to take it like a man. But I'm not all that fond of taking it up the arse, if you get my drift.

Hey Engleesh, (nice av) I really don't give much of a fuck if people want to not be serious. I was just moaning (like a proper Yorkshire bloke) about something I miss.

Flicka. Time of year. Not month. Winter. I hate what it does to me.

Pops. Can't argue with me own dad can I?

Charley. I still can't believe you said that.

Lewd. There is nothing that I take seriously, I mean (b)nothing(/b) (ask Bexx) But, fuck me, is the AH dull or what?

Mab. SSSarah. Just had to mention your names.

Sadie. Someone has it in their sig. About every utterance stopping everyone else talking and being poetic and world shattering. As Wilde said: "There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about..."

Rumple: Whoo hoo. I got Rumple to post to one of my threads.

Ok. Alright. You can go back to chatter and daytime TV now.

I, personally, do not mind the silliness of the Hangout. What I find offensive is when new authors or people who may be well established here and only begin posting to the Hangout for literary questions, are tossed into the fire for fun, or mocked for asking a question that seems trivial to AH regulars. I've not been here that long and yet I've seen this happen more times than I think is polite or necessary.

Sure we all get tired of THE question, but not all questions about writing are huge and intellectual. I've been dying to post a thread about sequel writing and another about novels/novella category, but judging from many of the responses I've seen to other valid questions, choose instead to PM authors I respect and admire. That being said, the reason I respect and admire them is because I was motivated to read their stories because they said something smart or witty here.

I'm guilty of throwing personal things into serious threads and often try to contribute something note-worthy, but have probably derailed my share of valid topics. Sorry. (Perdita is just irresistible.)


(Pops... :rose: )
Rumple: Whoo hoo. I got Rumple to post to one of my threads.
Don't let it go to your head, Yorkie. :)

But in honor of your post, I'm about to post a writing question. Let's see if it has more response than my poll about voting in the Reader's Choice Awards. (Thanks for the bump, minsue.)

Rumple Foreskin :cool:
I haven't been around much lately, but I must say that I'm a little torn about this. On one hand, this is the place where the intelligent people meet and the readable threads are.

But they do have quite little to do with authoring most of the time. And frankly, however interresting the threads have been, it's been too damn much of a post-flow, a good, interresting (albeit general topic-wise) post-flow, but too much for a regular guy with a life beside Lit to keep up.

The reason I don't post very much right now is that when I log on to look up the AH, I click on the threads with the interresting topics, and they have long since derailed into other topics, or just off the chart friendly banter. Which is all well and good in itself. But the slow-typing cake can't get a word up. :rolleyes:
Gauche..well I am glad i didn't offend you...I'd have bee mortified if I had..but then Yorkshire folk are some of the most sensible folks I've met. I love'em! your good self included :)

Oh and welcome to the club pal. Ever since I started posting here I've felt somehow on the fringe and to be honest i don't feel like that quite so much at the moment.

Everything has it's season...and there are people here who appreiciate your humour so keep at it :)

You know I think I keep returning and spending tie here because I feel I can be totally myself here. I haven't spent as much time over at the playground recently because I have to be flirty andwell pretty much horny if i'm over there*L* Here I can be me in all my different guises. Silly,flirty,serious.

You know I'm not sure why we get so het up about this board becoming mĂłre of a community. People still come here with there authorly questions and this board will never totally turn into a playground or a GB because we are authors and we like to talk about writing sometimes :)
English Lady said:

You know I think I keep returning and spending tie here because I feel I can be totally myself here. I haven't spent as much time over at the playground recently because I have to be flirty andwell pretty much horny if i'm over there*L* Here I can be me in all my different guises. Silly,flirty,serious.


Precisely. That's exactly what I've been thinking, but I couldn't quite put my finger on defining it.

I also feel I can show every aspect of my personallity here, and just me my well rounded (if a little wierd at times) self. I can be serious, studious, hard-working, authorly, filrtatious, down-right stupid, mad, insane, loving, caring, compassionate, pissed off, pissed up, and every over emotion that makes me me.

Thank God for the AH, and its diversity (or whichever deity you do or don't worship. NO! Do not hijack this thread and turn it into another pseudo-religious-political-ethical-moral debate. :rolleyes: )

Love you ALL!!!

Aunty Loulou :rose:

P.S. For those of you that don't know, because you weren't around at the time or whatever, Gauche was one of the very first people to make me feel welcome here. With his own unique (and very clever) brand of humour, he made me laugh. He also gave me the title of Aunty Loulou. I think it came about because some guy hit on me, but he wasn't very complimentary. He said I reminded him of his Aunty, back in India. I later found out (I think through Og and Gauche's explanations) that "Aunties" in India are seen as sexual figures who educate the young men about the ways of the world. Gauche adopted me as his Aunty, to my great amusement, and it made me feel pretty goddam special. ;)
I've only been here for little more than a year myself, Gauche, but I've admired you from the very beginning. Your wit, well that's almost reknown, and surely one step removed from being legendary. And I agree with you about the writterlyless of late threads here at AH. I think it may have driven Dirty Slut away from here, and maybe even MathGirl. I don't know, they could have a life outside of lit too. LOL However, as you know writers aren't singulary unique when it comes to only thinking mostly about concerns dealing with their own work. Artists of every kind of artistic endeavor are like this. Their focus is almost a devotion to their own work. And yet, even they too need to play, so what better place to play than where there are others of a like mind. And I think that's why the Ah has been overwhelmed of late with every nuance imaginable concerning anything other than writterly conversations. I for one think that the conversations about AV's alone are near to being as breathtakingly boring as the AV's of some of our female writers themselves are becoming more, and more breathtaking away than ever. But hey, that's only my opinion.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man
Tatelou....I'm glad I make sense and it's not just me. There is very little bull shit in the AH. If people don't like you then you are told that andthe same is true for the opposite. Everyone is welcome to make their opinion known and mostly it is respected. I like that. I really do.
Phil. I always try to take it like a man. But I'm not all that fond of taking it up the arse, if you get my drift.

I catch your drift and even more than partially agree with you. The truth is Laurel is not going to change it. You have been around long enough to know this. I know I can even be derogative to her sweet pussy and she will post a nice something in return.

I like much of the silly bantering between friends, I like the logical threads pertaining to the needs of writing stories. I don't like the "Playground" bleeding into the AH.

What can you do? "Nothing!" You could write Laurel and get the reply she has always stood behind.
Other than that I try not to support such threads by not posting on them.

Why I become frustrated is because such posts constantly push other good topics off the front board and now I need to chase to the second and third page to find the real topics. More often than not then many others will not reply to a second page post.

Sorry you are taking this personally. I try never to allow that to happen not on Lit anyway. You know just as well as I people come and go and soon enough the AH will settle back to where it was. Then it will start to creep back to the stage it is at now. Don't think you are alone, if I recall it was not to long ago we had a request for a yummy recipe and which way to hang TP that was one way of saying OK this is getting too stupid.

I have also read much of your postings some silly and some with meaning. There can't be a set rule to say what can and what can not be posted. The AH was set up to be able to talk, ask, and get to know your favorite Authors. Many of the other rooms have set rules and that is why they are moderated. It has always been the AH was self moderated by the majority.

I will also add as to what someone else mentioned here. When I came to the AH the first time under this name I was treated like total crap! By several long time regulars, I am not a newbie I had reasons to change my name due to real life. Now I would much rather have the AH in wry state it is in now and have newbies welcomed than to go back to when if you did not have 100 posts no one will talk to you. That is what I call sticking it up my ass! Still I do not hold a grudge, but think it should be considered those who want to toss stones should think who they are themselves before doing so.

Take a break and let them play, soon things will come back around. I hope, truely I do. But if they don't then consider this is the new AH get used to it or leave it no one is forcing anyone to stay or go.

With all due respect pops, gauche and rumple you are missing out on a potential goldmine when it comes to the political and silly threads.

Want to write a far right Pro choice fanatic? 20 minutes in the Roe V wade thread and you can do it, even if you haven't even considered the debate.

Want to write a character batteling depression? A few minutes in the depression thread will give you a better idea of how it impacts people's lifeves than a month reading case studies and medical reports.

What if you want to realisitcally portray a certain kind of character?

A real sweetheart? Read Minsue's posts
Crudmugeon with a heart of gold? try Gauche
Back porch Philosopher? Read some of rumples ramblings
Intellectual who can still talk to people without making them feel inferior? Perdita
The fellow who has been there, done that, has the scars to prove it and is willing to tell you what life has taught him? Ogs, without a doubt.
Flirtaceous, but with a serious side? Dampy
Flirtaceous but with a serious undertone? Lucky
Cute, but in a teasing, wholeseome way? Lou Lou
Cute, but in a drop dead sexy way? Destine
Serious about her convictions, but more often fun than preachy? Shereads
Down to earth but not boring? English lady
The eternal jester, but one who drops pearls of wisdom among the quips? Pops

What about a range of beliefs? I am very conservative. How can I hope to write a liberal woman without making her a stereotype? read Lucky, Sher, Minsue and Dita' posts. You can see what they think, why they they think it and the depth of feeling that you can translate to a charactr and not make her a stereotype.

I am not advocating making caricatures of people in the hangout. Nor do I advocate stealing their persona or voices. What I am saying it that to write a range of characters you need exposure to a range of people. In thier diversity, quirks, opinions and beliefs you will probably never find a place that shows more of the tapestry of what it is to be human than you will here.

In each of my characters there is a little of myself. In many of my characters there is a little bit of a lot of you. Not in their words, so much as in the way they are developed as being realist people. I don't get out much and am not exposed to a wide array of views and opinions. From the conversations here and the information imparted I can write a wide range of believeable characters.

Any wirter who has ever paused when writing a character that is strange to them and wondered how would she feel about this, is ignoring one hell of a great resourse if they don't consdier comeing to the Ah and taking a look around at the richness and breadth of opinion, intellect and world view displayed here.

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You kick ass! :heart:

I too, feel enriched by the personalities found here. Sometimes it's good character motivation and other times it simply helps me do some much needed soul searching or self analyzing. This sort of thing is quite necessary for me to keep up with my thought processes and believable story telling.

Totally off topic, but something of interest to me personally is the way text is interpreted. When I was first getting to know people here, I was often misunderstood or prejudged or something of the sort. I think it helps to be more cautious of your wording and is useful to learn the art of applying tone to a typed message (here in conversation, as well as within the text of a story). Anyway, just a thought.

Tatelou said:
Doesn't she just?

Lou :kiss:

Don't even get me started, lady. And now that I think about it, so do you! Man, I'm surrounded by intelligent beautiful women. This is the life :D

~lucky :kiss:
lucky-E-leven said:
Don't even get me started, lady. And now that I think about it, so do you! Man, I'm surrounded by intelligent beautiful women. This is the life :D

~lucky :kiss:

Hey, add yourself to that list, sweetheart. ;)


Lou :kiss: