Is The US Ready For An Invasion Of Eastern Europe?

These two suppurating pussies wouldn't know a set of facts if they announced themselves by buzzing a cattle prod on their clits. A matched pair of delusional fanatics. Two of the noisiest outhouse echoes you'll ever hear.
I am much more intelligent than you, and much more honest, and what else matters here?
Attacking us doesn't change the facts.

What a sad little pathetic man you are that you deny reality rather than admit you're wrong.
I'm not wrong about anything
Attacking us doesn't change the facts.

What a sad little pathetic man you are that you deny reality rather than admit you're wrong.
Like I said. you wouldn't know a fact if it grabbed you by the pussy.
Putin was probably planning on Trump pulling us out of NATO so he had no worries about rebuilding the USSR. Appeasement is rarely a good option.

I think the bigger problem is how many right wingers are infatuated with Putin. The test of the US hasn't wavered.
Instead, Trump went to Europe and told them how to make the alliance stronger. No mystery why Putin waited for Joey the Wonder Turnip to stumble into office.
Instead, Trump went to Europe and told them how to make the alliance stronger. No mystery why Putin waited for Joey the Wonder Turnip to stumble into office.
Maintaining the false Trump narrative is all they have.
Instead, Trump went to Europe and told them how to make the alliance stronger. No mystery why Putin waited for Joey the Wonder Turnip to stumble into office.
No he didn't. Trump weakened the alliance by carrying doubt in whether it not the US was going to pull out of it.

He sowed discord, which probably emboldened Putin.
No he didn't. Trump weakened the alliance by carrying doubt in whether it not the US was going to pull out of it.

He sowed discord, which probably emboldened Putin.

And now NATO allies are glad the USA is back and leading but don’t trust if we’ll be there after the 2024 election.
No, it doesn't, it only makes the others wonder if it's worth it.
If it isn't worth it, let's go home and let them think about the worth of a free Europe. They agreed to pay a certain percentage of their GDP and didn't, so why do we have to do it? Why do we have to be part of it. I say, pay the agreed amount or fuck you, defend yourself.
If it isn't worth it, let's go home and let them think about the worth of a free Europe. They agreed to pay a certain percentage of their GDP and didn't, so why do we have to do it? Why do we have to be part of it. I say, pay the agreed amount or fuck you, defend yourself.
We're the country that willingly took over the role of global policeman. A policeman, unless executing some specific assignment of that nature, does not hassle the people about unpaid taxes.
We're the country that willingly took over the role of global policeman. A policeman, unless executing some specific assignment of that nature, does not hassle the people about unpaid taxes.
fuck that shit. Pay up, do your part, or study Russian.
If it isn't worth it, let's go home and let them think about the worth of a free Europe. They agreed to pay a certain percentage of their GDP and didn't, so why do we have to do it? Why do we have to be part of it. I say, pay the agreed amount or fuck you, defend yourself.
That’s quaint… it’s like 1950’s Housewife kink!

Everything’s connected now, notvette.

Let’s see if Economic Power is the new measure of global might.

Instead of bombing Russia into the stone age, if the West can sanction them into submission, that’ll be super cool.

( of course,,someone needs to find a way to gack their nukes so they don’t work, but that’s another topic)

Let them eat borscht!
fuck that shit. Pay up, do your part, or study Russian.
The UK (and France) have always paid their way. Germany didn't because other countries were afraid of a rearmed Germany. Now, since Putin's invasion, Germany is upping its military spending. So are other NATO states.

We Brits spend a lot of our defence procurement on US kit. You should be grateful.
The UK (and France) have always paid their way. Germany didn't because other countries were afraid of a rearmed Germany. Now, since Putin's invasion, Germany is upping its military spending. So are other NATO states.

We Brits spend a lot of our defence procurement on US kit. You should be grateful.
I don't consider Britain as part of Europe. Negative comments made by me about Nato are not directed at your country. Brits have bled for our country, we will bleed for yours. Germany was shamed into doing her share. I realize this article is 6 years old but it is far different than what you are suggesting:

"According to NATO statistics, the U.S. spent an estimated $650 billion on defense last year. That's more than double the amount all the other 27 NATO countries spent between them, even though their combined GDP tops that of the U.S."

"Of the 28 countries in the alliance, only five -- the U.S., Greece, Poland, Estonia and the U.K. -- meet the target."

"The rest lag behind. Germany spent 1.19% of its GDP on defense last year, France forked out 1.78%."

"Iceland, which doesn't have its own army, spends just 0.1% of its GDP on defense, according to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development."

"Five other countries spend less than 1%, according to NATO's estimates for this year: Canada, Slovenia, Belgium, Spain and Luxembourg."

"The U.S. also spends the highest proportion of its GDP on defense: 3.61%. The second biggest NATO spender in proportional terms is Greece, at 2.38%, according to NATO."
I get that sentiment. But there’s also an argument that might allow for “eh, let’s allow some elbow room to keep shit over there.”
If they no longer believe in Nato enough to do their part in keeping it alive, our national security interest there begins to evaporate.
If they no longer believe in Nato enough to do their part in keeping it alive, our national security interest there begins to evaporate.
Our national security interest there in no way depends on our allies' level of interest.
I don't know if this is entirely accurate or not but somebody used to occupy those hundreds of tanks, armored personnel carriers, and supply trucks we now see abandoned on the roads of Ukraine. I mean vehicles that are still full of equipment. ammunition, comm gear. The say Russian troops are starving to death. Many have been shot or caught looting Urkrainian homes and stores for food. Reporters noted their MREs found in the vehicles have storage expiration dates of 2015.

Our national security interest there in no way depends on our allies' level of interest.
We would have a strategic interest. They have national security interests in our remaining there, but it isn't in our national security or economic interests to do so without their full participation. Our government's fundamental responsibility is to America and American citizens.
We would have a strategic interest. They have national security interests in our remaining there, but it isn't in our national security or economic interests to do so without their full participation. Our government's fundamental responsibility is to America and American citizens.
If we pull out of NATO, that amounts to abandoning our global-policeman role. As nobody poses any direct military threat to the U.S., we might as well shut down our global network of military bases, and slash our military establishment and budget to the size of the UK's. Is that acceptable?