Is The US Ready For An Invasion Of Eastern Europe?

If we pull out of NATO, that amounts to abandoning our global-policeman role. As nobody poses any direct military threat to the U.S., we might as well slash our military establishment and budget to the size of the UK's. Is that acceptable?
You might as well go back to elementary school and start all over again. We need to police those nations that do present a threat to the US like China, Russia, Iran, and terror organizations who threaten the US or its commercial interests wherever they exist on earth. So we could cut expenditures in areas where we are not wanted and use them to enhance our defenses in other areas, such as our continental missile defense.
If they no longer believe in Nato enough to do their part in keeping it alive, our national security interest there begins to evaporate.

Are you saying our national security interests overseas disappears?

You might as well go back to elementary school and start all over again. We need to police those nations that do present a threat to the US like China, Russia, Iran, and terror organizations who threaten the US or its commercial interests wherever they exist on earth. So we could cut expenditures in areas where we are not wanted and use them to enhance our defenses in other areas, such as our continental missile defense.

Are you saying US forward bases in NATO friendly countries are no longer an advantage and we should just focus on ICBMs here at home?
Are you saying our national security interests overseas disappears?

Are you saying US forward bases in NATO friendly countries are no longer an advantage and we should just focus on ICBMs here at home?
I'm saying if the Europeans find the NATO alliance is no longer something they believe in or fully support, then our national security interests in Europe go away. Not because we might not be able to use Europe to our advantage, but because the Europeans themselves will not support it. If they don't want to support it the American people won't either. So we revert to our pre-WWII alliances' adjust our defense posture to align with the new reality and shift our plans of strategic proximity elsewhere, like into the Pacific.

Parsing the end game: what if Putin lit off a tactical nuke?

This is a topic that’s been cropping up in the form of various bits of doom porn since before the Russian invasion began, but it was thankfully still almost entirely hypothetical. But as Jim Geraghty points out in today’s Morning Jolt, we may be quickly approaching the point where we will be forced to answer the question. The war in Ukraine is not going well for Vladimir Putin at the moment. Much of his army remains bogged down in various places and he’s been losing a lot of troops, reportedly including four generals. Their rocket bombardments are doing plenty of damage to the cities and taking out a horrific number of civilians, but the Ukrainian military and its burgeoning ranks of armed civilian volunteers have been cutting off Russian military units and destroying massive amounts of hardware. The Russian economy back home is imploding and unrest is growing. At some point, it’s very likely that Putin will look for a way to “escalate to deescalate,” as Geraghty puts it. And he might do that by launching a tactical nuclear weapon.


I agree with Jim that a no-fly zone should still be off the table, at least for now. If we do that, it’s only a matter of time before a Russian jet shoots down an American or NATO jet (or vice versa) and then all bets are off. But if Ukraine continues to overperform in their defense of their nation and Putin begins to smell a Russian rout, we need to be prepared for the worst-case scenario. Under no circumstances should the U.S. or any NATO nation fire a nuke first. And there may be a way to inflict a significantly large amount of damage on Putin’s forces without a tactical weapon to convince Putin that the cost of his Ukrainian adventure is simply too high to continue. But the specter of nuclear war has already been raised. And we had better hope that Joe Biden and our generals have thought this through all the way to every possible ending and have a plan in place to respond accordingly. But based on the performances we’ve seen recently, particularly during the pullout from Afghanistan, I really just have one phrase repeating in my head today. God help us all.
So even my trumpster fan friends wave off the Afghanistan withdrawal, conceding it was going to be messy no matter the president who did it.

As far as Putin, I’ve no doubt they’ve war gamed the hell out of it
What does Eastern Europe have that's worth an invasion?
Oil.... recently discovered oil fields in the sea off southern Ukraine. This is why Putin is taking Ukraine and Crimea prior.

Putin won't use nukes...I doubt he would even in a last resort, unless he has gone mad, because the number of nukes pointed at him would mean his death and the end of Russia(the people and the infrastructure) for a few thousand years.

Putin has reveal how weak militarily he is.... I think the Ukrainians will have much to say about how all this goes and the folks in Russia, who start getting the real information...they might have a say eventually.

Parsing the end game: what if Putin lit off a tactical nuke?

This is a topic that’s been cropping up in the form of various bits of doom porn since before the Russian invasion began, but it was thankfully still almost entirely hypothetical. But as Jim Geraghty points out in today’s Morning Jolt, we may be quickly approaching the point where we will be forced to answer the question. The war in Ukraine is not going well for Vladimir Putin at the moment. Much of his army remains bogged down in various places and he’s been losing a lot of troops, reportedly including four generals. Their rocket bombardments are doing plenty of damage to the cities and taking out a horrific number of civilians, but the Ukrainian military and its burgeoning ranks of armed civilian volunteers have been cutting off Russian military units and destroying massive amounts of hardware. The Russian economy back home is imploding and unrest is growing. At some point, it’s very likely that Putin will look for a way to “escalate to deescalate,” as Geraghty puts it. And he might do that by launching a tactical nuclear weapon.


I agree with Jim that a no-fly zone should still be off the table, at least for now. If we do that, it’s only a matter of time before a Russian jet shoots down an American or NATO jet (or vice versa) and then all bets are off. But if Ukraine continues to overperform in their defense of their nation and Putin begins to smell a Russian rout, we need to be prepared for the worst-case scenario. Under no circumstances should the U.S. or any NATO nation fire a nuke first. And there may be a way to inflict a significantly large amount of damage on Putin’s forces without a tactical weapon to convince Putin that the cost of his Ukrainian adventure is simply too high to continue. But the specter of nuclear war has already been raised. And we had better hope that Joe Biden and our generals have thought this through all the way to every possible ending and have a plan in place to respond accordingly. But based on the performances we’ve seen recently, particularly during the pullout from Afghanistan, I really just have one phrase repeating in my head today. God help us all.
It would probably initiate Article V as the potential fallout would be regional. Aside from intimidation and area denial what would be the tactical purpose? The area would probably not be occupiable for some time.
Putin has reveal how weak militarily he is.... I think the Ukrainians will have much to say about how all this goes and the folks in Russia, who start getting the real information...they might have a say eventually.
Considering how tightly controlled is the Russian media, the only way the Russian people are going to get the real information is from their relatives in the army -- and even then, they might not believe it.
Considering how tightly controlled is the Russian media, the only way the Russian people are going to get the real information is from their relatives in the army -- and even then, they might not believe it.
If any make it home alive.
Yeah, the urgent war is with China.....or Iran .....or anybody but the Russian soldiers currently raping, torturing and stealing from Ukraine. You are a dumb lefty if you hope to save lives in the "now." Look away. It is so much easier to get mad at future possibilities. And self satisfying....
Short answer to the original question is "no."
We're too busy with our uncivil woke wars...

Look, Uncle Joe gave them a pipeline, looks
the other way with the alliances with our avowed
enemies China and Iran who are willing to hack us,
infect us, lie to us, cheat us and genocide their own
populations. After all his bashing of Trump for his
"love affairs" with the bad guys of the world, he is
fucking wooing them and doing everything he can to

:mad: *SP--itttt*
Yes,.smarty, Biden is kissing Russia's ass daily. And Russia never hacks us.....and Joe gave "them" A gas pipeline? Sounds researched.
Considering how tightly controlled is the Russian media, the only way the Russian people are going to get the real information is from their relatives in the army --

Some talk show hosts said that this -wishful- theory just doesn't add up.

It must have taken the Chinese quite some time to implement their firewall: those Dragon-whatever software (like the one they were negotiating with Google) take time.
Until 2 months ago, Russians had unrestricted access to the worldwide web, I'm certain the young and curious still access out of curiosity Western sites.

and even then, they might not believe it.
or might not care.

yup, I think THAT's the problem.

Putin must have primed the public for years, using "The Augean Stables" and other propaganda. When you see NATO bases surrounding Russia, and you're bombarded every month, with pictures of atrocities committed by the Azov batallion in Donbas on Russian civilians, you start believing that your people could be at risk of facing genocide.

I'm not implying that any of that is true or false, how the fuck would I know,
but it's the only explanation why Russian laypeople still support Putin, despite the horrors.
Yes,.smarty, Biden is kissing Russia's ass daily. And Russia never hacks us.....and Joe gave "them" A gas pipeline? Sounds researched.
And we see Joe Biden being replaced as the leader of the free world by Boris Johnson as he walks the streets of Ukraine with President Zelensky assessing his needs for weaponry and making it happen in a timely manner, meanwhile back at the American Ranch we see Joe wandering aimlessly around the White House hoping to get somebody's attention.
And we see Joe Biden being replaced as the leader of the free world by Boris Johnson as he walks the streets of Ukraine with President Zelensky assessing his needs for weaponry and making it happen in a timely manner, meanwhile back at the American Ranch we see Joe wandering aimlessly around the White House hoping to get somebody's attention.
Zelensky is the one replacing everybody
And we see Joe Biden being replaced as the leader of the free world by Boris Johnson as he walks the streets of Ukraine with President Zelensky assessing his needs for weaponry and making it happen in a timely manner, meanwhile back at the American Ranch we see Joe wandering aimlessly around the White House hoping to get somebody's attention.
It would not be advisable for Biden to visit Kiev. Just a bit too provocative.
It would not be advisable for Biden to visit Kiev. Just a bit too provocative.
That's BS. It's quite clear now that Biden does not want Zelensky to push Putin out of Ukraine altogether. It's because Joe is compromised.