Is The US Ready For An Invasion Of Eastern Europe?

I'm getting tired of all this Massmedia shitshow.
Brave Ukrainians and brave Zelensky
We bleed for Ukraine # on Twiter and all the useless Political 'we're doing this and that".

Ukrainians are being slaughtered and displaced, and Russians are winning, and that's it.
Zelensky is making speeches tucked in a bunker, and the West's feel-good talks and sanctions are helping zilts.

The other truth is: the Ukrainian government recklessly took on a cause that they had no chance of winning, against such a formidable enemy,
and America nudged them towards it, knowing damn well they stood no chance.
Do we have such in Taiwan?
Yes for the reasons I have already explained to you in detail including the enabling language of our treaty with Taiwan. It gives the US way more authority to intervene in the security needs of Taiwan than we have now with Ukraine.
I think, at this point, the wisdom of Trump trying to strengthen our ties with Russia is indisputable. We see where vilification and antagonism are getting us.
Putin was probably planning on Trump pulling us out of NATO so he had no worries about rebuilding the USSR. Appeasement is rarely a good option.

I think the bigger problem is how many right wingers are infatuated with Putin. The test of the US hasn't wavered.
Putin was probably planning on Trump pulling us out of NATO so he had no worries about rebuilding the USSR. Appeasement is rarely a good option.

I think the bigger problem is how many right wingers are infatuated with Putin. The test of the US hasn't wavered.
The answer to that last one is none that I know of.
It's not going to happen RG.

Putin is presiding over a dying nation. The Russian demographics are in the toilet and have been for going on 40 years now. Starting with this year the bulk of his population is going to be beyond military age and even if the fertility rate were to do a remarkable turn around the results of that miracle won't be available for service for 18 years. Hell, he can barely afford the losses he's suffering in the Ukraine now.

The notion of hoards of Russians in tanks rolling across the borders of Western Europe is just something that's used to scare children. Or politicians use to scare the populace.

This is Putin's last hurrah. Let him break his military in Ukraine and then sit back and watch as the Russian nation withers away. The suffering of the Ukrainians is certainly terrible to witness but their suffering is NOT worth the risk of a nuclear war. And that is what will happen if our leaders aren't careful. Putin CANNOT fight a conventional war against NATO and will have no alternative but to unleash the unthinkable.
I don't know anyone infatuated with Putin. Most of those I know want to put two between his running lights.
It's not going to happen RG.

Putin is presiding over a dying nation. The Russian demographics are in the toilet and have been for going on 40 years now. Starting with this year the bulk of his population is going to be beyond military age and even if the fertility rate were to do a remarkable turn around the results of that miracle won't be available for service for 18 years. Hell, he can barely afford the losses he's suffering in the Ukraine now.

The notion of hoards of Russians in tanks rolling across the borders of Western Europe is just something that's used to scare children. Or politicians use to scare the populace.

This is Putin's last hurrah. Let him break his military in Ukraine and then sit back and watch as the Russian nation withers away. The suffering of the Ukrainians is certainly terrible to witness but their suffering is NOT worth the risk of a nuclear war. And that is what will happen if our leaders aren't careful. Putin CANNOT fight a conventional war against NATO and will have no alternative but to unleash the unthinkable.
What's not going to happen? It's already happening. I agree that he is likely to fail in Ukraine. I agree that he cannot win a war with a united Nato, not even a nuclear one. Right now, we don't know what he's going to do. He himself seems unstable and could do something to destabilize and divide Nato, something unthinkable.
My question targetted what happened BEFORE Putin's aggression.

Why have Americans encouraged Ukrainians to posture against a country with such a formidable military force for years
knowing they'd have their hands tied in case of aggression?
Ukraine decided on its own not to join a Russian federation.
The Suwalki Gap is Nato territory. It is the borderland area of Poland and Lithuania that forms the 60-mile wide corridor that separates Balarus and Kaliningrad. There are 10,000 Russian troops in Kaliningrad and Russian troops in Belarus that could close that gap and shut off logistical supply by rail and road from Poland to Lithuania and the rest of the Nato Baltic states farther north if Putin decides to expand his war. It's stupid not to defend that corridor.
Nothing you wrote there is false as far as I'm aware.

All this ultimately comes down to exactly how much are you willing to risk over Ukraine vs just getting as many people out as we can and negotiating as soon as possible to minimize any further damage or are you all in. I know you don't care cus you live in some bumfuck not worth bombing area. I'm between LA and SD. If the bombs start coming even if they AREN'T aimed at me will probably cause me more than a small bit of trouble. I'm closed to aged out but if we start this crap I'll happily sign back up.

We do need to be honest about what think we're risking here. This isn't in the "not my problem" kinda thing. I didn't support Iraq at all and Afghanistan went on way, way too long. Neither of those countries were any threat to us or our allies. This is different.
What's not going to happen? It's already happening. I agree that he is likely to fail in Ukraine. I agree that he cannot win a war with a united Nato, not even a nuclear one. Right now, we don't know what he's going to do. He himself seems unstable and could do something to destabilize and divide Nato, something unthinkable.
Ukraine isn't Western Europe. <shrug>

The sooner he achieves his goals in Ukraine and installs his puppet government the better off everyone will be. He can't occupy the place. It would turn into the Central Europe equivalent of Afghanistan. Neither the oligarchs, his military, or the people of Russia will tolerate that. His days are numbered as it is.

The Chinese are proving to be less than reliable 'allies' in this escapade. And I'm certain that fact isn't lost on anyone. Whoever replaces Putin will most likely turn their concerns Eastward because the Chinese are salivating over the notion of subsuming Siberia and are just waiting for the Russians to stumble.
Nothing you wrote there is false as far as I'm aware.

All this ultimately comes down to exactly how much are you willing to risk over Ukraine vs just getting as many people out as we can and negotiating as soon as possible to minimize any further damage or are you all in. I know you don't care cus you live in some bumfuck not worth bombing area. I'm between LA and SD. If the bombs start coming even if they AREN'T aimed at me will probably cause me more than a small bit of trouble. I'm closed to aged out but if we start this crap I'll happily sign back up.

We do need to be honest about what think we're risking here. This isn't in the "not my problem" kinda thing. I didn't support Iraq at all and Afghanistan went on way, way too long. Neither of those countries were any threat to us or our allies. This is different.
Sean, the defense of the Suwalki Gap isn't about Ukraine. It's about the defense of Nato and the Baltic Nato countries who would be cut off if the Russians closed the gap. Now, we can talk about the future of, or the efficacy of Nato, and whether or not we should be a member. But right now we are a member and we do have our troops on the ground in Poland and the Baltics and that gap in my mind and the minds of others is crucial to the defense of Nato's northeastern flank.
A worm like Rightguide will never admit the obvious fact that Trump is pro-Putin to a degree that would embarrass Putin's mother.
These right wingers are hysterical.

They have zero arguments so they have to lie.
These right wingers are hysterical.

They have zero arguments so they have to lie.
Trump and Tucker Carlson.

A worm like Rightguide will never admit the obvious fact that Trump is pro-Putin to a degree that would embarrass Putin's mother.

See what I mean?

These right wingers are hysterical.

They have zero arguments so they have to lie.
These two suppurating pussies wouldn't know a set of facts if they announced themselves by buzzing a cattle prod on their clits. A matched pair of delusional fanatics. Two of the noisiest outhouse echoes you'll ever hear.
Yes for the reasons I have already explained to you in detail including the enabling language of our treaty with Taiwan. It gives the US way more authority to intervene in the security needs of Taiwan than we have now with Ukraine.
Colorable authority is one thing, and security interest is quite another.
These two suppurating pussies wouldn't know a set of facts if they announced themselves by buzzing a cattle prod on their clits. A matched pair of delusional fanatics. Two of the noisiest outhouse echoes you'll ever hear.
Attacking us doesn't change the facts.

What a sad little pathetic man you are that you deny reality rather than admit you're wrong.