Is The US Ready For An Invasion Of Eastern Europe?

No major countries are invading another major country ever again. It's fool's work to think otherwise.

You know why? Because your dumbass wouldn't be reading this.
This certainly aged well. Have any more brilliant prognostications to bestow upon us, genius?
The real question that needs to be asked is why are the NATO nations condoning an autocratic dictator like Putin to slaughter Jews in the name of purging Nazism when Ukraine is majority Jewish? Putin is literally the Nazi here and yet these politicians do nothing. #NoBallsBiden #LetsGoBrandon
I think, at this point, the wisdom of Trump trying to strengthen our ties with Russia is indisputable. We see where vilification and antagonism are getting us.
The words "wisdom" and "trump" should never be used in the same sentence.
The real question that needs to be asked is why are the NATO nations condoning an autocratic dictator like Putin to slaughter Jews in the name of purging Nazism when Ukraine is majority Jewish?

No country but Israel is majority Jewish.
The words "wisdom" and "trump" should never be used in the same sentence.
Yet here we are, are we not? Democrats for years made it politically impossible to improve relations with Russia, and now we have to contend with Russia and China locking arms against us.
Yet here we are, are we not? Democrats for years made it politically impossible to improve relations with Russia, and now we have to contend with Russia and China locking arms against us.
I don't care about Ds or Rs, my point is that trump has a sick mind and no soul. Wisdom? The guy is too lazy to read. What appeals to you about him is his ability to channel your hate for anyone left of center.
I don't care about Ds or Rs, my point is that trump has a sick mind and no soul. Wisdom? The guy is too lazy to read. What appeals to you about him is his ability to channel your hate for anyone left of center.
Trump wasn't a war-monger. That's definitely not sick. He also had good ideas about federal priorities (like making sure the border is protected and standing up to China) that were left unmentioned in DC until he came along. And isolating China depends on Russia being at least neutral, if not in our camp. When we needed to isolate Russia in the past, Nixon went to China. We needed something similar with Russia now, but the Left made it impossible.
I've heard 200,000, but the total population of the country is 44 million. It's not majority-Jewish.
A lot of the Jewish population has been forced to flee threat of retaliation by Russia since Ukraine declared independence.
And escalate the situation? For now staying steady seems wise. Sanctions aren't something that immediately change a situation. You need to give it at minimum another week or two. So many businesses are cutting ties and we would be wise to encourage them to ease back once Russia stops being agressive. It needs to be a serious deterrent. People love their sports.
The Suwalki Gap is Nato territory. It is the borderland area of Poland and Lithuania that forms the 60-mile wide corridor that separates Balarus and Kaliningrad. There are 10,000 Russian troops in Kaliningrad and Russian troops in Belarus that could close that gap and shut off logistical supply by rail and road from Poland to Lithuania and the rest of the Nato Baltic states farther north if Putin decides to expand his war. It's stupid not to defend that corridor.
Lupus lives in Latvia. If he speaks of Russians drinking champagne to celebrate Trump's victory, that might well be something he saw with his own eyes.
Maybe the Russian people who believe in freedom and reject Putin.
A lot of the Jewish population has been forced to flee threat of retaliation by Russia since Ukraine declared independence.
Yes, the Russians do have their own antisemitic tradition. That's why there are so many Jewish-Americans. They came here to get away from that.
On the one hand I think Putin has the sense not to want to occupy countries that will resent subordination to Russia, and which will be difficult to govern. On the other hand, I think he has legitimate security concerns. Russia is rich in natural resources, and has no natural borders. Russia will always be a tempting prize for a potential aggressor, and has been subjected to devastating invasions several times in the past.

I do not think any Western ruler is crazy enough to want to conquer parts of Russia, but as the ruler of Russia Putin has to think in terms of worst possible case scenarios.
That seems to have been proven to be false.
I think it might be time to ask Turkey to close the Bosphorus Straits to all Russian shipping.
Russia has coveted Istanbul/Constantinople for centuries. The Turks might be nervous about providing Putin with a pretext to take it.
Russia has coveted Istanbul/Constantinople for centuries. The Turks might be nervous about providing Putin with a pretext to take it.
Judging by their performance in Ukraine I don't think the Russians want anything to do with Turkey. It doesn't appear the Russians are up to the task of taking on Turkey. It's being reported that Putin is down to hiring Syrian mercenaries.
Judging by their performance in Ukraine I don't think the Russians want anything to do with Turkey. It doesn't appear the Russians are up to the task of taking on Turkey. It's being reported that Putin is down to hiring Syrian mercenaries.
And, of course, Turkey is a NATO member. I doubt Putin is ready to take that risk just yet.
Putin is literally the Nazi here and yet these politicians do nothing. #NoBallsBiden #LetsGoBrandon

My question is this:

Americans don't want to intervene in the war, because of the risk of nukes and ww3.
Understandably so.

But then why have they been encouraging for years Ukraine to openly standing up to Russia,
knowing not only that Ukraine stands no chance against Russian aggression,
but that once that happens, Americans will duck &leave?
My question is this:

Americans don't want to intervene in the war, because of the risk of nukes and ww3.
Understandably so.

But then why have they been encouraging for years Ukraine to openly standing up to Russia,
knowing not only that Ukraine stands no chance against Russian aggression,
but that once that happens, Americans will duck &leave?
Because what else could they do under the circumstances?

A lot of geopolitical decisions work that way. National leaders are often as liable as their people to being pushed along by forces beyond their control.

And, then again, sometimes they're not. On Putin's part, this is a war of choice, one he could have avoided.
Because what else could they do under the circumstances?

My question targetted what happened BEFORE Putin's aggression.

Why have Americans encouraged Ukrainians to posture against a country with such a formidable military force for years
knowing they'd have their hands tied in case of aggression?
My question targetted what happened BEFORE Putin's aggression.

Why have Americans encouraged Ukrainians to posture against a country with such a formidable military force for years
knowing they'd have their hands tied in case of aggression?
Because what else could they do under the circumstances? They wanted to keep Ukraine outside Russia's orbit for inescapable geopolitical reasons. They had to act in accordance with that imperative regardless of what they could actually do if this situation arose.
Because what else could they do under the circumstances? They wanted to keep Ukraine outside Russia's orbit for inescapable geopolitical reasons. They had to act in accordance with that imperative regardless of what they could actually do if this situation arose.
Still, as we speak, the United States does not have a true national security interest in Ukraine other than humanitarian.