Is there a difference to you between PORN and EROTICA?

Is it porn, or is it erotica???

The Kitchen

As she bent over to clear the dinner dishes, he couldn't help but watch her ass under the thin cotton gown. He stood and approached her quietly, and pushed her softly but firmly down so her breasts were crushed against the table. She didn't complain as he reached under her dress and began to move his hand over her panty-constricted bottom, following the line of the seam to the moistening crotch and up to her belly. She gripped the far side of the table and opened her legs wider, the hard edge of the table bit into her hips and under her nipples she could feel the pattern of the lace cloth.

He grabbed her panties from the back and began to pull them, but not off.... Up. In rhythmic small jerks he tightened and relaxed the white cotton against her clit and wedged it into the crack of her buttocks. Jerk, jerk, and jerk...the rhythm was making her ache. He pressed himself against her and she felt his hardness, but instead of releasing himself he rubbed his clothed dick against her nearly bare ass and continued the jerk, jerk, jerk of the white cotton.

Just as she began to moan and plead the front door slammed and running feet could be heard in the hall. By the time their child entered the kitchen she was back at the sink, washing dishes, and he was sitting at the table, one hand holding his cup, and the other feeling the warmth of the wood where she had just lain.



Is this PORN? Good question. According to those who claim their stories in here develope characters and plot, and thus are erotic, and not pornographic, then YES this would be porn. To those who see erotica as another word for porn, like I do, this would be erotic. Truth to be told it's a wonderful set of picture moments that if it had been less developed, or slashed to the bone wouldn't even have made a story. So maybe again what we are talking about here is personal tastes, and personal opinions when we declare something pornographic, or erotic.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man
I also think that erotica is a larger body of work that contains sex scenes, porn is just the sex scenes, or where the sex is gratuitios or the story is just pretense.

Again- nothing wrong with just porn. Porn is great. Porn is a million dollar industry, so somebody likes it. :) But erotica isn't just when you avoid using dirty words, and drag it out longer than it has to be (no my friends, that would be hack writing)

Erotica is when you have a story to tell, and sex is an itegral part of that story. (Bridges of Madison County, VC Andrews, Anne Rice- Three very diferent examples of erotica IMO) Erotica is more about not being afraid to include real life (which includes sex, and sometimes down and dirty sex) within a story or novel that is quality fiction.

Some good porn manages to be sorta "cross-over" like that short story about the couple in the kitchen that somebody posted. I think that story fully qualifies in either category. (Just MO) Its just good writing. It tells a complete story very susinctly (sp?) and it's HOT as well. So I'd say its whatever you want to call it.
And the truth will set you free...

Some good porn manages to be sorta "cross-over" like that short story about the couple in the kitchen that somebody posted. I think that story fully qualifies in either category. (Just MO) Its just good writing. It tells a complete story very susinctly (sp?) and it's HOT as well. So I'd say its whatever you want to call it.


Which is what I've been saying all along. Good porn, and good erotica are one and the same, when written well, just like bad erotica, and bad porn are just the same old trash when written badly. A Hare by any other name would be a rabbit, but a bunny hops at Playboy.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man
PoliteSuccubus said:
In another thread someone said "Gotta love porn" and I replied:

To me porn and erotica are two different things.

Porn is glossed over advertiseing for impossiable dreams, and primarily for men. Erotica is is more about what is really sexy to the writer and/or reader, and thusly more initmate.

Roughly, I think porn is genre-ruled. Readers expect a certain formula. Erotica is more artsy fartsy--sad endings are allowed.

Mia, the naif
Porn or Erotica?

Both man made definitions one we have been informed. Erotica dating to the 17th Century. Pornography to the 19th century.

Is there a distinctive difference? Aretinno's graphic illustrated Positions of Love were created in the 16th century - so are we to say they are neither erotic or pornographic.

Is this poem Pornographic or merely Erotic.

"Just now I found this young boy
stuffing his girl,
I rose naturally, and
(with a nod to Venus)
fell and transfixed him there
with a good stiff prick,
like his own"

Maybe it is neither because it was written by the Roman poet Catullus who lived between 84 and 54 BC.

The point I am trying to make is that the dividing line is a movable feast, dependent upon the time and society. Prior to 1959 the novel Lady Chatterly's Lover was classified as Pornography in the UK. Now it does not even qualify for the title erotica, - society hs moved on.

Getting hung up on this point is to get involved in contemplating your navel.

Take a look at my essay "Probably the Oldest Profession" if you wish to read a fairly concise history of Pornography / Erotica.

jon:devil: :devil: :devil:
Rather than add to the fascinating, manifold viewpoints already expressed, i offer an aside.

A shipment of books for Canada was stopped by US border guards who confiscated them as pornography. It led to a court case in the supreme court: Is it or is it not pornography?

The pertinent point being made was: How can these uneducated border guys decide what's pornography if the supreme court can't. [or us on the site here]. :confused:
Does it really matter, we have all probably looked at both, the difference I feel is that erotica arouses more, more foreplay if you like, whereas pornography is in your face immediately, after all our minds like to have a story building up the anticipation.
You're really asking how we ourselves define porn and erotica, right? Not how the dictionary defines them.

We went round and round about this on an earlier thread some months ago. Pretty much the same things were said.

I use the terms interchangably a lot, but when I have to make a distinction it's like this:

erotica is the literature of sex. Its examines the human experience of sexuality
pornography is literature designed specifically to titillate and arouse. As the courts used to say, it has no "redeeming social value".

My opinion.

Bythe popular definitions described here, I'd say that Porn first engages you between your legs, Erotica between your ears.

I was thinking about this some more today and what I think is that erotica is something you read just for the enjoyment of reading (say its horror, romance, sci-fi, whatever) but it turns you on. Porn is something you read JUST to get turned on. Labling something as "erotica" kinda ruins it as erotica, bc it sets you up to be turned on instead of it just happening. So erotica basicly has to belong to another genre in order to be erotica (IE, Interview w/ a Vampire) whereas anything that can ONLY be honestly labled "erotica" is actually, indeed, porn.

so that puts everything on this sight as porn (sorry) execpt of course, non-erotic. Personaly I don't have a problem with that, and I wonder about those who are offended by having there stuff labled as porn. (dunno, maybe they think of porn as sloppy work and implausable story lines)

so I don't know, does that make sence to anyone?
sweetnpetite said:
So erotica basicly has to belong to another genre in order to be erotica (IE, Interview w/ a Vampire) whereas anything that can ONLY be honestly labled "erotica" is actually, indeed, porn.
That's the first time I've seen anyone state it in this manner. It definitely makes sense to me.

Oh, and I'm new here so *waves* hello :) Since I am posting in this particular thread, I might as well add that I personally consider almost everything I write to be "porn". I just submitted a couple of pieces but they're still pending so I guess I'm as yet story-less on here.

violent intimacy said:
Oh, and I'm new here so *waves* hello :) Since I am posting in this particular thread, I might as well add that I personally consider almost everything I write to be "porn". I just submitted a couple of pieces but they're still pending so I guess I'm as yet story-less on here.


Welcome to the author's hangout. Keep posting and you'll soon lose that embarrasing "virgin" tag.

Personally I try to write stories that have sex in them instead of stories which are nothing but sex. Which is why I get low ratings although others in this section could give you more hurtful reasons why my stories aren't high rated.

By the way, there are sharks and other predators among the authors here. Watch out for them and try to believe all the rancour and backstabbing is all in fun - no possible malice intended.

regards from Og.
oggbashan said:
Welcome to the author's hangout. Keep posting and you'll soon lose that embarrasing "virgin" tag.

Hey, there's no shame in being a virgin! Plus I think the little "1" is cute:)
:waves back:

Personally I try to write stories that have sex in them instead of stories which are nothing but sex. Which is why I get low ratings although others in this section could give you more hurtful reasons why my stories aren't high rated..

Yes, I can see how that would get you low ratings. Despite its lofty name, people do come here to read about sex and to get turned on. When you're expectations are up, it takes more blatant efforts. Subtle erotica, or incidental erotica really only work (IMO) when you're not expecting to be turned on. (The slightest accidental touch can be exciting, but when your going at it, you sometimes need a rougher hand)

I haven't read your stuff, and I would never encuorage you to stop or take it down, but I do hope that you are also posting or publishing elsewhere, where you're style and work can be appreciated. If its really good you just have to find the right audience and forum. Personally, I LOVE to read, I read everything. I do enjoy good erotic fiction- but I'm not looking for it when I come here, and I don't bother with it. (I wouldn't vote you down though) I've read a couple of things in the non-erotic section, basicly just to see what kinds of things people post. So I have to admit it, I'm just another perv, looking for smut:):):);)
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My work needs hazard warnings

sweetnpetite said:
. I haven't read your stuff, and I would never encuorage you to stop or take it down, but I do hope that you are also posting or publishing elsewhere, where you're style and work can be appreciated. If its really good you just have to find the right audience and forum. Personally, I LOVE to read, I read everything. I do enjoy good erotic fiction- but I'm not looking for it when I come here, and I don't bother with it. (I wouldn't vote you down though) I've read a couple of things in the non-erotic section, basicly just to see what kinds of things people post. So I have to admit it, I'm just another perv, looking for smut:):):);)

Don't read my stuff to find smut. It is there, sometimes, but you have to wait for it. I post on Literotica because I get much more intelligent feedback than almost anywhere else. In one place I have had no feedback at all in nearly two years, although I've posted on average one story a month.

Like most Lit authors I also get the unintelligent feedback. I'm happy with any response from someone who seems to have read and understood the story even if they think it is rubbish.

Perhaps I'll try to compete with DurtGurl and her panel of experts and write some smut - just for you. Watch this space for about six weeks.

Told you that you have to WAIT for my stories.

Thanks, ogg and sweetnpetite, for the welcome.

*looks at the cute little 2*

How many before I am deflowered??? Not that being a virgin again isn't nice and all but... it just seems so wrong =)
Losing the "virgin" etc.

violent intimacy said:
Thanks, ogg and sweetnpetite, for the welcome.

*looks at the cute little 2*

How many before I am deflowered??? Not that being a virgin again isn't nice and all but... it just seems so wrong =)

If you go to the General Board and look at the thread "Tentative Hello" and scroll down to the post by morninggirl5 you will find the definitive answers to all the questions you didn't know you had to ask.

I write long sentences as well as being boring.

Love from Og.
Re: My work needs hazard warnings

oggbashan said:
Don't read my stuff to find smut. It is there, sometimes, but you have to wait for it. I post on Literotica because I get much more intelligent feedback than almost anywhere else. In one place I have had no feedback at all in nearly two years, although I've posted on average one story a month.

Like most Lit authors I also get the unintelligent feedback. I'm happy with any response from someone who seems to have read and understood the story even if they think it is rubbish.

Perhaps I'll try to compete with DurtGurl and her panel of experts and write some smut - just for you. Watch this space for about six weeks.

Told you that you have to WAIT for my stories.


LOL. That's funny, I like that. Do you use humor in your stories?

Well, as long as you are getting good feedback, that's good. But do you try to publish anywhere hardcopy? maybe for money? Nothing says appreciation like a nice check:)
porn vs. erotica

my communist past tells me to say " it's a class thing," and i'm just gonna have to go with that. porn is for the lower classes and erotica is for the higher. it's that simple. no battle of the sexes and all that baggage. just class warfare, pure and simple.
Re: Re: My work needs hazard warnings

sweetnpetite said:
LOL. That's funny, I like that. Do you use humor in your stories?

Well, as long as you are getting good feedback, that's good. But do you try to publish anywhere hardcopy? maybe for money? Nothing says appreciation like a nice check:)

Yes, I think my stories are full of humour. But it is British humour, just as I write in British English. Most of the time I have got my tongue in my cheek but do the readers understand the humour? I'm not sure.

"The Vinyl Dress" is satire on the people who want a glossy clad dominatrix waving a whip at them. Of course the title attracts people whom I'm trying to offend - so the scoring is low.

"The Casbah" has very little sex and is a pastiche on the 1940s films like Casablanca. If the readers haven't seen Casablanca they probably won't relate to "The Casbah".

If you really want a sample of my humour - look at my poetry. They are all short and they rhyme but "poetry" they are not.

I would like to publish sometime but I don't think I'm good enough yet. I'm using Literotica for practice and learning far more from the people here than I expected. Being paid for my writing would be wonderful but I have been published before. My CV as the real me lists 20 publications which are all very technical and informative such as "How to make employees redundant" (and avoid legal problems). Writing about female footballers controlling and loving their men is much more enjoyable.

Regards from Og who still writes stories that most Lit readers find boring but a few enjoy.

PS. Three stories awaiting approval but one has NO humour at all and is intended to go in Erotic Horror.
The difference between "Porn andErotica" comes down to the difference between men and women, I mean really, does your wife or girlfriend pose for girlir magizines, . I wonder why? I have never read Danielle Steele or any other literature that is written for woman, but lets face it we are two diferent species. Manipulation, is the best wer can hope for.
From reading many of the posts in this thread, it's seems obvious that the very word "pornography" has some negative connotations attached to it for some authors here. I find that very interesting, considering most of us post our stories at Literotica and other sites typically associated with pornography.

To me, a sex scene is inherently pornography. The description of a sex scene, if done well, will cause sexual excitement (of one form or another) in your readers. Every scene in a story has some intent, including sex scenes. You are trying to evoke something from the reader. A tender moment where two lovers are reunited after a long separation evokes certain feelings and emotions. Why write it if it won’t?

By definition, if you are intending to cause sexual excitement with what you have written, it is pornography. Erotica by definition is devoted to, or tending to arouse sexual love or desire.

Is there anyone here that writes erotica with no intent to cause sexual excitement in their readers? Is there a difference between writing to arouse sexual desire, versus writing to cause sexual excitement? Just curious how everyone views this, and if anyone sees a difference.

Pookie :rose:
How about...

Porn is always graphic, and may be interesting*
Erotica is interesting, and may incidentally be graphic

* Interesting: unusual locations, sexual tension, twists of plot or dominance, or any similar attempt to intrigue by more than simply descriptions of colliding genitals ;)

Obviously I'm using the two words to make a value judgement, and obviously I'd like to think that my stories are "erotica" (i.e. interesting!) ;)
Porn is always graphic, and may be interesting* Erotica is interesting, and may incidentally be graphic

Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one. Flowery words don't make intercourse any less pornograpic, nor more interesting. You say potatoes, I say po tot ooos. Live with it.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man