Is your story *hot*?

MathGirl said:
As Al Pacino said, "Fuck you, you fucking fucker."
Dear Ms. Makes Fun of All Ethnic Groups,

He always said, "Fuck jew!" That's how an Italian NY-er speaks with a Cubano accent.


perdita said:
He always said, "Fuck jew!" That's how an Italian NY-er speaks with a Cubano accent.
Dear Perdita,
I, of course, bow to your greater experience.
Ps. They all sound like PRicans to me.
Svenskaflicka said:
Or, as the upperclass would say: "Phuck you!"
Flicka, I know you're multi-lingual, but I think 'Phuck you' is Vietnamese, or maybe Thai.

I don't think the upperclasses know how to fuck.

Evidently I need to get a ticket to Puerto Rico. I mean if they're all just waiting there for me, I wouldn't want to disappoint them.

I mean, there can't be all that many Jews on the island, can there. Competition should be pretty slim.
ffreak said:
I mean, there can't be all that many Jews on the island, can there. Competition should be pretty slim.
Dear f,
Do you mean you want to go to PR and get a high-paying job being a Jew? Huh. Lots of people around here do it for nothing.
Eff, you are utterly confusing me. How did you get to being desired in Puerto Rico when the topic of 'fuck jews' was centered re. Cubano chingados in Miami?

Please, it's not even noon here and I have much to accomplish.

Perdita :confused:
Sorry, just being my random self.
"Fuck jew" - I was volunteering to try-out for the part.

Since when do I have to make cents.:D
quote from FF
Since when do I have to make cents.

I don't know but if you have change for a twenty give it to me
I want to put my two cents in. also I'd like to know what the F is going on.;)
Eff, thanks, got it. You have a thing about butter don't you?

Perdita ;)
To answer the original question lol
Imagine me getting something back on track. Albeit the wrong side but oh well...

4 of my stories have the little H. It's funny I don't think they're the most erotic of the bunch but the is no accounting for the readership.
TheEarl said:
I've tried recently to make the sex feel naughty and forbidden for my characters. Well it works for me.

The Earl

I agree on this one. Sometimes when I'm writing, I'll get an idea that makes me feel almost embarrased to even think, let alone write it. But when I do, its a hit! My two highest rated stories are my watersport story "Forced to Pee" and my incest roll-play. "TXT-MSSG" If you really feel like your pushing a personal boundry, I think it shines through.

IN adition, I think the women in the stories need to be more than wallpaper, objects to be acted upon. They need to act, think feel and have there own desires that arent' always in line with the male character, which brings me to...

Everybody doesnt' always get exactly what they want.

And conflict is important too. (Its a good way to have more tension which svensaflica pointed raises the hot quotient.) outIts good to have two stories going on at once, what's happening with there bodies and whats happening in there heads. It's just sex, but it's not just sex. Without getting to deep and 'literary' you want there to be something interesting going on, cuz tab A into slot B is boring. Is she trying to get a promotion, Is he tryinhg to spice up there mariage? Is she testing him? Is she manipulating him? Simple things, I don't think I do it on purpose, but they work there way into my best stories. YOu don't want it to be too heavy handed so the sex is incidental. You want the sex to drive both your A and B story.

Well, I only have two =H= stories, so take that as you will. But I do get lots of great feedback.
openthighs_sarah said:
I find that this sentence really helps generate enthusiastic reader mail:

"Fuck my fucking ass, you fucking goddamn fuck."

Then, a little later, I might throw this in:

"Jesus... christ... Don't you ever fucking stop fucking my fucking ass..."

Beats me why it works. There may be a Jungian archetype thing at work. The great thing about it is that, apparently, context doesn't matter.

I'm thinking of trying to trademark that first sentence, the way Fox News tried to trademark "Fair and balanced". It would be fun just to read the news stories about the resulting lawsuits.

Please stop blaspheming here. If you have no concern for your soul, at least you should be respectful of the sensibilities of others who find that sort of language, that sort of blaspheming repugnant.

The Cleaning Lady

I love it when people use the word "blaspheme"....its so beautifully archaic and condescending.

When I want to appear self-righteously superior...I use the word Blaspheme!

Plus...its almost as fun to say as "spork"

Hey Keyboard, there's nothing like blasphemy for an ex-Catholic-schoolgirl. I love it done right, and the verb form does have an edge to it. Everyone, say it: Blaspheme...

Blasphemously, Perdita :devil:
The Cleaning Lady

I love this wench! She's bringing up all the cool threads from the depths of Lit.

You go girl, goddamnit.
a blowtorch

In the two stories that I wrote intending them to be actual stories (LOOK MA NO HANDS and WRONG NUMBER) as opposed to short vignettes, I just tried to relay a series of almost accidental events, some sexual, some non-sexual and meld them together. Since I write exclusively for a woman's pleasure (at least I try to) I think I have the luxury of drawing sex out more, slowing it down, not being forced to continually slam cocks into cunts and asses and the nearest rabbit hole as everybody screams and cums wildly. And, apparently, my stuff is funny. At least that's the general conclusion I get from all the feedback.

On the other hand, I have four or five more stories in their final form to submit and the few women I've shown them to in advance have suggested I use a blowtorch on them.

Hmmmm...okay, back to the drawing board.
Originally posted by janus40s
Give the reader a sensation that he/she was not expecting and you will create heat.
That's how I approach it, personally. In reading erotica, I noticed that the stuff I print out and use for my wank bank (--Err. Pretend I didn't just say that. :eek: ) is always vivid and decriptive in ways I never would have thought of. It's the touch of the unexpected that really gets a rise out of me, and I try to do the same thing in my stories.

I hope it works, because I have almost no actual experience to draw upon. :D Though, to some extent, the Tab A Into Slot B aspects you can pick up by just reading a lot. Not that you'll necessarily have that touch of been-there-done-that veracity, but you'll know basically what people like seeing in their sex scenes, and can, ahem, blatantly copy it.

I also try to create vivid characters. I'm a big believer in the idea that the reader will have more fun if he's actually interested in the characters. ...At least, I hope that's true, because I doubt my ability to write a sex scene that really gets people's glands going. :rolleyes:
Re: Man.....

Originally posted by wornoutkeyboard
Plus...its almost as fun to say as "spork"
"Please stop sporking here. If you have no concern for your soul..."

(contributing nothing sacred :D)