Isolated BDSM Blurts: Facehugger Fetish

Yay, I’m so happy for you! October is a classic moving month here and having time to pack and plan for the new place us not a bad thing.

I tried out new glasses and sun glasses today and now I want them to be ready sow I can get them now, now, now!

It’s really good to have the time to pack and get everything sorted and this way we won’t have to spend our summer vacation on any of the unpleasant moving stuff.

I’ve been eyeing new glasses too. I know the feeling so well, you just want the new ones immediately. Pics please when you get them!
Is TPH the only mod still here?

SammaelBard has never really posted here, so it’s hard to say if he’s around doing moderatorial duties or not. The last time there was a mod need, Laurel basically waited for someone to raise their hand to be a mod, and TPH did.
I just accidently sent a mostly finished and very emotional email that had been sitting in my drafts folder since 2009. I didn't even know I had a drafts folder until today, it was the only message there. I was supposed to delete it but that didn't quite go to plan...

Fingers crossed the recipient doesn't use that email anymore. :rolleyes:
I just accidently sent a mostly finished and very emotional email that had been sitting in my drafts folder since 2009. I didn't even know I had a drafts folder until today, it was the only message there. I was supposed to delete it but that didn't quite go to plan...

Fingers crossed the recipient doesn't use that email anymore. :rolleyes:

Here’s hoping they don’t read it or that they do and there’s an incredibly positive outcome. :heart:
SammaelBard has never really posted here, so it’s hard to say if he’s around doing moderatorial duties or not. The last time there was a mod need, Laurel basically waited for someone to raise their hand to be a mod, and TPH did.

SammaelBard definitely takes action on reports from time to time. I’m active in the forums so I often remove and/or edit the problematic posts and threads because I see them before seeing the report email. I think and I tag team this forum well.
Nothing so far, but the email didn’t bounce back, so the address still works. It’s a question of if and how often they still read what ends up there…

Perhaps send a short note to explain why it got sent? Don’t know the backstory, but it might save the recipient some head scratching and you from getting a response as if you had sent it on purpose now.
If you chose to brag that you got all the groceries from the boot to the bench in one trip, then you've effectively forfeited your right to complain that the corn chips are smooshed to smithereens. :mad:
Perhaps send a short note to explain why it got sent? Don’t know the backstory, but it might save the recipient some head scratching and you from getting a response as if you had sent it on purpose now.

That’s a good idea. It’s very obvious from the message it was related to something that happened a long time ago, but maybe it’s safer to send a little explanatory note just in case.
That’s a good idea. It’s very obvious from the message it was related to something that happened a long time ago, but maybe it’s safer to send a little explanatory note just in case.

It might just be my own bad experience talking.
I had a bit of stalker and she could totally have done something like that on purpose. Then years later she sent me a wierdly cute holiday card and freaked me out like crazy, until I realized she had a friend with almost the same name. :rolleyes:
It might just be my own bad experience talking.
I had a bit of stalker and she could totally have done something like that on purpose. Then years later she sent me a wierdly cute holiday card and freaked me out like crazy, until I realized she had a friend with almost the same name. :rolleyes:


I didn't even think of that! I'm glad I sent the little clear up message earilier today.
There are some older threads here if you search. Found this f ex.

The biggest problem with this is that it depends a lot on the individual and the pregnancy. It’s also easy to talk past each other about what is a risk or not. Spanking your butt for example is probably totally ok (not a doctor, bla bla…). To lie on your stomach during the spanking however, is not a good idea and later in pregnancy, if you lie on your back for more than a short while, that can put pressure on the vena cava and make you pass out. So it might be easy to say that something is ok, but other circumstances might complicate it.
In my case I was told that we shouldn’t have sex. I thought they meant that penetration was a problem and was lucky that I asked further questions, because it turned out that orgasms were just as problematic. Yes, looong prenancy…

You might want to consider how to handle any marks when visiting you medical care facility. In some cases it might work to talk about BDSM and in others it might cause problems. If it’s the latter you will need to be careful.

Edit because I forgot the obvious: Congratulations!
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thank You for both the link and the congratulations :):rose:

Perhaps you could make a thread and ask in Talk. I’m guessing there are more people out there who have experience with it.
I’ll try to think back and see what I remember.
maybe i gonna start such a thread later this week :) and thank you for the congratulations too :rose: and what about a thread on the adjustments after birth? :eek::D

I think you could ask both questions in one thread if you want, if you mean the time right after birth.
not just that time :eek: i meant how to manage keeping kinks and kids (with my luck it might be twins lol but cannot know yet) apart from each other :eek: some adjustments come to mind quite easily and others are rather easily forgotten :eek: W/we just want to keep O/our kinks away from 'em :eek::rolleyes::D so He's thinking of 'reviving' more of the house and making what's now the living room into the kink space and making it soundproof and stuff like that :D:devil::heart:

Mm, I see.
From my experience it changes a lot over time and depends on the individual child, so it’s difficult to plan too far ahead. You would probably be planning for something that might not ever come up and miss something that will need attention when it comes up.
But sure, there are things that are pretty general.
is it better to ask these questions in different threads?

I would probably start by asking about things to consider during pregnancy and the first time after giving birth I think, but that’s just a matter of posting style.
I would like things to just work properly. It feels like every single day there is a new thing that is wrong. Everything vaguely hurts constantly and sometimes it’s intense but mostly it’s just there. Always. There’s side effects from meds and it’s hard to tell what’s helping and what’s hurting. Do I add another med to counteract the med that’s causing the side effects? How many supplements am I going to need by the end of the day? On top of what’s wrong, it’s also hard to test for and it’s “invisible” so most people can’t wrap their head around someone that looks completely normal not being up to “having fun.” It’s hard to gage how much energy I have to expend and it leads to either doing nothing (party pooper), doing something but stopping short (party pooper), or managing to have the energy and successfully doing the thing (faker), or not having the energy and pushing through anyway (oh, you’re fine don’t be dramatic).

Isolation sounds like a dream.
Is it creepy if you put a fellow Litster's city in your weather app on your phone so you can know when they might be awake and posting on Lit?

Asking for a friend