Isolated Blurts - The HT Cafe Way

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LOL I used to love going in on urology cases.

We had one doc that would always say "Ok, I am now going to touch your penis" before he would start. They all started flinching before he even touched him. One guy even exclaimed "Oh my God"

I couldn't help myself...I started laughing!
Today I probably made the following comment half a dozen times - each time with a straight face.

"Your penis is in the urinal. Go on and pee."

I'm not sure how I managed to maintain any semblance of self-control.
How deep are the insights gathered through a shallow medium

maybe they are just simply wrong


Last week I was shocked to hear that my 8yr old had a "lock down drill" at school. Now I am very grateful.

The worst we ever had to worry about was a fire drill.

There are a lot of sick, twisted people in this world.
Last week I was shocked to hear that my 8yr old had a "lock down drill" at school. Now I am very grateful.

The worst we ever had to worry about was a fire drill.

There are a lot of sick, twisted people in this world.
We had fire and tornado drills and that was it.

I hugged the crap out of my two youngest girls when they got off the bus about 30 minutes ago. :(
I love nothing more than media speculation. Amazing what they'll say if they know nothing. The media are a bunch of fuckwits.
There are days when this is a mixed up, fucked up, cruel, and sad world.

Kids.... What pathetic, sick fucking animal does this to children?

Hug and hold your kids today. Whether 3 years old or 33, hug em and tell them you love them.

And leave the TV off today. Leave it off, hold your kids, show them they are loved. That is all.
I love nothing more than media speculation. Amazing what they'll say if they know nothing. The media are a bunch of fuckwits.
That's the worst thing about about 24-hour news networks. Don't know what's going on? Speculate. Hell, just make shit up! :rolleyes:
I am so damned tired of the now-automatic response from the right: "Now is not the time to politicize a tragedy." Bullshit! There is no better time than now because right now it's far too late for some 20 innocent young kids. Whose kids' lives are going to be worth less than your indignity at dealing with more restrictive gun laws? Whose kids are next?
I am so damned tired of the now-automatic response from the right: "Now is not the time to politicize a tragedy." Bullshit! There is no better time than now because right now it's far too late for some 20 innocent young kids. Whose kids' lives are going to be worth less than your indignity at dealing with more restrictive gun laws? Whose kids are next?
Yeah, but if we required our teachers to conceal-carry in the classroom. . .

OK, I got nothing.
I know the pro and anti sides are pretty fired up, but I believe two things:

1) Given human depravity, I think we can all agree that IF someone wishes to do another harm, another law won't stop them. It may inconvenience them, as some say, but good or bad, guns are here to stay. As are bombs, fire and knives. The school is a gun-free zone, but since when have criminals obeyed the law?

2) We need to find out why this is happening so often around the world...rampages, China 22 people were involved in a mass stabbing. There is something going on that is universal, and has nothing to do with the tools employed, it is about PEOPLE.

anyway, my two cents...
Saw my newly 21 year old sister at the bars for the first time with all her friends. Scary...
The status update of one of my Facebook friends:
i cannt stand stupid and there sure is alot of it around here its catching like the flue i think
Sorry for the double-post. Okay, not really.

Was just sitting here thinking about how I wouldn't even be here today if, exactly 45 years ago, my mom hadn't made an ordinary, mundane decision that, in hindsight, literally (and I'm using that word correctly here) saved her life.
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