It's the 1st Monthly Literotica Contest final results!

tungtied2u said:
One question to the mods....and you don't have to answer this... but how did you decide the order of the poems in the groups...first come, first served; put "em in a bag and pull out names; throwing darts....? enquiring minds want to know....:rolleyes:
It was the order of arrival. First come, first serve.
tungtied2u said:
Dairy Queen....hmmmm? Now that would have made a good subject for a Winter poem..:)

Don't think I wasn't tempted...

an old Scotsman named Angus told me a story about going to Scolly square in Boston years ago, and going to a burlesque show that featured a " dairy queen"

but it's a bit risque and i shall say no more
I want to add my congratulations, and my thanks to the moderators and the sponsors. :rose:
I didn't really try to guess, but I had some ideas. . . that were completely wrong (except for Liar). :p
I knew I would be easy to guess, but I tried to be a little SPish at the end be confusing.
If we are supposed to submit these now I will have to think up a title and do a little editing.
Tathagata said:
Don't think I wasn't tempted...

an old Scotsman named Angus told me a story about going to Scolly square in Boston years ago, and going to a burlesque show that featured a " dairy queen"

but it's a bit risque and i shall say no more

oh yeah, like that's stopped you in the past.....:p
This contest was a blast. I was hopeless when it came to guessing the poets.

Let's do it again!
And so it goes

Apparently, doing well in this contest is not any indicator of how a poem will fare when published:

This message contains feedback for: impressive
About the submission: drifting
This feedback was sent by: Anonymous


This poem has nothing unique in its phrasing, word choice or message.

Your use of alliteration is excessive and makes the poem sound juvenile.

... which was accompanied by a 2 vote. :rolleyes:

Oh, well. :D
Re: And so it goes

impressive said:
Apparently, doing well in this contest is not any indicator of how a poem will fare when published:
This message contains feedback for: impressive
About the submission: drifting
This feedback was sent by: Anonymous


This poem has nothing unique in its phrasing, word choice or message.

Your use of alliteration is excessive and makes the poem sound juvenile.

... which was accompanied by a 2 vote. :rolleyes:

Oh, well. :D
That is somewhat surprising, especially the last sentence, usually Anonymous doesn't make such explicit critical statements. :) Couched in different words it could almost be a constructive statement (even if it isn't correct). - At least it is a step up from "You're peom SUCKS!" ( They always spell the vulgarities correctly).
For what it is worth, I like your poem, and I like alliteration! - But then, I consider puns the 'highest' form of humor, not the 'lowest'. :)
Re: And so it goes

impressive said:
Apparently, doing well in this contest is not any indicator of how a poem will fare when published:

... which was accompanied by a 2 vote. :rolleyes:

Oh, well. :D
Bah! Don't listen to the anonymous. I enjoyed drifting and countered the anon's 2 with a 5
Re: Re: And so it goes

neonurotic said:
Bah! Don't listen to the anonymous. I enjoyed drifting and countered the anon's 2 with a 5

Re: Re: And so it goes

neonurotic said:
Bah! Don't listen to the anonymous. I enjoyed drifting and countered the anon's 2 with a 5

TYVM ... and foehn, as well. :rose:
Congratulations Mr Carrington. I loved your poem.

Neo... I could pick you out, blindfolded. Just be still! I won't tickle much.

Thanks ThePoets and Laurel and Manu. The contest added a little zip to the fading last week of January. I liked it.

PS... happy subterranean rodent day!
Congratulations all!

I was especially moved by Liar's poem, which I feel should be published in an anthology or something similar. Incredible stuff, legendary really. The others were good but Liar really rules the field here, despite the voting.

Re: Congratulations all!

sack said:
I was especially moved by Liar's poem, which I feel should be published in an anthology or something similar. Incredible stuff, legendary really. The others were good but Liar really rules the field here, despite the voting.


Ya know, I was going to let this go because I agree Liar is a great writer but I really think this post is in poor taste and a really bad way to end the contest.

I think it's great you like Liar's poem and it's totally within your rights to think he should have won.

Why not pm that to Liar instead of insulting the actual winner of the contest with your implication that another poem was more deserving?

Patrick's poem deserved to win the contest based on the votes of his peers. That is a fact. Any other statements are just opinion and undermine the spirit of the contest.

Just because you are faceless here doesn't mean you should be mannerless.
Last edited:
since when are votes not opinions?

That's funny, I always thought votes were based on opinions. So what are you saying, my thoughts are just an opinion, but everyone elses' votes are somehow superior?(and not based on opinions?) I don't have to go along with "majority rules" if I don't want to. There were a lot of problems with the way this was set up...depending on where your poem was, it could have suffered because one poem in a particular group was seen as superior. Moreover, because the votes were posted in the process, people that voted toward the end of the contest might have thought, "well that one has a 10, and the other has a 3, guess there is no reason for me to vote for the can't win anyway." Or, even more alarming...."that one got an 11?? I thought it was just average. Maybe I should re-read it...I must be missing something." And then, embarrassed, that person votes for the "11" poem, even though initially they didn't want to. In the first three semi-final groups, there were not an even number of final voters, so that makes an unequal playing field right there. Yes, the two best from each group were picked, but higher numbers of initial votes just resonate in the memory, that's human nature.

This was the first time this type of thing was ever tried, and I would expect growing pains. Personally, I would allow 3 votes, to all the poems presented together, in one group. Not a 1,2,3 order, just three poems you like. I also would not display the voting progress at any time so later voters aren't influenced....that's just good voting practice and fair all around. So, the final result would be three times the number of votes, more poems would be recognized with higher scores, and you would have avoided all the issues I just raised.

By the way, I never said anything insulting about the winning poem, just that I think Liar's "leads the field". Why do you think everything must be so black and white? How do you know I don't absolutely love the winning poem, but just absolutely love Liar's a wee bit more? You see the problem with making interpretations with little information?

1. Votes are opinions and everyone gets one. To say that you think the poem that you felt was the best should have won is not stating that your vote is equal to others, it is saying it is superior. A lot of people did not vote for the winning poem. You put in your vote for Liar (who I admire) when you voted.

2. You did what you advised Cat against:"You see the problem with making interpretations with little information?"
She never said or implied that your vote did not matter, or that you should somehow follow the pack or that you should subscribe to the idea that "majority rules"

3. Like in doing reviews or making critiques, it is a good idea to make constructive suggestions for improvement if they do not get personal or too picky. I think many of your suggestions are mathematically sound, but many were already addressed-- ie but Lauren already said, she posted them in order of submission. Just curious: How do you suggest they position them that would be more fair? If one poem has to be first and one poem has to be 22nd, is that more fair? If you shuffle them around then it is completely confusing to readers who have to come back many times to read.

There is no reason for a person to be embarassed about who they voted for. No one knows who voted for who unless they came out in public and announced it.

Personally, I have more faith in the people here to vote for the poem they think is the best. I do not see people here as sheep, but as individuals who know how to make up their minds.

The effect of people voting for friends, was eliminated as much as possible by taking the names off.

4. I will be helping Liar and Pat for the next contest. We will take your issues into consideration as well as the suggestion of others. Maybe you should consider volunteering to do the work for the next one :)

Finally I have to say that none of this matters in the big picture of things and I cannot believe I just spent part of my morning writing this :rolleyes:

and that when all is said and done, Pat is secure enough in his writing that he can handle you liking Liar's poem more. It is a matter of taste, who can dispute that?

You are right, this was the first contest, and I know the moderators are already aware of ways to improve the process. But I think that everyone did a darn good job at keeping this fair, and are willing to improve.

So congrats again to all of the participants, thanks to all those who took the time to read and vote, and to those selected anonymously by anon. peers.

Now lets all be poetic


Oh by the way, Moderators?

Will Laurel be supplying another prize for the next one?

And I guess we should get started if it is Feb's contest?

Or should we shoot for a bi-monthly contest?

I have an idea for a topic. Want to shoot it by P&L.


By the way, I never said anything insulting about the winning poem, just that I think Liar's "leads the field".

I no longer post in these threads...but you said " rules" not leads

The others were good but Liar really rules the field here, despite the voting.

and " despite the voting" needs an " in my opinion" after it.
( in my opinion)

over and out
Re: since when are votes not opinions?

sack said:

By the way, I never said anything insulting about the winning poem, just that I think Liar's "leads the field". Why do you think everything must be so black and white? How do you know I don't absolutely love the winning poem, but just absolutely love Liar's a wee bit more? You see the problem with making interpretations with little information?


On the contrary, it is you who is looking at things in terms of black and white, or rather your opinion and everyone else’s opinion.

Of course you insulted the winning poem. Even if you thought it was a great poem, you said you believed that another poem deserved to win. How do you think that would make the winner of any contest feel? I think it's important to consider the consequences your words can have on other people. It’s a childish game to pretend that implication doesn’t have the same effect as stating one's opinions expressly.

You also insulted everyone who voted for the eventual winning poem by the arrogant way you stated your opinion regarding whom you believed should have won.

The whole point of a contest run by voting is that the majority will rule. Comments made after the fact in public regarding the outcome show disrespect for the winner and the other members of the board that voted.

You could have lauded Liar's poem all you wanted without implying that people should have chosen it as the winning poem. You stepped over the line of your opinion and commented on everyone else's. I think that is in very bad taste.

The moderators are intelligent and fair people who did the best they could to make the contest fair for everyone. Once again, it would have been nice if you had shown them a little courtesy and pm’ed any complaints or issues you had with the contest, instead of doing it public. I am sure they would have been happy to receive the feedback, just as Liar would have been happy to hear that you loved his poem. There is nothing wrong with either “end” but your means leave a lot to be desired.

All I am saying is be careful of the people you trample getting to your ‘end”.

I apologize to Liar and Patrick for using their names and poems in this discussion. This issue really has nothing to do with either of them. They are both great poets.

Good Luck with the next contest Anna. If you need any help, let me know.

Re: since when are votes not opinions?

sack said:
Moreover, because the votes were posted in the process, people that voted toward the end of the contest might have thought, "well that one has a 10, and the other has a 3, guess there is no reason for me to vote for the can't win anyway." Or, even more alarming...."that one got an 11?? I thought it was just average. Maybe I should re-read it...I must be missing something."


I'd just like to point out that the reader could not SEE the votes until AFTER s/he voted on the poem of his/her choice.
I thought it went well.

I wrote about a subject I hate in a form I don't use and the
votes showed it. It was fun though. Congrats to Pat and
a thank you to the 'POETS'. Let us move on to another contest
about another season or emotion. We could like go from winter
to summer and from snow to sand and from windows to longneck bottles. We could stop and smell the early spring flowers even
though that ain't one of my strong points. The point is this is
a done deal; let the groundhog out and lets move on. Long live King Pat.
Didn't see all this hulaballoo until just now. I think I'll choose to not comment too much. Glad you liked it, Sack. But that doen't mean it should had won. :)

Now, on to the next round. Is it me, anna and Pat behind the wheel?