It's the 1st Monthly Literotica Contest final results!

Lauren Hynde said:
That "good for them" at the end of my post is interchangeable with "fuck 'em", but i didn't want to sound belligerent. :D

oh, go ahead. :)
Lauren Hynde said:
I've been keeping quiet, but I have to say that I think you all need to take a chill-pill. :cool:

So what if I say that Poem X kicked ass and was the best ever written? If I said it, whether or not I added "in my opinion", it's because it's my opinion, not an absolute truth. And if anyone disagrees with my opinion, good for them.

Oh good
so the " fuck 'em" will be read automatically in any dissenting post I make?
Good trade off

I take back the " in my opinion" clause
Lauren Hynde said:
Oh, how much is it? :D

I think it's pretty cheap... you'll have to come look...

but Lauren?? Be very careful in there, ok? The madness has already started to take over!
oh dear, the double standard again....

I'm all for moving on to the next contest....which is why I've been trying to offer suggestions on how to improve it. Guess I am the only brave person that really doesn't care if these suggestions are followed or not. But speaking of feelings, which everyone seems to be obsessing about lately, how would you feel if your poem got only 2 votes in the contest, and that information was available over the whole voting period? I am much more sympathetic to a person in that plight (there were several actually) than the possible "slighting" of the winner by anything I inferred by saying Liar's poem is publishable. Which is why I strongly suggest the voting should not be visible at any time during future contests. As a matter of fact, no one should know the rankings/votes of poems/stories in ANY Literotica contest until the contest winners are announced. That's unheard of in any other contest I can think of, and I think it's about time Literotica joined the "Real World".
Almost forgot about the double standard. Yes, I am game playing, just the blunt real deal. So, if I am reading correctly, this is "impolite behavior". After all, heaven forbid someone's feelings are hurt by something I state, which of course never happens when others share their feelings. And sure, no problem if others are outspoken, they've been here a long time, they deserve it. Why, it isn't impolite at all to say someone should be bitch slapped, or is arrogant, or wants to argue, or get attention, or any of those silly of me to even think such a notion. And please don't come back with such nonsense as "you started it." We're not in third grade any more, the forums are supposed to be a free exchange of ideas. Sure, I ask the hard questions, they absolutely need to be asked and sometimes things need to be shook up to make real progress. In this manner, I wanted to ask another hard question, in response to Tath's scolding that people won't vote on my poems if I upset them. Do you all hope that the voting on your poems will be a good cross section of lit., friends, total strangers, anonymous, etc.? I have a problem with friends JUST voting for friends. If you follow that logic, the highest rated poems will be by the people with the most friends...that says nothing about the quality of the poem itself. And that is the beauty of a well written supersedes everything, what the poet says in the forums, their personality, background, etc. I personally vote on moving, well-written poems....I could care less if I like the poet personally, never heard of the name before, think the person is a jerk, etc. To me, just voting for a select few of your friends, whether their poems have any value or not, is very "high school". Now, let's hear other viewpoints....(should have made this into a new thread).

Lauren Hynde said:
That "good for them" at the end of my post is interchangeable with "fuck 'em", but i didn't want to sound belligerent. :D

Yes you did, lol.

Re: oh dear, the double standard again....

sack said:
I'm all for moving on to the next contest....which is why I've been trying to offer suggestions on how to improve it. Guess I am the only brave person that really doesn't care if these suggestions are followed or not. But speaking of feelings, which everyone seems to be obsessing about lately, how would you feel if your poem got only 2 votes in the contest, and that information was available over the whole voting period? I am much more sympathetic to a person in that plight (there were several actually) than the possible "slighting" of the winner by anything I inferred by saying Liar's poem is publishable. Which is why I strongly suggest the voting should not be visible at any time during future contests. As a matter of fact, no one should know the rankings/votes of poems/stories in ANY Literotica contest until the contest winners are announced. That's unheard of in any other contest I can think of, and I think it's about time Literotica joined the "Real World".
Almost forgot about the double standard. Yes, I am game playing, just the blunt real deal. So, if I am reading correctly, this is "impolite behavior". After all, heaven forbid someone's feelings are hurt by something I state, which of course never happens when others share their feelings. And sure, no problem if others are outspoken, they've been here a long time, they deserve it. Why, it isn't impolite at all to say someone should be bitch slapped, or is arrogant, or wants to argue, or get attention, or any of those silly of me to even think such a notion. And please don't come back with such nonsense as "you started it." We're not in third grade any more, the forums are supposed to be a free exchange of ideas. Sure, I ask the hard questions, they absolutely need to be asked and sometimes things need to be shook up to make real progress. In this manner, I wanted to ask another hard question, in response to Tath's scolding that people won't vote on my poems if I upset them. Do you all hope that the voting on your poems will be a good cross section of lit., friends, total strangers, anonymous, etc.? I have a problem with friends JUST voting for friends. If you follow that logic, the highest rated poems will be by the people with the most friends...that says nothing about the quality of the poem itself. And that is the beauty of a well written supersedes everything, what the poet says in the forums, their personality, background, etc. I personally vote on moving, well-written poems....I could care less if I like the poet personally, never heard of the name before, think the person is a jerk, etc. To me, just voting for a select few of your friends, whether their poems have any value or not, is very "high school". Now, let's hear other viewpoints....(should have made this into a new thread).


I think voting is silly and I don't care about it. In a contest though you have to be objective. And if someone only gets two votes, why should they feel bad? I don't look down on anyone or their poems because they got fewer votes in a contest than somebody else. To me, that argument is like the one made by people who check the vote and comment boxes and then take umbrage if their poem isn't universally praised. If someone worries about something like that, maybe he or she shouldn't enter.

And how do you conclude that people voted for their friends instead of the poems they thought were best? Maybe a few did in the first round, but I know all the people who voted in the finals and I don't think any of them did that.

And really Sack, I'm not trying to be argumentative here, just expressing myself, but yknow I read all this and all I can think is--it was a good contest, a good exercise to write the poems, Pat wrote a good poem, he won--good for him. I'd feel the same way if it were Liar or you or any of the participants. It's about writing, not winning...

Re: oh dear, the double standard again....

sack said:

But speaking of feelings, which everyone seems to be obsessing about lately, how would you feel if your poem got only 2 votes in the contest, and that information was available over the whole voting period?
"Wow, two people thought my poem was the best!" :confused:

That was actually one of the things I thought were pretty cool about the way the contest turned out. There were always at least two or three people that thought that poem was the best. I'd feel pretty good about that. :)
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Oh, you stubborn, splendid, adorable fools. Clearly my poem was the best, rivalled only by the finer works of Shakespeare and Shelley, to be read and studied at our major universities and anthologized with the greatest poems of the English language. Those that voted against me were obviously swayed by friendship and politics and the cult of personality, or they are the product of an inferior educational system. My talent is surpassed only by my humility. Once you all come to realize and accept this, all these silly arguments will be a thing of the past.

"And now I have said about as much as I ought to say in this impromptu manner, and if you please, I'll take the music."

The Mutt said:
Oh, you stubborn, splendid, adorable fools. Clearly my poem was the best, rivalled only by the finer works of Shakespeare and Shelley, to be read and studied at our major universities and anthologized with the greatest poems of the English language. Those that voted against me were obviously swayed by friendship and politics and the cult of personality, or they are the product of an inferior educational system. My talent is surpassed only by my humility. Once you all come to realize and accept this, all these silly arguments will be a thing of the past.

"And now I have said about as much as I ought to say in this impromptu manner, and if you please, I'll take the music."


Would y'all agree he needs a good spanking for that one????

Ah, hell, even if you don't agree, I'm gonna spank him anyway!

Re: oh dear, the double standard again....

sack said:
I'm all for moving on to the next contest....which is why I've been trying to offer suggestions on how to improve it. Guess I am the only brave person that really doesn't care if these suggestions are followed or not. But speaking of feelings, which everyone seems to be obsessing about lately, how would you feel if your poem got only 2 votes in the contest, and that information was available over the whole voting period? I am much more sympathetic to a person in that plight (there were several actually) than the possible "slighting" of the winner by anything I inferred by saying Liar's poem is publishable. Which is why I strongly suggest the voting should not be visible at any time during future contests. As a matter of fact, no one should know the rankings/votes of poems/stories in ANY Literotica contest until the contest winners are announced. That's unheard of in any other contest I can think of, and I think it's about time Literotica joined the "Real World".
Almost forgot about the double standard. Yes, I am game playing, just the blunt real deal. So, if I am reading correctly, this is "impolite behavior". After all, heaven forbid someone's feelings are hurt by something I state, which of course never happens when others share their feelings. And sure, no problem if others are outspoken, they've been here a long time, they deserve it. Why, it isn't impolite at all to say someone should be bitch slapped, or is arrogant, or wants to argue, or get attention, or any of those silly of me to even think such a notion. And please don't come back with such nonsense as "you started it." We're not in third grade any more, the forums are supposed to be a free exchange of ideas. Sure, I ask the hard questions, they absolutely need to be asked and sometimes things need to be shook up to make real progress. In this manner, I wanted to ask another hard question, in response to Tath's scolding that people won't vote on my poems if I upset them. Do you all hope that the voting on your poems will be a good cross section of lit., friends, total strangers, anonymous, etc.? I have a problem with friends JUST voting for friends. If you follow that logic, the highest rated poems will be by the people with the most friends...that says nothing about the quality of the poem itself. And that is the beauty of a well written supersedes everything, what the poet says in the forums, their personality, background, etc. I personally vote on moving, well-written poems....I could care less if I like the poet personally, never heard of the name before, think the person is a jerk, etc. To me, just voting for a select few of your friends, whether their poems have any value or not, is very "high school". Now, let's hear other viewpoints....(should have made this into a new thread).


well since you are the "blunt real deal" let's be honest shall we?

I never said anything about " voting" because you upset people,
but you can and have interpreted things to suit whatever logic it is you follow.

No one cares how you want the rules of voting to go.
Your " squirrel" poem got two votes because compared to the other poems it deserved only two votes.
or maybe you only have two friends.

I thought it was grade school stuff, gooey sentiment, and poorly written.

You seem to feel the need to always point out the " faults" here and how you feel things should be run.
You want things your way start your own sight and run it how ever you like.
Myself ,( and I am not alone) ,I am sick of your whining, your ass kissing, and your constant need not only for attention ,but to somehow validate your point of view as correct.
You are sly like a fox and you enjoy starting shit ( and I don't have to say " in my opinion because it obviously is right?)

It bothers me that I don't have enough self control to ignore you, but I don't, so you are going on ignore.
This site, with out seeing your babble and whining, and " need for change" is going to be a much prettier place for me.

And if you feel this is some sort of attack, please, I was just being honest and saying what I you do.
and I am not alone although I don't claim to speak for anyone else God knows.

and here
I'll add the smiley just like you do to make it seem it's all ok

I apologize to other members who this might upset,. i'm just tired of being a hypocrite and not saying a word while sack runs through here badmouthing things that seemed fine a few months ago.


edited to add
there comes a point where you realize some people are never going to add anything positive or relevant or constructive to your life.
I have seen that and do not wish to keep cluttering up both the forum and my mind by dealing with it.
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Beyond Compare ?

The most important thing to note on this thread is Mutt's admiration for Shelley & Shakespeare. Miss O. may wish to note they both had a very poor attitude to their women folk and beware of their bad influence.
since I seem to be the grade A #1 thread killer around here:
Pat - Congrats

I'm OK - You're OK
(think that was a book title)

:) :) :)
good one Tath!
to dispel the "rumors"

that I have somehow "slighted" The winning poem, I have started a new thread completely devoted to it. I spent a good deal of time on this, and I would never do that if I didn't feel the work was well above average. No, my review is not 100% positive, but I did make an effort to be fair. What else can anyone ask for? Anyway, alternate comments/interpretations are welcomed.

and to set the record straight...

When I spoke about being sympathetic to those poets that only received two votes, I wasn't referring to my own poem, which got more. My point is....if you use this system over time, sooner or later a particular poem is going to receive "0" votes, for the entire audience to see. There is no compelling reason to display the votes, it's not hard to count less than a hundred votes total "by hand."

As to the comment "everything was fine in the Poetry forum a few months ago." I was lurking for some time before I actually posted here, and everything was hardly "just fine. " One of the things that annoyed me, as a relative newbie, was that particular individual's constant puerile bantering in many threads, including some of my own, which had absolutely nothing to do with the thread itself, and just called attention to that person. I will be speaking to some of the issues in new threads soon, as time permits.

Re: and to set the record straight...

sack said:
One of the things that annoyed me, as a relative newbie, was that particular individual's constant puerile bantering in many threads, including some of my own, which had absolutely nothing to do with the thread itself, and just called attention to that person. I will be speaking to some of the issues in new threads soon, as time permits.


ooooh! goodie goodie! I hope you get some time really soon!

I sit with mouth wide open awaiting your pearls of wisdom! Oh lead us great Sack, ever wise one, writer of immortal verse! purveyor of eternal truth!
Re: Re: and to set the record straight...

SeattleRain said:
ooooh! goodie goodie! I hope you get some time really soon!

I sit with mouth wide open awaiting your pearls of wisdom! Oh lead us great Sack, ever wise one, writer of immortal verse! purveyor of eternal truth!

good morning seattle

(close your mouth baby all the men are getting fidgety) really is a lost art isn't?
Glad to see you doing your part to keep it alive
: )

this might be construed as..what was it??

oh yes
"puerile bantering "
you know me
attention whore
I better go away now
~Scurry scurry~
Re: Re: Re: and to set the record straight...

Tathagata said:
good morning seattle

(close your mouth baby all the men are getting fidgety) really is a lost art isn't?
Glad to see you doing your part to keep it alive
: )

this might be construed as..what was it??

oh yes
"puerile bantering "
you know me
attention whore
I better go away now
~Scurry scurry~

This whole business makes me want to leave for good.


It is totally counter to what this forum is supposed to be about, and its purveyor is totally disingenuous.

I may be a mod, but I can't keep such adolescent antics off this board. It makes me not want to be a part of the forum, certainly I won't be entering any contests from here on in...

<edited to add: I did not mean *you* dear T>
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Re: Re: Re: Re: and to set the record straight...

Angeline said:
It makes me not want to be a part of the forum, certainly I won't be entering any contests from here on in...
What good would that do, damn it? :mad:
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: and to set the record straight...

Lauren Hynde said:
What good would that do, damn it? :mad:

I'm tired of all this, Lauren. We--you--tried to do something good for the forum with a contest. And now there's all this posturing and bullshit. All I've ever wanted from this place is to learn and grow as a writer. If that becomes counterproductive, what's the point?
Re: Re: Re: Re: and to set the record straight...

Angeline said:
This whole business makes me want to leave for good.


It is totally counter to what this forum is supposed to be about, and its purveyor is totally disingenuous.

I may be a mod, but I can't keep such adolescent antics off this board. It makes me not want to be a part of the forum, certainly I won't be entering any contests from here on in...

<edited to add: I did not mean *you* dear T>

Angeline? As a Mod you CAN move posts on one thread to another, right? Thats why I created the Padded Room... so you'd have somewhere to move them.

You and I have spoken about this before. So you'll leave and just say fuck it?

Sack is acting like a juvenile in a lockerroom... ignore him. Most others are.

But he's right about "puerile bantering in many threads" and I thought it was the Mods job to keep that under control. When JCStreet was doing it he was called to task real quick. Why is it different now?

And Ange? I'm not talking to just you... I'm talking to all the Mods. And all the puerile banterers... and I've done a bit of it myself, but not near to the degree some have complained about.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: and to set the record straight...

BooMerengue said:
Angeline? As a Mod you CAN move posts on one thread to another, right? Thats why I created the Padded Room... so you'd have somewhere to move them.

You and I have spoken about this before. So you'll leave and just say fuck it?

Sack is acting like a juvenile in a lockerroom... ignore him. Most others are.

But he's right about "puerile bantering in many threads" and I thought it was the Mods job to keep that under control. When JCStreet was doing it he was called to task real quick. Why is it different now?

And Ange? I'm not talking to just you... I'm talking to all the Mods. And all the puerile banterers... and I've done a bit of it myself, but not near to the degree some have complained about.

Well you know we disagree. I think there's a difference between people happily bantering with no ill intent to the thread starter, and someone specifically whining because they didn't win, and trying to recast their sour grapes as "critique." I respect what you've said to me about this in the past, and I try not to banter in what others might see as "serious" threads. Fine. But I do not want to be part of gamesmanship. I detest it, and as I said, it's counter to my purpose for being here. That's just how I am Boo--if I'm offended enough, I just remove myself. There's only so much effort someone can put into trying to improve a situation. At some point you have to cut bait, yknow?

It's not the moderators' job to censor what can and can't be said, Boo. We're not anyone's parents or nannies.

We try to keep the New Poetry and the All Of A Sudden threads clean because that's what the general consensus is, and because of the very nature of those two threads, but that's it.

I don't want to do that sort of moderation, nor would I want to post on that sort of sterilised forum.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: and to set the record straight...

Angeline said:
I'm tired of all this, Lauren. We--you--tried to do something good for the forum with a contest. And now there's all this posturing and bullshit. All I've ever wanted from this place is to learn and grow as a writer. If that becomes counterproductive, what's the point?

Yeah, but why stop doing something you enjoy because of someone else's bullshit? You need to embrace my unifying philosophy of "fuck 'em".

There are a number of posts I don't read at all. My eyes just glaze over them. :)

Now, go write a poem for the February contest. It will help you grow as a writer and it will be fun. :rose:
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