It's the 1st Monthly Literotica Contest final results!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: and to set the record straight...

Lauren Hynde said:
What good would that do, damn it? :mad:
It would eliminate a lot of the competition. :D
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: and to set the record straight...

WickedEve said:
It would eliminate a lot of the competition. :D

puerile banter

I'm just making a point
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: and to set the record straight...

Lauren Hynde said:
Yeah, but why stop doing something you enjoy because of someone else's bullshit? You need to embrace my unifying philosophy of "fuck 'em".

There are a number of posts I don't read at all. My eyes just glaze over them. :)

Now, go write a poem for the February contest. It will help you grow as a writer and it will be fun. :rose:

I have pms. lol. I'll get over it.

But I might be mean a while longer...

(and I'd rather write at this point for submissions to literary journals..)
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: and to set the record straight...

Angeline said:
I have pms. lol. I'll get over it.

But I might be mean a while longer...

(and I'd rather write at this point for submissions to literary journals..)
Write both, damn it. :D
Lauren Hynde said:
It's not the moderators' job to censor what can and can't be said, Boo. We're not anyone's parents or nannies.

We try to keep the New Poetry and the All Of A Sudden threads clean because that's what the general consensus is, and because of the very nature of those two threads, but that's it.

I don't want to do that sort of moderation, nor would I want to post on that sort of sterilised forum.

You're right, Lauren, and Ange. I'm sorry - truly- now that I ever said anything to anyone about it.

And those of you who told me Yay for speaking up? You speak for yourselves now.

You can't change bad manners in adults. Hard enough to do with kids.

But I think someone owes JC an apology. He did nothing different.

Are sack and Tathagata the same person? They are both equally juvenile and obnoxious and seem to enjoy bickering with each other like alter-egos or children in the back seat of a car. Unfortunately they are not the only ones, just the most blatant and self-serving.

It has been distressing to watch the quality of the posts on this forum deteriorate to the sophomoric banter of a tweeny chatroom that can be found anywhere. Poetic discussion is much harder to come by. :(

- A longtime lurker and poetry fan :kiss:
Re: Question

Omera said:
It has been distressing to watch the quality of the posts on this forum deteriorate to the sophomoric banter of a tweeny chatroom that can be found anywhere. Poetic discussion is much harder to come by. :(
Dear Omera and Angeline

Dear Omera, (Nice name by the way!) No, Tathagata and I are not the same person (he writes much better poems!!) . And while I don't enjoy bickering, I enjoy it even less when people read into my posts things that are not there, run with it, make spectacals of themselves, and then blame me for "trying to get attention." I would say the vast majority of my posts are indeed about poetry. I refer you to my "vague poetry" thread, the long discussion about public comments, and my analyses of Wicked Eve's and Pat Carrington's poems. Completely poetry based...(at least my initial comments were!!)

And Angeline, I don't think you should fret about the initial poetry contest. One normally would expect a first contest to have "growing pains", and I believe I used that exact phrase earlier. However, I also think you should be accepting of other viewpoints that are meant to make a good thing even better. And while I have let a lot of very harsh statements about my own poems/personality/motives/etc. go, I have the right to defend myself on occasion, as I hope anyone in these forums would do.
That isn't being disingenuous, it's offering another side of an increasingly one-sided presentation. Boo's analogy of a juvenile in a locker room also misses the mark. I think it's very "adult" to attempt to tell it like it is, clarify that which is exaggerated, and respond to statements that are clearly vicious in nature. I can only let so much go before feeling the need to offer another viewpoint.....which I hope any reasonable person would do. Does that make sense to you? I hope so....

Sack ;)
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A question for Angeline...

"and someone specifically whining because they didn't win, and trying to recast their sour grapes as "critique." I respect what you've said to me about this in the past, and I try not to banter in what others might see as "serious" threads. Fine. But I do not want to be part of gamesmanship. I detest it, and as I said, it's counter to my purpose for being here. That's just how I am Boo"

I don't know if you are referring to me here or not, and if this is somewhat else, then I apologize. But, my initial post was hardly a "whine", just a very nice compliment to Liar and a suggestion that his poem be published. The subsequent comments about the voting were meant to improve the contest next time and were not sour grapes about me not winning in the least. I knew I did not win because I didn't get to the finals....that was ancient history. My critique (I assume you mean of Pat's poem) also has absolutely nothing to do with not winning. I just thought it amusing that people assumed that I was "insulting" the poem when I initially hadn't said a word directly about it, pro or con. So, no whining, no sour are doing exactly what I said drives me crazy earlier. Making your own (incorrect) assumption about my motives which can't be illustrated by any words I actually said. I also detest gamesmanship, and misinterpretations of my rather carefully worded posts (I think!)

Re: A question for Angeline...

sack said:
"and someone specifically whining because they didn't win, and trying to recast their sour grapes as "critique." I respect what you've said to me about this in the past, and I try not to banter in what others might see as "serious" threads. Fine. But I do not want to be part of gamesmanship. I detest it, and as I said, it's counter to my purpose for being here. That's just how I am Boo"

I don't know if you are referring to me here or not, and if this is somewhat else, then I apologize. But, my initial post was hardly a "whine", just a very nice compliment to Liar and a suggestion that his poem be published. The subsequent comments about the voting were meant to improve the contest next time and were not sour grapes about me not winning in the least. I knew I did not win because I didn't get to the finals....that was ancient history. My critique (I assume you mean of Pat's poem) also has absolutely nothing to do with not winning. I just thought it amusing that people assumed that I was "insulting" the poem when I initially hadn't said a word directly about it, pro or con. So, no whining, no sour are doing exactly what I said drives me crazy earlier. Making your own (incorrect) assumption about my motives which can't be illustrated by any words I actually said. I also detest gamesmanship, and misinterpretations of my rather carefully worded posts (I think!)


"and someone specifically whining because they didn't win, and trying to recast their sour grapes as "critique." I respect what you've said to me about this in the past, and I try not to banter in what others might see as "serious" threads. Fine. But I do not want to be part of gamesmanship. I detest it, and as I said, it's counter to my purpose for being here. That's just how I am Boo"

I never said anything of the kind. I hope you're not referring to me here...
walking away slowly.... very slowly


Just checking in on you guys.

Off to read the Feb comp thread.... :kiss:s everyone
Gee thanks...

ooooh! goodie goodie! I hope you get some time really soon!

I sit with mouth wide open awaiting your pearls of wisdom! Oh lead us great Sack, ever wise one, writer of immortal verse! purveyor of eternal truth!

Thanks Seattle, I didn't know you cared. Actually, I AM a truth seeker. Unfortunately, getting to the truth through all the nonsense often leads to discomfort for everyone involved. I won't "sell myself short" though, and need to defend my position if need be. Positive change is never easy, and I will never give up in my quest to effect it.

my interpretation...

"That's just how I am Boo"

Boo, I believe this was Angeline talking to you. I just realized by ending with Boo, you might have thought that was your statement. Sorry for the confusion! (we needed a little more around here!)

I understand your concern Minsue...

But I also respect myself and I can't allow misinterpretations like the ones in this thread. I certainly am far from perfect, but when someone twists my comments for their own agendas it just touches a nerve. My weakness, I guess!

Eh Christie!

Give it up, you poor S-O-B! - Nobody cares! You are not "a comment whore", you are a troll, a SAD-sack of verbal diarrhea.

You are being confrontational for that purpose alone and if you have a brain and a shard of honesty you know that this is true and should admit it!

Why don't you give it a rest and start anew? Very few, if any, agree with your "analyses" so stop pontificating and start learning.

Anyone can rabble-rouse and anybody can critique. Not so many can write enjoyable words. Can you? I admit that I cannot, that is why I read and lurk. I want to learn. I can appreciate poetry. I just can't write it. :(

You say you like my name, do you understand its derivation?

ps: I am a Literotica reader since the year 2000.
I just did...

Finished my February contest entry, and it's pretty good...Maybe the minor annoyance of this thread gave it a little edge...LOL!!

a reply to Omera......

You say you like my name, do you understand its derivation?

I would just guess something to do with the soul, the essence of life?

I have about 60 submissions on Lit., both poems and stories. You're right, it's easy to criticize, much harder to write. Feel free to try out some of my poems and stories and let me know if I communicated to you. Thank you in advance!

May I try to sum up this whole dumb debate?

Sack is a generally well meaning guy, but he doesn't seem to realise when he is a) stepping on other peoples' toes or b) riding horses a tad bit too high.

...and a whole bunch of people here are way too damn stingy to just realise that that's the way he is, and ignore it. And stoops quite to a nsaty level in the process.

On the other hand, I am of course flawless. ;)

K? Finished? Can we go make poems now?

EDIT: I see Lauren beat me to it. So, what she said.

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Riding horses a tad too high? :D

Never heard that before.

Agreed, Liar. As usual, you're quite right. Course, you knew that. Your being flawless and all. ;)
There are signs of intelligent life...

Not bad Liar, pretty darn close to the "real me". Personally, I'm done with this thread, gotta get cracking on my next story...
