It's the 1st Monthly Literotica Contest final results!

Re: I thought it went well.

sandspike said:
I wrote about a subject I hate in a form I don't use and the
votes showed it. It was fun though. Congrats to Pat and
a thank you to the 'POETS'. Let us move on to another contest
about another season or emotion. We could like go from winter
to summer and from snow to sand and from windows to longneck bottles. We could stop and smell the early spring flowers even
though that ain't one of my strong points. The point is this is
a done deal; let the groundhog out and lets move on. Long live King Pat.

I think Spike wants to play Jimmy Buffet... me, too!

So, Poets... what shall it be?

Congrats, Pat- good job! :rose: :rose: :rose:
Re: Re: since when are votes not opinions?

Miss Oatlash said:
I'd just like to point out that the reader could not SEE the votes until AFTER s/he voted on the poem of his/her choice.
I don't think that is true. I believe all you have to do is click on the "view" button. It does not matter if you have voted or not, or even if you are logged in.

Also, re putting all poems in one initial post/poll: I believe there is a limited number of items allowed in a poll (or at least there used to be).
Re: Re: Re: since when are votes not opinions?

Reltne said:
I don't think that is true. I believe all you have to do is click on the "view" button. It does not matter if you have voted or not, or even if you are logged in.

Also, re putting all poems in one initial post/poll: I believe there is a limited number of items allowed in a poll (or at least there used to be).

You are correct on both counts.

It's not a perfect world. I think the mods did a great job with the contest and should be commended.
Re: Re: Re: Re: since when are votes not opinions?

minsue said:
You are correct on both counts.

It's not a perfect world. I think the mods did a great job with the contest and should be commended.

"Love likes a gander, and adores a goose: ..." T. Roethke

"but it absolutely worships goslings." ... foehn

"It's not a perfect world." I previously commented that I thought the voting was handled with intelligence and integrity. There's not a perfect way to do it. My feelings haven't been hurt by Reltne's opinions, however... I also thought that any one of the poems submitted was worthy of a prize. If I thought opinions were so important, I'd be frightened to death to share any thoughts or feelings at all... in which case, I'd no longer be a poet, now, would I?

foehn said:
"Love likes a gander, and adores a goose: ..." T. Roethke

"but it absolutely worships goslings." ... foehn

"It's not a perfect world." I previously commented that I thought the voting was handled with intelligence and integrity. There's not a perfect way to do it. My feelings haven't been hurt by Reltne's opinions, however... I also thought that any one of the poems submitted was worthy of a prize. If I thought opinions were so important, I'd be frightened to death to share any thoughts or feelings at all... in which case, I'd no longer be a poet, now, would I?

What opinion of mine might have been hurtful? :confused:
I wasn't aware that I had even made any reference to you in this thread. If I offended, then I apologize and am glad you are growing a thicker skin. - Now just don't grow a shell like a turtle! :) :rose: :)
to *catbabe*...

I have a funny feeling that your mind is nailed shut on this issue, but if you reread my initial post, nowhere does it say that I thought others should have voted for liar's poem. I just expressed my own opinions , fully aware that others could and would feel differently. The phrase "despite the voting" was put in to acknowledge that since only one person could win out of 22, it is logical and likely that many other poems could be as brilliant, if not more brilliant as the "winner". (I use that term loosely, because I think deep down, ALL of the poems were winners) Personally, if I won a story/poetry contest and someone wanted to champion a poem/story that didn't, my feelings wouldn't be hurt at all. Everyone has a right to his/her opinion and who knows, maybe I would even agree with them! To ascribe hurt feelings to someone when you're not even sure they are there is a bit pointless, don't you think? Oh, and Tath, about using "In my opinion" ...wouldn't that be somewhat redundant, considering I obviously wrote that post?

Here is the Sack "handy dandy voting system", The Poets are welcome to adopt any or all of it, and you don't need to give me any credit!

Take all the poems, number them at random, and then present them in ONE big group to the readers. The instructions are simple:
"Pick three poems that you like (numbers and titles). No need to order them. Please do not vote for your own poem. Send this information in a PM to The Poets. No public votes will ever be displayed at any time during the contest."

Simplicity itself. After a given number of days, the poets tally the votes, and the poem with the most votes wins. In the case of a tie (unlikely, that's why people need to pick 3 poems, so that all poems will get more votes and the ratings will spread out more) there would have to be a tie breaker, another PM to The Poets.

Sorry if you think this kind of suggestion is "arrogant" *Catbabe*. As I said before, this was the first contest, and there is always room for improvement. Perhaps you would feel happier if you viewed your fellow man with less suspicion and didn't question motives as much. Just a suggestion "in my opinion"!

Re: to *catbabe*...

sack said:
I have a funny feeling that your mind is nailed shut on this issue, but if you reread my initial post, nowhere does it say that I thought others should have voted for liar's poem. I just expressed my own opinions , fully aware that others could and would feel differently. The phrase "despite the voting" was put in to acknowledge that since only one person could win out of 22, it is logical and likely that many other poems could be as brilliant, if not more brilliant as the "winner". (I use that term loosely, because I think deep down, ALL of the poems were winners) Personally, if I won a story/poetry contest and someone wanted to champion a poem/story that didn't, my feelings wouldn't be hurt at all. Everyone has a right to his/her opinion and who knows, maybe I would even agree with them! To ascribe hurt feelings to someone when you're not even sure they are there is a bit pointless, don't you think? Oh, and Tath, about using "In my opinion" ...wouldn't that be somewhat redundant, considering I obviously wrote that post?

Here is the Sack "handy dandy voting system", The Poets are welcome to adopt any or all of it, and you don't need to give me any credit!

Take all the poems, number them at random, and then present them in ONE big group to the readers. The instructions are simple:
"Pick three poems that you like (numbers and titles). No need to order them. Please do not vote for your own poem. Send this information in a PM to The Poets. No public votes will ever be displayed at any time during the contest."

Simplicity itself. After a given number of days, the poets tally the votes, and the poem with the most votes wins. In the case of a tie (unlikely, that's why people need to pick 3 poems, so that all poems will get more votes and the ratings will spread out more) there would have to be a tie breaker, another PM to The Poets.

Sorry if you think this kind of suggestion is "arrogant" *Catbabe*. As I said before, this was the first contest, and there is always room for improvement. Perhaps you would feel happier if you viewed your fellow man with less suspicion and didn't question motives as much. Just a suggestion "in my opinion"!


You know, Sack. I signed onto Lit for the first time in a long while this morning. And I saw this thread and I said to myself, "Wow, a poetry contest. I wish they would've had those when I was posting poetry. That would have been so much fun."

So I started reading the poems. Quite a nice collection from so many talented writers, most of whose work I am quite familiar with. Then I started reading the thread.

I'll tell you. It was really enjoyable....until I got to your first post. Your lack of manners and your willingness to foul such a nice atmosphere astonished me. I was glad Catbabe tried to give you a lesson in elementary etiquette. It is exactly what I would have done.

That should have been it. So I said, "Well, Sack just must have worded his post poorly, been in a rush."

Your answer to her timely words was so devoid of logic, I found it remarkable. Never mind that, but the arrogance and comfort you displayed defending an indefensible position and the disparagement you served up on the contest as a whole was absolutely nauseating.

As always at lit, peacemakers tried to step in. Boo and sandspike and others. Even Liar, who of course is a wonderful poet, tried to pour water on you in a gentle way. Did you read his words? Here:

Glad you liked it, Sack. But that doen't mean it should had won.

Very soft, very simple. Why didn't you get the message? It is not difficult to understand. The message was:

LET IT GO.........Let's get on with it. Move to a new contest.

They are planning a February contest, Sack. Did you know that?

For you to post this now, and try to stir it up again, is disgraceful. For bringing it up again, you no longer deserve a harangue on etiquette. Nor do you deserve peacemakers.

You deserve to be bitch-slapped, and then locked in a small closet with your dead, rotting squirrel, who would let off far less of a stink than your posts do.


I apologize to all my good friends here that my first post in so long is of this foul nature. Please forgive my anger. It is directed only at the person who ruined my morning reading with his ill manners, which none of you beautiful people deserve.

Nor do you deserve mine.

Love and white wishes :heart:

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Re: to *catbabe*...

sack said:
Take all the poems, number them at random, and then present them in ONE big group to the readers. The instructions are simple:
"Pick three poems that you like (numbers and titles). No need to order them. Please do not vote for your own poem. Send this information in a PM to The Poets. No public votes will ever be displayed at any time during the contest."
Swell idea. Do you volunteer to count all the votes by hand? Because frankly, I have too much to do.

A poll system both makes it easier to vote and easier to count. It's not perfect, but I can't see what would be improved by your suggestion. Please elaborate.


ps. Hi Tara! :kiss:
Re: Re: to *catbabe*...

tarablackwood22 said:
You know, Sack. I signed onto Lit for the first time in a long while this morning. And I saw this thread and I said to myself, "Wow, a poetry contest. I wish they would've had those when I was posting poetry. That would have been so much fun."

So I started reading the poems. Quite a nice collection from so many talented writers, most of whose work I am quite familiar with. Then I started reading the thread.

I'll tell you. It was really enjoyable....until I got to your first post. Your lack of manners and your willingness to foul such a nice atmosphere astonished me. I was glad Catbabe tried to give you a lesson in elementary etiquette. It is exactly what I would have done.

That should have been it. So I said, "Well, Sack just must have worded his post poorly, been in a rush."

Your answer to her timely words was so devoid of logic, I found it remarkable. Never mind that, but the arrogance and comfort you displayed defending an indefensible position and the disparagement you served up on the contest as a whole was absolutely nauseating.

As always at lit, peacemakers tried to step in. Boo and sandspike and others. Even Liar, who of course is a wonderful poet, tried to pour water on you in a gentle way. Did you read his words? Here:

Glad you liked it, Sack. But that doen't mean it should had won.

Very soft, very simple. Why didn't you get the message? It is not difficult to understand. The message was:

LET IT GO.........Let's get on with it. Move to a new contest.

They are planning a February contest, Sack. Did you know that?

For you to post this now, and try to stir it up again, is disgraceful. For bringing it up again, you no longer deserve a harangue on etiquette. Nor do you deserve peacemakers.

You deserve to be bitch-slapped, and then locked in a small closet with your dead, rotting squirrel, who would let off far less of a stink than your posts do.


I apologize to all my good friends here that my first post in so long is of this foul nature. Please forgive my anger. It is directed only at the person who ruined my morning reading with his ill manners, which none of you beautiful people deserve.

Nor do you deserve mine.

Love and white wishes :heart:


:D :kiss: :heart: :rose:
great to see you back...
sorry you've mellowed so much over the months.
next time just say what you mean
Re: to *catbabe*...

sack said:
Oh, and Tath, about using "In my opinion" ...wouldn't that be somewhat redundant, considering I obviously wrote that post?

yes and stated it as almost a fact.

shall I cut and paste it again
or didn't you understand the first time.

Most people in here make and effort to try and be polite and humble and try not to hurt anyones feelings intentionally.

You have been rather outspoken since you came here and for the most part we've treated you with kid gloves, not because of your praise or skill, because you were new and because most of us could see you like to argue.
I believe I stated that on one of your first threads.

I for one think your mind is nailed shut to some of the subtle ( not vague) hint and rules that have been presented and suggested to you about writing here.

or perhaps you are just attention whore
or, even worse, you really don't have any idea how to behave in a community.
whatever the case you have managed to piss off at least two of the most even tempered poets I know.
which is proof enough for me that I'm not alone in how I feel.

I hope to see you attitude change
I hope you drop this bullshit and realize that you " winning every argument" isn't going to get you anything here but contempt.

Take my keep this up and soon you'll find yourself alone here no votes or comments on your work, ostracized.
Oh your friends from the author thread or other threads you may frequent will come vote for you.
and it's always nice when they do...but the people who actually Could help and suggest, wont.

You showed lack of judgment, and manners.
and instead of just letting it go you continue to point out how you were right.

From now on when I do comment on one of your poems I will leave off the " in my opinion" and you tell me if it reads differently.
Re: Re: to *catbabe*...

Tathagata said:
yes and stated it as almost a fact.

shall I cut and paste it again
or didn't you understand the first time.

Most people in here make and effort to try and be polite and humble and try not to hurt anyones feelings intentionally.

You have been rather outspoken since you came here and for the most part we've treated you with kid gloves, not because of your praise or skill, because you were new and because most of us could see you like to argue.
I believe I stated that on one of your first threads.

I for one think your mind is nailed shut to some of the subtle ( not vague) hint and rules that have been presented and suggested to you about writing here.

or perhaps you are just attention whore
or, even worse, you really don't have any idea how to behave in a community.
whatever the case you have managed to piss off at least two of the most even tempered poets I know.
which is proof enough for me that I'm not alone in how I feel.

I hope to see you attitude change
I hope you drop this bullshit and realize that you " winning every argument" isn't going to get you anything here but contempt.

Take my keep this up and soon you'll find yourself alone here no votes or comments on your work, ostracized.
Oh your friends from the author thread or other threads you may frequent will come vote for you.
and it's always nice when they do...but the people who actually Could help and suggest, wont.

You showed lack of judgment, and manners.
and instead of just letting it go you continue to point out how you were right.

From now on when I do comment on one of your poems I will leave off the " in my opinion" and you tell me if it reads differently.

I'm glad you're only speaking for yourself, Tath. You certainly didn't practice what you're preaching when you chose to piss all over Bedazzlers thread.

Why don't you guys just let this thing drop, already?
Re: Re: to *catbabe*...

tarablackwood22 said:
You know, Sack. I signed onto Lit for the first time in a long while this morning. And I saw this thread and I said to myself, "Wow, a poetry contest. I wish they would've had those when I was posting poetry. That would have been so much fun."

So I started reading the poems. Quite a nice collection from so many talented writers, most of whose work I am quite familiar with. Then I started reading the thread.

I'll tell you. It was really enjoyable....until I got to your first post. Your lack of manners and your willingness to foul such a nice atmosphere astonished me. I was glad Catbabe tried to give you a lesson in elementary etiquette. It is exactly what I would have done.

That should have been it. So I said, "Well, Sack just must have worded his post poorly, been in a rush."

Your answer to her timely words was so devoid of logic, I found it remarkable. Never mind that, but the arrogance and comfort you displayed defending an indefensible position and the disparagement you served up on the contest as a whole was absolutely nauseating.

As always at lit, peacemakers tried to step in. Boo and sandspike and others. Even Liar, who of course is a wonderful poet, tried to pour water on you in a gentle way. Did you read his words? Here:

Glad you liked it, Sack. But that doen't mean it should had won.

Very soft, very simple. Why didn't you get the message? It is not difficult to understand. The message was:

LET IT GO.........Let's get on with it. Move to a new contest.

They are planning a February contest, Sack. Did you know that?

For you to post this now, and try to stir it up again, is disgraceful. For bringing it up again, you no longer deserve a harangue on etiquette. Nor do you deserve peacemakers.

You deserve to be bitch-slapped, and then locked in a small closet with your dead, rotting squirrel, who would let off far less of a stink than your posts do.


I apologize to all my good friends here that my first post in so long is of this foul nature. Please forgive my anger. It is directed only at the person who ruined my morning reading with his ill manners, which none of you beautiful people deserve.

Nor do you deserve mine.

Love and white wishes :heart:


Hi Tara, and welcome back! It's nice to see you.

I have to tell you though, you're wrong about one tiny thing...

As always at lit, peacemakers tried to step in. Boo and sandspike and others.

I stayed out of it. I didn't participate in either the contest or the judging, so I just watched.

It wasn't til this am I said something to Tath. Now we'll see if thats taken as its meant or if it turns into another brouhaha. Well, it won't do that, cuz I won't participate.

But I will try to participate in the next contest so why don't we all just move along? hmmm???

It's nice to see you, again, honey! Don't stay away so long!
Chill down, poets. It's just a contest and this thread is not the place to quibble. I'm thinking of starting an official quibble thread just for arguing. Then we can all be nice in the other threads and remember our purpose here is poetry. :D

This little forum community has always been different , imo, from others at Lit because people here tend to focus on helping each other with their writing and not get into who was better or who deserves more accolades. What is the point of that? We're all just trying to learn and be better at this poem thing, right?

Sack, there were three poems I liked best but the one that won was excellent--as frankly were all the poems in the finals, I thought. But Pat's poem did win--the polite thing to do would be to congratulate him and let it go--do you see there's a sort of "nyah, nyah" quality to saying "This one was best in spite of the voting?" No offense intended, but that is how people see it I believe. And the voting was as fair as we could possibly make it, but we know we are learning. Anyway, it's all supposition to assume that people vote because of a poem's position in the poll. I think they probably voted for the poem they thought was the best.

Tath, stop getting so exercised so early in the morning or I'll spank you. Ok, I'll spank you anyway. In fact, perhaps one of the contest prizes could be a spanking from the mods--when you win. :D

Cat, did you see there's a photo of a giraffe on Eve's "free photo" page? I feel like it's calling out to us. ;)

Hi Tara. I love you and I know I owe you a letter. (I got four publication acceptances in the past two weeks. Kiss me. :heart: )

Ok. Now, I've quibbled like everyone else. I'm such a hypocrite--well maybe just a Gemini...

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The fabric of threads
crisscrossed with ruts
muddied with whines,
tsk tsks and tut tuts

So many strings wound
tight with opinion
we often forget this is
beauty’s dominion

Rip and rend the fine
fabric so tenderly woven
with disdain, contempt
ego and loathing

Would you rather wear
garments of silver and gold
or tawdry limp rags
soiled and cold

I ask you my friends
when you add your stitch
make threads proud to be worn
‘stead of thrown in a ditch


P.S.- Hello tara! Nice to see those goldilocks...:D
Re: Re: Re: to *catbabe*...

BooMerengue said:
I'm glad you're only speaking for yourself, Tath. You certainly didn't practice what you're preaching when you chose to piss all over Bedazzlers thread.

Why don't you guys just let this thing drop, already?

I always only speak for my self Boo

and we can't all always practice what we preach can we??
At least I can't anyway

and i searched for bedazzler and found nothing do you have a link?
because I have no idea what you're talking about.
Re: Re: Re: Re: to *catbabe*...

Tathagata said:
I always only speak for my self Boo

and we can't all always practice what we preach can we??
At least I can't anyway

and i searched for bedazzler and found nothing do you have a link?
because I have no idea what you're talking about.

Bedazzlers thread was removed. It was started as an honest effort to get opinions on poetry. There were about 2 opinions offered about the poems placed there, and then about 14 posts about you and Eve and Angeline and your antics, which are fun to watch sometimes, but not always appropriately placed. Bedazzler quickly became disgusted and asked that the entire thread just be removed, and is now posting at a completely different site where the work was torn to shreds but rebuilt in a positive way.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: to *catbabe*...

BooMerengue said:
Bedazzlers thread was removed. It was started as an honest effort to get opinions on poetry. There were about 2 opinions offered about the poems placed there, and then about 14 posts about you and Eve and Angeline and your antics, which are fun to watch sometimes, but not always appropriately placed. Bedazzler quickly became disgusted and asked that the entire thread just be removed, and is now posting at a completely different site where the work was torn to shreds but rebuilt in a positive way.

oh I see so the "antics" you equate with pissing.

Once again a matter of opinion

perhaps we need threads that state at the top " no fun, no pissing, just commentary"

it happens on many threads at many levels.
I offer a belated apology to bedazzled .
I meant no disrespect at all

this place is suppose to be fun
and enjoyable.
we all have different opinions and we all ( well most of us) try not to step on any toes, to give people the benefit of the doubt, and to be truly helpful when we can.

we can all sit and point fingers every day
for the most part we don't
which is why when it DOES happen to me , ie: IN MY OPINION, it means something's up.

I will also say this
as long as everyone else feels free to state their opinions and insist they want " honest feedback"..i'll feel free to do so.

there are a handful of people in here whose opinion and judgement and talent i respect and admire.

Those are the people I will listen to and seek counsel from.

And there are SOME threads that need to be hijacked

this is one of them

end/discussion on my part
tungtied2u said:
The fabric of threads
crisscrossed with ruts
muddied with whines,
tsk tsks and tut tuts

So many strings wound
tight with opinion
we often forget this is
beauty’s dominion

Rip and rend the fine
fabric so tenderly woven
with disdain, contempt
ego and loathing

Would you rather wear
garments of silver and gold
or tawdry limp rags
soiled and cold

I ask you my friends
when you add your stitch
make threads proud to be worn
‘stead of thrown in a ditch


P.S.- Hello tara! Nice to see those goldilocks...:D


Love "beauty's dominion" ... ain't that a great word? dom-minion ... oxymoronically perfect :D
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: to *catbabe*...

Tathagata said:
oh I see so the "antics" you equate with pissing.

Once again a matter of opinion

perhaps we need threads that state at the top " no fun, no pissing, just commentary"

it happens on many threads at many levels.
I offer a belated apology to bedazzled .
I meant no disrespect at all

this place is suppose to be fun
and enjoyable.
we all have different opinions and we all ( well most of us) try not to step on any toes, to give people the benefit of the doubt, and to be truly helpful when we can.

we can all sit and point fingers every day
for the most part we don't
which is why when it DOES happen to me , ie: IN MY OPINION, it means something's up.

I will also say this
as long as everyone else feels free to state their opinions and insist they want " honest feedback"..i'll feel free to do so.

there are a handful of people in here whose opinion and judgement and talent i respect and admire.

Those are the people I will listen to and seek counsel from.

And there are SOME threads that need to be hijacked

this is one of them

end/discussion on my part

You jumbled up your response to me with more response to the other crap here. Just some thoughts...

One can show disrespect in many ways... and then say they didn't mean it. I say 'one' here cuz I mean everyone- not just you.

NO thread deserves to be hijacked. Keep to the topic or post elsewhere. The Mods used to be really good at keeping to that, especially Lauren, when JC was doing the same thing. It seems to be out of fashion now, tho.

Bedazzler accepts your apology.

End of discussion on my part, too.

Angeline said:
. . . Sack, there were three poems I liked best but the one that won was excellent--as frankly were all the poems in the finals, I thought. But Pat's poem did win--the polite thing to do would be to congratulate him and let it go--do you see there's a sort of "nyah, nyah" quality to saying "This one was best in spite of the voting?" No offense intended, but that is how people see it I believe. And the voting was as fair as we could possibly make it, but we know we are learning. . . :rose:
Now I have to be careful how I say this, because I do not mean it in any negative sense or want anyone to take umbrage, but I really enjoyed not knowing who had written what. Two of my top three choices were written by poets whose work I had not considered to be consistently among the very best posted at Literotica. - When say, any of the moderators posts a poem I always read it. Not so with some of the other contest entrants. I may not read their offerings unless they are mentioned in the daily reviews. Now it looks like my automatic reading list has grown by several poets.

I say "Well done!" to everyone who contributed or voted.
Now lets get onto the next event before our web hosts decide that that the dissension created by these contests outweighs their benefits. - Let's do poetry, not personalities and manners.

(The preceding is the opinion solely of Reltne and may or may not reflect the views of management or other contributors.) :p :kiss: :p
I've been keeping quiet, but I have to say that I think you all need to take a chill-pill. :cool:

So what if I say that Poem X kicked ass and was the best ever written? If I said it, whether or not I added "in my opinion", it's because it's my opinion, not an absolute truth. And if anyone disagrees with my opinion, good for them.
Lauren Hynde said:
I've been keeping quiet, but I have to say that I think you all need to take a chill-pill. :cool:

So what if I say that Poem X kicked ass and was the best ever written? If I said it, whether or not I added "in my opinion", it's because it's my opinion, not an absolute truth. And if anyone disagrees with my opinion, good for them.

You say that....but I've read your poems...and don't want to be on your bad side.....:rolleyes:

unless there's fun to be had of course...:devil:
tungtied2u said:
You say that....but I've read your poems...and don't want to be on your bad side.....:rolleyes:

unless there's fun to be had of course...:devil:
That "good for them" at the end of my post is interchangeable with "fuck 'em", but i didn't want to sound belligerent. :D