I've figured it all out

Having sex for money is illegal in Sweden. Over here, we have strict laws that say that you may only fuck to satisfy your horniness.
Re: Re: I've figured it all out

dr_mabeuse said:
How come Blacksnake can get away with it?

Well, first of all, he ISN'T getting away with it. I'm constantly giving him little pinches where I know it will hurt, but I do it subtly. Only BS himself will understand the hints I make, because of our PM's to each other.

Second, we all know BS is only trying to get a reaction. Kinda like the boy in second grade who pulled the girls' braids in order to make them chase him around the school yard. He's going through his midlife crisis, the dear old man.

He'll get better once he's got through that phase. Then he'll be sitting in his wheelchair, munching viagra and listen to jazz, and be nice to everyone on Lit.;)
Re: Re: I've figured it all out

dr_mabeuse said:
If anyone but a black guy had said what Blacksnake just did on this board, most of the people here would be handing them their ass on a platter garnished with parsely about now.
I tend to think most people in the Hangout are kinda open minded (I think it goes with the territory?), and usually argue in a more restrained manner than a fresh ass pate would suggest. Being the uneducated and opionated young fool that I am, I would like to think I can post pretty much anything I want here and get mostly adult replies.

I'm not sure how it works across the pond, but in Bristol the suggestion that a mostly white group are wearing racially-selective kid gloves would cause a much greater outcry than the notion of marriage as a key to nightly sex.

Re: Re: Re: I've figured it all out

SlaveMasterUK said:
racially-selective kid gloves...
AX: between you and the Yorkshireman I am lost at sea among your flotsam and jetsum. What the hell do you mean?

Re: Re: Re: I've figured it all out

Svenskaflicka said:
the boy in second grade

Dear Svenska,
I'm afraid we both refered to BS as "boy" on this page. That is not politically correct. I wonder if we're gonna be labeled racist.
Re: Re: Re: Re: I've figured it all out

MathGirl said:
I wonder if we're gonna be labeled racist.
MG: I think you're in this alone. Svenska was talking about a 'real' boy; your ref. was direct. Plus Flicka's got the cool Swede thing going for her (they don't know racism as practiced in the states).

backing away, Perdita
Svenskaflicka said:
That reminds me... how is your blushing bride, BS?

Still blushing when I'm around. Don't know when I'm not. Well, I'm blushing when she's around. You know this shit can't last forever. Having a great time though.
Svenskaflicka said:
Having sex for money is illegal in Sweden. Over here, we have strict laws that say that you may only fuck to satisfy your horniness.

O' I'm being satisfied and made horny to be satisfied. :D
Re: Re: Re: I've figured it all out

Svenskaflicka said:

Second, we all know BS is only trying to get a reaction. Kinda like the boy in second grade who pulled the girls' braids in order to make them chase him around the school yard. He's going through his midlife crisis, the dear old man.

He'll get better once he's got through that phase. Then he'll be sitting in his wheelchair, munching viagra and listen to jazz, and be nice to everyone on Lit.;)

Hey, I like chasing MG.

I really hope that I'm not in a wheelchair, I would rather have a limp snake. At least I can get around and fake like I'm doing something. I wonder if you get the same feeling on Viagra. Bony James in the joint!

I do try to be nice when I'm messing around.

P.S. I'm feeling a little better about my babe, she's nothing if not convincing.
Re: Re: Re: I've figured it all out

SlaveMasterUK said:

I'm not sure how it works across the pond, but in Bristol the suggestion that a mostly white group are wearing racially-selective kid gloves would cause a much greater outcry than the notion of marriage as a key to nightly sex.


Having pussy in your bed every night is something someone told me when I told him what I had done.

I don't like the sugguestion that I'm not getting bashed for my off the wall comments is because that I'm black is an insult to those who share this forum.

If you want to nail me for some stupid comment then go right ahead. You may take it seriously, but its just a thought to me. But don't give everyone else a hard time because of it. I'm in more shit than you'll ever know. This forum is a great release. At least I know that there is real life out there.

Just don't insult my snake.
Re: Re: Re: Re: I've figured it all out

MathGirl said:
Dear Svenska,
I'm afraid we both refered to BS as "boy" on this page. That is not politically correct. I wonder if we're gonna be labeled racist.

You should know I would never label you a bad girl even if you call me an asshole. I know I'm a nice guy, that's something I don't have to prove.

Maybe I'm still seeking the answer, but so far it's been conflicting statments and vague answers. I would like some things to make sense. Like, do women like their clit sucked or licked. I'm betting that answer is also somewhere in between.

All I can do is pump it and watch the reaction to see which way I should hold my lip.

It would be nice to be able to write a story where both sexes can relate. Make them more realistic.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I've figured it all out

BlackSnake said:
Like, do women like their clit sucked or licked. I'm betting that answer is also somewhere in between.
All I can do is pump it and watch the reaction to see which way I should hold my lip.
Snake, you're moving in the right direction. Do write what you learn, that will be real enough. And be sure to use that fine phrase, "to see which way I should hold my lip."

Re: Re: I've figured it all out

dr_mabeuse said:
If anyone but a black guy had said what Blacksnake just did on this board, most of the people here would be handing them their ass on a platter garnished with parsely about now.

I'm sorry, I don't recall ever shredding someone's ass for making a comment that wasn't directed towards me, and imho my words towards BS weren't that nice. I don't treat anyone with kid gloves, I just happen to not lash out for no good reason (unless I'm pmsing) and especially not at my friends. (anyone on my msn list is considered my friend, btw.)

Mab makes an interesting point; but I think it's a lot more insidious than that.

Bear in mind that this is a generalization- I am not making comments toward individuals.

I think that generally black male culture is still heavily misogynist and sexually intolerant (of gays, lesbians etc.) and that in some ways, this has become an expected behavioral norm to the point where it's almost self-caricature. So women (in my opinion) tend to have a cartoonish reaction when we hear a black man say something sexist, almost like, "Oh yeah, that's just how they are. No use getting mad about it" and you kind of dismiss it with good-natured patronizing- knowing, even if you would never articulate it, that you hold "white men" in general to a higher standard.

You call it "kid gloves" but the truth is, it's condescension- and I'm guilty of it myself.

I love Blacksnake's posts, I think he's literate, insightful and charming. I love his sense of humor, and yes, even the anaconda, when it rears its head- but every once in a while, when he pops out with one of those "All women are ______" diatribes, I can't help thinking "Oh great, here's another brother who thinks the world is out to pricktease him."



I just don't know how to address that.

So women (in my opinion) tend to have a cartoonish reaction when we hear a black man say something sexist, almost like, "Oh yeah, that's just how they are. No use getting mad about it" and you kind of dismiss it with good-natured patronizing- knowing, even if you would never articulate it, that you hold "white men" in general to a higher standard.

When I cared more, I would've been outraged by anyone dismissing me for one reason or the other. Now it's more about me.

Think about the more subtle things that made me have simular opinions from my pre-teen years. Mama saying, "Don't worry about it baby...their just like that." That's some hard stuff.

Hey, the good news is that I'm too old to give-a-shit. Babes won't dismiss me in person. Come to think of it, no one does. I'm a quick study face-to-face.

It goes without saying that all women, men, gays, lesbians, blacks, whites, jews, etc. can't be typed to any given behavior. Shake the tree and see what falls.

I don't think that there is a bigger lover of women, and everything about them than me.

We are all the products of the circumstances that are set upon us.


Now, back to the fun
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: I've figured it all out

perdita said:
MG: I think you're in this alone. Svenska was talking about a 'real' boy; your ref. was direct. Plus Flicka's got the cool Swede thing going for her (they don't know racism as practiced in the states).

backing away, Perdita

I honestly didn't get it until you spelled it out like that, P. To use the word "boy" as a racially discriminating thing is an American thing. The Swedish language has no translation of that word that could be regarded as negative.
Svenskaflicka said:
Me picking on BS has nothing to do with racism. It's much more personal than that!:D

Dear Swede,
Nicely put. If anyone has the right to feel that way, it's you.
MlledeLaPlumeBleu said:

I think that generally black male culture is still heavily misogynist and sexually intolerant (of gays, lesbians etc.) and that in some ways, this has become an expected behavioral norm to the point where it's almost self-caricature. So women (in my opinion) tend to have a cartoonish reaction when we hear a black man say something sexist, almost like, "Oh yeah, that's just how they are. No use getting mad about it" and you kind of dismiss it with good-natured patronizing- knowing, even if you would never articulate it, that you hold "white men" in general to a higher standard.

Interesting. VERY interesting.

My Hubby is black. He's a very intelligent man, very open-minded, and with a critical side to his brain that works as a bull-shit detector. (He's a Michael Moore-fan.)

Yet, I must say that in some cases, he's very conservative and macho. He shudders if I mention anything having to do with homosexuality. He wants his future sons to be into sports and cars, rather than music and fine cooking. And he would rather walk around naked than wear anything pink.

I think that a lot of black men have a tendency to act macho. They are raised to be macho. They are taught that a black man has to be a tough guy who likes mum's cooking, sports, and humping a big booty.

Do black men have any other role models than sportsmen, actors and singers? How sensitive are rappers and basketball players?
How many black male politicians, poets, lawyers, doctors, etc, do we know of?

Maybe they are more common in USA, I don't know, but they're not that common in Sweden.

Does the fact that there are more "macho" role models than other types, influence black boys and men?
Hey, BS-

I wanted to make sure you knew I meant that I wasn't talking about women dismissing you. I was talking about how, in the most general sense, woman will tolerate or just "laugh off" sexist comments from a black man- the comments, BS, not you. Clearly, you get plenty of action- there's photographic evidence of that :)

I knew that what I was trying to say would be difficult to phrase, but I was coming at it from a macro perspective, and I hope you aren't offended by my opinion. It's an observation I've made in myself.
