I've figured it all out

MlledeLaPlumeBleu said:
I'm not so much ripe as torta pö torta.....
OK, translate, please. Those umlauts make me think it's Finnishy.

Mlle. Trovatora
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destinie21 said:
... And in my humble opion age has something to do with it as younger men seem a bit more arrogant on the whole.:kiss:

A long time friend told me that she like me better now that I'm older ( some 16 years later) :confused:
O' shit! I forgot about the question...after reading all the pleas to win women's hearts.

Why don't women treat white men and black men the same? Meaning black women and white women. God help us if they say "because they are different".

This one hadn't been addressed. I believe the fella has a point. No body is going to go up to a woman and pat her on her ass because she is wearing a short skirt, OK. La-de-da!

I believe its a serious matter, just as serious as the way some men treat women. The point here is that white men are being held at a higher standard then black men. Black men are allowed to get away with "Hey baby, you want some fries to go with that shake" because "they are just like that", while white men have to be politically and socially correct else they are racist and sexist pigs.
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BlackSnake said:
O' shit! I forgot about the question...after reading all the pleas to win women's hearts.

Why don't women treat white men and black men the same? Meaning black women and white women. God help us if they say "because they are different".

This one hadn't been addressed. I believe the fella has a point. No body is going to go up to a woman and pat her on her ass because she is wearing a short skirt, OK. La-de-da!

I believe its a serious matter, just as serious as the way some men treat women. The point here is that white men are being held at a higher standard then black men. Black men are allowed to get away with "Hey baby, you want some fries to go with that shake" because "they are just like that", while white men have to be politically and socially correct else they are racist and sexist pigs.
I'm not so sure that black men are veiwed as "like that" I was recently in Baltimore for a week visiting some friends and it was so hot. I dressed "respectably" ie capri pants and tanks (I don't wear shorts at all because most are far to short and I'm 6 ft tall) and I got just as many hey babys and hoots from white guys as black an I felt equally disrespected by both. And IMO any woman who says that any guy or any person for that matter is "just like That " is enabling them.
Due the fact that I am black my opion undoubtbly goes to the way I was raised obviously my parents didn't allow me to think that the majority of black men were "dogs" Though Terri McMillan certainly tried she didn't manage either. But as I stated before I've had alot of interaction with black guys who were perfectly respectable and I am a woman and a lesbian.
Further more Growing up in the suburbs where blacks were even more of a minority I ran into a fair share of outright racism (names and the like) and also what I call racial ignorance (like
you're so nice /smart/pretty I dont even think of you as black or I'm not racist I have 1/5/10 black friends) If you know how many black friends you have you're definitly racist or boderline at the very least, but it would be horribly unfair to take on the white devil mentality and just say all or most white people are like that.

Ps: why do guys in cars yell out the window "hey baby come here" while you're on foot ? even If you were interested (as if you would be) do they expect you to run after them ?
destinie21 said:

Ps: why do guys in cars yell out the window "hey baby come here" while you're on foot ? even If you were interested (as if you would be) do they expect you to run after them ?

You're cool if you can get a girl to walk over to your car. She is saying you're hot and I want to go for a ride.

Hell, I don't know that. It's just as bad as getting a girls phone number.

I don't want to talk to a phone. I want to talk to her. What in the hell am I going to over the phone, other than jerk off. Hell, I don't need to be on the phone to do that. "I'll see ya when I see ya"

Next time I see a girl and contact is necessary for making plans, the a phone number is appropriate.

Women aren't the only ones who can be hounded over the phone. I say treat your phone number like sex, don't give it up on the first date.
destinie21 said:
I ran into a fair share of outright racism (names and the like) and also what I call racial ignorance (like
you're so nice /smart/pretty I dont even think of you as black


That's even worse than what happened to my ex: he's black, of Swedish/Nigerian ancestry, and this one time, when he was out dancing, a girl he knew very vaguely came up to him, drunk, with two black men in her company. She chatted with him, and confided in him that she was "out with her niggors".

(Yes, I spelled it wrong on purpose, to imitate the grammar mistake she made in Swedish.)

Now, WHAT's wrong with that picture..?:rolleyes:
Svenskaflicka said:

Now, WHAT's wrong with that picture..?:rolleyes:

Watch this...not a thing. If my babe said "mynigga" I would just smile, but she is backing it up. I have no problem with that.

When I hear someone yell "Nigger!" I pull my 17 from its hoster and see if I can get off a shot without being seen. Happened the other day while I was buying beer.

Only fools think that times have changed, but you still have to judge people by what they do.
Snakey, I've said this before but I'll tell you now. Growing up Mexican in Detroit was very odd, esp. in the 50s and 60s (and after the '66 race riot). I haven't been back since '70 but I remember it as a clear cut black or white environs. I got called nigger many times, even politely asked if I was one. Yet I know it wasn't the same for me as for you because my first reaction was that they were more ignorant than they could imagine.

Sometimes I was simply asked "What ARE you?" or "Are you a JAP?"

BlackSnake said:
Watch this...not a thing. If my babe said "mynigga" I would just smile, but she is backing it up. I have no problem with that.

When I hear someone yell "Nigger!" I pull my 17 from its hoster and see if I can get off a shot without being seen. Happened the other day while I was buying beer.

Only fools think that times have changed, but you still have to judge people by what they do.

My Hubby hates the N-word. I never use it myself. However, I go :rolleyes: whenever someone insists on calling himself/herself "african american" instead of "black".

Many of my exes were Africans. REAL Africans. They called themselves black. No "african african" bullshit. I say black. That's it.
Flicka: I always just say I'm Mexican. Then people ask - do you mean Mexican-American or were you born in Mexico?

I am NOT nationalistic either way. I was born of Mexican parents, grandparents, great-great, etc. Until school-age (and even then I was alienated) I was immersed among my large extended Mexican family and all the customs, foods, rituals, holidays (there was only one outsider among a hundred or so of us, and she was perfectly accepted by all).

So I am Mexican and the census takers and 'others' can take it or leave it. I will not add American to my identity until I know it means more than it does now (like not including Mexico, Canada, South America!)

I understand the ongoing identity assertions for Blacks in the U.S.; they've been forced to deal with color as identity. In fact when I was young they were simplistically called 'colored'; of course I wondered what that made me because colored equaled non-white. I would certainly never agree to being called Brown, Dark Beige, Particularly Tanned.

Perdita la Mexicana (NOT Hispanic, Chicana, Latina, Crappola)
MathGirl said:
Yeah, and the damned things roll off and make a mess at the bottom of the screen.
Try handling double and upsidedown exclamation and question marks.

perdita said:
Perdita la Mexicana (NOT Hispanic, Chicana, Latina, Crappola)

You mind if someone calls you Latina? I've always thought Latino/Latina sounds so sweet!:confused:
Svenskaflicka said:
You mind if someone calls you Latina? I've always thought Latino/Latina sounds so sweet!:confused:
But what does it mean? Think of all the various countries and cultures all stuck together under it. It's like Asian for Chinese, Japanes, Vietnamese, etc.

Where is the land of Latin? The Vatican?
To me, latino stands for everyone whose mother tongue stems from the latin language: Italians, French, Spanish, Portuguese, all middle- and southamerican people...
Svenskaflicka said:
To me, latino stands for everyone whose mother tongue stems from the latin language: Italians, French, Spanish, Portuguese, all middle- and southamerican people...
That would be nice, but in the States it's Spanish speaking Americans no matter the dialect or background. It's all racism to me here. I know you're up with that. P.
Hej Svenska *laugh*

Litet. Jag can göra mig sörstädd. Jag scriva inte bra- as you can see from my pitiful spelling of tårta, whoops...but all good Finns know some Swedish- we're actually Swedish Finns, but I speak with Swedish with that horrible flat Finnish accent- so I try not to- speak, overly much, that is :)

Mostly I just look for places to use phrases like "Engelsmannen har eder broders bläd", "Får jag ge er litet fisk?" and "Har bonden min nöt?"

xxoo Mlle
You know, actually, racism against immigrants has gotten so bad in Finland that last time I went home to visit people would yell epithets at me because they heard me speaking English with my cousin, who wanted to practice- they didn't think I understood, but of course I did, so I told them, rather snidely, that I was American and had no intention of taking their jobs. They apologized and said they assumed I was a "foreigner" because of my black hair and because "only foreigners speak English, because they can never learn Finnish" and I invited them cordially, to fuck themselves in Finnish. It's ridiculous. My cousin Stefan was born in Helsinki, a Finnish citizen, lived their all his life- yet he gets spit on because he's half Greek. Of course, it doesn't help that we're also Swedish Finns- it's the equivalent of being a Mexican American in reverse, where the whole working class country hates you for your perceived "aristocracy" *laugh*
perdita said:
Snakey, I've said this before but I'll tell you now. Growing up Mexican in Detroit was very odd, esp. in the 50s and 60s (and after the '66 race riot). I haven't been back since '70 but I remember it as a clear cut black or white environs. I got called nigger many times, even politely asked if I was one. Yet I know it wasn't the same for me as for you because my first reaction was that they were more ignorant than they could imagine.

Sometimes I was simply asked "What ARE you?" or "Are you a JAP?"


In polite conversation, there is no problems, but somethings are a threat.

The stupidest thing was the changing of the GA flag to remove the stars and bars. Like I suppose to wake up the next day and be in OZ.

Most people are great, but fuck their sister and OMG!
Hej Mlle!

If you ever DO find a suitable place for using those phrases - not to mention a suitable time to use them - please tell me.:)
I've heard that Finland is even worse than Sweden when it comes to racism. COnsidering what I've seen over here, that's really sad...:(
MlledeLaPlumeBleu said:
...it's the equivalent of being a Mexican American in reverse, where the whole working class country hates you for your perceived "aristocracy" *laugh*

I was walking around with my office mate earlier and I told him that it was crazy not to know what's going on around you. "What? You didn't see that brick coming?"

To pissed me off, just try to tolerate me. I will be what you may precieve in a heartbeat.

Not giving a fuck about me. That's cool. Most people only give a fuck about themselves anyway.

Come at me, and you better be able to duck.