I've figured it all out

BlackSnake said:
[O', on another subject - What do you think about training killers and then releasing them on the general public? [/B]

Okay what do you mean, are we talking sci fi type training of children to be war/killing machines then releasing them to act as regular citzens until one of them goes awol and

A) Forms their own army of the other rebeling "small soilders"

B)Tries to take on the "normal" human race allowing evil to prevail shortly only to be over taken by good and showing the Imminent triumph of the human spirit and good over evil

C) Go completly beserk and start a whole new breed of uber humans in a Makevelianesque way

or are we talking Taking people who have already murdered and perfecting their "skills" to act as assaisans that

A) Kill precived enemies swiftly and quietly for "the good of the nation"/world/human race.

B) Are used for the ever present governmental "conspiracies"
and general evils

or are we talking about men woman and children who have been convicted of manslaughter be it voulantary or invoulantary and murder in varying degrees (first second third) being refomed or rehabilitated Then being released after their Debt to society is repaid ?
BlackSnake said:
I was shaking like a leaf until Raynoid laid his 22 in my hand. I shot the guy in the tree twice and got another one trying to cross the hi-way. My heart still pumps thinking about it.

You WHAT??????????????????????

I was assigned to a unit when I was in the Army, and for three months, day and night they trained us how to kill people. Geese, I was just thinking if someone really got pissed off. Crazy.
Svenskaflicka said:

Growing up in a single parent household, I hunted, fished, and gardened as a way to subpliment my mother's income. Ammo costs. I hit what I aim at.

Would I kill another human being? Sure, if threatened. Survival is real life, seeing things different may cause you to become maget food.
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Svenskaflicka said:
*sigh* Men!

OK, I'll ask you straight out: Did you hurt those men?

And what's "maget"?

I've been hit a couple of times with a 22. It hurts worst than a bee sting, but the shots where non-lethal.

"Little white worms eating your body when you die"
Whenever a man avoids answering the question I ask, I know that I wouldn't like the answer he's keeping quiet about.
Svenskaflicka said:
*sigh* Men!

OK, I'll ask you straight out: Did you hurt those men?

And what's "maget"?

Yes, but they were boys then.

A maget is a little white worm that feeds on dead flesh.
BlackSnake said:
A maget is a little white worm that feeds on dead flesh.
Snake, I won't touch the subject Flicka's brought up. But, it's maggot. Perd
perdita said:
Snake, I won't touch the subject Flicka's brought up. But, it's maggot. Perd

That's for the correction. A bit of real life drama. When I was a cop, we use to say, "I wasn't always a cop" like E.M. did in the BHC movies.
Hur i helvete kunde du vara så in i helvete dum att du SKÖT en annan människa??? Det må vara att de jagade dig, men när du sprang ihop med dina kompisar var du ju i säkerhet, så då var det i ren och skär illvilja som du sköt, och inte i självförsvar! Det gör dig lika jävla usel som de puckona som jagade dig för att banka skiten ur dig för att du satte på den där tjejen!

*there are no smilies furious enough*
As everyone knows.........

perdita said:
Snake, I won't touch the subject Flicka's brought up. But, it's maggot. Perd
Dear Perdita,
Correct. A "maget" is one of those little things to hold notes onto the refrigerator door.
Ps. BS is a true renaissance man, isn't he? Great lover, writer, and very dangerous when in righteous wrath.
Pps. Hiya, Svenska, you Swedish cutie.
Svenskaflicka said:

This is not totally unheard of, even in the best regulated societies.

As for a government training people to kill: What do you think that any armed force is teaching in Basic Training? How to March & Salute?

It's nearly twenty years old, but you may find it enlightening to view a copy of Gwynne Dyer 's seven-part, National Film Board of Canada documentary, "War: A Commentary", especially the episode entitled, "ANYBODY'S SON WILL DO."

His companion book, "War" was published by Crown Publishers, N.Y. in 1985. ISBN 0-517-55615-4.

Just a little nationalistic product endorsement!
Quasimodem said:
This is not totally unheard of, even in the best regulated societies.

I have a loaded shotgun in my house, I know how to use it, and I wouldn't hesitate if it was him or me.
Re: As everyone knows.........

MathGirl said:
Dear Perdita,
Correct. A "maget" is one of those little things to hold notes onto the refrigerator door.
Ps. BS is a true renaissance man, isn't he? Great lover, writer, and very dangerous when in righteous wrath.
Pps. Hiya, Svenska, you Swedish cutie.

thought that was a magnet
Originally posted by MathGirl
I have a loaded shotgun in my house, I know how to use it, and I wouldn't hesitate if it was him or me.
Supposing it was someone else?


Gabriel_Lee said:
Supposing it was someone else?
In that case, I'd sic my aunt Louise on them. She lives next door and is a redheaded lawyer. That's a combination that would make the most hardened criminal bolt in terror.
Re: As everyone knows.........

MathGirl said:
Dear Perdita,
Correct. A "maget" is one of those little things to hold notes onto the refrigerator door.
Ps. BS is a true renaissance man, isn't he? Great lover, writer, and very dangerous when in righteous wrath.
Pps. Hiya, Svenska, you Swedish cutie.

Yes indeed, you sharp-tongued devil, and sometimes easily irritated.
MathGirl said:
Quasimodem said:
This is not totally unheard of, even in the best regulated societies.

I have a loaded shotgun in my house, I know how to use it, and I wouldn't hesitate if it was him or me.

Here's the thing. Are you going to ask; are you here to rob, rape, or kill me, because I need to know if I can shoot you to end the threat you are creating?

O', and they look for guns in your house when they break in. Criminals by guns from criminals.

One of the ladies in my TKD class also brought that up when I was demonstrating an attact hold designed to break the victims neck with minimal sound in the darkness. I didn't know how to answer the question. After all, that's what the job called for.

MG, I also scratch my balls when they itch.
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MathGirl said:
In that case, I'd sic my aunt Louise on them. She lives next door and is a redheaded lawyer. That's a combination that would make the most hardened criminal bolt in terror.

LOL, what color is the sky in your world. Criminals don't give a damn about lawyers. They pay some to get them out of jail before the ink dries on the police report, and others live to by keeping their mouths shut. They don't like each other, what do you think that they feel about someone who could try and take something away from them.

You live in the most violent nation on earth. RealLife is not a TV show, not even where you live. I bet it was great to change the channel or turn off the TV during the war, huh?
As for private people keeping guns in their house, I only have this to say:

"XXXXX XXXXXXXX hid his 9mm Glock so well, it took his daughter 4 years to find it."

(The 4-year-old kid put a stool on a chair, climbed up to the top shelf of a cabinet, opened a box, found the gun, put it in her mouth, and pulled the trigger. Ah, well. Atleast her father could defend the house against intruders...:rolleyes: )
BlackSnake said:
MG, I also scratch my balls when they itch.
Dear BS,
Really? I would have thoughy you'd call someone else in to do it for you and take a picture to use as an AV. I'm disappointed.