I've figured it all out

MlledeLaPlumeBleu said:
BS- huh? I don't understand what you're saying. Did I offend you? I was talking about Finland.

No, you didn't offend me. Some times I just have to express myself.

Just because I'm screaming, doesn't mean that I'm upset...LOL

This board has a board range of cool people, and I'm happy to chat with them.

But, your question still didn't get answered. I still think you have a valid point. You are not the first to bring that up. I'm against affrimative action in the way I've seen it enforced in a lot of cases.

The best thing that I've seen done concerning that was a white man filed a discrimination suit and won. I cheered for him.
Svenskaflicka said:
Or look down on you for your colour or the colour of the person you're holding hands with.

For those cases, my snake isn't the only thing I have that packs a punch.
I'm bring the issue back again. Let's gets some good thoughts going here:

I believe its a serious matter, just as serious as the way some men treat women. The point here is that white men are being held at a higher standard then black men. Black men are allowed to get away with "Hey baby, you want some fries to go with that shake" because "they are just like that", while white men have to be politically and socially correct else they are racist and sexist pigs.
You know, like I said before- I think it's way more fucked up than Mabeuse's original thought- that it's an issue of kid gloves because we're afraid of offending- it isn't. It's deliberately assigning a lower standard. I think it's just as racist as some parts of affirmative action. Not to condemn bad behavior in black men as well as white men because we somehow feel like "they won't get it anyway" IS attributing lesser abilities to black men, and, intentional or not, it's racist- although I'm sure many black men wouldn't view it that way...I applaud your sense of social responsibility, Mr. Anaconda :)
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Somethings are worth fighting and dying for.

If you let me feel on your ass...let me tell ya, I'm thinking you like it.
Svenskaflicka said:
Violence may feel good at the time, but it doesn't make anything better.

Violence doesn't feel good, but as fucked up as I may be, I have to stand for something. My god, my mother, my babe, my country, my way of life.
But aren't we talking about several different things at once here?

Yes, I do think there is an attitude of laissez-faire when it comes to the image of black men as sport-interested, rapping horn dogs. That image is embraced by most; by leaders/deans/bosses because it gives them a sort of back-up when it comes to keeping any non-white people down; and by youngsters (especially non-white people) because they like to have cool role models. What teenager wants to admit that he/she really digs that black lawyer or that puertorican doctor?

I know a guy who wrote about this in our club's newsletter. He had been working as a teacher, and at one point, when he corrected a young kid for doing something wrong, the kid protested against him being so strict on the rules. "You're black, you're supposed to be cool!"

BUT, on another side, there's the exact opposite going on. There may be an attitude of "they're just like that, never mind them" about, say, black construction workers shouting after girls as they pass by, BUT when it comes to real crimes, the gloves are off. Criminals who are black or latin, receive much harder punishments for crimes committed than white criminals do for the same crime. This happens even if the judge is black or latin, so it's not just a matter of racist-old-WASP-judges. Justice isn't just.

And I think that the first thing, the patronizing attitude, is reinforcing the second. People are brought up to expect anyone who isn't white to behave badly.
Flicka, thank you. You speak eloquently to what is known as 'institutional racism', whereby the racists can't see the forest for the trees.

Be that as it may. We have to deal with life as it is not how we would like it to be.

We shouldn't say, "hey, he's white. He should know better." That is just as bad to me.

I say call an asshole an asshole. Speaking of assholes, I have to go home now, it's 5pm.

BlackSnake said:
No, you didn't offend me. Some times I just have to express myself.

Just because I'm screaming, doesn't mean that I'm upset...LOL

This board has a board range of cool people, and I'm happy to chat with them.

But, your question still didn't get answered. I still think you have a valid point. You are not the first to bring that up. I'm against affrimative action in the way I've seen it enforced in a lot of cases.

The best thing that I've seen done concerning that was a white man filed a discrimination suit and won. I cheered for him.

I acyually want to weep sometimes. not for affirmative action being "enforced" but because it's 2003 and there's still a need for such things.I know a few caucasian people who are self righteous (and lets face it racist) like to say things like they're stealing our job the they being gays lesbians woman and other minorities but I know good and well that there were some kids at my school who's parents would have lynched me as soon as looked at me. Also I find it "funny" to hear the" plight of a white man" from young white male or (Lol my college professor who loves to debate such things) I can't even begin to tell them what it's like to be a black woman in the US. I still can't go into department stores in my neighboorhood without being followed around or sometimes when I'm out be it in the grocery store the mall or anywhere really without having woman tighten their grip on their handbag or this one really kills me :confused: Last week I was at a redlight and I look over at the car next to me and the woman in the driver's seat looks at me for a moment then presses her power locks as if I was thinking about abandoning my car right there and taking hers I mean c'mon. I also try and get them to see I don't want retribution or special treatment I just want to be normal. Also I "love" when people talk about minorities playing the Race Card I want to tell them this isn't go fish This is the last round of black jack and you've already taken your last hit maybe you've got 21 maybe you've got 17 it's to close to risk it and now you can only play the cards You've been dealt.

Ps: Do People get mad when all nationalities french, irish , swedish are lumped together as white so long as they are Caucasian? I sort of think that's racist too.
In Finland, as well as other countries, there is alot more national identity. People tend to just be against "foreigners" whatever their race or creed. But in America, it's really pretty stupid to be racist on account of a national identity- since our national identity was founded on the concept of the "melting pot".
des, you gotta be kidding!!! I laughed right out loud when I read about the woman in the car. That's just too much!

Do I feel offended by getting lumped together with Irish and Brits as "Caucasian"? No. With the French, yes, then I do feel offended, but that's just because I hate the French.

I wouldn't feel offended by someone calling em "European", because hey, that's what I am. BUT, I would feel offended if someone would say something like "it's a typical European thing". We are many nations, all of us are different, and lumping us up together when it comes to behaviour and costumes is just as idiotic as comparing a bird and a crocodile, just because they're "Not Mammals".
Flicka, I know exactly what Des. means. Here's a different sample of life in the States.

When my sons (who are Mexican/Chinese) were teens and mostly into the clothing styles of their black rapper friends we'd get on a bus together but then have to sit apart. I'd watch all the white people avoid sitting next to them or the women clutch their purses tight.

I could see my sons fit a stereotype visually, but knowing how sweet and kind they really were (and still are) it broke my heart to see how they were being judged. Of course I enjoyed it when a seat would free up and we'd sit together and laugh and joke and speak very literate English.

Svenskaflicka said:
What year is it in your country?:confused:
Lady, and I live in San Francisco! known as the hell-mouth to most of the rest of the country for its progressive, commie, liberal, pagan ways. Imagine what it's like for non-whites to live in between the coasts. Good grief, as MG says a lot. P.
Originally posted by MlledeLaPlumeBleu
... racism against immigrants has gotten so bad in Finland that last time I went home to visit people would yell epithets at me ...
and I invited them cordially, to fuck themselves in Finnish.
Sorry, but epithets sound so refined. It just amused me! :)

Yeah, I sound like a hopped-up twat, huh? ;)

Actually, I just didn't want to go into the specifics of said insults, because I'm forever trying to edit myself- I have this problem with length...

in my writing, that is......epistolary length.

Pistolary length is always welcome.
It's "funny" when something really racist happens I'm usually so Shocked or incredulos that all I can think is " well Godamn, That was Racist" Like when kids in my school would say " Are you like from The Ghetto or something " or teachers would honest to god say "What's it like to be black" as if I had been some other race and then woke up and poof I was black. I would politley reply all suprised "I'm black oh my god do my parents know" or if I was pissy that day "What's it like to be ignorant" that is thePG13 version:p
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I use to get really hurt by that stuff when was in elementary school and could do little to defend myself against grown-ups. "Monkey" and "Jew baby" comes to mind. Not being aloud in a department store really kicked my ass.

I was going to an all black school, teachers and all from the 6th to the 8th grades. All I saw was white people hating black people. My mother, on the other hand, wouldn't allow that "those people", "the white man" kind of talk. She said the only person that can hold you back is yourself. I love my mom.

In high school though, it was like I was waiting for someone to call me colored. Somebody did, and I showed them colors (red, black, and blue).

Then I saw this girl in class. Long dark shiny hair and the sun seemed to always be reflecting off it. I use to sit in class and draw pictures of her. She was awesome. She actually started talking to me. Very few white kids talked to black kids in school unless it was a fight going on.

I told my friends about her, and they were down (meaning they had my back if anything went down). We hooked up at school and the sisters went "ape-shit", but I had a few female friends that would dust their ass off if they so much as looked at her sideways. We were hot shit around school in no time.

Problem came at her house. I was banging away and forgot the time. Her dad showed up. Mad break for her bedroom window. Just over the fench when two shots rangout.

Breathing like a hounddog when I hit the corner and say the truck with a couple of guys on the back. I was about four miles from my house, but Happy Hill was closer. (There was nothing happy about Happy Hill, I tell ya.)

I jumped many fences, fell more times than I could count, but I was moving. When I ran into the projects I had another problem. I wasn't from Happy Hill. It didn't take long before I was back on my horse.

I made it into the woods and up on the hill, and I started calling for my friends. Those guys from Happy Hill followed me like idoits. Chalie-boy had a black german sherpard named Boy. I opened the gate as fast as I could. Boy had one of them up a tree before anyone else got there.

I was shaking like a leaf until Raynoid laid his 22 in my hand. I shot the guy in the tree twice and got another one trying to cross the hi-way. My heart still pumps thinking about it.

School erupted before the first bell rang and I was swing like hammering Hank. Two days later when I got off suspension I hooked up with the awesome babe. We did it in the dugout out on the baseball field and she told me that we had to break up.

I really hated that shit, but a month later I hooked up with another white babe and nothing eventful happened outside of sex.

I still can see the girls face though. Like she glowed.

O', on another subject - What do you think about training killers and then releasing them on the general public?
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