
Old movies

Originally posted by DVS MG, I guess that SNL "we don't need no stinking badges" skit was way before your time. Sorry for pulling age on you.

Dear DVS,
I'm not too young to have seen the original movie on tape. "The Treasure of the Sierra Madre" with Humphrey Bogart, John Houston, and Tim Holt. 1940s Oh, also several mules and a bunch of Mexicans who didn't need "no stinkin' badgers." It was a documentary about the scarcity and personal hygiene of members of the weasel family.
Re: Old movies

MathGirl said:
Dear DVS,
I'm not too young to have seen the original movie on tape. "The Treasure of the Sierra Madre" with Humphrey Bogart, John Houston, and Tim Holt. 1940s Oh, also several mules and a bunch of Mexicans who didn't need "no stinkin' badgers." It was a documentary about the scarcity and personal hygiene of members of the weasel family.
Well, one of my favorite Bogart movies was "We're No Angels". It was about 3 escaped convicts. Bogart, Aldo Ray and Peter Ustinov were the convicts. 1955 movie from the Broadway play. Aldo Ray had a snake...a little green one. Adolf was his name, if I remember correctly. Adolf was very deadly. That was how they killed, both intentionally and by mistake. Adolf got loose and well, he bit a few people.
Not your normal Bogart movie, but I thought it was great! It also had Basil Rathbone in it and Leo G. Carroll. You gotta see it, if you haven't. Very funny!

Well, this has nothing to do with Jesus, but I guess you could connect it by saying Adolf's victims got to see Jesus. A vague connection, I admit. You just got me thinking, when you talked about Bogart.

Now, I don't remember the mules and all the weasles. But, badgers are nasty critters, with teeth.
Re: Thank you

Ricochet said:
Good Lord, I've been down lately, on myself and, unfortunately, on others.

This thread has made my day.

I absolutely love pseudo-sanctimonious bullshit. This thread beats them all.



Thanks... I guess?:confused:

It loses something when you have to explain it, but I will try.

People are so uptight in their religious beliefs, it is refreshing to see some innocent fun poked at ancient tradition.

Sometimes a well placed little needle like yours does a much better job on an over-inflated baloon than a bomb. (But that is another story.)
Re: Old movies

MathGirl said:
Dear DVS,
"no stinkin' badgers." It was a documentary about the scarcity and personal hygiene of members of the weasel family.

Can't say I've ever tried a smelly weasel, damn stickler about peronal hygene me.
Re: Mmm...

Ricochet said:
It loses something when you have to explain it, but I will try.

People are so uptight in their religious beliefs, it is refreshing to see some innocent fun poked at ancient tradition.

Sometimes a well placed little needle like yours does a much better job on an over-inflated baloon than a bomb. (But that is another story.)

It was the word "bullshit" that confused me.;)
Re: Re: Mmm...

Svenskaflicka said:
It was the word "bullshit" that confused me.;)
Ah, but bullshit is becoming such a universal word, is it not?
No offense to the bull, as they do produce more than just a smelly pile of crap.
Believe it or not, but I have actually never SEEN bullshit, even though I've grown up on the countryside. I've seen cowshit, but not bullshit. I wonder if there's much difference? If not, I can tell you that cows and bulls don't just shit, they "splat". Big, round, wet, black omelets. And after a few days, it dries up and hardens and looks like a very fat LP-record.

You guys REALLY wanted to know all this, huh?:p
Svenskaflicka said:
Believe it or not, but I have actually never SEEN bullshit, even though I've grown up on the countryside. I've seen cowshit, but not bullshit. I wonder if there's much difference? If not, I can tell you that cows and bulls don't just shit, they "splat". Big, round, wet, black omelets. And after a few days, it dries up and hardens and looks like a very fat LP-record.

You guys REALLY wanted to know all this, huh?:p
Well, to clarify your statement, they do shit. Your "splat" statement references the act of the shit leaving the rear of the animal and landing on ground. It is still shit from the time it leaves the digestive factory of the animal to the time it furtilizes the grass to grow better in that "splat" spot. And, it is better to not be too close when this act happens.

Ah, and when nice and dry, they are used in chip tossing contests. No, I don't engage in such lunacy, but this is a large country, so we have our share of weirdos.

I sometimes wonder if it has anything to do with the aroma that litterally steams up from these morsels when fresh that warps the heads of our country folk.

We feed our cattle (including bulls) a certain diet, so maybe the after digestive nature of this diet can change the human thought process.

After all, who would go out and pick these things up for a recreational event? You gotta know that for every one that is dry enough to pick up, there is a certain number that will still be wet and mushy enough to be better left alone.

And these people do this for no pay what so ever! Just the thrill of it, I guess?
Dung beetles and the survival of humanity

Originally posted by DVS it furtilizes the grass to grow better in that "splat" spot.

Dear DVS,
Actually, the disk of cow shit prevents sunlight getting to the grass underneath and kills it. Thankfully, there are dung beetles which dine on the bovine effluvia, break it down, and prevent pasturage from becoming a sterile wasteland.

Let's hear it for the dung beetles! Nature's unsung heroes.

MG, self styled knowitall
Re: Dung beetles and the survival of humanity

MathGirl said:
Dear DVS,
Actually, the disk of cow shit prevents sunlight getting to the grass underneath and kills it. Thankfully, there are dung beetles which dine on the bovine effluvia, break it down, and prevent pasturage from becoming a sterile wasteland.

Let's hear it for the dung beetles! Nature's unsung heroes.

MG, self styled knowitall
You are so correct, MG. Who said people smart in math are not also smart in life's common necessities.

By the way, your new AV looks like you just got a good whiff of some bull dung.

Oh, I had to include this link. It shows just one of the many dung beetles. These guys even play with their food!
After all, who would go out and pick these things up for a recreational event?

Over here, we are much more refined. We pick moose dung.

If you think that's weird, what do you think of the Germans, who buy the stuff right out of our hands?

Moose dung earrings...

NOW you understand why it freaks me out when people can't tell the difference between us Swedes and those... Germs?:eek:
Svenskaflicka said:
Moose dung earrings...

Dear Svenska,
I hope your kidding about Germans and moose dung earrings. I'll never look at my German car the same way again.

Wasn't "Moose Dung" that fat Chinese guy who wrote the Little Red Book and is now dead?
MathGirl said:
Dear Svenska,
I hope your kidding about Germans and moose dung earrings. I'll never look at my German car the same way again.

Wasn't "Moose Dung" that fat Chinese guy who wrote the Little Red Book and is now dead?

Not kidding. Those perverted Germans are NUTS about moose dung.

And no, that Chinese guy's name was Mouse Dung.

(Classic education involves both languages and history.)
Smart girl

Originally posted by Svenskaflicka (Classic education involves both languages and history.)

Dear Svenska,
Oh, yeah. Mousie Dung. You never cease to impress me. I'm go glad Ihave you as a friend.
Mao Tse-Tung

"The atom bomb is a paper tiger which the United States reactionaries use to scare people."

"All reactionaries are paper tigers."

Steer clear of reactionaries. They might explode.

Re: Mao Tse-Tung

oggbashan said:
"The atom bomb is a paper tiger which the United States reactionaries use to scare people."

"All reactionaries are paper tigers."

Steer clear of reactionaries. They might explode.


Ah, the seamless beauty of classical logic.

Proof Jesus was...


1. Didn't believe in the separation of church and state.
2. Hung around with people that couldn't read.
3. Died from capital punishment.

Worked at Halliburton:

1. Got his job from being well-connected.
2. Acts like The Almighty when knocking over money-lenders / Iraq.
3. Gave a prime contract (The Keys of Heaven) to Peter, without letting the Apostles compete for it.

William Bennett:

1. Thinks he's God.
2. Hates money-lenders but loves gambling for our eternal souls (see Job).
3. Hangs around with a small group of crazy people who think he's right.

George W. Bush:

1. Can walk on water or fly above it.
2. Think he's God.
3. Got his job from his Dad.

Dennis Miller:

1. Has a beard and long hair.
2. Has long winded sermons / jokes.
3. Acts like a total publicity whore.

Michael Moore:

1. Great at creating a publicity stunt.
2. Is funny.
3. Socially conscious and cares for the downtrodden.

Marilyn Manson:

1. Puts on a good show.
2. Gets blamed for everything.
3. Has long hair and is quite pale.

We're all going to Hell, so let's have some fun and laugh a little. Hell can't be that bad when Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson aren't going there.

Proof that Jesus had an alcohol dependency problem:

1. He didn't want to be the only one drinking.
2. He was always telling everybody that he loved them.
3. He ended up getting totally crucified and didn't turn up till three days later.
Lars, Lars, Bo-Bars

Svenskaflicka said:
Hrrrm! Ahem! Lars Eriksson..? Ring a bell?

Sure, he was that blond cutie who was always on the cover of Tiger Beat Magazine, right?

Re: Lars, Lars, Bo-Bars

CrownJoolz said:
Sure, he was that blond cutie who was always on the cover of Tiger Beat Magazine, right?



Yes, and Columbus was an Italian race car driver...
re. earlier post here

Some Mexican history:
The Olmecs produced a political-religious center that flourished between 1200 and 900 BC.

MG take note: The Olmecs were the first 'american' people to fathom the concept of zero, develop a calendar, and create a hieroglyphic writing system.

The Mexica (pronounced "me-shee-ka"), which gave the name to Mexico, settled as a civilazation in the 12c. (so far the earliest proven time).

The Aztecs (my ancestry) began their civilization in 700 AD.

Mexico as we think of it (and many other original americans) began with a myriad of peoples now labeled indigenous. The European conquest wiped out millions.

And not well remembered it seems, California (and let's not forget The Alamo) was once part of Mexico.

Se acaba mi lección. Perdita
Re: re. earlier post here

perdita said:
And not well remembered it seems, California (and let's not forget The Alamo) was once part of Mexico.

It's hard to forget that here, with half the places in the state having Spanish names. Even "Modesto" which was so named because the local Alcalde was too modest to have the place named after himself.