Joe Biden Disgraces A Medal Of Honor Recipient

I wish the Right would stop pretending they give a shit about the military when its demonstrable they don't care about the military, they care about ceremony.
You care though? This was a ceremony to honor the military, guess we should take that away from them too.
I don't care much about ceremony tbh. I care about their lives and families. And I could probably dig up at least a dozen if I really searched to show you that where it counts they don't care. Look at who sponsored taking care of our wounded soldiers and their families.

It died in the house. Shouldn't that be more important than giving a man medal?

I know this one isn't military its First Responders to 9/11
Where my Republicans at?

At least this one had almost no support from either side but still

Where my boys? They are really no different from people like Saddam or Ghaffi. They like to claim they give a shit but when the rubber hits the road they want the photo op.
There are more bills but unless you know the exact name they can be a bitch to google. And Crosby, I knew him personally. Calling him a friend is a strong word but he deserved better than our nation gave him. Call me crazy but I think actually taking care of our military and first responders is more important than Biden who might have Covid acted responsibly and minimized his time exposing other people.
The Ds didn't show up for this but I'd think the supposedly pro military party would be all over shit like this or even introducing their own bills.

This is the party that was fighting against Covid vaccines. I served, you get all sorts of shots just like you did when you were in school that you don't want or even really need. I'm the only person (that I'm still in contact with) who has a Small Pox vaccine and and that one is genuinely dangerous, you have to be careful to keep it dry so it doesn't get spread. Fucker itches too and you have to be very careful not to scratch and keep a fresh bandaid on it. Like it or not when you sign on the dotted line you become government property. Can't even get tattoos that would visible in a short sleeve shirt. You can't wear offensive shirts though they don't REALLY enforce that one but I got crap for wearing WWE shirts with things like "Fuck Fear" or "Suck it"
The Ds didn't show up for this but I'd think the supposedly pro military party would be all over shit like this or even introducing their own bills.
You'd think that the supposedly pro military party would pounce on any politician who was actively reducing the effectiveness of the armed forces by preventing officers from taking their appointed posts, and tell that person to fuck off and stop being a prick.
You'd think that the supposedly pro military party would pounce on any politician who was actively reducing the effectiveness of the armed forces by preventing officers from taking their appointed posts, and tell that person to fuck off and stop being a prick.

That to. The idea that "woke" is bad for the military is utterly unhinged. You think you work with, eat with and sleep in the same building if not the same room with with people for months or years and you don't know who is gay?

If you think when you see how people look at your or talk about your race in general is a GOOD thing for readiness you're fucking insane. Just outside your head.

That's before we factor in that our leadership at least on oneside is more interested in stopping Jack Smith's investigation than they are about making sure we don't have a government shut down that could screw our credit rating? For the second in less than twenty years no less. Like I said the Right likes the song and dance but could give a damn less about the rest of it. They have no interest in governing.
This is also why as I get older I like Veterans Day and Memorial Day less and less. I have a huge problem with people who twice a year want to pretend to care about me and the people who came before but when the time comes to take care of people who got injured you can fuck right off. I depise fake.
This is also why as I get older I like Veterans Day and Memorial Day less and less. I have a huge problem with people who twice a year want to pretend to care about me and the people who came before but when the time comes to take care of people who got injured you can fuck right off. I depise fake.
Thank you so much for your service!

Every day should honor our veterans, but as you say, most think it’s only important on the designated Hallmark holidays.

Services for our veterans and surviving family members should be the finest in the world, with second place not even close.

But it took how long to even get recognition of burn pit exposure? It’s a thing, deal with it swiftly and come up with alternatives.

Having our veterans shit on— that is the reason our military has seen a decline. You used to think you would be taken care of, but now you give it all and the country says fuck off?

Hey Republicans, put up or shut up.
Exactly. That is what I'm talking about. Our suicide rates, alcoholism, drug use, violence against our spouses is nearly double the civillian population. We are almost as dangerous to ourselves as the enemy. This is also true of first responders. I'm more than happy to debate what the most effective ways are to fix these issues and what is most cost effective but not ignore them. I would say getting a mandatory psych evaluation would be a good start. I would also suggest teaching men, actually start with boys still in school that its okay to cry, its okay to say you're not okay. Lets be honest, we teach boys from a young age that saying you're having a hard time coping makes you a bitch. It might not solve all of the problems but it would probably help.

While your not wrong that most people only say thank you for your service when you meet a service or former service member. I bring up the Republicans specifically because they talk a good game but I posted a few bills and all were brought up by Dems. Dems are terrible at branding and should be bragging about what they accomplish or try to and shaming the fuck out of Reps.
I heard a radio segment that said at one base (I think) active duty soldiers suicide rates dropped dramatically when they made them leave their guns on base over weekends.