Johnny's Advice Corner

SkylineBlue said:
Which came first the egg or that little dog in the Taco Bell commercials and whatever happened to the little bugger?
The egg came first. The Taco Bell dog was played by Gidget (and voiced by Carlos Alazraqui) was last seen in the movie Crazy In Alabama in 1999. Carlos Alazraqui can currently be seen on Comedy Central's Reno 911, playing Deputy Garcia.
Carlos Alizraqui also voiced Spyro the Dragon in the first Spyro video game, but not in the two sequels. The voice in Spyro 2 and 3 was provided by Tom Kenny, who was also the narrator and mayor from The Powerpuff Girls.
What do you get a 78 yr old woman for her birthday when the last thing she needs is more stuff you buy for a 78 yr old woman?
BrightFlower said:
What do you get a 78 yr old woman for her birthday when the last thing she needs is more stuff you buy for a 78 yr old woman?
A storage shed? A lage picture or collage of pictures of all the kids and grandkids? A vibrator?
you're wretched!!!

a rattlesnake. geez.

Tell me, Oh Wise One, what is the meaning of life?
Johnny Mayberry said:
Hey, who's answering the questions here, me or you....get yer own corner!!:p
Hey, you just asked a question - but do we get yelled at if we answer it? :devil: ;)
Etoile said:
Carlos Alizraqui also voiced Spyro the Dragon in the first Spyro video game, but not in the two sequels. The voice in Spyro 2 and 3 was provided by Tom Kenny, who was also the narrator and mayor from The Powerpuff Girls.

AND featured prominently on Mr. Show which I will plug at the drop of a hat.
I asked a question already asked? DANG IT!!!

Okay then - what is my punishment for so obviously having missed someone else's question?
SkylineBlue said:
I asked a question already asked? DANG IT!!!

Okay then - what is my punishment for so obviously having missed someone else's question?
If you're referring to the meaning of life question, it wasn't asked in this thread. It was asked in the 5-part trilogy "The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy" by the late Douglas Adams.
which i only partially read... because i got a version that had weird ass text in funky colors and was barely legible
That's too bad, it's really good. You ought to try getting it from the library and giving it another try. :)
They only did a radio play out of the first book though, right? Of course it was the best! I did read them all, but the first one was the best.

Personally, I loved the Infocom game! I wonder if I could find an Infocom interpreter.
Etoile said:
They only did a radio play out of the first book though, right?

Other way around. The books grew out of the BBC radio series. You can buy the scripts, which are worthwhile, because they explain where a lot of it came from. For example, Slartibardfast orginally started out as "Fartyfuckballs"...
FungiUg said:
Other way around. The books grew out of the BBC radio series. You can buy the scripts, which are worthwhile, because they explain where a lot of it came from. For example, Slartibardfast orginally started out as "Fartyfuckballs"...
Oh my god, I had NO idea. In fact at first I was thinking "no way, he's way off" and went to search out a page that proves you wrong. But the BBC page about HHGTTG says you are right! I will never doubt you again. :)
heh heh...

and here johnny was thinking he had ALL the answers... way to go fungusbreath, destroying his world like that!