July 2015 Challenge: The Imitation Game

well, I did one, harder than I thought, and, in reading (haven't made it past the first page yet) found more parody's (to my mind) than true imitators, was fun :eek: and stretching.
But I really like the poem, too, which in my twisted mind means Tzara must have written it. :D
My 2nd guess is Tzara too, but if that's the case, I haven't a clue.
I was trying to get someone to say it was a poem by gm. That hope died, of course, when he was the first person to guess.


BTW, no one in my neck of the woods says "Kmarts" or"Ac-uh-me," the latter because that doesn't mean anything to us, other than Wile E. Coyote's supplier of nefarious goods.

I'd guess "pock-a-book" is "pocketbook," based on the sound.

Reading you two talk about the east coast makes me wonder why we're a country and Europe is a convoluted mess.

Fer God's sake us lefties don't understand you righties and, I 'spect, vicey versey. So why does our country work?
well, I did one, harder than I thought, and, in reading (haven't made it past the first page yet) found more parody's (to my mind) than true imitators, was fun :eek: and stretching.
Yeah, Harry, there are parodies. I think that would have been difficult to avoid. And, although I know who wrote it, of course, that Harrods one got me to laugh. A lot.

So I guess I'm declaring parodies as OK.

For now. :rolleyes:
well, I did one, harder than I thought, and, in reading (haven't made it past the first page yet) found more parody's (to my mind) than true imitators, was fun :eek: and stretching.
Thank you for your poem, by the way.
I was trying to get someone to say it was a poem by gm. That hope died, of course, when he was the first person to guess.


BTW, no one in my neck of the woods says "Kmarts" or"Ac-uh-me," the latter because that doesn't mean anything to us, other than Wile E. Coyote's supplier of nefarious goods.

I'd guess "pock-a-book" is "pocketbook," based on the sound.

Reading you two talk about the east coast makes me wonder why we're a country and Europe is a convoluted mess.

Fer God's sake us lefties don't understand you righties and, I 'spect, vicey versey. So why does our country work?

It just does. Terry grew up in San Francisco and Hawaii and we understood each other perfectly. Go figure.
I was trying to get someone to say it was a poem by gm. That hope died, of course, when he was the first person to guess.


Honestly my first thought was GM and I did wonder for a moment if he was trying to throw off the scent.
Here is a list of everyone who has submitted at least one response so far. Most have submitted more than one response, as you might guess given that their are 28 responses at this point and only 11 participants.

I have included links to each person's submissions page in case you want to browse their previous Lit submissions to help figure out who wrote what (or, better yet, simply to read more of their work).

Again, my thanks to all who have participated.

Can we still send things in on this? I've been lacking time to really think, but I have something in mind.

Was #2 Angeline? seems like something she or gm would write and agree, it is heartbreakingly beautiful

Not I, Harry, but I did think of the Blue Ridge Mountains down in Ashville, No. Carolina when I read it. They're beautiful. And, yes, the poem is heartbreaking beautiful.
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Can we still send things in on this? I've been lacking time to really think, but I have something in mind.

Yes, it'll be open for at least another week. Originally I was going to leave it open until the 17th, but I have too many things going on in my life to go quite that far and I think people will be pretty tired of it by then. So, let me say, at least until next Friday.
not the 17th?
I will keep accepting things until the 17th, but may be erratic about posting them, since I'll be busy. I'm probably going to be gone some this week as well due to family matters. I'll probably attach names to poems before the 17th, though.
Just to let you all know, I will be gone for a few days (not sure how long) starting tomorrow.

Family things. You can still post to the challenge thread (and please do) but it will be a bit before I'm able to get to your poem.


Please continue to post and be as exceptional as ya'll are as a group.

Which y'all are. Exceptional. :heart:
From the submissions it seems it was pretty difficult to try to do an honest imitation. You would have to really get in there and practice some author-specific techniques. There are plenty of well done homages like the Walt Whitman one, but it's closer to 'I wish Walt utilized these poetic tools that I like.' The near-limerick for Coleridge was interesting. I think Yeats is the closest to imitation, the tanka was good though too as previous posters mention.
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There are some new responses posted. Check them out. They're good.

I know I've been capricious about when the challenge ends. I'm now back to thinking a week from Friday, i.e., July 17, which was the original ending date.

But I may change my mind, so try and post things to me before that, eh?

God, family. What an enormous pain in the [expletive].
That whole response thread is chock full of goodness. The new Joyce imitation is beautiful, like being handed a bouquet of flowers. If I were betting I'd guess bflag wrote it.