Just a typical AH thread - nothing to see here

AH is an especially nice place to hang. So many special people here being kind and supportive, and the snark is kept to a minimum. (Mary is the exception, but her snark is always in good humor. Gotta be that Jewish mom thing.) I started to list my friends here, but I stopped because I know that I was going to leave somebody or several somebodies out unintentionally.

Good on all o' you.
I feel this is needed.

Please feel free to post pleasant things and to compliment your fellow Lit inhabitants.


Emily I appreciate this so much, and so many of your other posts that I've come across.

You are amazing! Thank you!
AH is an especially nice place to hang. So many special people here being kind and supportive, and the snark is kept to a minimum. (Mary is the exception, but her snark is always in good humor. Gotta be that Jewish mom thing.) I started to list my friends here, but I stopped because I know that I was going to leave somebody or several somebodies out unintentionally.

Good on all o' you.
I completely agree with this. Apart from the bit about having friends.
I started to list my friends here, but I stopped because I know that I was going to leave somebody or several somebodies out unintentionally.

Same reason i haven't made a list. Always afraid someone will feel left out.

The people here I enjoy chatting, joking, sharing story advice with etc know who they are.

And my door is always open to new friends, too.
I'd also like to add... I've started a couple of quite controversial threads on here over recent weeks, and while the debate has been lively it's also been respectful. I like to think we've finished on a positive, even when we didn't all agree.

That's pretty rare in a forum. Shout out to all the folk who got involved.
Writing requires the writer to make the time and put in the effort.

Sharing your writing is to some degree an act of courage.

Well done to everyone who makes the effort to write and is generous enough to share.

And as for quality, in the words of the dramatist Frederic Reynolds, "it is better to have written
a damn'd play than no play at all"!
Writing requires the writer to make the time and put in the effort.

Sharing your writing is to some degree an act of courage.

Well done to everyone who makes the effort to write and is generous enough to share.

And as for quality, in the words of the dramatist Frederic Reynolds, "it is better to have written
a damn'd play than no play at all"!

@MediocreAuthor has been unfailingly kind and polite to me, even where we have major disagreements about non-con and related.
@EmilyMiller 😍 Awww you're too sweet! I must also give you credit for the same thing. We'll probably never see eye to eye on that, but you've never said anything harsh or unfair about me in your critiques of the NC/R genre.

Likewise, @AwkwardlySet has disagreed with me on the topic and kept our disagreements entirely civil, which I appreciate. He also called me a cherished member of this community... which was very kind. ❤️

@lovecraft68 and I also don't see eye to eye on the topic, but he was nice enough to ask for my opinion on his attempt at NC/R. That takes a great deal of respect, I imagine, so I appreciate it. 🥳

I have a ton of other friends here that I'd love to praise, but I'll stop there. But I could brag on basically any/all of you folks about something!

This community has been so kind and welcome to me, even when we disagree on things. 😊