Just curious........

Wow. I've not even posted on this thread yet and my name's been mentioned about 10-11 times. I'm flattered...I think.

Has anyone seen the trailers for a film called Bruce Almighty? It's a film with Jim Carrey and Morgan Freeman. Basically Jim Carrey's character spends all of his time bemoaning the crap lot that God has given him, so God decides that for one week Bruce is going to have to be God and deal with all the responsibility. Needless to say, Bruce uses his new powers in hugely selfish ways for his own amusement and gratification.

As soon as I saw the trailer, the little 'Story Idea' light in my head switched on. Maybe we could do something along those lines?

The Earl
flattery will get you anywhere

TheEarl said:
Wow. I've not even posted on this thread yet and my name's been mentioned about 10-11 times. I'm flattered...I think.

...As soon as I saw the trailer, the little 'Story Idea' light in my head switched on. Maybe we could do something along those lines?

Aha! I knew you'd love all that mention. Be flattered (flattery is OK in erotickle matters). Put that eyebrow down, this is just fantasy life.

I'm interested in the movie too, like the idea.

This wasn't here last night!

At least, not when I went to bed (UK time!) it wasn't. I love the idea, favouring the idea of a "granted wish" myself, with all the connotations of 'be careful what you ask for'. I tend to go with Chicklet on the mythology trail, 'cos some of those gods were tricky devils, and wishes granted by them might backfire. Muffie asked whether the recipients of these gifts should know about it. I say not, let them find out as it happens.

Re: God K.M............

Chicklet said:
Personally I really like (or at least used to) mythology . . . all the Norse gods and goddesses are still around, just mostly unnoticed and living their lives like "normal" humans. . . The god or goddess in question . . . grant them a day of whatever they please...so as to seduce them, you see. . . .

I don't know enough Norse Code :rolleyes: to enter, but just in passing, wouldn't this be more in the character of a god like Loki? :confused:
Loki the Norse God of mischief. I like it. If this does turn into a chain story then baggsy 2nd place behind KM.

The Earl
Re: Re: God K.M............

Quasimodem said:
, wouldn't this be more in the character of a god like Loki? :confused:

Or possibly Siva? Or is it Shiva? Oh, never mind.

He's a great character in the Ring cycle only he's called Loge. Now don't get excited MG, it's pronouced LOH-guh. He's like the unwanted guest at a party, only this time it's Valhalla and he helps the gods screw themselves (metaphorically). - Purd
Pear: You should really read 'Expecting Someone Taller' by Tom Holt. It's a satirical take on the ring cycle and has Loge as a fish phobic lackey, who's constantly scared of being turned into a trout filled river by Wotan. I'm not sure I can take Loge seriously anymore.

The Earl

I will get to Amazon and order it along w/the Brookmyre.

I also have the full comic-book edition of the Ring w/classical type illustrations that have all the valks and other femmes looking like Wonder Woman and those 36DDD's that Conan used to fight.

Pear :rose:
does order matter


After the kick off chapter, does it really matter what the order of chapters is?

I like the concept of just finding out as you go. It would cause interesting interactions:

"Mmmm, what I wouldn't give to have his head between my thighs," Bridget murmured to Silvia.

Silvia's eyes bulged out of her head as she watched Brad's shoulders move up and down as he licked Bridget's swollen pussy.

Just think of the possibilities. :D

:rose: b
Bridget: SM? I was the one who said I baggsied 2nd chapter. i like 2nd chapter because there's still enough time to put a slant on the story, but you're also working with someone else's material. Being any later than 2nd or 3rd chapter would be too constricting for me.

The Earl
Re: Loge

perdita said:
He's a great character in the Ring cycle only he's called Loge. Now don't get excited MG, it's pronouced LOH-guh. He's like the unwanted guest at a party, only this time it's Valhalla and he helps the gods screw themselves (metaphorically). - Purd

Loke. Pronounced "Loo - qué".
We seem to like the divinity thing. Okay, how does this appeal?

Each person could claim one or so divine creatures from any myth, legend, or religion to bestow the Free-Day to the lucky character. No divine repeats. If I took Bacchus, no one else could use him. I'm not, but that's an example.

The divine creature would then bestow the Free-Day on the lucky character (anyone on the globe) for any reaon the author desires. I would suggest picking the divine being accordingly. The reason could be mentioned or not. The character knowing about it could be yes or no. Loki would not tell the character while someone like Athena would.

The Free-Day commences where anything in the earthly realm that the character wanted to happen would happen. The free-day would last a single solar cycle: 24 hours.

Does that sound good?
Re: Re: Loge

Svenskaflicka said:
Loke. Pronounced "Loo - qué".
Flicka: Wagner even invented his own German vocabular for his librettos, so I was giving the Ring pronunciation. - Perd

Personally, I like to say Loge as in good theatre seats. :)
Being a Scandinavian, I want first dibs on any Aesir God or Goddess of my choice!

*sticking nose up in the air*:p

No, I'm probably a soprano. Also mesoamerican in origins so I have plenty of gods and goddesses to consider.

But I'm not sure I'm committed to doing this because (really) I'm not sure I understand the rules or guidelines. I'll keep checking in and give a final decision whenever necessary.

perhaps an object

I like the thought of having the god or goddess of choice.

I was wondering if it might be fun to have an object that appears in every chapter. There could be fun with how it gets where it is and how the characters relate to it: fully or just glancing.

:rose: b
If you want to go with a god for each, there is a good overview in About.com on Mythic Gods, at:


With more information than I ever intend to read about Loki. :rolleyes:

Sorry perdita,

But, when I search for 'Loge' all I get is something complicated about the 'Brotherhood of Freemasons' :confused:

Perhaps I should count myself lucky that my Search Engine, doesn't have a Wagnerian accent. :(

I still doubt that I shall play, but just in case you go for the multiple gods version, I'd like to reserve
Quetzalcoatl - The God of the Wind Instrument!
KillerMuffin said:
We seem to like the divinity thing. Okay, how does this appeal?

Each person could claim one or so divine creatures from any myth, legend, or religion to bestow the Free-Day to the lucky character. No divine repeats. If I took Bacchus, no one else could use him. I'm not, but that's an example.

The divine creature would then bestow the Free-Day on the lucky character (anyone on the globe) for any reaon the author desires. I would suggest picking the divine being accordingly. The reason could be mentioned or not. The character knowing about it could be yes or no. Loki would not tell the character while someone like Athena would.

The Free-Day commences where anything in the earthly realm that the character wanted to happen would happen. The free-day would last a single solar cycle: 24 hours.

Does that sound good?

That sounds good to me. Personally I'd like to keep it one type of mythology, but that is just a stupid pet peeve = )

I think I'd choose Zeus, down on earth meddling with the mortals and lusting after one who he thinks he can only seduce by granting her every wish.

Just to clarify, too, I don't know if The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul was actually the title...but it was the Dirk Gently series...by Douglas Adams...it came to me in my sleep.

I still doubt that I shall play, but just in case you go for the multiple gods version, I'd like to reserve Quetzalcoatl

Quas! I was weaned on Quetzal. stories and would choose a goddess to match him; perhaps Huitzilipochtli!
Oh, Gawd!

Hiya, Swede,
I got my current understanding of deity(s) from reading Terry Pratchett's Gods Trilogy. TP is a writer who really knows his gods.
Don't you mean "goats", MG?

No, seriously - I finished reading his "Good Omens" about two weeks ago. It was great. Hilarious! I highly recommend it.