Just curious........

Chicklet: The first book was called Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency, the second which is the one about the gods was indeed The Long Dark Teatime Of The Soul and Adams was halfway through a third The Salmon Of Doubt when he died. The Salmon of Doubt has actually been released, but I've refrained from reading it; I don't think I could deal with only half a book.

I'm definitely in although I'll pick my God later.

The Earl
We're apparently agreed, so. . . .

I'm going to take Coyote the Trickster. It will be set in the current year. I forgot what year it is, so fill in the blank. It will either be in the Painted Desert or the Llano Escatado (Staked Plains). I think I spelled that wrong. Probably the Llano Escatado because I live a little bit north of there. My protagonist will be male. He is not going to know he's been given this gift which will turn out to be a curse. Coyote's gift will be the free day, but potentially unlike other gods, his has two edges. Yes, anything he wants to happen will happen. The downside is that whomever he controls will follow his orders knowing full well that it's through some sort of outter force and not because they particularly want to. Sort of like hypnosis where the subject knows she's being made to do things and can't choose if she wants to do them or not. King Midas discovers his gold touch is a curse. I don't intend to introduce a global reasoning behind the free day, though I might hint at something.

My story will be on the lengthy side. I'll need a month. I'd like to post mine on July 14th. If someone else posts, first, that's fine.

We need to start running through titles for this. In the last chain story I was in, people deviated from the titling scheme, which threw it off.

Does someone want to start a Chain Story Thread?
I get it now.

I was thinking it might be a thread where all the authors would post and re-post inter- or commingling their stories and characters. Just to be clear - I see this now as a long thread with a major theme/focus but discrete stories simply added one after the other.

If so, I'm committed. Will have to think more about my god/goddess etc., so I don't think I'll be the starter author.

Thanks, KM.

your fond admirer, Perdita
Re: chain story thread

I would start it but I'm afraid that people would get irritated ;)

I had a title in mind but my cat just made me forget it...I will be thinking and coming back, okay?

July 14th...how long until you have a rough draft, do you think? I think that starting in July would be just fine, and if all of us start writing now we could submit one after another each week all summer...or would you like to post sooner together than that?

*my cat is jumping up and down grabbing onto the doorknob of the closet screaming to get in...god, she's annoying.*


ps re: Dirk Gently, thanks Earl, that really helps my frame of mind

re: Good Omens - Good Omens is one of the best books I've ever read. Period.
re: cat in closet

Svenskaflicka said:
Ehm... Chicklet? Why is your cat anxious to get into the closet?:confused:

do you have a cat, flicka? they want in any place that is shut. My cat has learned to open drawers, open cuboards, open most of the doors in the house, but this particular closet doesn't involve any twisting - it's one of those pull and fold out doors, and she can't get herself in. Thus she wants in to this particular closet more than anything in the whole entire world, and in fact spends most of her time in this room with me screaming at the top of her lungs to be let inside. also, there are the parts for I think four whole computers piled in there, so we don't want her inside.
Re: Re: chain story thread

Chicklet said:
I would start it but I'm afraid that people would get irritated ;)
Oh, just saw the wink. Good, don't need to calm your feathers again. :)

Ch. and MG: two of the most sensitive young women I've ever known. :kiss: :kiss: - Perdita
Re: re: cat in closet

Chicklet said:
do you have a cat, flicka? they want in any place that is shut.

True. When my cat was just a kitten, and I had only had her for about a week or two, I found her inside a closed kitchen cabinet. It took me a while to figure out how the cat had managed to close the door after her.
Chain Story Thread Started

I called it "divine intervention" just cause I thought that it summed the point up pretty fast...

So many gods/goddesses to choose from...

Oh, by the way, is anyone gonna choose the Godess of Vice?:eek: