Kinkiest Experience Ever

The kinkiest thing I ever did is a new my ex g/f friend was coming home so I took a nice long hot shower. Cleaned and cleaned, and when she got home I waited in my room on the bed. When she walked in I was lying on the bed with my legs spread wide. With just a smile she walked in and started licking and probing my ass for all she was worth. I felt like a total slut. Then she broke out the strapon and she made me straddle her as I came all over her chest....
A trip to the grocery store that involved returning with a zucchini hidden away.
WriterDom said:
A trip to the grocery store that involved returning with a zucchini hidden away.

Now, to do that without stealing, you'd have to sit her bare-assed on the produce scale on your way in & then again on your way out :D
Since I'm a control-type Dom, there is nothing more satisfying than getting a sub to orgasm on command without being touched.

Takes a lot of training though
brnsuga said:

Could you needlepoint this story onto a wall hanging so that I could hang it up on my wall and look at it every day. I just LOVE this story, especially the coming home part.

Of course, I would like more details (a minute-by-minute accounting of what happened after you walked in and found her asleep). Please, pretty please, can we have a second installment on this story?

Point well taken about the fake leaving home vs. actually leaving home, but if you had stayed in the vicinity, would you have actually tied her in such a way that she could have freed herself? Where's the fun in that?

I am really enjoying this thread!

As Always,

I'm glad you liked it so much!! It was one of those experiences where it was worth doing as much for being able to think about it as it was for being able to do it.

I would love to go into more detail with it sometime, just a little tired tonight and I wouldn't be able to do it justice. You know what I noticed though, maybe I am looking in the wrong places, but people dont talk too much about their sexualy experiences in detail here. I have heard so many hot stories I would love to here in masturbatory quality detail some time.
WriterDom said:
Just a side note to those wishing to play safe and sane. You never tie someone up and leave them. What if a she has a medical emergency? What if there is a fire in the building? What if, for some odd reason, the police come to the door? You can create the illusion of leaving. But don't go to the store.

Safe is all well and good, but this degree of worry is about as much fun as a swimming pool with no diving board. Come on, what are the odds that there is going to be a fire in the building? Life is risk. Go to the store.
snowbond said:
The kinkiest thing I ever did is a new my ex g/f friend was coming home so I took a nice long hot shower. Cleaned and cleaned, and when she got home I waited in my room on the bed. When she walked in I was lying on the bed with my legs spread wide. With just a smile she walked in and started licking and probing my ass for all she was worth. I felt like a total slut. Then she broke out the strapon and she made me straddle her as I came all over her chest....

Oh, holy fuck. FUCK.

Do you have any IDEA how horny this post made me?

Excuse me while I go find that strap-on. :D

I'd like to try a strap-on. Put it on myself and fuck a woman in both her holes. ;)

sheath said:
Oh, holy fuck. FUCK.

Do you have any IDEA how horny this post made me?

Excuse me while I go find that strap-on. :D


You are just shameless!

P. B. Walker said:
I'd like to try a strap-on. Put it on myself and fuck a woman in both her holes. ;)


I'd like you to try a strap on too, however I have something else in mind for you.

Its good to see people geting horny over my expierence. It gets me horny just remembering it. Now, i just need to find a kinky enough girl to relive it.
My first Master had a big thing for watching other men use me. For those of you old enough to remember (the rest of you have probably seen it on old TV shows), this was when gas stations had attendants that pumped your gas for you. Master had an old station wagon, the kind with the last row of seats that folded down, leaving lots of room in the back. His favorite activity was to lay me down in the back, naked, pretending to be asleep, with only a small bit of blanket that covered nothing. He would drive around till he found a quiet gas station, late at night. After pulling up to one of the pumps, he would get out and get the key to the john from the attendant, he'd walk around the corner to a dark spot and watch.

These guys would come over and start pumping the gas and find themselves looking in at a naked girl sleeping. Master would always leave the back window rolled down and while some of the men were shy, many of them would reach in and move the blanket aside more or even touch and fondle me. When he was sure he had their attention, he would come back, tell them he was short on cash and ask if they'd trade the tank of gas for a piece of me. So, while they climbed in and fucked me, Master would watch or sometimes pump gas for other customers. The dirtier, greasier and rougher the men were, the more he liked it. He loved watching old grease monkeys pawing at my tender young flesh with their calloused, filthy hands. He also got lots of free gas.

That was just one of his games, he had lots of them. I haven't had another Dom since that enjoyed giving me indescriminately to other men and that's probably a good thing but, it was exciting at the time.

I read MasterKensbeany's post with interest, I recently bought a Volvo Station Wagon and when I folded down the back seat I discovered they are fitted as standard with a total of 6 steel loops - Load Tie-Down points.

Since then I have taken my slave for a number of drives - she hates being exposed and what better way than on her hands and knees with her bare ass in the air?

What do I get out of it - research for a future story - most of the things I write about we have acted out to a lesser or greater degree.

My favourite kink is fisting a woman - by fisting I mean my whole hand inside her - as my slave says until I am tickling her navel from the inside!

jon:devil: :devil: :devil:
rosco rathbone said:
Safe is all well and good, but this degree of worry is about as much fun as a swimming pool with no diving board. Come on, what are the odds that there is going to be a fire in the building? Life is risk. Go to the store.

Actually, I've gone out while my gf was tied down at home. I had my neighbor keep an I on the place in just in case. He has a key just in case he needed to get in.
MasterKensbeany said:
My first Master had a big thing for watching other men use me. For those of you old enough to remember (the rest of you have probably seen it on old TV shows), this was when gas stations had attendants that pumped your gas for you. Master had an old station wagon, the kind with the last row of seats that folded down, leaving lots of room in the back. His favorite activity was to lay me down in the back, naked, pretending to be asleep, with only a small bit of blanket that covered nothing. He would drive around till he found a quiet gas station, late at night. After pulling up to one of the pumps, he would get out and get the key to the john from the attendant, he'd walk around the corner to a dark spot and watch.

These guys would come over and start pumping the gas and find themselves looking in at a naked girl sleeping. Master would always leave the back window rolled down and while some of the men were shy, many of them would reach in and move the blanket aside more or even touch and fondle me. When he was sure he had their attention, he would come back, tell them he was short on cash and ask if they'd trade the tank of gas for a piece of me. So, while they climbed in and fucked me, Master would watch or sometimes pump gas for other customers. The dirtier, greasier and rougher the men were, the more he liked it. He loved watching old grease monkeys pawing at my tender young flesh with their calloused, filthy hands. He also got lots of free gas.

That was just one of his games, he had lots of them. I haven't had another Dom since that enjoyed giving me indescriminately to other men and that's probably a good thing but, it was exciting at the time.


this rules

"old grease monkeys"

I presume this was the pre safe sex era
MasterKensbeany said:

These guys would come over and start pumping the gas and find themselves looking in at a naked girl sleeping. Master would always leave the back window rolled down and while some of the men were shy, many of them would reach in and move the blanket aside more or even touch and fondle me. When he was sure he had their attention, he would come back, tell them he was short on cash and ask if they'd trade the tank of gas for a piece of me. So, while they climbed in and fucked me, Master would watch or sometimes pump gas for other customers. The dirtier, greasier and rougher the men were, the more he liked it. He loved watching old grease monkeys pawing at my tender young flesh with their calloused, filthy hands. He also got lots of free gas.

That's an awesome story! I want to hear more about it. Would they use protection? Was there ever a time where someone was particularly rough? Tell us about one of the times this happened in detail please!
'beany's' story is so damn hot, it deserves a bit more attention.

With all due respect to the OAO group, the idea of either putting one's sub to use of others (which is NOT the usual 'swinging' scenario), or being oneself, as sub, prostituted to others is very horny scene indeed in my aberrant imagination.

It's a sort of 'proof of sluttiness' scenario that's worth a thousand incidents of such name calling.

Iow, in my fevered dreams, it's the evocation of some concealed side of ourselves that makes for the truly kinky kink.
oh yeah, i'd forgotten about this story. jesus TAP DANCING christ is that hot. whew!
Pure said:
'beany's' story is so damn hot, it deserves a bit more attention.

With all due respect to the OAO group, the idea of either putting one's sub to use of others (which is NOT the usual 'swinging' scenario), or being oneself, as sub, prostituted to others is very horny scene indeed in my aberrant imagination.

It's a sort of 'proof of sluttiness' scenario that's worth a thousand incidents of such name calling.

Iow, in my fevered dreams, it's the evocation of some concealed side of ourselves that makes for the truly kinky kink.

I second this. Forcible oral service I call it. I have never acted this one out but I intend to before I die.
Pure said:
It's a sort of 'proof of sluttiness' scenario that's worth a thousand incidents of such name calling.

Iow, in my fevered dreams, it's the evocation of some concealed side of ourselves that makes for the truly kinky kink.

Tis a great fantasy.

But I just liked your last line.
WriterDom said:
A trip to the grocery store that involved returning with a zucchini hidden away.

I'll always think of this when you tell me you are going to the grocery store.
I'm sorry...

.. its been one of those weeks...actually two of those weeks and I hadn't gotten back here. First off, yes Roscoe, this was the pre-safe sex era, no condoms, no health cards asked for, really its a wonder I survived. It was a very enlightening experience in fact as I learned much about men and how they react to free, no strings attatched sex. The bravado and big talk, the raw animal sex they claim to want doesn't always manifest in reality.

Some of them were very timid and unsure of how to treat me, some wanted to kiss and touch and make love to me and there were those few that understood that I was there to be used for their pleasure and they took full advantage of me with little foreplay or regard for my pleasure. Those were the men my Master enjoyed the most, he got bored with the love makers and had no sympathy for the timid.

Master wanted the savage ones, the ones who would shove their cocks down my throat, never noticing me gagging or pleading for breath or the tears running down my face. He liked the ones who would grab big handfuls of my tits and squeeze and mash them so hard that I had to struggle to make them let go.

The one incident that always comes to mind first was a younger man, short and broad and powerfully built. He was an actual mechanic and I remember vividly how dirty he was, how he smelled so strongly of oil and gas and sweat, how strong and rough his fingers were groping my pussy as he raped my mouth. He had me up against the wall of the car and every thrust pounded my head against it. I panicked, really thinking he might just kill me and I tried desperately to fight him off but he held me tight and continued assaulting my mouth until he decided it was time to fuck me.

He wanted me doggy and pulled me up to him but couldn't get enough head room for his comfort. I thought he was done with me when he pulled out and dropped the back door of the wagon and I felt the weight shift as he got out. I started to crawl up into the corner when his hands grabbed my ankles and began pulling me out. I fought like crazy, kicking and screaming and trying to get a hold on the back seat but it did little good and I was soon positioned over the back door where he could get at me better.

That's how he took me, half in and half out of the car, weeping uncontrollably and begging him to stop, scared and humiliated that someone would see me being used so cruelly and part of me hoping that someone would come to my rescue. All the while my Master looking on with the biggest grin on his face, utterly delighted. When he was done with me, he shoved me back into the car and slammed the door, not a word of consolation from either of them.

I know it sounds horrific to some but, to this day that's my favorite way to be taken, in public, brutally. It gives me a feeling of what I truly am, as my current Master would say...a fucktoy.

Re: I'm sorry...

MasterKensbeany said:
I know it sounds horrific to some but, to this day that's my favorite way to be taken, in public, brutally. It gives me a feeling of what I truly am, as my current Master would say...a fucktoy.


Uhhh-- wow. ::THUD::

I was slightly horrified, slighty scared to hear the end, but still thrilled and turned on. I was almost about to stop reading, and yet, I look down and there's a large lump in my boxers and a wet spot forming. :)

Thanks for sharing that with us beany. Just wow... I'm still shaking my head. :)

i dont have very much kinky experience (i have only very recently gotten into RL bdsm stuff, although i have been aroused by it for a long time).

i suppose the kinkiest thing i've done was getting fist-fucked, which happened just a few hours ago :p it was incredibly intense. i have to admit, he didnt get past his thumb knuckle, but he fucked me like that to orgasm.

a kinky thing that i have done to him is playing with needles (if you havent guessed, we are both switches). i had him blindfolded on the bed with his hands and feet tied together behind him, so he was explosed and could hide nothing. i took an ordinary sowing needle (disinfected with alcohol in case of skin penetration). i got up close to him and ran it across his neck. he shuddered and whimpered a little. i ran it across parts of his chest, occasionally lightly pricking him with it, causing him to jump. i moved down and ran it across his balls. the moment it touched his skin he jumped then calmed down. after i was through with it, we fucked like wild monkeys. it's quite a power trip to do that to someone.

on a side note, i am terrified of fire, and because of that would like to try fire play.