Kinkiest Experience Ever

ok - this might not be the kinkiest thing ever, but this seems the most fitting place for the GRAND activities that took place tonight.

it started off innocently enough, He has a cold and was settling in for a night of pouting and soup. to my utter suprise, i see Him walking over to my toy bag. while asking myself what He could have in mind, He starts pulling out impliments. the handcuffs are the first, and my hands are bound in front of me. He bends me over so i'm leaning on the couch and tugs my skirt down while pulling my shirt up. i had seen Him take out the crop, so i wasn't suprised when i felt the smooth leather tip tracing over my skin. CRACK! it lands repeatedly on my ass, thighs, and parts of my back (always careful to avoid bone). then, for a few LONG seconds, He's gone. i'm swirling in anticipation, wondering what's going on. then i feel the intrusion. anybody remember that post i made a while back "my new best friend is pink and eight inches long"? well, this is what i felt pressing against the now slick skin of my pussy. i whimper and protest that it's just too thick. "you can take it, baby" He whispers. more blows fall onto my skin from the crop, and i can't help but get wetter and wetter. before long, He manages to slide the jelly cock into me while continuing to administer the crop and meanwhile, i'm about to melt. pushing the dildo far enough into me for it to stay, He moves around to my head and, softly brushing my hair from my face, makes it clear that now is the time for oral pleasure. with my muscles tensing and my position shifting, i eventually drop the fake cock onto the floor. bad move. the crop again bites into my skin over and over. just as i'm beginning to think that i can't help but cry, He stops, dropping his impliment of punishment, and enters me. i can't help but moan and wriggle at the intense pleasure of feeling Him inside me, and feeling His large strong hands gripping my now welted and red skin. i continue to moan and scream. another bad move. silence is golden. He reaches around with the pink fallus and inserts it into my mouth, pushing it deep into my throat. i continue moaning around the intrusion while He persists in fucking my brains out. after a little while of this, He then withdraws from me and moves back around to my face. "lick it clean" i am quick to comply. again He strokes my hair and pets me lovingly while i work to suck my juices from His cock. pleased, He moves back behind me and starts pumping into me again. before too long, i feel His cock pulsing inside me and i know that He has cum. this was the most fun! oh how i love the nights He spends here....i only wish i had the presence of mind to set up the camera to tape the whole thing!

*sighs contendly* well, i've shared my little story! ^_^
bunny bondage said:
ok - this might not be the kinkiest thing ever, but this seems the most fitting place for the GRAND activities that took place tonight.


*sighs contendly* well, i've shared my little story! ^_^

It was fitting
I suddenly don't fit in my pants tho.......
A very good story Bunny

have to admit, I really enjoyed yours as I read through the replys to this topic.

I don't think I've done anything worthy of being put up here with everyone else's experiances. Mine seem kind tame in comparison
bunny bondage said:
ok - this might not be the kinkiest thing ever, but this seems the most fitting place for the GRAND activities that took place tonight.
I read this first thing this morning. It made a great start to the day. :D
i'm glad everybody liked it! i would have gone into more detail, but He was still here (He spent the night) and i had only gotten away for a minute while He filled out some paperwork.

so c'mon everybody, keep your stories cuming! :p
Does this count as kinky? :)

Not sure if this counts as kinky or not, but I've always thought it was pretty amazing. I'll explain in as much detail as I think relevant, seeing as how everyone seems to like that (gee . . . :)

The first time I was living overseas, I used to spend a lot of nights at the flat of a now-former lover of mine, a truly amazing bisexual woman with strong sexual submissive-tendancies. She was flat out the most sexual woman I have ever known personally or had the pleasure (no pun inteneded) of being involved with. She also had the rather dubiously enjoyable habit of inviting other women into our bed (she liked "sharing" me, as she put it). Oh, she happened to be a natural, flaming red head with the palest skin, greenest eyes, and this petite little frame that amazed me (I could almost touch my fingers around her waist, and she was 5'6" tall) - anyway, suffice to say, she got a lot of mileage out of the "fiery redheaded sex kitten" thing. And, no lie here, she was the head of the English department at a private school in the town, at which I volunteered. And, as you may have guessed, all the young ladies attending the school wore those school uniforms.

One particular evening, we were in her little flat, and although we had never engaged in much BDSM-type play, I had suspicions about her submissiveness. I new she liked to hear the naughty talk, and while we were playing, I just started to explain to her how naughty she was, what a horrible little bird she was, how I knew she wished she had another lady in bed with us, maybe even one of her 6th formers (like high school seniors in the United States, these were all the 18 year olds). At that moment, she happened to be giving me an enormous amount of oral pleasure, on her knees between my thighs; as I said that, she almost doubled her intensity of effort, working her mouth on my cock. I almost automatically grabbed her hair, still talking, and this seemed to galvanize her further - I was kind of amazed. Here she was, getting unbelievably worked up, very hot, and becoming very responsive to my talking about her and I being in bed with one of her students (we met some of them down at the pubs all the time actually). I started telling her that if one of her students were here (giving her examples of which ones I thought she'd like), I would order her to lick and suck them while they pleased me, or how I'd slide into the student while the student licked her.

Now, bear in mind that to this point, I've not touched my lady friend; nothing more than grabbing her haird, and an occasional stroke to her breast. We'd only been playing for 20 minutes or so, but as I was talking about all this, she had been getting obviously more excited and physically worked up (from the things she managed to gasp out and other noises she made, and the way she was attending to my cock, I could "tell" she was very, very hott).

Anyway, as I started telling her about how I'd make one of her naughty students lick the naughtly teachers naughty bald pussy while I shagged the hell out of the girl, (this is the part that I think is kinky), my lady friend actually came - really, really hard!

I was more than amazed; I could tell she was coming, and this seemed just too sexy to me, so I too succumbed to natures true joy. After a few moments had passed, and then a few more, I slid down and cuddled her - she was physically drained in a way I had never seen from her before. Personally, I was amazed that she had come, and she was too - just from my talking to her!

We could not believe it, it was just so erotic and fantastic. She told me it was one of best cum she'd ever had with any man (I noticed right away she hadn't said with anyone, but I still felt my chest - among other things, like my head - swell at that), and told me she wanted me to "do it again right bloody now pet"! I, of course, gave it the old college try. :) Anyway, we had quite the number of little fantasies revolving around the same sort of scenario for a long time after that, she really seemed to go to another level during that sort of play.

So, to make a really long story a little longer, that's one of the kinky moments of my (then young) life. Or isn't that kinky? I've never really been sure. I've thought several times I should write this experience up as an erotic story, but with a lot of the more explicit detail. Oh, and most of her students were 18 and getting ready to take their placement exams (so no child porn here folks, in case anyone was getting worked up at the possibility).
Re: Does this count as kinky? :)

ennui01 said:
Not sure if this counts as kinky or not, but I've always thought it was pretty amazing. I'll explain in as much detail as I think relevant, seeing as how everyone seems to like that (gee . . . :)

Kinky, schminky, it was hot ;)
Thanks for sharing
and you SHOULD write it up as a story :D
Re: Re: Does this count as kinky? :)

James G 5 said:
Kinky, schminky, it was hot ;)
Thanks for sharing
and you SHOULD write it up as a story :D

Do write it, it would be a fab story.