Lady subs: You Make The Call!!

Ok, I confess, I was assuming he'd be a) well-hydrated, and b) we'd be in the shower for the pissing.

Now where would I get ideas like that, Johnny? ;)
Question: what if you either A) do not have a male owner or B)have a golden shower fetish...what would be the differences then Johnny????
interesting thread...

took me about two seconds to choose His cum on me in public but for perhaps an odd reason. Watching the face(s) of anyone bold enough to stare would be quite...entertaining.

Wondering now, too, if i could dare to hope that when we returned home after this humiliation, i was thrust into a shower with Him...and...

ummmm...i think i am going to leave that thought right there. :)

apet4you said:
Question: what if you either A) do not have a male owner or B)have a golden shower fetish...what would be the differences then Johnny????

True. well a girl gets wet to no? LOL
smear it on the person's face.. would be simular to a man's cum.
just not as noticable.
apet4you said:
Question: what if you either A) do not have a male owner or B)have a golden shower fetish...what would be the differences then Johnny???? could choose the piss, and love it? *shrugs*
watergirl said:
Ok, I confess, I was assuming he'd be a) well-hydrated, and b) we'd be in the shower for the pissing.

Now where would I get ideas like that, Johnny? ;)

*whistles innocently*

Did a little birdy whisper that in your ear?
Johnny Mayberry said: could choose the piss, and love it? *shrugs*

Not helpful Johnny...but since I am just a pet I won't argue:D
True words were never spoken...

Pixie Mischief said:
True. well a girl gets wet to no? LOL
smear it on the person's face.. would be simular to a man's cum.
just not as noticable.

But the smell would eventually drive me crazy...nothing better than the smell of fresh pussy juice......;) (now if only i could find some one to indulge me!!!)
Re: True words were never spoken...

is it not the point to drive you crazy?

apet4you said:
But the smell would eventually drive me crazy...nothing better than the smell of fresh pussy juice......;) (now if only i could find some one to indulge me!!!)
Re: Re: True words were never spoken...

Pixie Mischief said:
is it not the point to drive you crazy?

Yes Pixie..,..i guss it would be at that:kiss: :rose:
oil vs. honey dust?

Raindear, you want to do the oil or would rather dust his body with the honey dust?

;) SexyChele dear, I was thinking of mixing the two... making a paste and licking it off:p whatdaya think bout that?:devil:

And Johnny SIR, I think 50% of snippiness is enough to redeem yourself, not that it every really bothered me, anyone who is awakened at 4:00 a.m. :eek: by telemarketers has a right to be 200% snippy.:cool: :rose:

Now to all those who replied about showers and stuff, I am in awe, as I had not considered beyond the scenarios Johnny had given...BRAVO subs!!:rose:
Peace and Light,

~""" Rain""" ~:heart:
My "imaginary friend" thinks you have serious mental problems.
Does this question serve some kind of additional function I wonder?

are the cum-wearers versus the piss cleaners different personality types? Is this like the Myers Briggs?

I would not want to go out with my SO smelling like pee, that's humiliation for me that I'm not into.

A cum stain on the face though and a drink in our Gay local, that could be fun.
Myers Briggs

are the cum-wearers versus the piss cleaners different personality types? Is this like the Myers Briggs?

I don't think I've taken the MyersBriggs test, but in other personality tests, I've alwas been 'amiable':)

interesting inquiry though, i didn't realize i could be classified as a 'cum-wearer', i thought 'sub' was enough! Oh what you learn on the discussion board!:p Thanks everyone!:rose:

:kiss:~ """ Rain""" ~

You can only go as far as you push! :)
I think I'll go public with cum simply the thought of piss on my face reallly reallly disgusts me. But then again, thank goodness for me, I don't think Sir will ever make me make such a choice. Although of course, I'll never say that to him. It's just something I know.


:rose:~His Flower~:rose:
Johnny Mayberry said:
I'll be right over!!

Oh, and so dried cum is better than dried piss?

OH DEFINETELY - Dried cum over dried piss anyday!

:rose:~His Flower~:rose:
i personally would take the mass amount of cum dripping all over my face... ( at least that way i stand a good chance of catching some on my tongue *mmmm* )... i don't particularly have a problem with either.. but i am a pain slut and a humiliation slut, so that makes my choice a bit easier.

Now if i may do a quick polite hijack here..

The wonderful thing about this lifestyle is the huge area it allows each of us as a person or a couple to experiment, explore and grow. What might be right for me, surely might be just as wrong for someone else. What i used to cherish about the lifestyle and the boards was the open mindedness of the people involved.. how judgements were far and few between... because this is a "Different strokes for different folks" lifestyle.

Never knock what someone else finds to work in their particular relationship... if someone looked into your life closely, you might have things that seem just as odd or out of place to them...

Have a good night E/everyone...

:rose: i agree with :rose:~His Flower~:rose:. i love the journey of this lifestyle because it does have many roads to travel, and i believe that anyone who pleases their Master should not be judged on what they will or won't do, but if they must be judged, let it be on their accomplishments in servitude.
Now with that being said, i must thank each of you for the invaluable info this new sub has received not only from this discussion topic, but the library as well. You all nurture newbies, and i greatly appreciate it.:) :heart:

~""" Rain""" ~
Lead me not into temptation, i can find it all by myself!! :devil:
I agree with Rain, this lifestyle is def a road worth traveling because there's so much twists and turns. Like me for, just when I thought I've mastered everything that Sir has given me, he springs up with new things yet to do and learn. But it's all part of the fun.

By the way, Pixie, I like ur new pic. Very prettty!

:rose:~His Flower~:rose: