LadyCibelle is.....

I got PM'd this thread by Snooper. Oh My god. I hope that everything turns out all right in the end. I don't know what else to say other than you have my hopes and sympathies. Get well. please.

I wanted to say I miss you, and I hope that this year will give you new hopes, strength and courage to go forward and achieve your health.

Love to you, darling lady.
Still not dead

Contrary to popular belief (if the multitude of mails I got are any indication) I'm still not dead. :)

Not that strong, but kicking when possible. 5minutes of computer time is my average these days.

I'm looking into getting a lappie so if it ever happens I'll be better able to come more frequently.

For now, let me just tell you all that you're a great bunch. The help your provide newbies and know writers is invaluable and you should be commended for it.

Hope to see you soon


All syntax default, type-o's and grammatical mistakes are © LadyC.:D and subjected to high doses of narcotics.:rolleyes:
Great to see you're still fighting.

Get back to top strength soon cos Lynn wins 'Best Editor' too easily these days.