Lets hear your voyeur experiences ?

has anyone found any pics of family members on a phone or computer? How did you find them? Did your relative find out
I was once perusing Craigslist personals in hopes of finding someone to visit on an upcoming trip to the Reno area. Came across a photo of a guy on a boat at Lake Tahoe, with his arms wrapped around a couple of pretty, bikini-clad younger girls. I recognized the boat, the location, and the guy. The guy was our brother in law, who had been married to my wife’s sister for about 20 years at that time. The boat belongs to his best friend, they were just off shore at South Lake Tahoe.

The only thing I found of interest is that he and his wife are born again Christians. LOL

No reason to tell anyone, as it’s his own business what he does on vacation. 😎
When I was younger I used to go clubbing with friends. On some of the nights when we know it was going be late like battle of the bands, etc we would get hotel rooms to near by to spend the night instead of trying to drive home.

On one of those nights we got two conjoining rooms for a bunch of us. When most of us (except one, she stay to handout with DJ/bands) return to the room that night most of us hangout in one of the rooms drinking and talking until most of us pass out. My bf at the time and I decide to go over to the other room and went at it. We fell asleep right after. Not sure what time was it when some noise woke me up, I open my eyes a little and saw my friend who stay behind had finally came back, she was on the other bed with the DJ from the club on top of her. They were trying to keep quiet but was so into it they didn't notice me watching them. I didn't say any to them and watch them till they finish.
I was dating this mom and was another day of pure sex. But the problem this time I just couldn’t cum. She tried like hell with her awesome BJs but I just couldn’t pop. So she gets up leaving me sitting on the couch with this huge boner. Walks to my window completely naked. Opens the window. Sticks out half of her body with her tits hanging outside and says fuck me in the ass. I don’t know why but that did it. Pounded her ass and she was screaming and I came about 30 seconds or more later.

I plop back down on the couch trying to catch my breath. She gets out of the window. Closes it. Turns to me and says I knew that would work.
I have an ongoing experience. A family of four moved into the house next to us. On first glance, they seem pretty private because all of their curtains would be drawn. All curtains except for the one covering the window panel that looks into their living room and their kitchen.

At first by accident, but then by design, I would make sure to get a glimpse of the lady of the house in the mornings as she drinks a cup of coffee and basks in the morning sun through the visible window panel looking into their living room and their kitchen. Late 30s-early 40s, quite athletic, red hair. I would say that outside of her husband, I have the most familiarity with the various tanktops and shorts and the collection of short spaghetti-strapped nightgowns that she wears around the house.

Nothing sexual but definitely almost-daily eye candy.
I have an ongoing experience. A family of four moved into the house next to us. On first glance, they seem pretty private because all of their curtains would be drawn. All curtains except for the one covering the window panel that looks into their living room and their kitchen.

At first by accident, but then by design, I would make sure to get a glimpse of the lady of the house in the mornings as she drinks a cup of coffee and basks in the morning sun through the visible window panel looking into their living room and their kitchen. Late 30s-early 40s, quite athletic, red hair. I would say that outside of her husband, I have the most familiarity with the various tanktops and shorts and the collection of short spaghetti-strapped nightgowns that she wears around the house.

Nothing sexual but definitely almost-daily eye candy.
No doubt new source material for your masturbation sessions. Lucky you.(y)
Im a total voyeur and i love watching apartments and hotel rooms when im traveling. For me it began [underage reference deleted] doing the dishes in a caravan on a family holiday. My sister was changing and drying off after a swim at the beach in the bedroom beside the sink. I noticed the door was not flush to the wall. There was a gap about the width of a pencil. When i put my eye right up to it i could see everything. She spent a long time bending over getting the sand out of her feet which made her boobs hang down seductively. Well as you can imagine i was quite keen that we should go swimming every day for the rest of the holidays. I used to to then go for long walks in the sand dunes with my very painful erection which needed to be dealt with lol. So tell me your stories pls? Especially female voyeurs ive not spoken to many

After The Divorce, Mom and I moved to St.Paul. We moved into Section 8 Housing because we were broke. Mom thought she'd get a lot of money in the Divorce. But all dad's money was tied up in his business. All Mom got was a lot of credit card debt. The Credit Card Companies never even thought to look for us in "The Projects."

We did okay. We were on SNAP and the School Lunch Program. Mom started drinking professionally, and went on disability. and AFDC. Turns out it takes three months to evict a mom on disability with a dependent daughter from subsidized housing, so instead of paying rent, we just moved a lot. Mom passed the time by cougaring college guys from UMinn. She usually didn't bring guys home, but one night she did. They were both drunk. They were clattering around in the kitchen at 2am and woke me up.

Then it got quiet. I crept to the head of the stairs. I laid on my tummy, looking through the railing. I wasn't planning to spy on them. I just wanted to know if the guy was still there. One of Mom's studs had come on to me before, and I didn't feel safe going back to bed with a drunk, horny guy in the house.

He was still there. They were on the couch. It was dark, but they left kitchen light on. I could see them. Mom had her top unbuttoned and her bra off. The guy was lying in her lap with his pants and his shorts to his knees. His mouse was sticking up and Mom was feeling him, her thumb on top, I could see her fingers moving very slowly up and down the under side.

"That feels good, Mommy!" He murmured. "That feels so good!"

It pissed me off. Not the mom-son shit. It's not MY thing, but I'm cool with it. But she was MY Mommy, not his! I knew they were just play-acting, but I live in a world where grown men pretend to be girls, and everyone just slaves along like in "The Emperor's New Clothes." It's difficult to know for sure where the play-acting stops, and reality kicks in, as it inevitably does. She was MY Mom. I had already lost my Dad. I wasn't going to lose my Mom, too!

I can't say I was sexually aroused by what I was seeing. Mostly it was fear and anger. It did answer for me what these hot young guys saw in Mom. She was really hott when she was in gymnastics and met Dad. Dad said he was "smitten." But she "let herself go" after I was born. Dad still loved her. Even after she cuckolded him, it was he who was at her side
when she delivered my half-brother, not her "bull." After she drank herself into Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, Dad paid for her to be in Menningers in Houston and went to see her. She didn't know who he was, which upset him.

"Dad! it's okay," I reassured him. "She doesn't know who I am either."

I was there with Aunt Marla a year later when Mom passed. She had a moment of perfect clarity. The hospice nurse told me it was not uncommon at the end. Mom looked at me, her eyes crystal and she was beautiful and I was seven years old.

"Jamie?" She said. "Go get your father. I have to tell him something."

I panicked. Dad was in France. I couldn't just "go get him!"

"It's okay," the hospice nurse reassured me under her breath. Just say, 'Yes mom,' and go to the bathroom."

When I got back, she was gone.
No doubt new source material for your masturbation sessions. Lucky you.(y)
It's funny. I say "almost-daily" eye candy because in recent times she got wise to the idea that someone might be watching and there's increasingly more days where even that one window panel would be covered by the curtains. But she can never help herself, she needs that sunlight in the morning and if she's not an exhibitionist, she at least thinks it's well worth the risk of a stranger getting a look at what she wears in the privacy of her bedroom.
Im a total voyeur and i love watching apartments and hotel rooms when im traveling. For me it began [underage reference deleted] doing the dishes in a caravan on a family holiday. My sister was changing and drying off after a swim at the beach in the bedroom beside the sink. I noticed the door was not flush to the wall. There was a gap about the width of a pencil. When i put my eye right up to it i could see everything. She spent a long time bending over getting the sand out of her feet which made her boobs hang down seductively. Well as you can imagine i was quite keen that we should go swimming every day for the rest of the holidays. I used to to then go for long walks in the sand dunes with my very painful erection which needed to be dealt with lol. So tell me your stories pls? Especially female voyeurs ive not spoken to many
When my sister In-law lived with me I would try to get perks at her. I was successful a few times
I used to live in a six-plex building, and my kitchen window was opposite and one floor above a woman's bedroom. She had bamboo curtains. You could totally see inside her bedroom at night and I'd stand there watching from my kitchen window with my lights off. I'd watch her change and have sex. I'd see her sometimes in the parking area but never said anything.
I have not had much in the way of opportunities to be a voyeur. The closest was one night my wife and I were asleep in our first apartment (we were on the 3rd floor) and she woke me up because she heard squeaking in the walls. She thought it was a mouse. I focused on the sound and realized it wasn't a mouse in the wall. I got up, put my ear to the floor and could hear our 2nd floor neighbors rocking their bed. The moans of the woman started to join in with the squeaking of the bed frame. If it hadn't been 2am, I would have encouraged my wife to see if we could make a little noise as well.

Other than that, I like to look at beach/swimsuit photos of women on my Facebook friends list...women that I have known since elementary school.
Mmm nice! I used to have a pic of my sister topless on holiday
I used to see a lot of people having sex eg on the beach or on a riverbank or in a car park. Haven’t seen it for a while but my wife is keen to try the car park option if she can find someone who’s willing
Willlng to watch you and your wife, of you wish. I am in London
I have an ongoing experience. A family of four moved into the house next to us. On first glance, they seem pretty private because all of their curtains would be drawn. All curtains except for the one covering the window panel that looks into their living room and their kitchen.

At first by accident, but then by design, I would make sure to get a glimpse of the lady of the house in the mornings as she drinks a cup of coffee and basks in the morning sun through the visible window panel looking into their living room and their kitchen. Late 30s-early 40s, quite athletic, red hair. I would say that outside of her husband, I have the most familiarity with the various tanktops and shorts and the collection of short spaghetti-strapped nightgowns that she wears around the house.

Nothing sexual but definitely almost-daily eye candy
Quoting myself here, but my favorite “around the house” outfit of this neighbour was the one she wore this morning. A navy blue tanktop and yellow short shorts which makes her ass looks great as she bends down to play with her pet puppy. Haven’t seen that outfit in a while.
I was involved in an improv acting class. One of the exercises was called Human Machine. In it, we worked as a group to use our bodies and become some kind of a machine. Most improv exercises are not physical, but this one was. Our group had four people. The issue was I was wearing loose, comfortable shorts and no underwear so when I had to bend my body or a guy found himself below my belt for a pose, he got a free kitty cat show.

On command, we had to wrap our bodies together to become a machine like a tractor or a crane. The two guys in my group got one great beaver show after another, as each contortion had at least one of them looking directly at my pussy. It was kind of exhilarating to see them try to manipulate the poses so they could get a better look at the pleasure garden. The last pose had the hold me above them all as the steeple of a church, and they all turned their eyes to the heavens.

Turns out the girl in our group was doing most of the sneaky looking, which led to her asking me out for drinks after class.
I lived across the alley from a Catholic girls school. When I got home from work I could hear them taking showers. Minutes later this one girl would go to her room wrapped in a towel. She'd close the door, face the window, drop her towel and start drying herself off. I got a full view, since she knew I was watching, and she was putting on a show for me.
We never made eye contact, pretending I wasn't watching, and pretending she wasn't putting on a show.
The show would end with her going to the window, fully nude, then reach up for the blinds and close them. This went on for weeks until she must have changed her mind or got tired of exposing her self for me. She put so many stickers on her window that I could hardly see her at all.
I was involved in an improv acting class. One of the exercises was called Human Machine. In it, we worked as a group to use our bodies and become some kind of a machine. Most improv exercises are not physical, but this one was. Our group had four people. The issue was I was wearing loose, comfortable shorts and no underwear so when I had to bend my body or a guy found himself below my belt for a pose, he got a free kitty cat show.

On command, we had to wrap our bodies together to become a machine like a tractor or a crane. The two guys in my group got one great beaver show after another, as each contortion had at least one of them looking directly at my pussy. It was kind of exhilarating to see them try to manipulate the poses so they could get a better look at the pleasure garden. The last pose had the hold me above them all as the steeple of a church, and they all turned their eyes to the heavens.

Turns out the girl in our group was doing most of the sneaky looking, which led to her asking me out for drinks after class.
If you were posing as the steeple in a church, I'd want to be the lead bell-ringer. ;)
I like to spend sometime at the beach during the summer and will go to nudest beaches from time to time. This summer I twice spotted couples having naughty fun in the sand dunes. The first time I was able to watch for quite a long time and it was really sexy. The second time, there was almost an audience haha. Felt strange tojoin them so I carried on walking.
One night camping with four other friends, we decided to hike down the mountain and try to get a glimpse of a girl who one of the guys said he had peeped on before. Sure enough, she gave us quite the show. She walked into her room dressed only in a towel, and was soon completely nude, drying herself with the curtains wide open. She was beautiful, had lovely small breasts, a great ass, and a thick bush. One of the guys in our party tried to get closer and knocked something over behind the house, making a hell of a racket. The girl quickly covered up and we scattered as her father ran out of the back door with shotgun in hand. Our group got split up as we made our escape, and on the way back to the campsite me and my best friend got caught in a massive thunderstorm. We took shelter in an old barn and stripped out of our wet clothes, wrapping ourselves in some old blankets we found up in the hayloft. That was the first night we jacked each other off after talking about how we wanted to fuck the girl we had been peeping on, and the beginning of our three year affair. Several months later, I also had the very good fortune of having sex with the girl who was the object of our attention on that evening.
I was staying at a motel and went out later in the evening to get a snack at a nearby burger bar. The external stairs I used passed the widow of a neighbouring room. It had venetian blinds which were only partially closed and allowed me to see into the room. The female occupant was naked, just out of the shower so I stopped and watched her dry off and put on her nightwear. She was late 20's, beautiful large torpedo boobs and a tidy trimmed bush. Next morning I was standing beside her at checkout, I felt a little odd being there with her not knowing what knew about her.
My only true peeping tom moment.
When I bought my first house, my dining room window was right across from the neighbor's kitchen. She had a grown son and daughter who didn't live with her anymore but came to visit time to time. There were a couple times I saw her in her kitchen in pjs or lingerie. I also once witnessed her daughter being there and coming into the kitchen and back out again several times, each time modeling a different bra and panties set. I had some nice wank off sessions lurking in my dark dining room watching her or watching for her. I think she caught on to me seeing and started closing her kitchen curtains.

But one night, I came home after dark and hadn't turned on any lights in the house as I entered the dining room. Her kitchen curtains were wide open and she was stark naked getting something to drink. She was just there for maybe 30 seconds and then the room went dark.
Many years ago I lived in an apartment in a large building in a big city. The building was L-shaped, and I was close enough to the bottom of the L to have a view into several neighboring apartments, mostly without being seen. (The view down showed a lot more of the apartments than the view up.) I had one neighbor who only rarely closed her shades - or turned out her lights, for that matter. The first time I saw here was by accident - something caught my eye and I looked over. She was naked on her bed, masturbating. For the year I lived there I saw her "performing" regularly. I think she knew people might be watching, and either enjoyed it or didn't care.
In my twenties, I dated a girl who lived upstairs in a two-story apartment building with outside stairs and parking right outside the lower level apartments. I'd go over there regularly and we'd have multiple sessions of loud sex. One night as I was leaving, I got into my car which was right in front of her downstairs neighbor's living room window. I got behind the wheel, shut the door, and there they were, on the couch, him sitting, her vigorously riding him reverse cowgirl, tits bouncing, shaved pussy getting stretched by his hard cock. It was so hot, watching the two of them go at it. I didn't get to see the finish, because my girlfriend called, wondering why my car was still there. I told her I just had to be with her one more time and went back upstairs to fuck her as hard as I could and give the neighbors an audio show in thanks for the visual show.
After some bars and drinks returned home with wifes BFF (married) and our good male friend (single).
Woke up in middle of night to see wife on hands and knees peeking around bedroom door frame into living room watching through balustrades as our friends fucked on the floor.
Wife was stroking between her legs as I entered her sopping cunt. We both came in a minute or so as we bit our lips to keep silent.
She said they woke her up and she got super excited by the noise and furtive watching.
Mmm nice! I used to have a pic of my sister topless on holiday
I used to see a lot of people having sex eg on the beach or on a riverbank or in a car park. Haven’t seen it for a while but my wife is keen to try the car park option if she can find someone who’s willing

How did you get the pic of your sister topless on holiday?