Let's talk blues and drugs

I've never tried to write poetry under the influence, but I have written music with all kinds of funny stuff in my blood.

I label it "high culture", meaning I have to get high again to bear listening to the rubbish.

lol :kiss:
Thanks Homburg. While we will never truly know about Shane McGowan, we can understand a bit about Amy Winehouse. Would we ever get a song like "Rehab" from her if she wasn't an addict?

Just messin around. :kiss:


True that. It is interestingly to listen to songs from "Frank", compared to "Back to Black". Her look and character is radically different between the albums. Go to Youtube to look for the video for "Fuck Me Pumps" compared to later selections like "Rehab" or the title track to her excellent sophomore release.
When Lester Young was court-martialed (on a trumped up drug charge) in the early 1940s and testified, he was asked if he used marijuana. He looked at the judge incredulously and said "I'm a jazz musician. Of course I do."

Didn't go well for him, but I suspect most artists are more willing than others to explore anything that might enhance their ability to create art. For me personally, that's an illusory way of thinking, but I say that having already reached a ripe old age and having experimented with well, a lot. My experience has always been that too much fucking around with booze or any drug will end with the person dancing to the drug's tune. That's not good for my poems or me.

OH - I WILL post to you! Just a bit tired tonight, sorry babe. :kiss:
I've commited many a crime in the name of poetry, art and love making when I've been boozed up or stoned.

It's bloody difficult trying to shove a marshmallow into a money box.:eek:
Thanks Homburg. While we will never truly know about Shane McGowan, we can understand a bit about Amy Winehouse. Would we ever get a song like "Rehab" from her if she wasn't an addict?
Well if that's true, she needs to get clean stat. I love her music otherwise, but that song is a pile of dung. I never understood everyone else's fascination with it.
Well if that's true, she needs to get clean stat. I love her music otherwise, but that song is a pile of dung. I never understood everyone else's fascination with it.

I don't really know her at all except the news about her drug use, so I went to youtube and watched a few clips of her. I had the same reaction. Yeah it's blues and it seems to have the right sounds, but I didn't really like Rehab. Valerie was great though.
When Lester Young was court-martialed (on a trumped up drug charge) in the early 1940s and testified, he was asked if he used marijuana. He looked at the judge incredulously and said "I'm a jazz musician. Of course I do."

Didn't go well for him, but I suspect most artists are more willing than others to explore anything that might enhance their ability to create art. For me personally, that's an illusory way of thinking, but I say that having already reached a ripe old age and having experimented with well, a lot. My experience has always been that too much fucking around with booze or any drug will end with the person dancing to the drug's tune. That's not good for my poems or me.

Amen to that.

When I was a tad bit younger than now and stationed in Bangkok, I drank so much and sometimes smoked during a three-year party. Coming back to the states I found it wasn't near as much fun {Americans can be so boring at times}. Even stateside marijuana felt like I was smoking cabbage, for all the kick it didn't possess. Now I've settled down to mere wine and Killian Red, just enough to feel the pleasure without the morning pain. There's too much to life to miss by going to excess.

Amen to that.

When I was a tad bit younger than now and stationed in Bangkok, I drank so much and sometimes smoked during a three-year party. Coming back to the states I found it wasn't near as much fun {Americans can be so boring at times}. Even stateside marijuana felt like I was smoking cabbage, for all the kick it didn't possess. Now I've settled down to mere wine and Killian Red, just enough to feel the pleasure without the morning pain. There's too much to life to miss by going to excess.


I almost never drink. I've never really liked the way it makes me feel. Almost no one in my family ever drank alcohol either, so maybe my response to it is a combination of nature and nurture. I still smoke pot on occasion, but for me it's the equivalent of someone else having a few beers. Other drugs I have no interest in doing. I experimented a lot when I was a hippie poet chick, but now that I'm a middle-aged poet chick. I find that just being alive and healthy is the best high of all.

Oh I forgot the coffee. I do love coffee, but never more than two cups a day--and even then half decaf or you have to peel me off the wall from the caffeine.
I almost never drink. I've never really liked the way it makes me feel. Almost no one in my family ever drank alcohol either, so maybe my response to it is a combination of nature and nurture. I still smoke pot on occasion, but for me it's the equivalent of someone else having a few beers. Other drugs I have no interest in doing. I experimented a lot when I was a hippie poet chick, but now that I'm a middle-aged poet chick. I find that just being alive and healthy is the best high of all.

Oh I forgot the coffee. I do love coffee, but never more than two cups a day--and even then half decaf or you have to peel me off the wall from the caffeine.

Ha! Snap! Right down to having once been a hippie poet chick and being restricted to two cups of coffee (Italian espresso only tho' please!)

I will say, however, that the combination of pot and sex is the closest thing to Nirvana that I know.
Ha! Snap! Right down to having once been a hippie poet chick and being restricted to two cups of coffee (Italian espresso only tho' please!)

I will say, however, that the combination of pot and sex is the closest thing to Nirvana that I know.

I'm pretty far from a yuppie. For starters I'm way too poor. And hazelnut infused coffee or even better hazelnut/cinnamon, but good Columbian is fine, too.

Pot and sex is very, very good. ;)
I don't really know her at all except the news about her drug use, so I went to youtube and watched a few clips of her. I had the same reaction. Yeah it's blues and it seems to have the right sounds, but I didn't really like Rehab. Valerie was great though.

"Rehab" works because it is a shock to the system from a production values standpoint. It's messy and noisy, and the lyrics are a bit shocking as, well, it doesn't have the usual anti-druh blah blah blah. The production of the sound is really the key to that song, after the shock value.

The important point is that it broke her music to a larger audience. That makes it a proper success in my eyes.

And, yes, I :heart: "Valerie" too.


I almost never drink. I've never really liked the way it makes me feel. Almost no one in my family ever drank alcohol either, so maybe my response to it is a combination of nature and nurture. I still smoke pot on occasion, but for me it's the equivalent of someone else having a few beers. Other drugs I have no interest in doing. I experimented a lot when I was a hippie poet chick, but now that I'm a middle-aged poet chick. I find that just being alive and healthy is the best high of all.

Oh I forgot the coffee. I do love coffee, but never more than two cups a day--and even then half decaf or you have to peel me off the wall from the caffeine.

Pot gives me headaches.

Alcohol is a personality enhancer. If you're an asshole, alcohol makes you a bigger asshole. So what does it do to me? I get absolutely paranoid about self-control. I have zero fun because I obsess over not slurring, walking straight, etc.

Oh yeah, I'm gonna drink a lot when it does that to me. No thanks.
"Rehab" works because it is a shock to the system from a production values standpoint. It's messy and noisy, and the lyrics are a bit shocking as, well, it doesn't have the usual anti-druh blah blah blah. The production of the sound is really the key to that song, after the shock value.

The important point is that it broke her music to a larger audience. That makes it a proper success in my eyes.

And, yes, I :heart: "Valerie" too.


Pot gives me headaches.

Alcohol is a personality enhancer. If you're an asshole, alcohol makes you a bigger asshole. So what does it do to me? I get absolutely paranoid about self-control. I have zero fun because I obsess over not slurring, walking straight, etc.

Oh yeah, I'm gonna drink a lot when it does that to me. No thanks.

I love old jazz, as most here know, and what is called "urban blues." I listen to Jimmy Rushing, Big Joe Turner a lot of the old Kansas City-based blues guys. And Aretha. I love Aretha. And Etta James. And of course, Billie Holiday. Those people are my gold standard for blues and I'm probably just old and set in my ways, but most of the current stuff, like Amy for example, just doesn't do it for me.

As for drinking, I live with an alcoholic. He doesn't drink and hasn't for a very long time and says it wouldn't bother him if I drank around him. But the combination of that and the fact that I don't like feeling tipsy or drunk is enough to keep me off the stuff forever.

Pot has never given me a headache or anything but serious giggles and munchies. Also, possession of small amounts of it where I live is simply a misdemeanor--pretty much the equivalent of a speeding ticket--so I don't worry about having it around on occasion. :)
I love old jazz, as most here know, and what is called "urban blues." I listen to Jimmy Rushing, Big Joe Turner a lot of the old Kansas City-based blues guys. And Aretha. I love Aretha. And Etta James. And of course, Billie Holiday. Those people are my gold standard for blues and I'm probably just old and set in my ways, but most of the current stuff, like Amy for example, just doesn't do it for me.

I am musically open. This is code for "music whore". I've over seven thousands songs in my iTunes, and I'm nowhere near done ripping my CD's to m4a. I am picky though, in my way. The reason I call meself a whore is that I won't limit myself to genre, age, style, etc. I've got all sort and manner of stuff on my computer, and it gets broader every day.

I like Amy simply because she puts me in the mind of those artists of old. No, she'd never get a record made competing against the likes of Ella Fitzgerald or Sara Vaughan, but there is a striking lack of Ella's in the world today. As a result, I see Amy as a breath of nostalgic air. The second coming? Nope. But still worth listening to.

As for drinking, I live with an alcoholic. He doesn't drink and hasn't for a very long time and says it wouldn't bother him if I drank around him. But the combination of that and the fact that I don't like feeling tipsy or drunk is enough to keep me off the stuff forever.

Pot has never given me a headache or anything but serious giggles and munchies. Also, possession of small amounts of it where I live is simply a misdemeanor--pretty much the equivalent of a speeding ticket--so I don't worry about having it around on occasion. :)

Asheville has a wee something of local production going on, or did years ago. Not that I would be related to anyone that farms/farmed it. Nope. Didn't ride horses through weed patches either. Not at all. Nope, never saw aaaanything like that.
I am musically open. This is code for "music whore". I've over seven thousands songs in my iTunes, and I'm nowhere near done ripping my CD's to m4a. I am picky though, in my way. The reason I call meself a whore is that I won't limit myself to genre, age, style, etc. I've got all sort and manner of stuff on my computer, and it gets broader every day.

I like Amy simply because she puts me in the mind of those artists of old. No, she'd never get a record made competing against the likes of Ella Fitzgerald or Sara Vaughan, but there is a striking lack of Ella's in the world today. As a result, I see Amy as a breath of nostalgic air. The second coming? Nope. But still worth listening to.

Asheville has a wee something of local production going on, or did years ago. Not that I would be related to anyone that farms/farmed it. Nope. Didn't ride horses through weed patches either. Not at all. Nope, never saw aaaanything like that.

Maine has a number of "farms" also. I've never seen any of them, but I have a general idea where they are. I have to say, too, that where I live now seems to be much, much more tolerant of marijuana than suburban Philadelphia where I used to live. Part of that probably comes from living in a college town, but also Mainers have that old-school Yankee independence and on the whole are very much live and let live. I really like the people and attitudes up here, just wish the winters weren't so awful. And thanks to America's tanking economy, it's looking like we'll probably be stuck here for another year before we can move south. Sigh.
Maine has a number of "farms" also. I've never seen any of them, but I have a general idea where they are. I have to say, too, that where I live now seems to be much, much more tolerant of marijuana than suburban Philadelphia where I used to live. Part of that probably comes from living in a college town, but also Mainers have that old-school Yankee independence and on the whole are very much live and let live. I really like the people and attitudes up here, just wish the winters weren't so awful. And thanks to America's tanking economy, it's looking like we'll probably be stuck here for another year before we can move south. Sigh.

When my graddad's neighbour started actively farming it in neat, orderly rows, the DEA stepped in. Weed patches are one thing, preparing to use baling machines is another it seems.
I like Amy simply because she puts me in the mind of those artists of old. No, she'd never get a record made competing against the likes of Ella Fitzgerald or Sara Vaughan, but there is a striking lack of Ella's in the world today. As a result, I see Amy as a breath of nostalgic air. The second coming? Nope. But still worth listening to.
Retro is the new big fad. Thsi is what runs on repeat on commersial radio over here right now. Along with the Britneys and whatnot.


Strangely refreshing. :)
When my graddad's neighbour started actively farming it in neat, orderly rows, the DEA stepped in. Weed patches are one thing, preparing to use baling machines is another it seems.

I don't know, but have heard that there are "farms" where people live off the grid so to speak (no electricity) in areas north of where I am. There have been arrests of people running large scale operations for places like that that I've read about in the news occasionally. I think much more common is what you describe as a patch, where people grow enough mainly for personal comsumption.

I'm pretty sure that any pot I've had since I've lived here is locally grown, and it's pretty darn good. ;)
Absolutely. Take some binoculars up the side of the mountain and you will likely see it here and there. Weeds don't respect property lines after all.

I actively do know some folks that cultivate like that.
Retro is the new big fad. Thsi is what runs on repeat on commersial radio over here right now. Along with the Britneys and whatnot.


Strangely refreshing. :)

Yup, I'm happy with that concept too.

One thing I will say for Amy Winehouse is her phrasing really gets me. It's not the voice, the song, or the lyrics. It's the overall sound, and her phrasing. Dig it.


There are a number of videos of her performances on Jools Holland. Some good stuff.
Another Bipolar soul chiming in here. I spend most of my time at one end or the other of the spectrum. Recently I've been primarily mired in depression and that's when my drug use kicks in. But the drug use also makes it possible for me to write some pretty good erotic stories; the drugs remove my shyness and inhibitions. I'm getting ready to "graduate", too; I've been primarily snorting various drugs and I feel ready to start shooting up. OMG, I want to know what that feels like sooooo bad. I'm occasionally psychotic, which adds a whole new spectrum to my drug use. I'm using basically "legal" drugs, just altering their use and experimenting to see what enhances my life. They all certainly enhance my feeling of sexuality. I'm 100% certain I'd do things while altered that I'd only fantasize about otherwise. But I do love to write, and the drugs make it possible. Otherwise I'm just too shy. My Bipolar disorder has never been even close to stable, so I think this just gives me a way to feel that I'm taking back some control over my life.
Another Bipolar soul chiming in here.


My Bipolar disorder has never been even close to stable, so I think this just gives me a way to feel that I'm taking back some control over my life.

My goodness. I do try not to form opinions with such small amounts of data, but I feel comfortable admonishing you at least as far as this: Do be careful, please. So little is known about most prescription drugs and their effects even if you're using them strictly as prescribed...

I've been thinking further about my own altered states and writing, and really the two primary tools I've always used to shut off my own left brain enough to write are sleep deprivation and white noise. I tend to write late at night, for the hour or two before bed, when I'm in that nicely tired and out-of-it state after a long day. I wouldn't try to write after being up for days or anything, but I do find that the state of tired-but-not-sleepy is a good one for my creativity.

I've also always written really well in noisy places, oddly. Loud, crowded bars, coffee shops, places where the chatter blends into a white noise that helps block out the more mundane thoughts.

Here in my town, there are some Very Important Basketball Games going on this week, and I did some very productive work the other night in the midst of a crowd watching a Big Game. It gets me stared at sometimes, squeezed into a corner with a notebook while surrounded by mayhem, but I do get a great deal done in those contexts.

Both are, in my estimation, underestimated and highly effective altered states that require no substance, potential addiction or real danger. I've tried to write drunk, and in other states, and had very little success. One thinks that one is being terribly brilliant... until the next morning. Much like being drunk in general.

Maine has a number of "farms" also. I've never seen any of them, but I have a general idea where they are. I have to say, too, that where I live now seems to be much, much more tolerant of marijuana than suburban Philadelphia where I used to live. Part of that probably comes from living in a college town, but also Mainers have that old-school Yankee independence and on the whole are very much live and let live. I really like the people and attitudes up here, just wish the winters weren't so awful. And thanks to America's tanking economy, it's looking like we'll probably be stuck here for another year before we can move south. Sigh.

hey precious :)

You remember where I was born, right? If you get on I-26 and head down the mountain, you come to a little called Columbus, get off at that exit and take a right, go about 3 miles and you are in Tryon, NC.

When I was born, in 1962, my grandpa was the county sheriff and I recently was given a box of photos from when he was sheriff. They are pics of him and his team "busting up" illegal stills and one pic is of a flat bed truck and it is loaded down with dixie crystal sugar...looks like hundred pound bags. Someday, I plan on writing a short book about that part of our family history.

When you and ee do move, I will come visit you and show you around. There are so many wonderful places to explore.

In town, now you have to remember, Tryon is an itty bitty place, but has a lot of history, Carl Sandburg used to visit there and had a summer home near Tryon, actually, about half way between Asheville and Tryon, where he would write...I spent many hundreds of hours in the local library and an old Grand hotel called Oak Hall. I think those are the greatest memories I have of childhood, being exposed to such history.

well, I am not hijacking the thread, just wanted to say, my family has been growing "christmas trees" for years,. my uncle grows some of the spiciest potent trees I have ever come across, ;) lol. So we wont have any problem getting ya'll hooked up if the need be.

shit, I just cant wait to hug you and I want you to se that I am really not as nutty as I come across on the internet, lol

Right now, hubby and I are enduring a self-imposed moratorium on the smoking thing because we are going to work in a federal facility and a drug screen is required before we can get our passes to go in the gate, and they watch, so you cant sneak in a bottle of clean pee, which, by the way, my kids learned early, they charge us 20 bucks per sample :D

oh no, I really hope you dont have to wait another year, that would bite. If something marvelous should happen, like lottery or well, anything, i would pay your moving expenses. Truth is, I just cant wait to meet you and give you a big ol southern hug. You have always been so good tp me, criticize when needed and praise when worthy, thats why your opinion has always meant so much tome.

just let me know when to bake your brownies and I will get busy oh yeah, and Asheville is only about 3 hours from here. oo, and I can show you the spot where my ancestor fought the renegade Cherokee who were murdering the settlers. They gave him a ton of land after that, and there is a road leading up the mountain named after us, its called Howard Gap.

There is an actual mountain named after the Chief who aided my ancestor against the renegades, his name was Skyuka. The history is pretty cool. In the 1800's another ancestor of mine married a Cherokee woman who was a member of the Eastern band that hid and therefore avoided that god awful trip out west, and thats how I have technically enough Cherokee blood to be considered Native American if I wanted to go through the whole process...

My uncle said most of the family lands were lost during the depression so we don't really own the mountain like we did years ago, but there is a monument up there to him and the members of the tribe who fought with him... its pretty cool,. even though it has been defaced many times.

