Let's talk dirty


Don't be shy ladies....give it a try:
lektra said:
This being in the category of things you won't find on a cosmo quiz :) Just picture it-- a cover with the heading, summer's hottest fashions next to are you an anal slut?--Take our quiz and find out.
Lektra I had a look through my pile of all Cosmo's and guess what I
found. I hope it amuses you.

Are You an Anal Slut?
Do you prefer :-

A cock in your : mouth/pussy/ass ?

To be called : darling/slut/fucking whore ?

To be your man's : best friend/hot sex partner/property ?

Your bottom to be : caressed/spanked/whipped ?

To be held down by : shopping bags/silk scarves/several strong men ?

Your mouth to be : kissed/sucking a cock/fucked hard ?

Your hair to be : combed/pulled/used to drag you around with ?

Your nipples to be : sucked/pinched/tortured in clamps

Your pussy to be : gently penetrated/fucked hard/pounded all night

The back of your neck and shoulders to be : licked/nibbled/bitten ?

To : lie on the bed/be thrown on the bed/be bent over in a dark back alley ?

Mostly A's you're very sweet but a little boring.

Mostly B's you're pretty hot but there's room for improvement.

Mostly C's congratulations you're an anal slut. You're every man's dream and
deserve to be highly prized, cherished and loved by your Master. Now bend
over and enjoy.
~ Emmeline ~ said:
That's cute, RoughPlay!
Thank you Emmeline.

I like the occupation you listed in your profile. I wish I had an
employee with that job description.

Nice rose, is that you behind it ?
RoughPlay said:
Lektra I had a look through my pile of all Cosmo's and guess what I
found. I hope it amuses you.

Are You an Anal Slut?
Do you prefer :-

A cock in your : mouth/pussy/ass ?

To be called : darling/slut/fucking whore ?

To be your man's : best friend/hot sex partner/property ?

Your bottom to be : caressed/spanked/whipped ?

To be held down by : shopping bags/silk scarves/several strong men ?

Your mouth to be : kissed/sucking a cock/fucked hard ?

Your hair to be : combed/pulled/used to drag you around with ?

Your nipples to be : sucked/pinched/tortured in clamps

Your pussy to be : gently penetrated/fucked hard/pounded all night

The back of your neck and shoulders to be : licked/nibbled/bitten ?

To : lie on the bed/be thrown on the bed/be bent over in a dark back alley ?

Mostly A's you're very sweet but a little boring.

Mostly B's you're pretty hot but there's room for improvement.

Mostly C's congratulations you're an anal slut. You're every man's dream and
deserve to be highly prized, cherished and loved by your Master. Now bend
over and enjoy.

ROTFL! WEll, I'd better take the test then, hadn't I? Time to put my money where my mouth is :)
lektra said:
ROTFL! WEll, I'd better take the test then, hadn't I? Time to put my money where my mouth is :)
Thank you Lektra. I would be happy to correlate your results.
RoughPlay said:
Thank you Lektra. I would be happy to correlate your results.

Here ya go:

A= 1
B= 8
C= 2

I'll leave it to the imagination which ones answered which questions ;)
What i want her to say:

"Oh, yeah, just like that, you big fuckin' stud! That's it baby, pound my fuckin' cunt!"
As for me, talking is a large part. I use words to make everything more on the edge.

Like when I send her emails, I tell her what to expect when she comes to visit. I tell her "I will cuff her wrists behind you as soon as you enter the door, and then I will probably pull down your jeans." I tell her "I might allow you to keep your panties on for a while."

Then, I will push her against the wall and snake my hand down to her pussy to see if she is wet. Of course, she will be. That is when I whisper in her ear "you like to be treated this way, don't you?" Of course, all I get is a little whimper, but I know what that whimper means.
I will then tell her "You know I will touch you just enough to make you want me to touch you more. I will touch you just enough to make your knees weak...just enough to keep you mind where I want it."

After she is naked and bound, I tell her she is mine to use as I see fit. I always make sure she knows this. I tell her "I can do anything I want with you and you can't stop me." I also tell her she will do everything I want, and do it with great skill, or be punished. Then, I give her another attempt to see if she can do better. If she doesn't improve, more punishment. I am sorry to say she doesn't always improve that quickly. :)

When I have her tied with ass in the air, I lube her back hole and then talk to her some more. The position she is in and the lube on her ass hole are enough for her to know what is soon to happen. This works on her mind while I continue to talk. I ask her if she deserves to be fucked in the ass...to have my hard cock deep in her ass, drilling to my climax. I ask her if she is mine to be used this way. She usually can only get out a whisper of a yes.

When fucking her ass, I continually keep her in communication. I ask her if she deserves my cock in her ass, and later I ask her if she likes my cock in her ass. I tell her "your ass is mine to use, isn't it" and "you will think of this later and remember how it felt, won't you?"

This way she can't just lay there and be my fuck hole, but she is forced to communicate during her punishment. This is additional punishment for her.

I like to make her ask for punishments (she hates that!), or admit she is deserving of the punishment she is about to receive. She finds it difficult saying words like cock, pussy, clit and fuck. She is one of those prim and proper types and that makes it all the more interesting. As far as actual making demeaning remarks, I don't call her bitch or slut. I'm breaking her into this slowly.

She is still learning and talks about things I say to her without actually saying the word, and gets embarrassed that I have her say these things.

Sure, some don't like to talk that much and I understand that. We all are different. But, for me, I think it heightens the sexual atmosphere that is already at a high level. Just that much more fun, you understand.

And, she is getting there, but she has a lot to learn. I can take care of that department. :D
Oh, and another thing. P. B. Walker, if I were you, I would watch my back (side). It seems you have a few dominant ladies on your trail (tail). :eek:
I wish i could talk dirty LOL on the phone he was like tell me what you want. what would turn you on. I giggled and hes like dont be shy LOL lets say that didnt get anywhere LOL
and he wants me to be able to go "fuck me!" and grab his cock and give it a squeeze and stuff. wish i could..
I do know when he says stuff like that REALLY turns me on. YUM.
I know hed love it if I talked when he fucked me.
hes asked me a few times while thrusting hard in me asking "You like that?" he doesnt talk dirty much actually. would like if he did. but maybe if I did he would . maybe he doesnt cause he knows I'm shy.
DVS said:
As for me, talking is a large part. I use words to make everything more on the edge....

Thanks sooooo much for sharing DVS, I think I need a cigarette now :)
lektra said:
Thanks sooooo much for sharing DVS, I think I need a cigarette now :)
I am glad you liked my post. The mind is the largest sex organ, after all. Inserting nasty thoughts into your sub's mind uses their own nasty thoughts against them. It's great fun. :)

It's interesting you should mention you need a cigarette. That is something we are dealing with in our relationship. She has asked me to "inspire" her to cut down on smoking. I am doing all I can. :D

I often tell her to watch the red glow on the end of the cigarette, and think of how her bottom will glow, if she smokes too much.

Another nice phrase I use to keep her mind where I want it... "if one end smokes, the other end will smoke, too."

She may still smoke, but while standing up!
I love how this thread just kind of keeps going... you all have such great posts. And I thank you.

Here's what I really love to hear above all else:

"You are MY sexy slut."

"I want to fuck you raw" works nicely, too. ;-)
A Desert Rose said:
I love how this thread just kind of keeps going... you all have such great posts. And I thank you.

Here's what I really love to hear above all else:

"You are MY sexy slut."
Ah, it's the simple things that do it! I love having someone I can call a "slut"!!! Gets me every time.
DVS said:
I am glad you liked my post. The mind is the largest sex organ, after all. Inserting nasty thoughts into your sub's mind uses their own nasty thoughts against them. It's great fun. :)

It's interesting you should mention you need a cigarette. That is something we are dealing with in our relationship. She has asked me to "inspire" her to cut down on smoking. I am doing all I can. :D

I often tell her to watch the red glow on the end of the cigarette, and think of how her bottom will glow, if she smokes too much.

Another nice phrase I use to keep her mind where I want it... "if one end smokes, the other end will smoke, too."

She may still smoke, but while standing up!

DVS said:
The mind is the largest sex organ, after all. Inserting nasty thoughts into your sub's mind uses their own nasty thoughts against them. It's great fun. :)

I agree with DVS. I love to tell naughty stories to him while we are having sex. Usually it will just be a retelling of a past play session or sometimes it will be the "threat" of what our next session will be like.

I go point by point. Whispering how I will make him stand in front of me, hands behind his back at first. I talk about lowering his pants and putting him over my knee for a warm up spanking. Sometimes questioning; "Does that feel good?" "Would you like it harder?" "Why do I feel wetness on my legs, haven't I told you not to get so excited?"
Sometimes demanding: "Rub you cock on my thigh." "Get down on your knees and thank me properly."

I talk about the things I might do to him at a play party, usually things I"d never think of doing in public.
I threaten that I will share his ass with all who have the least bit of interest. I go on to tell stories in very specific and exact detail.

Often I talk of things that I think may make him uncomfortable but I think might secretly turn him on.

I judge by his reactions if he is enjoying it.

I am sometimes surprised to learn later that the story I've told might not specifically turn him on but that just my telling of a nasty/naughty scenario has had the effect I was looking for.

My advise is go for it....
Close your eyes and pretend you are writing a story for Lit with the two of you as the characters. You CAN make up a story that is totally out of character story for you but I guarantee it will turn him on. Just tell him the naughtiest thing you can think of at the moment.

Enjoy, after all it should be fun, shouldn't it?;)

I had a Dom who told great stories, too. The stories were great but so much was just in his voice alone. I have his last message still on my phone and play it back sometimes to just hear his voice again.
I have a funny story to relate in that regard.

I have written a few short stories of the erotic variety, which are posted on Literotica. A few years back when I was living in Sydney, I had a friend who liked me to read her my stories over the phone.

While this was very sweet, the snoring that issued forth partway through the stories did put me off.

FungiUg said:
I have a funny story to relate in that regard.

I have written a few short stories of the erotic variety, which are posted on Literotica. A few years back when I was living in Sydney, I had a friend who liked me to read her my stories over the phone.

While this was very sweet, the snoring that issued forth partway through the stories did put me off.


I can imagine it would put you off. LOL

I guess I will have to go look up your stories. ;-)
A Desert Rose said:
I love how this thread just kind of keeps going... you all have such great posts. And I thank you.

Here's what I really love to hear above all else:

"You are MY sexy slut."

"I want to fuck you raw" works nicely, too. ;-)
Oh yes, I just love the "You're Mine." and "If you want it you'll have to ask for it." types of sentences.
And his voice is so delicious when he describes things.
I still have difficulty in doing the speaking myself, but I'll get there.
I really enjoyed talking to my ex-gf...

We started off with a long distance relationship, so there was a lot of phone sex, that gradually got more and more explicit and more detailed as we found out more about each other.

When she moved in with me I got to play even more often. I really enjoyed making her tell me what she wanted, especially when it came to being spanked.

"You like being spanked, don't you? Say it. Say it again. You need to be spanked, don't you? You want me to carry on spanking you, spanking you hard..." and so on.

Getting her to ask me to fuck her also was a good pointer to when she was so turned on I could do anything :D
nothing better....

nothing better for a man's ear than to hear a gal tell him how hot she is and how bad she wants it.....
Yeah, I'm a cerebralist. My best one yet was done over the phone. I was busy fucking with a freind of mine over the phone, and she decided she had to take a shower. The thought I left her with was, "While you're in there, with the water running over you... Think of me."
She caled back later, "Bastard."