life mysteries UFO's, bigfoot,& loch ness monster

Re: Hmmmm

pop_54 said:

UFO's anything in the air you can't identify immediately is an 'unidentified flying object' surely to freek.

Hear him! When you ask whether we believe in UFO's, you're really asking whether we believe that some thngs have been seen flying around that haven't been identified. I think we all believe in those.

Do I believe that UFO's are piloted by aliens from outer space? No, I don't. That's just too prosaic. It sounds like something humans would do. I'm pretty sure that if we ever go to the stars it won't be in tin cans.

But I love UFO's. I love reading about sightings and alien abductions. I love the fact that in the USA, women are usually abducted and "probed", while in Latin America, men predominate, and are forced to have sex with beautiful aliens. The wilder the stories are, the more I like them.

...that might explain to me the reasoninb behind those alien sex stories.... or it causes me to ask more questions in my mind.
Re: Re: Hmmmm

dr_mabeuse said:
The wilder the stories are, the more I like them.

Me too, Dr M! And all I can say is, bring me a body, Nessie, Bigfoot, whatever, bring me one, and I'll believe. As for UFOs, I watch Close Encounters whenever it's on TV but mainly because I like Richard Dreyfuss' line when shown a drawing of the Devil's Tower: "Yeah, I've got one of those in my living room." And Truffaut, too: "I envy you, Monsieur Neery."


Edited to add, pick up a copy of The Skeptical Inquirer.
Re: My thoughts and a photo of a Ghost

PierceStreet said:
If there is a conspiracy, I want to know its management secrets to apply to profitable endeavors.

"If you tell anyone, we'll kill you. And then we'll kill your family, and your friends, and your family's friends. But only until after they've begged us to release them from the agony."

I don't think that would be a particularly condusive way of upping your workforce's productivity in a car manufacturing plant ;)
Speaking of life's mysteries, I can't believe no one's mentioned all the sightings of the virgin Mary. She gets all 'round the world. Unlike Bigfoot and Nessie, the Vatican actually authenticates her.

not a BVM fan, Perdita

(BVM is what Catholic kids call 'er, the Blessed Virgin Mary)
UFO's... No.

A very simple look at the umiverse argues against it. The universe is constantly expanding. Each moment we move farther and farther away from galaxys many are now beyond our reach because they have moved so far from us even radio will not cover the distance before they spiral ever farther away.

So while you have a practically infinte number of possibilites for life, the number of possibilites for those close enough to contact us is falling. Given that we have taken roughly four and a half billion years to reach the point where we can PONDER what might be going on outside our solarsystem and given that the universe is estimated to be in or around 15 billion years old it seems highly unlikely a race currently exists that can travel through innerstellar space and has discovered us, the proverbial needle in the haystack.

Almost every encounter I have read or heard about with UFO's sounds like a paranoid delusion. That is they have an answer for every question but provide not a shred of evidence. Hidden among conspiracies, government coverups and the like is the inescapable fact that no one has presented incontovertable evidence of an alien vehicle reaching earth.


your very smart Colleen. I think what you say has a lot of truth to it! maybe if we look at these Ufo's closer we will read "made in the USA " on them!:)
I know the US kinda kindled the UFO thing to cause a little fear and respect around their military bases.
About UFOs:

"I Want to Believe." But the skeptic in me says they don't exist, or are piloted by our own guys. Or it would, had I not seen what my eyes told me was a UFO when I was very little. For years, I dismissed it as some kind of waking dream or just not seeing an airplane quite properly...until we were cleaning out the old toy room in my parents' basement, and I found my older sisters' "secret file", in which they detailed seeing the same thing at the same time (only they had been outside for it, while I was inside looking out of a window). I still don't really know what to believe about the incident, because it seems so unreal. But that child in me wrestles with the skeptic until I don't quite know what I think.

(No one call the Men in Black, now! Or the Men in White, either...;))

I did see a thing on the Sci-Fi Channel the other night. Bryant Gumble did an investigation on a sighting in the UK somewhere. My memory has deserted me, so all I remember is that it started with an "R" (and of course, all I can think of is "Roswell", lol). Some of the things the pro-UFO people said I found quite compelling. But I also found some of the things the con-UFO folks said compelling, too. In any case, it was a very interesting report, and if it comes on again, y'all should consider watching it.

As for Big Foot and Nessie... Nahhh, I don't believe in them.
yeah mhari the special was called "Ufo invasion at rendlesham" with Bryant gumbel narrating. it was about a ufo landing near a military base and some soldiers saw it and others were trying to shut them up. this all happenned in Dec 27, 1965 and people are still wondering what exactly did land at the military base? who knows? I sure don't but would like to know! watching this special is where I got my idea for all of this for the bulletin board really!

My sexy tales!
On the subject of ghosts, i once saw a wraith stood at the end of the sofa in my old living room. It was the night my Nan passed away, and i always believed it was her, that she was looking in on her family one last time.

I believed in spirits before then, and have usually spotted one or two about in places i've lived in, mainly animals since they lack the smarts to pass over, and end up stuck here. Chances are, if you spot something out the corner of your eye, and there's nothing there when you look properly, it's a spirit.

Of course, that's just me.

I heard that ghosts are really spirits caught between heaven and earth and are forever searching for a long lost loved on or something. This is just what I heard that's all! I love ghost stories! Booo!:D
MR. Gibson said:
I heard that ghosts are really spirits caught between heaven and earth and are forever searching for a long lost loved on or something. This is just what I heard that's all! I love ghost stories! Booo!:D

The stereotype of a ghost is something that flies around in a sheet and says "Boo", or is like Casper. This is silly, of course, and nobody actually believes in this. Another sort is some kind of malovelent entity and I don't believe in them and most other people don 't either. But, if a ghost is the spirit of a person who has died and is still hanging around where the person was in life, I do believe in them. Many years ago, after my wife died, I went into the room where she used to work in her capacity as a secretary, and I could actually feel her presence in there. It was so intense that I couldn't stand to stay in the room. Eventually, it dissipated and I entered the room and cleaned it out and put it to other use, but I will never believe there is no such thing as ghosts.:)
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it is interesting what I said about ghosts huh boxlicker? And piercestreet we will see about that bigfoot? i think Bigfoot might exist or something like it because too many people who do not know each other have seen the same like creature and some say it smells like a skunk. I know all the sightings are probably not hoaxes!

MY sexy tales!