lifetime chanel : repressed bdsm?

Cirrus, that's so strange that you mentioned that. I know a male who feels very much the same way that you do, in reverse of course.
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Cirrus said:
Not that I'm all about labels or anything, but people like to classify, I guess for our own peace of mind...that way we can say something "is" one thing and "is not" another. Makes it all easier to the brain, I suppose.

So...what would I be called? I'm a heterosexual female, not even remotely bi-curious and certainly not lesbian. I LOVE men, but somewhere along the line, be it a trick of genetics, psychology, or parenting (or in my case, lack of), I seem to have identified more as male myself. I don't think I'd want gender reassignment, because then that would make me a gay man (right?) and I don't want to date gay men, I want to date hetero men.

I dress masculine, or ambiguously, and my hair is very short, by female standards. I've actually been mistaken for male on a few occasions (which I absolutely hurt very badly). Still, my ideal would be, and this is very confusing, to be a male, to date and have sex with heterosexual men, while still being treated in relationships like a female.

So am I this mysterious third sex, or in need of a lot of therapy? :)

Do you wear overalls? (*****dancing row of animated cartoon hearts****)
Cirrus said:
Not that I'm all about labels or anything, but people like to classify, I guess for our own peace of mind...that way we can say something "is" one thing and "is not" another. Makes it all easier to the brain, I suppose.

So...what would I be called? I'm a heterosexual female, not even remotely bi-curious and certainly not lesbian. I LOVE men, but somewhere along the line, be it a trick of genetics, psychology, or parenting (or in my case, lack of), I seem to have identified more as male myself. I don't think I'd want gender reassignment, because then that would make me a gay man (right?) and I don't want to date gay men, I want to date hetero men.

I dress masculine, or ambiguously, and my hair is very short, by female standards. I've actually been mistaken for male on a few occasions (which I absolutely hurt very badly). Still, my ideal would be, and this is very confusing, to be a male, to date and have sex with heterosexual men, while still being treated in relationships like a female.

So am I this mysterious third sex, or in need of a lot of therapy? :)

lol what a great post. I think that makes you human, and unique, (just like everyone else), yes? ;)

As a sterotype, for the typical boi - you might have to really enjoy "packing" and being a lesbian too.

I must have my lipstick, but I also must have my black leather steel-tipped, lace up boots. No, not doc martins - too cliche. ;)
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