Lit Board Crushes

awww Belle

spankableBelle said:
i have a crush on myself...<giggles>

sorry...:p was feeling left out...;)


giving you a BIGGGG HUGGGG :heart: :heart: Ya sexy thing you!!:D

Desdemona said:
Dream, you are such a sweetheart. :rose:
I swear if just 1 more person says that I am gonna cry!! Thank -you sweet Des ,just speaking my heart love..:rose:
ahem.. Belle babe? .

spankableBelle said:
i have a crush on myself...<giggles>

sorry...:p was feeling left out...;)

please go to re-read my original post on this thread,think you'll be happily surprised:D
Re: I'm not sure if they are crushes or not but here they are.

lilfrk said:
Risia and cym...just because I think we could all sit around in our PJs and talk forever and a day, never to get bored.

VeryPowerful, MzChrista and Shadowsdream because they make me see myself subbing to a woman which I've never done before. It's always good for some interesting thoughts.

SpectreT because he lives sorta close to me and the wink just makes me wonder what kind of evil thoughts he thinks.

James because he's switch and I wonder if I could be a switch when I grow up.

Last but not least is monster. Monster is my real life best friend ever, I love him to pieces. He has a good soothing voice for when I'm freaking out. He gives the absolute best hugs ever, just sucks you in and holds you tight. He takes me to see naked girls in NYC and comes to my house to fix my computer. He's a BIG man and when I stand behind him I can't be seen. It's kinda nice to feel small once in awhile. He lets me be who I am and doesn't want to change me. Just like I let him be who he is and I don't want to change him either. He is the best friend a girl could ever want and for that I really do love him.

Well thank you lilfrk, glad to be a source of interesting thoughts.

petrel said:
Blue, caroline and james:

they all make me go warm and squiggly when I think about them.

I have had other fleeting crushes but those three make my days (and nights) a little brighter - but hey they are ALL on the other side of the ocean!

Now that sounds like a group of people who could have a hell of a good time together!
Thank you Petrel, you have made my day!
Re: I'm not sure if they are crushes or not but here they are.

lilfrk said:
Risia and cym...just because I think we could all sit around in our PJs and talk forever and a day, never to get bored.

VeryPowerful, MzChrista and Shadowsdream because they make me see myself subbing to a woman which I've never done before. It's always good for some interesting thoughts.

SpectreT because he lives sorta close to me and the wink just makes me wonder what kind of evil thoughts he thinks.

James because he's switch and I wonder if I could be a switch when I grow up.

Last but not least is monster. Monster is my real life best friend ever, I love him to pieces. He has a good soothing voice for when I'm freaking out. He gives the absolute best hugs ever, just sucks you in and holds you tight. He takes me to see naked girls in NYC and comes to my house to fix my computer. He's a BIG man and when I stand behind him I can't be seen. It's kinda nice to feel small once in awhile. He lets me be who I am and doesn't want to change me. Just like I let him be who he is and I don't want to change him either. He is the best friend a girl could ever want and for that I really do love him.

Thank you! You sure have included me in with good company!
Re: I've got a few

SpectreT said:
But there are only a couple I feel comfortable mentioning here.

petrel and RisiaSkye (Like anybody couldn't have guessed those two :rolleyes: )
Holy shit.
Either petrel and I are both dense, or it wasn't as obvious as you thought, T.
Thank you, hon. You were already "on my list." ;) :kiss:

lilfrk: as long as there's no footie PJs, okay?

I gots crushes. I no list them. Then, I no get in trouble. :D

Ebonyfire said:

pop up when you least expect it!

A 'crush" definition side-discussion, please:

Is it necessary to feel sexual attraction in order to qualify for a "crush"?

There is but one woman here whose posts make me "pop up when I least expect it."

Would she then be my only crush?

Is genital arousal & moisture an essential ingrediant to "Crushitude"?


Lance "No, I'm not telling, so don't ask." Castor
Hmm... yes, I would say that my use of the word 'crush' always implies a certain amount of genital excitement... or the potential for it... or the unexpected daydream of it...

Although I think that mental stimulation and excitement does just about that for me, anyway! I guess I'm just lucky that way.
Emerald_eyed said:
OK, I have a crush on......
You, and You, and him, her, them and also him and her over there.(points)

Em, I just love this post.....LOL. That's great!!

Emerald_eyed said:
OK, I have a crush on......
You, and You, and him, her, them and also him and her over there.(points)

But, but...we...barely know each other.
Am amending my crush list to include...

Her because of Her enjoyment of my posts and encouragement of my opinions...

Her because of Her insightfulness and intriguing, thought-provoking questions...

her because i have met her in person and wouldn't be able to survive in life without her...

There are many people here I respect and would give my right arm for an hour alone with...

but, no crushes.

I am sorry to disappoint the minions, but I don't come to lit, and specifically the BDSM forum to hook up. Therefore, perhaps because my mind is closed to the idea, it doesn't happen?

*shrugs shoulders*
MissTaken said:
There are many people here I respect and would give my right arm for an hour alone with...

but, no crushes.

I am sorry to disappoint the minions, but I don't come to lit, and specifically the BDSM forum to hook up. Therefore, perhaps because my mind is closed to the idea, it doesn't happen?

*shrugs shoulders*

Ahhh...but it's when you least expect it and in the last place you're looking for it that you find it...

Or was that keys that they were talking about? :D
Re: I'm not sure if they are crushes or not but here they are.

lilfrk said:
Risia and cym...just because I think we could all sit around in our PJs and talk forever and a day, never to get bored.

VeryPowerful, MzChrista and Shadowsdream because they make me see myself subbing to a woman which I've never done before. It's always good for some interesting thoughts.

SpectreT because he lives sorta close to me and the wink just makes me wonder what kind of evil thoughts he thinks.

James because he's switch and I wonder if I could be a switch when I grow up.

Last but not least is monster. Monster is my real life best friend ever, I love him to pieces. He has a good soothing voice for when I'm freaking out. He gives the absolute best hugs ever, just sucks you in and holds you tight. He takes me to see naked girls in NYC and comes to my house to fix my computer. He's a BIG man and when I stand behind him I can't be seen. It's kinda nice to feel small once in awhile. He lets me be who I am and doesn't want to change me. Just like I let him be who he is and I don't want to change him either. He is the best friend a girl could ever want and for that I really do love him.

I am all about interesting thoughts but even better when they become interesting actions.
thank you freaky
Re: Re: I've got a few

RisiaSkye said:

Holy shit.
Either petrel and I are both dense, or it wasn't as obvious as you thought, T.
Thank you, hon. You were already "on my list." ;) :kiss:

lilfrk: as long as there's no footie PJs, okay?

I gots crushes. I no list them. Then, I no get in trouble. :D

Its cool. I know you talking about me.
zipman7 said:

Ahhh...but it's when you least expect it and in the last place you're looking for it that you find it...

Or was that keys that they were talking about? :D

or my favorite sex toy?

Have a few... is definitely MzC. With nary a glance at her eyes on that AV, ...I submit!