
Underneath she wears nothing tonight.
Aren't you sorry she started that fight?
Belly, thighs, and her hips
Focus eyes on her lips
That will drip soon with bad boy delight.
With a short skirt she sat, that he saw
and what he did see, that was without flaw
he licked his lip
when he noticed: No slip!
and her soft curls were colored like straw!
Yes, she knows where their eyes need to stare
When she feels her skirt rise in the air.
That is what a skirt's for
To move up and show more
Than it should for those guys over there.
What he saw just made his eyes blink
For he's sure that it gave him a wink
That said come on boys
I need more than just toys
To make me go puffy and pink
When she opened her legs a bit more
he was certain today he would score
her smile was a lure
and at once he was sure
it was time to remove her decor!
There's a smile on her lips up above
Since she knows what this man's thinking of.
As her legs move apart,
The blood pumps through his heart,
While his cock shouts that he is in love.
Her lips down below smile too
When she feels it begin to slide through
The hair that is growing
Without any mowing
But shaped like a heart peek-a-boo!
As he slides stiff with lust, heavy heat,
She enjoys this fine man and his meat
That so rashly has grown.
He has made her his own
For some moments, at most, that felt sweet.
For some minutes a least surely five
He made her feel really alive
When she gave him some slack
He slipped it up back
And gave her a fudge packers dive.
They are done. They had fun. Now they sit.
They should leave separately they admit.
At the party below
His wife still doesn't know
Where they went, but has guessed most of it.
When he came down he was filled with guilt
that nice pussy had set him on tilt
but his wife, far from sad
was instead part unclad
and surrounded by men strongly build.
He got mad when he saw his wife's eyes
Downstairs looking upon other guys.
His warm seed, he just spent
In some wench, now some gent
Hopes to breed her when she helps him rise.
On opening her legs really wide
She got two in side by side
Then seeing her groom
Said theres lots more room
For a mouthful more she cried
When a third gent did unclad her tit
and sucked on her nipple a bit
the wife did just smile:
"Revenge for the vile!"
And that large cock in her did just fit
she smirked with a twinkling eye
then turned from him

to deny...

what then fired within
o'er the public-house din


she'd chosen
their evening's-fun guy
Some guys are just wanted for fun
And tonight, at the party, he's one
Who is charming and kind,
And her hubby will find
That he finishes what he's begun.
there's sharing
there's cheating
there's more...

makes a lover,
a tease
or a whore.

in all,
the deceiving
is in who's receiving

...and who ends up closing the door.
The cheater thinks it's no big thing
To tarnish a bright wedding ring.
Charming fuckers and whores
Help those cheaters close doors.
There's less pleasure than pain in a fling.
tis dangerous
to muse on deceit:

it's love that's gone down to defeat.

though actions grow bold...

it will
all unfold.

there's no greater lie than....

If discretion will me make him valorous
When feeliing distinctly amorous
She's the one that is right
Not to put up a fight
Or make the w*hole* thing more arduous
He has learned she's less true than discrete,
Though just once did she let a man's meat
Cream her wildly inside
With her bare legs spread wide.
Should the kids learn that mommy's a cheat?
Twas daddy that led her astray
To open her legs on that day
Instead of giving his wife
The ride of her life
Not playing at home but away
He'll forever regret the affair
That his wife never thought he would dare
Have committed that spring
With that pretty young thing
Half his age and well-bodied when bare.
like a stain on a seat...

he'd taken her out to go eat!

some drinks
and a fucking....

what grandiose mucking!

one 'date'
does not make life complete!!!!!!

His love always turns out a lie.
He has made each new lady friend cry.
Though he says he'll be true,
He's far quicker to screw
Someone new who was just passing by.