
It's a vote that determines election;
But will Clinton still get an erection
If Hilary wins
Or Obama spins
Or McCain takes a different direction?
Being English I don't give a toss
Who wins or who's at a loss
So stick the election
Back entrance erection
As soon and as hard as poss
As she spoke, she removed her long dress,
And they felt all their healthy cocks press.
Then she lowered her thong
Down her legs, smooth and long,
While their eyes in surprise just said, "Yes!"
Between her legs were smooth lips
As she showed rotating her hips
Inviting caresses
From all of those yesses
And insertion from their finger tips.
As her vulval lips started to swell
She said, 'steady on there, look now, well...'
'With a prick of that size,
'Between these lovely thighs,'
'It could be string dangling down a well.'

'Oh, the Blackwall road tunnel is vast
'I've waved a rule there in the past
'A whole horse and cart
'Just made my pussy fart
And I'm quite sure it won't be the last.'

'You're obviously pleased with your thighs
'But I'm not ashamed of my size
'If you rub it like this
'And stop taking the piss,
'It might win a "giant marrow" prize.'
Her clitty was now sticking out
And the lips took on quite a pout
From old men to a virgin
Who needed no urgin'
Pushin' in in and in but not out.
When the virgin stepped up for his turn,
"Are you sure you're not too young to learn
How it feels when you slide
Past my lips deep inside?"
He just pushed and ignored her concern.
The look on his face was pure rapture
As she took his firm dick in her capture
You are ready I see
To be pleasing me
For you are definitely cocksure.
Once a virgin is done with his whore,
He's a "man"? I suppose nothing more.
Well, she hopes she felt good.
Being first, though, she would,
Though this next one's been in her before.
He's been in and out not more teasing
His technique is continually pleasing
Three times up the cunt
From the back to the front
All through the night without any ceasing.
Once a night is enough for some men.
Twice a night: "Hey, let's do it again!"
And three times would not hurt,
So she lifts up her skirt
And he's up, in position, and in.
He said you are great in the sack
There's no positions you lack
There's doggy fashion
Or taking a lashin'
While my mate gets in at the back.
Just thinking of that poor guy in your Somewhere poem.

When her hubby was ready to fuck,
"Rub my back first," she told him. What luck!
So he rubbed here and there.
His cock drooped in despair.
"Why so limp? Guess it's my turn to suck."
he was sitting alone in despair
when he spotted her sitting there bare
so he asked for a favor
which she would still savor
and plowed into her then and there
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He met her down by the dock
It was barely seven o'clock
She said "You look good,
Come, give me your wood!"
He just whispered "Baby, you rock!"
"That bikini will make the men stare,"
She was told by her man should she dare
Go on out with it on.
When her man, though, was gone,
She went out, and enjoyed them out there.
She told her man love's better blind.
"Who knows what could happen behind
Your sharp eyes searching wide
For that guy on the side,
Whom I'd hide, if I thought you could find."
Her fella was then heard to say
There has been many a day
With my eyes shut
And my hands on your butt
I'd rather be feeling my way.
"That bikini will make the men stare,"
She was told by her man should she dare
Go on out with it on.
When her man, though, was gone,
She went out, and enjoyed them out there.

So on the bikini men stared,
and she got a little bit scared,
so the cloth went away,
no man missed it today,
with her tits now totally bared.
I've submitted a poem consisting of some Limericks. The bend-over-chain here gave me the idea, so thanks to everyone who contributed to that one. :)

If you want to see it, it's here: A Spoiled Girl's Tale

Thanks for all the fun this thread provides!
I've submitted a poem consisting of some Limericks. The bend-over-chain here gave me the idea, so thanks to everyone who contributed to that one. :)

If you want to see it, it's here: A Spoiled Girl's Tale

Thanks for all the fun this thread provides!

Interesting ballad. Will Terry marry her eventually or is the spoiled girl now too "spoiled"? I guess she doesn't have to tell him.
First from virgin to woman, she went,
And she married that charming young gent.
Then from wife onto whore,
It don't take any more
Of one's time when that time is well spent.
Interesting ballad. Will Terry marry her eventually or is the spoiled girl now too "spoiled"? I guess she doesn't have to tell him.
If too many know about it? Will he ignore the public opinion?
But maybe I'll write a second part some day if others are interested also. I could name it "Redemption"... or maybe not. Hmmm...