Looking back at Poetry Forum 2005

What stands out from 2005

So many things.... as Maria said, many people really grew as artists. I cannot start to name names because I always forget someone due to my brain not to their lack of an impact. You know who you are.... I hope.

One person who is, in my opinion, under-recognized and has been overlooked on several occasions, a person who stood up for what he believed to be right and true is 1201. He takes things seriously, which can be difficult at times, but overall, this is a good characteristic to have in our mix. He has brought a lot to the forum, giving time to our work, not always praise, but I think he did a good job in trying to keep us all honest about ourselves and our work.

I know some might say that I can say all of these things because he likes much of my writing. How can I lie? I am an imperfect human and that is part of it, BUT he has been one of my toughest critics and has on more than one occasion has had to keep me honest about my work, reactions, etc.

So thank you, for digging through excuses, explanations, falsehoods, power trips etc and getting to the bottom of things through. I might not always agree on his manner of getting things done, but I do respect his stamina and determination to uncover phonies, announce that the emperor has no clothes...he tells it as he sees it, and treats us like adults that can handle the truth.
annaswirls said:
One person who is, in my opinion, under-recognized and has been overlooked on several occasions, a person who stood up for what he believed to be right and true is 1201. He takes things seriously, which can be difficult at times, but overall, this is a good characteristic to have in our mix. He has brought a lot to the forum, giving time to our work, not always praise, but I think he did a good job in trying to keep us all honest about ourselves and our work.

I second 1201. Something of an enigma but he he tells it as it is. A breath of fresh air, even when he's telling you you've written crap, you have to believe him because he's usually right.

Though he says his stuff is not poetry but cartoons, I've never believed him, I find his stuff really interesting, you can't pin it down, it changes every time you read it which to me suggests it is top drawer. The best art is always like a slippery bar of soap, you can never quite get a hold of it which is why it remains interesting and intriguing.
annaswirls said:
What stands out from 2005

So many things.... as Maria said, many people really grew as artists. I cannot start to name names because I always forget someone due to my brain not to their lack of an impact. You know who you are.... I hope.

One person who is, in my opinion, under-recognized and has been overlooked on several occasions, a person who stood up for what he believed to be right and true is 1201. He takes things seriously, which can be difficult at times, but overall, this is a good characteristic to have in our mix. He has brought a lot to the forum, giving time to our work, not always praise, but I think he did a good job in trying to keep us all honest about ourselves and our work.

I know some might say that I can say all of these things because he likes much of my writing. How can I lie? I am an imperfect human and that is part of it, BUT he has been one of my toughest critics and has on more than one occasion has had to keep me honest about my work, reactions, etc.

So thank you, for digging through excuses, explanations, falsehoods, power trips etc and getting to the bottom of things through. I might not always agree on his manner of getting things done, but I do respect his stamina and determination to uncover phonies, announce that the emperor has no clothes...he tells it as he sees it, and treats us like adults that can handle the truth.

1201 absoluetly DOES stand up for what he believes , just like you said. And his honesty, without prejudice or sarcasm is a wonderful, beautiful trait. You all know thta I write ad nauseum about my garden, well, he once told me, that he didnt much care for my garden poems, but.... ( went on about one he did like. I like someone who can teach me in that way. He is a goood guy, a good friend and a wonderful poet. and he didnt just overlook my other stuff because he didnt like my garden poetry :) :rose:

Merry Christmas, Y'all


Maria2394 said:
1201 absoluetly DOES stand up for what he believes , just like you said. And his honesty, without prejudice or sarcasm is a wonderful, beautiful trait. You all know thta I write ad nauseum about my garden, well, he once told me, that he didnt much care for my garden poems, but.... ( went on about one he did like. I like someone who can teach me in that way. He is a goood guy, a good friend and a wonderful poet. and he didnt just overlook my other stuff because he didnt like my garden poetry :) :rose:

Merry Christmas, Y'all


Me too. I have often disagreed with Twelve, but have always valued his candor and insight. If the Pullitzer Prize in Commentary were mine to award, I'd give him one!

annaswirls said:
What stands out from 2005

So many things.... as Maria said, many people really grew as artists. I cannot start to name names because I always forget someone due to my brain not to their lack of an impact. You know who you are.... I hope.

One person who is, in my opinion, under-recognized and has been overlooked on several occasions, a person who stood up for what he believed to be right and true is 1201. He takes things seriously, which can be difficult at times, but overall, this is a good characteristic to have in our mix. He has brought a lot to the forum, giving time to our work, not always praise, but I think he did a good job in trying to keep us all honest about ourselves and our work.

I know some might say that I can say all of these things because he likes much of my writing. How can I lie? I am an imperfect human and that is part of it, BUT he has been one of my toughest critics and has on more than one occasion has had to keep me honest about my work, reactions, etc.

So thank you, for digging through excuses, explanations, falsehoods, power trips etc and getting to the bottom of things through. I might not always agree on his manner of getting things done, but I do respect his stamina and determination to uncover phonies, announce that the emperor has no clothes...he tells it as he sees it, and treats us like adults that can handle the truth.

i too want to throw my kudos in for 1201 as a standout at this poetry forum in 2005.

i find his poetry original and of the highest quality, and the threads he has started (the Interacts, especially) of the highest value.

and in my opinion, he has gone beyond any of us this year, to places only a person of supreme integrity dares to go. that raises him in my eyes to the type of person i admire, and have always sought out to know in my life.

he consistently accepts nothing but honesty from the rest of us (both in our poetry and public words), and displays the type of deep, intellectual courage that i aspire to. knowing many might find what he has to say uncomfortable, he always speaks the complete truth anyway.

he is not afraid to criticize friends, nor to praise enemies. he stands for what he believes, even if he has to do it alone.

he accepts no weak excuses, no twisting of fact, only justice. he points out falsehoods, no matter where he sees them. while i turn my head to the bad odors that sometimes arise here as they do everywhere, he lifts his head and always points directly to the source of those noxious fumes i would rather ignore.

i find him brilliant, and original, and brave.

and i want to say 'thank you' to him for that.

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PatCarrington said:
i too want to throw my kudos in for 1201 as a standout at this poetry forum in 2005.

i find his poetry original and of the highest quality, and the threads he has started (the Interacts, especially) of the highest value.

and in my opinion, he has gone beyond any of us this year, to places only a person of supreme integrity dares to go. that raises him in my eyes to the type of person i admire, and have always sought out to know in my life.

he consistently accepts nothing but honesty from the rest of us (both in our poetry and public words), and displays the type of deep, intellectual courage that i aspire to. knowing many might find what he has to say uncomfortable, he always speaks the complete truth anyway.

he is not afraid to criticize friends, nor to praise enemies. he stands for what he believes, even if he has to do it alone.

he accepts no weak excuses, no twisting of fact, only justice. he points out falsehoods, no matter where he sees them. while i turn my head to the bad odors that sometimes arise here as they do everywhere, he lifts his head and always points directly to the source of those noxious fumes i would rather ignore.

i find him brilliant, and original, and brave.

and i want to say 'thank you' to him for that.

1201 is cranky. And contentious. And confrontative.

Some of his poetry is brilliant. Some of it sucks.

Some of his judgments are spot on. Some are just spotted.

But he's damn intelligent and he, more than anyone else here (and that's saying a lot), believes in the art of poetry and is dedicated to that art. He says what needs to be said, though he sometimes phrases it more, um, aggressively than yours truly might.

The more power to him.

Yeah. He is, in my brief time here, the person I think has been the single most valuable, most important to me.

And again--that's saying a lot.

Thanks, twelvie.

Eh bien. Où est le chien?
Tzara said:
1201 is cranky. And contentious. And confrontative.

Some of his poetry is brilliant. Some of it sucks.

Some of his judgments are spot on. Some are just spotted.

But he's damn intelligent and he, more than anyone else here (and that's saying a lot), believes in the art of poetry and is dedicated to that art. He says what needs to be said, though he sometimes phrases it more, um, aggressively than yours truly might.

The more power to him.

Yeah. He is, in my brief time here, the person I think has been the single most valuable, most important to me.

And again--that's saying a lot.

Thanks, twelvie.

Eh bien. Où est le chien?

you haven't done so bad yourself...pushing my pugilistic buttons
"Some of his poetry is brilliant. Some of it sucks.

Some of his judgments are spot on. Some are just spotted."

A few comments, I have been away, and will be away fo a while.
Both YDD's passing and Interact was 2004, not 2005. Interact was my priviledge to do, thanks should be to those who participated. Ten of the best here consented, working from memory:
Lauren Hyde
I can think of ten others, either old or new that should be put on the table.

Part of the appreciation of poetry is the joy of discovery, every one of the ten has done something I am envious of, some skill with words I am jealous of. Tara has painted such intensely visual pictures, jd4 amoung other things, is a much better punster, perhaps another way of looking at Angeline, is the masterful way in which she salvages inherently weak material, I am thinking of a double use of "frame" in a poem I can't remember the title of. "Frame" as metaphor for frame of reference :rolleyes: but then she comes out and tells you it in the last stanza. "Nightengale" - the old bird in a cage, that she turns into a masterpiece. I am jealous, the most fruitful way of dealing with that jealousy is attempting to learn the "tricks of the trade" that they utilize. Take a good look at these ten, try to divide them in camps, no matter how you try, some do not fit, that should be the wealth of this place, this diversity.
However, along with the joy of discovery is finding out that things are not perfect. The authour may make adjustments, in the perfection of their craft.

Tzara, you are a real ball breaker, I wouldn't want it any other way. As with many others, sometimes you are right, some of my stuff does suck, I've written (but not posted) much more stuff that sucks, but sometimes we can just disagree.

Anna, Maria, Pat, bogus - I thank you for your kind words, I owe you more than that. Fly I caught the humour in your offering of the pulitzer back to me, a tip of the hat, I liked that, just deserts.

Best wishes, and success to all in 2006.

Check out this site I discovered, well worth looking at, a wealth of perspective.
annaswirls said:
HEY Liar! You also reminded me: The cooperative writing, partner poem challenge, was a definate high for 2005 for me. A lot of great writing came out of that challenge, and I think it was a good bonding experience all around. And I did not have to use lingerie to hold my partner down.
Oh, definitely agreed. It was a most challenging and most rewarding experience. And it produced, if I may say so myself, some pretty damn spiffy poetry.

Just too bad I was so cooperative, I missed out on the chance of lingerie goodness. :(
twelveoone said:
I have been away, and will be away fo' a while.

Best wishes, and success to all in 2006.

don't you go disappearing, now, 1201.

people of your talent and character, this place sometimes seems to swallow up like a whale.

happy new year and success to you, and to everyone here, past and present.

PatCarrington said:
don't you go disappearing, now, 1201.

people of your talent and character, this place sometimes seems to swallow up like a whale.

happy new year and success to you, and to everyone here, past and present.


Ditto to that! Happy 2006, 1201!...........and all poets!