Lured into the Wolfe's lair (closed for MzSeductress)

When Jack heard her tell her mom and dad that they knew what happened between her and John, he could see the hurt on her face. He also saw the look of concern on her parent's faces. He remembered how Allison told him her parents were good friends with John's parents. He only hoped that the relationship between John and Allison wouldn't ruin there relationship. Jack glanced at Allison seeing a hurtful look on her face. She was still hurt by what happened between her and John and it showed if only for a moment. He knew that the ending of any relationship continued to haunt the person until time passed. He promised himself, he would do everything he could to make her forget John.

He felt her hand squeeze his when she recalled him finding her at the cabin. It was true what she was saying about him holding back his true feelings, not wanting to interfere with her relationship with John.

He thought of the cabin when she mentioned it. It was the first time they had real sex and it was amazing. He almost smiled brightly when she said they decided to take it slowly. Maybe in the public's eye but they had sex every chance they could and in different places.

Did Henry and Amelia think they had sex at the cabin? It would be naïve to think that they didn't engage in some sensual way with each other. Jack couldn't be concerned about that as she told her parents that he didn't have anything to do with her leaving John. He smiled at her when she squeezed his hand softly again and then stopped talking.

There was a pause. The whole truth was out on the table and Jack wondered for a split second if her parents were angry with him and Allison. It was very apparent on the faces of the others that they thought it was ok. Ashton, Max, and Dean wore bright smiles and Samantha had a smug look and Jack knew she couldn't wait to get Allison alone.

Henry cleared his throat and looked at Amelia. It was apparent he was going to speak for him and Amelia. "Jack .... you're a very successful businessman and we know you have been married before." He paused for a moment. "And we are quite aware that according to the newspapers that your divorce was not amicable." Jack nodded knowing there was more to come.

Henry looked at his daughter. "You both are adults and capable of making your own decisions. The only thing Amelia and I ask is that this relationship you two seem to have is not because of what happened between Allison and John." He turned his gaze to Allison. "You know your mother and I love you very much as do your brothers and your best friend. We only want what is best for you. If you're sure this is what you want, we stand behind you and will support you."

"Jack you seem like a very likable guy and we know you are very successful. And again thank you for finding her and bringing her back home. By the way you two ..... we weren't born yesterday. Your mom and I could see when you two came in from the cabin that something was up. I have to admit you two put up a good front and we wondered how long it would take for you to spill the beans."

Henry looked at Samantha and chuckled. "I'm surprised you kept it a secret for so long."

Samantha looked at Allison. "She made me swear not to tell anyone." She had a sheepish look on her face as she turned to Ashton ..... well maybe not everyone." Laughter abounded around the table as she joked, "you really didn't think I could keep it from Ashton ..... did you?"
Allison was relieved her parents were okay with her and Jack getting closer as long as she was happy and they stood behind her decision. She knew they liked him and shook her head whn he mentioned her making that decision because of what happened with John.

She knew she and Jack were much more than that, they were close right away and got know each other deeper the more time they spent together which was nearly everyday.

She glanced at her grinning brothers and chuckled when Sam said she couldnt help but spill it to ashton and that made her brother laugh out loud.

Allison laughed and shook her head " I had a feeling you told Ash you two arent the best at hiding your curiousity " Allison chuckled " Im happy you all support us i know its new and i thank you all again for being so kind and genuine this entire time" she smiled happy her famiky was honest.

"Now.... lets have our icecream and relax before Jack and I head to his friends place for dinner, im sure well be exhausted by the time w get back in and our flight is tomorrow morning " she said knowing theyd be busy when they got back to New York and she was eager to domwhat she did best and knew Jessica would be happy for the help.
Jack saw the relief on Allison's face when her mom told them they knew something was up between them. Her genuine laugh when she told everyone that Samantha and Ashton were not the best at keeping secrets lightened the mood at the table. Jack had sensed a little uneasiness with her family but that all changed when the revelation of their relationship was out on the table.

He smiled when she added that she was happy everyone supported her and Jack. Jack knew they had to get back to New York, feeling he had been aware way too long. Jessica was great at holding down the fort but there were business decisions only he could make. He looked at Allison as he ate her ice cream, knowing that she would be a very important part of the business and his private life.

Henry asked about his friend, Tate, who he and Allison were going to have dinner with later that day. Jack told him he had backed Tate in creating a video company. He told everyone that Tate made videos for Jack on certain projects to mark the progress of new construction and other issues that needed proof if something were to happen later after the building was completed. He also videoed other things Jack needed such as negotiations, recording important meetings, and setting up his frequent zoom meetings. What he didn't tell the family was Tate's interest went beyond that and he was an independent producer of certain adult videos. To tell the family what Tate did on the side, he felt, would not be receptive to that information.

As he ate his ice cream, his thoughts turned to Tate, wondering what kind of filming he was into in the Cleveland area. There was nothing in the area that he was aware of that would require his services. He was sure that at dinner, he would tell him and Allison all about his latest project. But then his thoughts were interrupted when Amelia spoke.

"Now that we know about Jack and Allison I think it's time for the family to find out who else has been keeping a secret. There was an audible hush that covered the table and heads turned and eyes narrowed. Jack smirked, knowing that Amelia and Henry knew something.

Ashton coughed and looked at Samantha with a searching look as if waiting for her to announce something. The look on Samantha's face as she stared at Allison was priceless. He knew from that smile that she was bursting at the seams and he wondered how in the hell she kept whatever was about to announced from Allison, her best friend.

Ashton cleared his throat and in a hesitant voice filled with happiness, he announced, "I asked Samantha to marry me and she accepted." All eyes trained on Allison waiting for her reaction to the news that Samantha would be more than just a best friend but a sister-in-law.
Allison had a flood of emotions going through her and a million questions but the one tht overwhelmed her was shock and happiness. She immediately ran over and hugged Samantha crying happy for her best friend.

She could tell her brother was scared of her reaction too by the way he had announced it and she couldnt help but pinch him seeing that he had kept his feelings for Sam private for so long and was happy he finally did something about it and wasnt an idiot like John.

She kissed her brothers cheek then wiped Sams tears and said " Im happy, Sams now going to be my sister officially i couldnt be happier, Sam and I are for sure going to have a talk privately but if you two are finally together who am i to protest , im sure we all saw it coming" Allison asaid and smirked and Max and Dean laughed at that.

She grinned and sat back beside Jack and said " We'll have to celebrate properly next time we're all together and Sam can finally put those wedding plans to action."

She laughed softly hearing Sam blush at Allison mention the book and Allison chuckled softly knowing they both planned imaginary weddings in their highschool years hers focused on John which obviously hadnt happened and she knew Sams was geared toward Ashton though her friend never said officially who the guy she liked secretly was, Allie had over heard her talking with a cousin about it and was proud Sam and Ashton were true tontheir feelings after the years.

She and Sam began cleaning up the dishes after everyone enjoyed their icecream and she went off to speak with Sam for a bit as the men talked and enjoyed beers and her mom decided to preorder fro the family's dinner tonight because she and Jack were having dinner elsewhere.

Allie was glad they packed and she held Jacks hand as they headed upstairs and brought him in her room to sit on the balcony alone and enjoy the view of the sky together. " Im glad this visit ended like this.." she said softly happy Ashton coming home and eberything she had been through was just the tip of the iceberg and she and everyone else was slowly moving on.
Jack sat back, watching the family being excited about Ashton and Samantha's announcement. The grin on Henry and Amelia's faces conveyed their approval of Ashton's decision. And why not. The two had known each other for a long time and over the course of those years, they grew and bonded together.

When Allison returned to her seat, he could see her happiness for what he thought was her best friend and for herself. "yes we will need to make it a priority to get back and celebrate the good news. We will definitely make it back when Ashton is home again on leave."

Jack smiled at Samantha and Ashton. "Ashton when do you plan to be back home?"

"I'll be back for the holidays," he responded.

"Then I suggest, if it's ok with Henry and Amelia, that when you return, I'll have the whole family to my place outside the city for a formal celebration." He saw Allison's questioning look and smiled. "Don't worry ..... you haven't been to my place but there is more than enough room for everyone."

Henry spoke, "That is a generous offer Jack. I have seen pictures of your place and I must say you'll have more than enough room for the entire family."

"Then it's settled. When Ashton comes home for the holidays, we will have a proper celebration for the engagement couple." He had a flash thought and wondered how his and Allison's relationship will have developed by then.

Later as they sat on the balcony outside Allison's room, he said, "Allie I have to apologize to you. I'm glad too that our visit ended like this but I should have cleared inviting the entire family to my place for the holidays with you. I hope I didn't come off too strong. I saw a look on your mom's face and I can only imagine you all have spent the holidays at your parent's house."

Before she could answer, he put his arm around her, drawing her close and then kissing her forehead, the tip of her nose, and then softly on the lips. Smiling, he pulled back just a fraction of an inch. "I think we a little while before we have to leave to meet Tate for dinner. I'm sure he will want to have a few after-dinner drinks if I know him. Are you ok with that?"

Jack had a feeling Tate had something in the works that he would want them to look at but he didn't say anything as his lips met her once more.
Allison smiled happy Jack was excited to come back and celebrate the engagement as much as she was and even more surprised he offered his home for the holidays to her family , a home she hadnt been to yet but her father had seen and she chuckled softly knowing her dad had been extremely worried about his little girl moving to the city alone and probably researched the whole building, she hoped Jack didnt take offense to him looking into him.

Once Jack convinced her there was space for the whole family she agreed along woth everyone else and when they were alone with he apologized for not asking her before he invited her family.

Jack mentioned them having a little time before seeing his friend tonight and she also had a feeling Jack didnt tell her everything his friend did. She nodded when he mentioned after dinner drinks " Im ok with that baby i promise tonpace myself " she giggled notnwanting a repeat of what happened their first dinner or to embarrss Jack.

She chuckled softly when he noticing he mentioned seeing her moms face and nodded "Holidays are a special time for mom and dad , she enjoys us cooking together , watching movies and family games , but im certain shell love something new this year and relaxing for the holiday, and im sure you wouldn't mind lending us the kitchen baby so its fine, shell be happy she had her family there to spoil and youll meet Maxs wife and new baby when they come next time as well" Allison said and kissed him back softly and relaxed in his arms. " Do you want to relax out here a while before we go honey?"
Jack chuckled at her comment that she promised to pace herself with the alcohol at dinner. He remembered the first dinner they had and the amount of wine she drank. And then having to carry her to her bedroom and undressing her. That was a memory he would cherish, seeing her lying in her bed, resting peacefully while he gazed over her body.

He knew at the moment that someday they would become lovers once her boyfriend was out of the way. The promise not to go all the way was a bit hard but seeing her have orgasms, and him too, in many different ways was both frustrating and exciting. But now that they were lovers, he looked forward to many different scenarios where they could bring pleasure to each other. Just like this morning on the Ferris Wheel and in the back of her father's bronco.

He listened to her tell him about how her mother enjoyed cooking. "I think Charles won't mind sharing his kitchen with your mother," he said thinking how his chef loved to cook for him and his staff, knowing he would be accommodating to Amelia. I'm sure Charles will welcome your mom and he is always on the lookout for new recipes. I have a feeling your mom and Charles will get along just fine."

"I think we could relax here for a bit before we have to head out to meet Tate." He returned her soft kiss and then smiled. "I think you will find Tate to be interesting. He seemed to have something he wanted to share with me but almost seemed secretive. I guess we'll have to wait until we meet up with him." They relaxed for a little while, sitting on the balcony outside her bedroom. It felt good to just be with her and now that the family knew of they relationship, it was even more relaxing.

After some time his phone buzzed and he saw it was a text from Tate. "meet me at Luca Italian Restaurant at 6 pm. I'm looking forward to meeting that special lady of yours."

Looking at his watch, he smiled. "I think it's time to get ready. I'll tell your dad we're taking an Uber. I know Tate and he likes to have a few drinks."

When Jack told Henry about taking an Uber, Henry tried to convince him to take his car. But Jack resisted telling him he knew they would have a few drinks and he didn't want to put his daughter in any danger by driving after having a few drinks. Henry relented and told Jack he really appreciated him looking out for his daughter's best interest.

Retiring to his room, he freshened up and waited for Allison to come downstairs.
Allison was content with the alonentime she got with Jack in her room and was happy about them agreeing to spend the holidays with each other and her family as well and she knew it would definitely be a great time.

She smiled when he mentioned Charles wouodnt mind sharingnhis kitchen and learning recipes and she chuckled knowing her mom woukd have ablast sharing some of hers and woukd be spoiling Jack just as much as she did her children and husband during the holidays.

Allie wondered for a moment if Jacks family would be joing as well and if they would like her? She knew his ex wife wasnt the most pleasant and how women who usually went after Jack were after his money but Allie hadnt been after anything but his respect and heart now and the more time she spent withnhim the deeper she fell even if they were connected quickly.

She listened as he told her aboutnhis friend Tate and told him his friend had something he wanted to dtell him but kept secret. Allie chuckled and said " I guess well see honey, im sure itll be ok, an uber is fine Well have tins of fun tonight im assuming "she chuckled hearing his friend liked to have a few.

Aliie would make sure they had fun with the thought of representing him properly as well. She anf Jack seperated briefly getting dressed and then agreeing to meet downstairs.

She and Sam decided in a dress together and Allie chucklednat her best friends encouragement and she did her hair and light makeup justbusinb mascara and lip balm. She looked herself over and smiled seeing Jack and her familys reaction to her outfit never really seeing her dress like that when she went out with John. "Are you ready Jack?"he asked
The smile on his face was wide as he saw Allison walk down the stairs in a very sexy and stunning dress. He saw the look on Henry and Amelia's faces, knowing their little girl was dressing like a big city woman. The boys were not present to see their little sister and Jack wondered what they would say if they saw her looking like a sex goddess.

"Yes I'm ready," he replied offering his arm.

Her parents told them to have fun and the door would be open when they got home as they walked to the Uber car waiting in the driveway. Jack glanced back to see Samantha standing with her parents, a nice big smile on her face. Jack gave the Uber driver the destination and settled into the back seat with Allison. "I didn't want to say anything in front of your parents but you look absolutely stunning in that dress. If we were back in New York you wouldn't have gotten out of the apartment for awhile." Putting his arm around her, he leaned to kiss her as the driver looked on in the rearview mirror. Jack didn't care who saw them kiss feeling her settle into the kiss.

At the restaurant, they walked in to the stares of other patrons. It reminded him of when they were back in New York and Las Vegas. They got stares and he knew it wasn't him they were admiring. It was her. From a distance he saw his friend Tate and waved. He saw him standing near the front desk with a beautiful woman and chuckled. Tate had a way with women and he always had a different woman on his arm whenever he saw him.

Nathaniel (Tate) Northland approached wearing a wide smile. "Wow man it's great to see you," he called out.

"You too. I want you to meet Allison James my new assistant."

"Nice to meet you Allison. This is Janice Monroe. She is a budding actress and the reason I came to Cleveland."

The hostess told them their table was ready and they followed her through the restaurant. All eyes seemed to turn and look at the two beautiful women. After being seated Tate ordered a bottle of red wine and then looked at Allison. "Jack told me he hired a beautiful assistant and all I can say is he isn't lying. Is Jack behaving like a good boss?"

Jack laughed at the insinuation. He was pretty sure Tate was referring to more than just business.
Allison chuckled softly and kissed him back after he mentioned she wouldn't have made it out of his place for a while if she wore that back in New York. " Youll have to thank Sam for this she demanded i put it on , younknow she can be a bit bossy when she wants to" she said and giggled joking with him.

She blushed a little seeing the stares the two of them got when they walked and she felt it was because people noticed it was Jack Wolfe. She held onto his arm and Jack spotted his friend with a gorgeous woman on his arm and waved.

She heard him chuckle softly as they approached and saw his friends broad smile when he greeted Jack. Jack introduced her and he introduced the woman he was with and she smiled nicely and greeted the two as well.

They were led to their table and she felt the eyes on allmof them again. Jacks friend didnt hesitate to look her over and compliment her beauty then askmof Jack was behaving.

She heard the insinuation innthe statement and couldnt help but chuckle as well " Jack has been a fantastic boss he cares and is kind to me and is values my voice when it comes to business matters i coukdnt ask for a better boss" she smiled.

She of course had a lot more she could brag on about Jack but she woukd stop there not wanting to make his friend suspicious.
Jack could hear Allison's protected response to Tate's question. He imagined Allie wanted to tell him and his beautiful girlfriend, Janice, all about the explosive sex they shared since he came to find her at the cabin. But she held back and gave him the standard response that he was a good boss.

He laughed, "Well for the most part I am a good boss." Just as the bottle of wine appeared, he turned his attention to Tate. "It's good to see you and here's to you," he said raising his glass.

"And here's to you and your lovely .... no beautiful assistant." Janice had a sly smile as she glanced at Allison as they all clinked glasses and then took a sip of wine.

Jack was curious as to why Tate was in Cleveland. Yeah he was in business with him as a videographer for his business pursuits, but what brought him to Cleveland. Jack didn't have any projects for him in the area.

Glancing at Tate's beautiful girlfriend who smiled at him, and then Allison, and then back to his friend, he asked, "So what brings you to Cleveland?"

Tate took Janice's hand and smiled at him and Allison. "Well as you know when you don't have anything for me on any of your projects, I work as an independent filmmaker. I found Janice at a nightclub and we hit it off and now I think she had the real potential to make it in adult films. In fact, we are planning as film session tonight and hope you can come and observe." Tate stopped and looked at Allison and then at Jack.

"Jack I can see by your assistant's reaction you haven't told her of all your business interests."

Jack smiled and took Allison's hand. "No Tate, I have not told her of all my business interests. But it's not like I tried to hide it. It just didn't come up until now. Thanks for that buddy," he said with a bit of sarcasm in his tone.

Tate ignored him and looked at Allison. "Are you ok with that Allison since your boss is backing me and getting a cut of the profits?"
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Allison was thankful for the compliment and the all did a small toast before continuing. She was surprised at Tate revealing he met Janice in a nightclub and thought she had potential to make adult films and she was even more shocked he had asked Jack to come and observe.

She couldnt hide her reaction or the thought of Jack observing was it something he did whenever he met Tate? Did he join? Her eyes met Jack's as he took her hand gently and told Tate he hadn't told her all of his business interests yet but he also didn't try hiding it, it just isn't come up till now.

She contained small chuckle as he sarcastically thanked Tate and was surprised Tate outright asked her if she was ok with Jack watching since he got a cut of the profit and was backing the project. Part of Allison wanted to shout no, she didn't want Jack staring at another woman with desire , only her now that they were together, sure she had seen adult films before and learned from them, but seeing it in person was completely different.

Another part of Allie knew this was a part of Jack's business as well and he needed to see some of what production was doing. She cleared her voice a bit and gave a response that concealed what she was thinking somewhat. " I can't make that decision Mr. Northland, I'll leave that up to Jack to decide" she said and gave a soft smile.

She could tell Jack was curious about her response as well and to be honest Allie was nervous about seeing something as new as that she only sexual experience was with her ex John and now with Jack and while both were very good, she knew she wasnt n expert of trained like some of those women in adult films and her mind made multiple scenarios of what they could possibly see/hear if that had gone.
When Allison responded to Tate's question, telling him it was Jack's decision, Jack could tell Allison was a bit uncomfortable being confronted with watching an adult filming. Jack knew Allison's sexual experience was limited to John and him. With John she had a long term relationship and he guessed that while they tried some things, she was not exposed to extensive sexual situations.

Jack smiled thinking how she was slowly becoming more entangled in his web. She knew about some of his business dealings and did an excellent job. She was very valuable in the business end but would the introduction of Tate and his business ruin their relationship.

He thought of Joanna, his personal assistant before Allison. She was competent with his business but when the idea of sex came up she was scared off. Would Allison do the same? He had a feeling that while she was nervous about the whole situation, she didn't seem the type to run away from new experiences. She showed that when they were at the cabin, making love in woods and outdoor shower where anyone could have spied on them. And what about the car ride back to the cabin on the lonely dirt road. And then last night at her parents house and today on the Ferris Wheel and in her dad's Bronco? He gazed into her eyes and if he was correct she would get over her initial fear.

Jack looked at Tate and Janice and smiled as he squeezed Allison's hand. "I think it would be great to see what you have planned." Looking directly at Janice, he asked, "I'm pretty sure you don't go on stage at the club where you dance with a name like Janice Monroe. What is your stage name?"

Janice laughed and looked at Allison. "My stage name is Mona Devine. You're right Mr. Wolfe my given name wouldn't draw my audience like my stage name does."

Tate watched the interaction between Janice and Allison and then announced, "It's set then. After dinner you two will be my guest at a theater not far from here that I rented for a few nights. I have already done a couple of sessions and tonight Mona will be on stage."

Jack looked at Allison, wanting to really make sure she was ok with this. "Are you ok with going to the theater?" Just before she could respond the waitress arrived to take their order. He spoke to Allison. "I'll have the Ravioli, what about you?"
Allison gave him a soft smile as he spoke and gave her hand a small squeeze, she knew he might be wondering what she thought now and probably was a bit skeptical but she knew Jack was more experienced with thinhs than her, she could tell that from her first walk through in his closet back at his penthouse and when he had first kissed her and she trusted Jack wouldnt take her anywhere that would scare her off or make her uncomfortable.

She was about to answer when a waitress approached and she heard Jack order than said " Ill have the pasta primavera". She was curious about what they'd see on this set and what would happen but she also wanted to learn all sides of Jack and his businesses even though them being together was very new.

Allison heard there was a few sessions and she wondered if there would be performance in front of them and she said leaned over whisphering to him " Im open tomgoing to the theater Jack I want to learn everything about your business" she said softly before taking a sip of her wine.
Jack was pleased with Allison when she whispered that she was open to going to the theater. And he was thrilled when she added she wanted to learn everything about his business. She was turning out to be just what he hoped for when he hired her ...... smart ..... sexy ..... beautiful ..... adventuresome ...... someone who if they didn't know about something was willing to take a risk.

When she put her wine glass down, he touched her bare thigh, squeezing it. "I don't think you'll be disappointed tonight. I have a feeling Tate and Janice are going to entertain us."

Tate looked at Janice with a smile. "Hey what are you two whispering about?"

"We were just saying how much we are looking forward to seeing and enjoying your show tonight," he answered giving her bare flesh another squeeze. He wanted to run his hand upward under the hem of her short dress but thought better of it in the crowded restaurant.

Their meals came and during dinner Janice told a little about her background. She came from a broken family and lived with her mother doing odd jobs. When she was in college, she found dancing and stripping paid well and after receiving a degree in marketing, she found the market was scarce for college graduates and kept dancing. She smiled at Tate, talking about how, after they met at the strip club, he convinced her to take the next step in marketing herself.

As she talked Jack noticed a similarity between Allison and Janice. Both had beautiful facial features, long brown hair, and slim bodies. And he could tell Allison was intrigued knowing Janice was not just bimbo off the street who was cashing in on the adult porn industry.

Jack knew what Tate was doing when he wasn't working for him. He found out how much money could be made in the adult video and film industry. After a long conversation and Tate showing him the financials, he backed Tate and soon found just how much money he could make. But tonight was not about making money, he wondered how Allison would react to tonight's show.

After dinner, they walked a few short blocks to the theater with Tate telling him how he helped to renovate the old theater. Jack was impressed with the table and leather seats that gave a sense of privacy to patrons watching the show.

Jack wondered if they were the only patrons who would watch the show and Tate told them he invited other investors and filmmakers to watch the show. He mentioned that he wanted to keep the privacy of all the patrons who attended. He waved to a pretty blonde waitress who carried a tray with two masks. This mask is for you Allison and this mask is for you Jack. Janice is excited to perform for you two and I do hope you enjoy the show.

When Allison put her mask on, Jack smiled. "You look really sexy in that mask baby." The waitress brought a couple of glasses of wine as they sat other patrons began to file in wearing masks. Jack liked the idea, knowing that if he was recognized, it might not be a good thing. Taking her hand in his, he whispered, "Are you ready for this Allie?"
Allison blushed a little when he whisphered that she wouldn't be disappointed and that Tate and Janice was going to entertain them. She was anxious and curious about what she'd see tonight but she also knew this was a side of Jack she wanted to learn as well even if it wasn't his main business platform, she had just began to be with him and had a feeling she had just seen the surface of discovering all of Mr. Wolfe.

She held her gasp as she felt his hands on her thighs touching her as he explained to Tate they were discussing their plans tonight. As the night continued Janice told them more of her background and she felt for the woman as she explained how she got into the industry but was happy that she had turned her life around after going through that.

As Allison heard more of what she did she realized the business aspect of what Janice was doing as well it was something completely new to Allison having grown up inexperienced to some of these things outside of John and recently learning more with Jack and what she read about.

After dinner , She and Jack were led to the theater Tate had mentioned and she noticed the sensual ambiance of the place right away with the deep blues of the curtain and red of the couch along with the low lit room.

She was surprised Tate said he invited other investors as well and got masks for her and Jack to wear. She admired how it to Jack wondering how in the world a simple masked looked so good on someone and she chuckled softly hearing him voice his opinion on hers.

" I was thinking the same about yours honey..." She whisphered softly and blushed a bit as he asked her if she was ready unsure of what exactly they would be seeing as others began to enter the room as well.

She knew Sam would make a reference somewhere along the line of her being a sheep in a den full of wolves and sat close to him on the loveseat leather couch and held his hand and smiled softly feeling comfortable with him.

" Yes baby Im ready..." She said softly and kissed the back of his hand gently when she knew they weren't watched before the performance in front of them was being introduced.
Jack smiled when Allison told him he looked sexy in his mask. Just being with Allison seemed so right. She was beautiful, smart, and so far in their relationship, she has shown a willingness to explore and enjoy new experiences. They held hands and sipped their wine watching other patrons arrive with various styles of masks covering their faces. It was clear to Tate had invited some high profile people .... people who were high up in industry or government and who wanted to keep their identities hidden.

Jack's smile was hidden by his mask as turned to Allison, squeezing her hand. "Tate is a pretty smart businessman. He has invited investors for future projects and that means my cost input remains low but I'll get a 60% share of all revenues. It was a deal we made awhile back." He thought for a moment. "Allie you are very good at what you do for the company but there is one thing to keep in mind .... always look for ways to maximize the bottom line."

He saw her emerald eyes twinkle and then he turned, looking at a tall man with a beautiful woman on his arm walking to a seat nearby. For a moment he thought he recognized him as a state senator. The man gave him a slight nod as if silently tell him he recognized him but didn't offer any words as he and the woman sat down. Another pretty waitress approached them, serving them wine.

After she filled their glasses, she came to their table, refilling their glasses. "The show is about to start. I do hope you enjoy yourselves."

Jack had a feeling they were going to enjoy whatever Tate had planned for the show. He squeezed her hand as the lights dimmed just a little. Tate walked onto the stage. "Ladies and Gentlemen. Thank you for coming out this evening. Some of you are potential investors, some are potential filmmakers, and others are just very special friends of the art."

Jack saw his eyes shift to him and Allison and then to the tall man. When the tall man, glanced at Jack and nodded, Jack knew he was the sitting Senator. At any other function it might have mattered that they were about to witness a very erotic show. But Jack knew that everyone who attended a function put on by Tate, that whatever happened is to remain private. Jack knew the Senator would honor it and while Jack could use it against him if needed, he had many other ways to get what he wanted. Jack forgot about the tall man and turned his attention back to Tate.

"We will be filming tonight's show and if you happen to see the camera pointing into the audience, I assure you we will take every precaution to protect your identities."

Jack felt Allison's body stiffen just a little and her hand squeezed his just a bit harder. "Don't worry honey, Tate will make sure we are not included in any of the final film that is released." He felt her relax a little and then heard a soft sigh. Was she ok? It was too late to get up and walk out as Tate explained the evenings show.

"We have two scenes tonight that I think you will find entertaining and erotic. In the first scene, we have lovely lady, Dana Delicious. She will surely please all the women in the audience. It's a scene I'm sure all women" ..... he stops for a moment, smiling at some of the women closest to the stage .... "have fantasized what she in going to experience at some time in their life. And whether you have experienced what Dana Delicious does on stage for your viewing pleasure, I'm sure you will all find it very erotic. So without further delay .... on with the show."

The lights dimmed over the audience as the stage curtains slowly rose revealing the very supple Dana Delicious is standing naked on stage. There is a collective mumbling in the audience and Jack feels Allison shift against his side. There is some anticipation as to what will happen as she lights a few candles and then picks up a scrubby. She squeezes the scrubby, releasing water that flows gently down her body. Her expression is one of anticipation and the audience watches as she slowly scrubs her body.

From the wings, two men appear and Dana sees two men appear naked, their cocks already hard. Jack sees her lip curl and then she bites it while staring directly at the two well developed men. The a moan rises from the audience and Jack can only think it's from some of the women wishing they were up on stage.

Slowly Dana walks toward the men her eyes never leaving their strong muscles jutting out from their bodies. When she kneels between them, he hears more moans from the audience as she takes each one and Dana gets acquainted with their cocks.

He can feel his own desire stirring inside and squeezes Allison's hand a bit harder. Looking at some of the other patrons in the audience, he can see some of the women rubbing their partners thigh. Turning to Allison he whispers, "Are you doing ok ..... does what's happening on stage excite you?"
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Allie was nervous but observant of what was going on around her. She knew this was another side of Jack's business that some didn't known of and she wanted to observe but the other side of Allison was curious about what Jack knew as his girlfriend and lover.

Allison held his hand and couldn't help but admire how he looked in his mask as the two of them observed who was around them her havung no clue who was vehind what mask but Jack being who he was mostly like had a good idea of who some of the people attending identities.

Allison listened as he explained his business relationship with Tate and how she was good at what she did for his company and squeezed her hand gently to comfort her. She knew Jack might be nervous as well showing her this and she tried to relax a bit to be open to witnessing the making of it.

A waitress refilled everyone's glass and she informed them the show woukd be starting soon right before Tate came out and made announcements and introduction.

She was nervous when he said they would be filming, she knew the masks concealed their identities but it still put her on edge and Jack must be sensed it and told her reassuringly they would be editied out.

She sighed softly relieved and relaxed a bit not wanting numerous and wanting them to enjoy themselves even though Jack watching other women perform just made her wish they had a more private area for themselves.

She lifted his hand and kissed it gently to ease his anxities as well as she saw his eyes glance toward the exit " I'm ok baby i promise... I can handle this Honey" she whisphered softly before the show began.

Allison was surprised at seeing two men come out to join the woman and blushed only having experienced on at a time Jack had only been her second and now she was learning things she had never even imagined.

Everyone watched Dana begin her performance and she blushed more hearing Jack ask if what she watched excited her and if she was doing ok " I'm doing ok baby just surprised... does I've never seen someone about to experience two men" she said and blushed more knowing Jack would've had a blast knowing the expression on her face beneath the mask and knew he also like her slight innocence when it came to sex, yes she was good at it but there were also so many things Alllison had yet to learn.

She put her hand on his thigh and blushed a little " How are you feeling baby..?" She whisphered softly knowing he might be getting aroused.
Jack wasn't surprised when Allison mentioned she was surprised at never seeing a woman have sex with two men. Evidently her and John had not watched porn or if they did, it was pretty vanilla. He also knew Allison's sexual experiences were limited with John. He wondered how she would react if the possibility ever presented itself of having another man join them. Not that he wanted to or was planning it but one can never rule out what might present itself in the future.

When she put her hand on his thigh, asking how he was feeling, there was no hiding the fact his bulge was showing and was getting aroused from the sexual action on stage. He smiled at her, feeling her hand on his thigh, rubbing small circles and then sliding between them. She seemed hesitant to move closer to the bulge and he turned slightly, putting his arm around her and whispering in her ear, "I'm feeling aroused and if we were back in New York I would start to undress you."

Their eyes met and he felt so proud of her openness to new things both professionally and sexually since she has been with him. They had tried different sexual positions and in public places and he thought of what they did on the Ferris Wheel. This was a bit different as there were other people close by and it would be easy to see what they were doing.

He thought of how, now, she was experiencing a bit of voyeurism, watching real actors on stage having sex. It was different than watching a porn video where some of the action finds its way to the cutting room floor. But now, on stage, everything they did was so close and real. He pulled her closer, his fingers tracing her bare arm as action on the stage began to heat up. One of the men easily picked Dana up in an acrobatic move, flipping her upside down so he could lick her pussy while she sucked his cock. There is a collective murmur in the audience and Jack wondered how many women wish they were being manhandled like Dana.

Jack was glad they were in the back row of the small theater. They had a great view of the stage but it also afforded them to view others in the audience. He saw some movement from others; men putting their arms around the women and women turning slightly toward their man. He noticed one couple kissing and from his viewpoint, he saw they were starting to caress each other.

Jack noticed several women were wearing dresses similar to Allison's outfit. A couple in front of them seemed to not care who was watching. The man slipped the straps off the woman and though he and Allison couldn't see them, he knew the woman's breasts were exposed and the man was caressing them.

The action on stage drew everyone's attention when the man holding Dana, with the help of his partner, flipped her over and the man rubbed his cock against her. As one man began to plunge his cock into her, the other man positioned his cock at her lips, letting out a loud groan when she began to suck his cock.

The woman moaned loudly as the men plunged their cocks into her pussy and mouth. Jack felt a sudden shudder in his body watching the trio on stage. There was more action to come for sure. He grabbed Allison's hand and pulled it higher toward the growing bulge. Kissing her ear, he whispered, "I think what you're feeling right now is the effect this show is having on me. And we have another performance to watch."

Kissing her ear again and listening to the growing sounds on stage and around them, he cupped a covered breast, massaging it as they watched the action on stage wondering what the performers were going to do next.
Allison gasped hearing his response to her and feeling how aroused he was getting and his warmth beneath her hand. She hadn't seen anything quite like this , especially right in front of her, but she had feeling this was just the tip of the iceberg of things that Jack Wolfe could teach her and what she could learn from him both in and out of the bedroom.

Her eyes wandered a bit knowing the couple's around and across from them had been aroused and probably touching each other discreetly and everyone her was disguised by the masks and it was a confidential show but she was still surprised.

She glanced back at the stage seeing the performers and their strength as they held the woman up together and pleasured her together and she couldn't help but blush seeing that and just how much the woman had enjoyed whatbtheynwere doing from the sounds of her moans and theirs.

She felt herself growing wet seeing it but she didn't think she'd ever be brave enough to do that herself besides, she had only ever been with John and now Jack, she didn't think she'dtry more than one at a time.

She felt Jack slide her hand higher as his cock thickened beneath her touch and groaned soflty as he kissed her ear and whispered thatbshes knew the effect the show was having and there was one more performance to watch.

Allison felt how hot her body was getting watching the show and she gasped as Jack felt her breasts knowing he could feel her hard nipples beneath the thing fabric and she urgently felt like sneaking off somewhere with him so they could state their lusts but she would be patient " Jack..." She whisphered " I don't think I'm the only one who knows what this performance is doing.. I'm sure you can tell im getting a bit turned on.. and not by just the show" she said and sighed sexily feeling his lios on her neck.
Jack felt Allison's nipple under the thin dress and was glad she didn't wear a bra. He loved hearing her soft moan as his fingers toyed with it on the outside, sliding over it, feeling it's hardness. If it hadn't been for all the patrons in the theatre, he would have loved to pull the thin spaghetti strap off her nearest breast and fondled the naked flesh. As he teased the hard pebble, Jack could feel Allison's arousal by the way her body shifted next to him.

He looked around the small theatre, seeing other patrons apparently feeling the same way. Some of the women had their arms around their partner's neck, kissing their cheeks and trying to watch what was happening on the stage. Other male patrons had turned slightly sideways and Jack knew the hands on those men were feeling something more interesting between their partners thighs.

He wasn't sure how this evening was going to end but one thing the knew, at some point his cock was going to be entrench in Allison's pussy. Her fingers were working their magic, rubbing the outside of his trousers where there was a prominent lump while his lips continued to caress her neck.

And Jack knew that Allison was witnessing the same sexual awareness in the crowd as he was when she whispered, "Jack ......... I don't think I'm the only one who knows what this performance is doing.. I'm sure you can tell I'm getting a bit turned on ........ and not by just the show"

The action on stage was getting steamier as One man lay on back while Dana rides his cock and sucks the other man. There is a gasp from some of the men and women as the actors begin what everyone knows is the climatic end of their show. Dana is fucking the man hard while stroking the man's cock, wanting him to shoot a huge load into her mouth.

Jack was getting more excited by the minute watching Dana and the men perform on stage and with Allison's hand rubbing the bulge between his thighs. The feel of her fingers rubbing harder only made him want to unzip his trousers and feel of her fingers pressing and stroking real flesh. As his cock strained against the inside of his trousers, he wanted her but his eyes were averted to the stage when one of the men with a loud groan that drifted over the audience as the man shoots gigantic load across her face.

The sounds coming from the audience were filled with gasps and moans and Jack knew something had to give in the next performance. He knew Allison like him was getting hornier by the minute and somehow they would need to find a way to release all the pent up sexual tension building in their bodies.

The other man stands and with Dana facing the crowd strokes his cock until he closes his eyes and the other man shoots his load onto Dana's breasts. Dana scoops up a handful of his white sperm and brings it to her lips, smiling at the crowd as the stage lights dim.

His own breathing is a bit ragged and he looks to his lover. "I'm not sure what Tate has in mind for the last show baby but I know one thing ..... when we leave after the next show ..... we're going to find a place as soon as we can." He left the sentence hanging knowing she knew exactly what he meant.

Looking around the small theatre, he got the impression there were other couples having the same idea. But as Tate came on stage to introduce the last act, he wondered if anyone in this place would last through the last show. "He put his arm around Allison and stroked her cheek before giving her a soft kiss and then asking, "are you doing ok?"