Lured into the Wolfe's lair (closed for MzSeductress)

"Think that is fine Allison. I think we can squeeze everything in today as my friend is not expecting us until this evening. Besides I don't want to miss out on Ashton and Samantha buying us a double dip cone at Graeters." There was an instant groan and Ashton spoke up. "Listen buddy it was my rider who pulled and pushed your rider into the water first. If you had better balance Allison would not have lost."

Jack laughed at his comment. "Allison what do you think? You know we were winning until he fouled us and even then he and Samantha lost. I saw her going into the water before you."
Allison laughed at Jack and Ashton’s friendly banter and looked at her best friend and then brother “ I think we had you two beat,Jacks footing was great, his footing was disrupted by you cheating” she said and laughed playfully.

“There weren’t any rules Allison can’t cheat if there’s no rules “ Sam said and laughed and Ashton nodded agreeing

Allison laughed more and said “Well Jack I agree.. I heard Sam hit the water first” she smiled knowingly and then She grinned bringing Max and Dean into it “Well… what did you two see ? Who won?
Max and Dean looked at each other with big smiles and then turned their attention to the two couples staring at them. Max was the first to speak. "Unbeknownst to both couples, we videoed the whole thing and we have decided to let mom and dad be the independent judges."

All eyes turned Henry at one end of the table and then shifted to Amelia at the other end of the table. Henry chuckled as he took the phone from Max. "I don't think we should be dragged into this dispute. What do you think Mom?"

Amelia had a big smile on her face. "Well let's look at it." She waited for Henry to come to her end of the table and they watched the video not once but four or five times, sighing and offering, "Mmmm .... huh huh ... oh my ...." and then laughing at the two warriors in the water on top of the men. When they were done they handed the phone back to Max despite Samantha and Ashton demanding to see the video before a decision was made.

Henry cleared his throat and smiled at the faces looking expectantly at him. "After reviewing the video which was taken head on and not on the side it was very hard to determine who won. But conferring with the rules committee, me and mom, it's clear the Allison hit the water a split second before Samantha but there was also a foul by Ashton prior to the fall so in our expert analysis ..... it's a draw. And each of you will have to buy your own ice cream .... not only for yourself but for the two witnesses and the judges."
Allison was surprised her brothers had recorded but now they all had proof of who won and she was curious about what they'd say. They brought their parents in and everyone viewed the footage together.

She couldn't help but laugh hearing her father's decision and grinned " Ok you two.. it's a draw for now we'll split the bills even and we can all have Graeters with our lunch" Allison said and smirked.

" Were taking dad's car today since he said i could borrow it and then we all can view town before coming her for lunch and then Jack and I can go to his friends place" she said and smiled all of them agreeing to the plan.

She smiled at Jack and said " You want head out soon? I'm going to grab my purse and shoes and then I shoukd be ready" Allie said softly
Jack was amused with the decision and enjoyed the way the family seemed to be very tight knit. It was evident when John showed up and began arguing with her brothers.

"yeah we can head out as soon as your ready. I'm looking forward to having you show me the sights." Jack thanked Amelia for the very fine breakfast and headed up to the bedroom to freshen up.

When he came back downstairs he found only Henry reading something on his computer before he left for the restaurant. Henry asked him how he liked his stay so far and Jack told him he really enjoyed it and thanked him and Amelia for their hospitality.

He heard a sound behind him. Turning he saw Allison and smiled. "Anyone else going on the trip?"
Allison went upstairs and Sam followed and the two talked briefly. She thought Sam would be joining but Sam had other plans saying she wanted her and Jack to have a little alone time and she and Ashton could meet them at Graeters and the Chicken Shack and bring home ice cream and lunch for everyone.

Allie nodded and agreed with her persistent friend and she slid her shoes on grabbing her small purse before making her way downstairs. She saw Jack and her dad having small conversation and walked in and Jack turned smiling at her making her heartbeat quicken a little as he asked if anyone else was joining them.

She shook her head and said " Sam had a few calls to make and Max and Ashton had a few places to go in town, Sam said she and Ashton would meet us at Graeters at 2 so it's just us for now" she said and smiled.

Her dad pointed to where his car keys were hanging and told them to drive safe and have fun.
Outside, Jack told Allison, "you drive since you know the area and you won't have to keep giving me directions to the sights you want to show me." He saw her smile as she got behind the wheel and he settled into the passenger seat.

They had not driven very far when put his hand on her bare thigh. "I like your family but it's nice to be alone with you Allie. No one to watch if we hold hands, have a quick kiss, or just to tease each other." His fingers began to move, drawing little circles between her knee and the hem of her dress.

"You know just like this," he whispered in a more provocative tone as his hand slipped under the dress' hem and moved further upward. He snickered, remembering how she teased him when he drove back to the cabin. His fingertips found the lacy underwear and he asked, "Does this bother you Allie?"
Allison smiled agreeing she missed their alone time together while they were on Vacation " I like our alone time too baby..and when we're back home you'll have me all to yourself anytime you want" she said teasing sexily.

She focused on the road feeling Jack's hand begin to wander drawing small circles and then moving up slowly as he began teasing. She remembered last time she teased him this way. Her had to pull to the side of the road and the two had a hot spontaneous quickie.

She gasped softly feeling his hands travel upward as he whisphered and began to tease her as he snickered asking her if it bothered her. Allison smirked and said " No darling it doesn't... I love when you touch me Jack" she said teasing back knowing he loved when she called him the sweet name.

She knew she couldn't tease back right now because she was driving but she definitely intended on teasing his cock when it was her turn.
Her response made him chuckle. He loved when she used endearing words. He continued to run his fingers up and down the lacy panties as she drove through traffic. This was, however, a lot different than driving on a back country dirt road. When she came up to an intersection and put her blinker on, he could see they were about to enter a very busy street.

Pulling his fingers away from her covered sex, he smiled and raised them to his nose. "Mmmm you smell really good this morning .... darling. I should let you drive and not distract you .... wouldn't want to get in an accident with your dad's car." There was a moment of silence as she pulled on to a busy street. "Where are you planning to take me ma'am," he said with a laugh.
Allison gasped feeling him continue to touch her as she drove through town. It was different from when they were alone on the road driving in a private area, and she knew there was no where private she could pull over right now and she knew Jack was having fun.

She smiled hearing him say how good she smelled and that he shouldn't distract her knowing he fully was. She chuckled softly keeping silent as she turned onto the next treat and knew she would tease him back when she had the opportunity.

She smirked when he asked her where she was taking him and she said " Well..I thought I sneak you away and show you the amusement park near us for a little, then Edgewater park and then we can meet Sam and Ashton for ice cream. We won't be able to see everything but I just wanted you to see it" she said cheerfully.
Jack smiled at Allie's enthusiasm to show him part of her world growing up. He sat back enjoying the scenery and then smiled when they approached the amusement park. "Wow this place has grown a lot since I was here as a kid." He saw her look at him with a sort of questioning smile. "Remember I grew up in Northwest Ohio and once when I was kid my parents brought me and my sisters here for a weekend. I can only imagine the rides have increased and I willing to bet they only got bigger and wilder."

He saw the high roller coaster and grinned. "Now that is a one hell of a lot higher than I ever remember. I would love to try that one. It looks like it would scare the hell out of you." He turned to look at Allie. "Do we have time to enjoy the park a little?"
Allie smiled hearing Jack had been here before as a child and remembered his parents taking himmand his siblings. She would love to get to meet them all one day and she saw his grin at the rollercoaster.

Allie laughed as he said he'd like to try it and it might scare her " I'll just hold onto you if I do get scared " she chuckled but I'm up for a challenge, we do have a bit of time baby maybe an hour or two, I took us out a bit earlier so I can show you around" she smiled.

She found parking fairly easy and they got to the gate to buy tickets to go inside. She thought it was cute how excited he seemed to be visiting the park again and Allie admitted she enjoyed it herself not having been there since she was a junior in highschool.
He grinned and was excited when she told him they had enough time to visit the park. At the ticket counter, he brought VIP passes that would allow them to go to the front of line. "We don't have time to waste standing in line," he said linking her arm with his and beginning their walk down the midway.

Everything was so different than what he remembered. The penny arcade and the sky tram that took a person from one end of the park to the other above the midway looked the same as they did so many years ago. But what thrilled him was the rides that had evolved over the years.

Putting his arm around Allie, they made their way to the Mantis Coaster and into the VIP line which was short this time of day. Jack was the adventurous sort of man who liked to do things that others would think are too dangerous. As they settled into their seats, he smiled. "Don't worry babe, if you get too scared you can hold onto me." But with the shoulder harness the ride seemed a bit tame.

Next they went on the Steel Vengeance and he had to admit being suspended on the side of the coaster was a thrill and a bit scary. They laughed when they got off and Jack hugged her in the midway, giving her a kiss. "That was pretty cool. I loved the feeling of being suspended. How about you Allie and are you ready for the Raptor Coaster and the Millennium Force ?
Allie enjoyed Jack's excitement for the park and the rides. She could see how adventurous her love was and that he enjoyed thrills and risks and chuckled inwardly noting he like the little sense of danger once in a while which she didn't mind herself having grown up with all boys.

She giggled as he said if she got scared she could hold onto him as they were getting strapped in and she smiled " I'll take your word for that baby" she said before the operator buckled and strapped them in.

They got the Mantis first and enjoyed it and then made their way to a more daring ride which wasn't as scary as it looked to her. They laughed together when they got off and he told her how cool it was and how he loved the feeling of being suspended.

She giggled and kissed him back then said " The ride was wild the adrenaline rush you get from it is insane . I liked the speed of the ride, and yes baby im ready for the next two" she said and kissed him softly before holding his hand as the two were off to the next rides.

She was happy she had decided to take him to the park and knew next time she visited home she would invite him to come again so they could enjoy more of it and possibly being the family too.
Jack grinned, seeing Allie giggle, hearing her say the ride was wild. She was right, the adrenaline rush was absolutely insane. "I'm glad you like the speed and thrills and I bet the next two will give us a real adrenaline rush."

The Raptor Coaster and the Millennium Force were all they were advertised in the brochure they had picked up at the ticket office. Sitting in the very first row gave one a whole different perspective. Instead of watching the head of the person in front of you, the first row actually made one feel that they were going to fall out of the coaster. When they finished the two rides, they were both laughing and smiling.

Walking down the Midway with his arm around her waist, Jack knew this was another reason he knew she was special and he was falling for her. He couldn't get over how much they had grown together in the two weeks since he hired her. He knew it was an employer/employee relationship to the outside world but when they were alone, it was a totally different story. He also knew that someday the truth would come out about their relationship and he hoped her family was accepting of him.

Jack looked at his watch, seeing they had been at the park a little over two hours. He knew she wanted to show him more of her city but upon walking past the Giant Ferris Wheel he knew he couldn't resist one last ride. "Come on baby let's do one more ride and then we can leave the park." Her soft smile told him she approved and they jumped to the front of the line with their VIP passes to the anguish look of some patrons.

They heard some comments about jumping the line but they ignored them. Jack slipped the operator a $50 asking for them to have a gondola to themselves. The operator readily agreed, grinning as he told the persons behind them that they would have to wait for the next car. More comments came from some patrons but the operator ignored them and started the wheel.

The ride was fantastic with panoramic views of the park, surrounding area, and the lake. After going around a few times the car started to stop to let people off and reload. At one point they had to stop at the top and Jack, with his arm around her waited for the car to move. But it didn't.

Looking down, Jack could see there was something wrong. Then a voice came over a loudspeaker. "Ladies and Gentleman there will be a slight delay in getting the coaster moving again. In the distance, Jack saw an ambulance lights and knew something happened to someone. Turning to Allie, he smiled and kissed her softly and then said, "looks like we have some alone time on this wheel." And then he drew her to him and the next kiss was a lot more deeper.
Allie had enjoyed the rush of the ride holding his hand on the wilder declines but overall having so much fun with him. She felt her heart bestbrest as they got off both with adrenaline and her feeling being around Jack Wolfe.

She had a smile on her face as they walked and he held her close with his arm around her waist. She nodded agreeing to his request for one more ride and they stopped at the Ferris wheel. There were a few complaints and Jack paid for them to have a car for themselves.

She enjoyed the view as the went up that overlooked the park and the area around it and cuddled close to him as the Ferris wheel went up more and more. She smiled saying softly " It's beautiful up here baby, I'm glad I decided to come here with you".

Jack smiled commenting and then they were surprised the ride wasn't moving. They both looked down then heard the announcement surprised and then Jack turned to her smiling and kissing her saying they had alone time on the wheel.

" Mmmhmm it looks like we do honey"she said kissing him back and then again deeper. She sighed softly running her hand down his chest and felt Jack's hand slowly move up her leg.

She hasn't had her chance to tease him back like he did to her while driving and she slowly moved her hand down to his pants running her hand across his cock "You know baby... I do have to get you back for teasing me alike that while i drove...the ambulance seems pretty far away... i wonder how much time we have alone up here..." She said and smirked
Jack smiled when Allie agreed they had more alone time on the Ferris wheel. The kiss was more ardent, tongues flicking against each other, searching withdrawing and then searching again. As her hand moved on his chest and then downward, his hand found the bare skin of her thigh and began to move under the hem of the simple dress. "I'm glad you wore this dress," he chuckled moving his hand a little further up her thigh.

A grin etched his face when her hand slid down to press against his covered cock and she whispered that she had to get back at him for teasing while she drove the car. "I think we have more than enough time to tease each other," he laughed feeling her hand press harder against his growing muscle.

Looking out into the distance and seeing the ambulance still far away, he grinned and laughed. "I'm willing to bet we have enough time to really heat up things in here." Pulling the top of her dress down to reveal her nice beautiful breasts he cupped one, squeezing it. "Why don't you pull on that zipper and see what I have hidden in my pants for your pleasure." Groaning when her fingers squeezed his cock.
Allie sighed softly hearing him say that he was glad she wore that dress. He wasted no time teasing her inner thighs and moving it higher to her tight hot covered pussy.

Allie knew Jack had grown to know her body well and grinned as he said they had time to tease each other. She gasped softly as he revealed her breasts with a grin and knew how much he loved then before telling her to see what he had hidden for her in his pants.

Allie groaned softly as he teased her nipples and slowly began to undo his pants. She gasped seeing how hard Jack had been for her and he helped with working his pants down a little.

She heard him groan and grinned stroking the bare cock as his fingers found her clit. " Mmm fuck you're so sexy baby.,," She said as her breath got ragged from what Jack was doing with his fingers
When she pulled the zipper down and reached inside to grab his cock, he groaned. Looking out of the gondola he was glad they were at the very top of the Ferris wheel. Otherwise, other patrons would be given a view they may not appreciate seeing in public. He felt the gondola sway a little as they teased each other and wondered if some of the other patrons wondered what was going on. But looking out, he saw other gondola's swaying and knew for a short time no one would notice what they were doing.

He loved her tits and the way they looked and felt. They were soft and pliable and he loved seeing her nipples become rigid and standing at attention. Tweaking her nipples and hearing her soft moans excited him and his cock grew harder in her hand as she pushed his pants down just enough to expose his rigid muscle.

Staring directly into her deep emerald eyes, he could see the lust and desire she had. He leaned forward kissing her hard on the lips and then pulled off, gasping a little for air. "Ohhhh fuck baby your hands feel great," he moaned as he pushed his hand between her thighs, finding and massaging her clit. The love button was slippery, running his fingers over it and rubbing around it to the sounds of her growing lust.

But she was also igniting a fire within him, stroking his cock with expertise. Stroking it fast and then slowly, squeezing it and then sliding her fingers over the enlarged head spreading his precum all over his shaft. "Ahhhh fuck ..... yes baby keep it up," he moaned with a ragged breath.

He glanced past her lovely face, seeing the ambulance with flashing lights and sirens blaring almost at he Ferris wheel. He knew they didn't have a whole lot more time to tease each other as he leaned in for another deep soulful kiss as his fingers found her silky channel and began to slide into it while his thumb rubbed her clit.
Allie moaned turned on by Jack's encouraging her to keep it up and twlling her how good it felt. She loved that the two of them couodnt resist each other at times and she spread her legs a little more so he could touch more of her.

She knew they didn't have alot of time because the sound of the sirens were getting closer and she gasped moaning as she felt his fingers push deeper into her as she panted.

" Fuck baby that feels so good.." She groaned loving when he tempted her body like this and teased her sensitive parts. She returned his kiss deeply and eagerly stroking his cock justbas skillfully teasing the head of his cock with her finger spreading the moisture there while stroking up and down making sure all of his cock was getting pleasure.

"I can tell you're getting close baby...when you are I want you to let me swallow it..we can't leave evidence of what we were up to in here right?" She said breathily seeing the fire in Jack's eyes knowing he loved when she swallowed his cum just as much as she enjoyed doing it.
He loved hearing her tell him that what he was doing was making her feel good. Her juices were coating his fingers as they slid easily inside her as they kissed deeply, each kiss filled with lust and want for each other.

And her fingers were working their magic on his cock, making it grow long and hard. "Fuck baby keep it up and I'll fill your mouth with so much cum," he groaned in answer to her telling him she wanted to swallow his load. "Yeah baby we can't leave any evidence what we were doing up here."

He followed his comment with a deep kiss, feeling her fingers bringing him ever closer to exploding. His hips got into the action, moving with each stroke of her hand. He felt the gondola swinging and wondered if anyone really knew what they were doing.

Breaking the kiss, he murmured, "God baby you're going to make me cum." And then he kissed her hard feeling that familiar sensation before his cock would fill her mouth. But during the kiss, he felt the gondola move and then realized the Ferris wheel was in motion. They had kissed so deep and long that they didn't see the EMS squad take the person and put them in the ambulance.

"Ah shit baby," he exclaimed as the wheel started to move them, stopping only momentarily to let patrons off and allow new riders to enter the gondola. There was a moment of panic that they would be caught as they scrambled to cover up.
Allie was so lost in pleasure that neither she or Jack had realized the Ferris Wheel had been moving slowly. She was hot for him and she felt how close he was as he told her to keep it up and he'd fill her mouth and agreed they couldn't leave evidence of what they were doing.

She moaned returning his kiss and gasped hearing him warn he was going to cum as the two seperated briefly from their kissing. She sighed sexily pulling back and knew they'd be caught if she didn't finish him quickly even though she wanted to tease him more.

She heard him curse with pleasure and kissed him quickly then leaned over in his lap licking his cock " It's ok baby.. I need you to cum for me.., use my mouth to make yourself cum I want to taste it.. We're in the middle .. we can't get caught now can we" she teased playfully before sucking him into her mouth and sighing felling Jack's hands in her hair as his hips began moving
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Jack was thinking they would have to rein in their need to orgasm but he was surprised when Allie leaned over and started licking his cock. She was having no retreating now. He moaned when she told it was ok and she needed him to cum and she was going to use her mouth and wanted to taste it.

"My God," he thought as he felt the gondola moving ever closer to the ground. They were now about half-way down and her words about not getting caught rang in his ears. He had a quick decision to make..... push her mouth off his cock and quickly zip his trousers or let loose with a load of jism.

Jack's quick decision was to put his hands in her red hair and shove her mouth down onto his cock while his hips bounced erratically on the seat. He was so ..... so close and when he felt her hand join her mouth, stoking whatever didn't fit into her mouth, he knew he couldn't hold back any longer.

"Ohhhh .... Aghhhh fuck baby," he groaned loudly as his cock throbbed and then a torrent of cum filled her mouth. His hips continued to bounce feeding her his long thick cock, emptying his load.
Allie felt his fingers in her dark her as he used her mouth to make himselfncum like she requested. She knew she had to be quick and discreet and heard Jack's groaning above her as she used the hand to join what she was doing with her mouth.

She heard the familiar sound he made when he was close and soon felt his hot cum filling her throat as she began to swallow all of it sucking Jack until she felt he was spent.

She was beyond turned on , but there was nothing the two of them could do about it in the gondola as they were soon approaching the ground and to a position people might likely be able to see inside.

She sat up and smirked fixing her clothes and said " Mmmm delicious as always Jack" she grinned and licked her lips. She saw the heat in his eyes as he looked at her and she knew he couldn't return the favor right here.

He fixed his clothes and she leaned in kissing him softly " I enjoyed that almost as much as the view honey, I'm glad you suggested this, it's been years since I've been on the wheel "
The way she devouring his cock, taking everything he had to offer as the ride continued to move closer to the end, was fascinating. They were fast approaching the part of the ride where patrons could see inside the gondola. When she bounced up quickly, he smirked seeing a few people give them a look as they waited to board the Ferris Wheel.

"I'm glad you enjoyed your treat baby," he chuckled seeing her lick her lips. He let out a soft laugh and pulled her dress up to cover her breasts. "I'll return the favor real soon," he said as he leaned in and gave her a soft kiss.

Jack quickly pulled his trousers up and zipped his fly listening to her say she enjoyed that almost as much as the view. "Hmmm I'm glad we came here today and we'll have to come back when we have more time when we visit your family again." and then with a thoughtful smile added, "so I come in second to the grand view, do I," he laughed as their gondola came to a halt and they exited the car.

Jack looked at his watch, seeing it was still only mid-morning. He would love to stay but she said she wanted to show him some other sights before they met Samantha and Ashton for ice cream.

As they walked to the crowded parking lot with his arm around her waist, he had an idea. Since it was still early he knew the lot was filled with cars that would be parked all day. They were parked right in the middle of them and when they arrived at the car, he stopped her when she walked toward the driver's door.

"I told you I'd return the favor real soon," he said opening the back door and crawling inside. "Come on baby ..... it's your turn," he said grabbing her hand and pulling her inside. He grabbed a handful of her beautiful brown hair, drawing her toward him and then into a deep passionate kiss.

They were both breathing a bit heavy when the kiss broke and he laid her on the seat, smiling when he pulled the top of her dress down once more revealing her lovely breasts. His hands found the soft globes, massaging them and then tweaking each nipple. "I love your breasts baby and I love where I'm going," he whispered as he raised the hem of her dress.

"Mmmm your panties are all wet .... I wonder how they got that way." Keeping his hands on her breasts, he leaned forward and began kissing the inside of her thighs, working his way to the dampness between her legs. Lifting his head, he crowed, "Where does my lover want me to go?" He knew and she knew and he flicked his tongue at her letting her know what he was about to do with her.