Malicious voting

Yes, and it could be that. Well, not the forums.

Oh yes, the forums. Very much the forums. FUCK yes, the forums. Maybe not in your case since with 12 posts and all in this thread, you haven't pissed anyone off yet.

And neither are you the only one to believe that.

There might be some trolls who lurk and read our discussions and who are maybe capable of doing such things but I firmly believe that all the regular AH people are way above doing anything like that.

Agreed. I'm not saying that there's no one petty enough on the forums to do it, but the chance that it's a significant enough number to affect ratings seems unlikely.

I am sure there are cases where this happens but the number of people who participate in this forum is such a tiny and insignificant fraction of the total readership that I question the significance of the connection.

Well I'm about to shed some very damning light on this subject.

Let's start with this very recent quote just up the page a bit.

And I even noticed several times that after expressing a difference of opinion here in the forums, SEVERAL of my stories would receive another 1 in rapid succession over the next hour. There are those who are so dedicated to their "craft" of hatred that every story I post now (for the past two years) quickly receive 1's.

One instance doesn't make you a believer, sure. Well okay, let me tell you a story.

The last time that I was bombed from someone in AH, there was a thread here wherein two people were trying to demonstrate math, a statistical study of scores in general. Well, their math was wrong. I simply corrected it. I received a bunch of attitude from both, but mostly from one, who was pissed-off that I was being smart-alecky or whatnot. I wasn't being samrt-alecky, I simply reiterated that math was not a matter of opinion or debate, that I had taken statistics in high school and that the two of them had their math and terminology wrong (it was very basic statistical calculations that one might learn in 6th grade) and were misleading anyone else reading, so I corrected it (and I may have even been backed up by another mathematician but I don't quite remember). This person (I will refrain from giving away gender and narrowing down the identity) got into a huff and replied something like "FINE! HAPPY NOW?" I forget the exact words. It was nothing but a total baby tantrum. Five minutes later all of this person's posts in the thread were deleted, (but they are still there quoted in my replies even now ;) ) even stuff that had nothing to do with me, proving that it wasn't a mod action. To be clear, this person deleted their own posts. I then checked my profile and all of my stories had exactly one more vote and were all down.

So I'm 90% sure that the person who bombed me was the one who deleted their own posts. If I revealed the name, guaranteed you would all be SHOCKED at this AH regular who otherwise usually has a mild-mannered presence!

If it wasn't that person then it was almost certainly the other 'weak mathematician' in the thread who was also a bit snarky with me over it. If I revealed that name, you would be less shocked but still rather surprised, another AH regular prone to occasionally get defensive and emotional, but otherwise regarded as quite harmless.

The point is, that there are people here that many of us would not think could or would ever do it, but at least one of them did.

One of those two people bombed my entire catalog in a momentary fit of petty rage. And it's not the only time that it's happened to me. It's happened at least three times that I can trace to AH shenanigans in the last year or so (and more that I can't trace). So to anyone who thinks that folks in the AH are above such petty antics like that, hate to tell you but you're wrong, quite wrong, very bloody dead wrong. And it's not just one or two people, because all the times that I've been hit with a single slate of 1s, means that they're using only one account to do it, and couldn't be bothered to alt-bomb or anonymous-bomb (which has also happened to me on another occasion which I have recounted a few times in other threads). Which means that at least three different people in this forum have bombed me in the past year or so (probably a few more than three, three is a lowball) and we'd all (myself included) would likely be shocked if we knew who they were. Trolls in sweetheart's clothing.

Words to the wise.
Oh yes, the forums. Very much the forums. FUCK yes, the forums. Maybe not in your case since with 12 posts and all in this thread, you haven't pissed anyone off yet.

And neither are you the only one to believe that.

Well I'm about to shed some very damning light on this subject.

Let's start with this very recent quote just up the page a bit.

One instance doesn't make you a believer, sure. Well okay, let me tell you a story.

The last time that I was bombed from someone in AH, there was a thread here wherein two people were trying to demonstrate math, a statistical study of scores in general. Well, their math was wrong. I simply corrected it. I received a bunch of attitude from both, but mostly from one, who was pissed-off that I was being smart-alecky or whatnot. I wasn't being samrt-alecky, I simply reiterated that math was not a matter of opinion or debate, that I had taken statistics in high school and that the two of them had their math and terminology wrong (it was very basic statistical calculations that one might learn in 6th grade) and were misleading anyone else reading, so I corrected it (and I may have even been backed up by another mathematician but I don't quite remember). This person (I will refrain from giving away gender and narrowing down the identity) got into a huff and replied something like "FINE! HAPPY NOW?" I forget the exact words. It was nothing but a total baby tantrum. Five minutes later all of this person's posts in the thread were deleted, (but they are still there quoted in my replies even now ;) ) even stuff that had nothing to do with me, proving that it wasn't a mod action. To be clear, this person deleted their own posts. I then checked my profile and all of my stories had exactly one more vote and were all down.

So I'm 90% sure that the person who bombed me was the one who deleted their own posts. If I revealed the name, guaranteed you would all be SHOCKED at this AH regular who otherwise usually has a mild-mannered presence!

If it wasn't that person then it was almost certainly the other 'weak mathematician' in the thread who was also a bit snarky with me over it. If I revealed that name, you would be less shocked but still rather surprised, another AH regular prone to occasionally get defensive and emotional, but otherwise regarded as quite harmless.

The point is, that there are people here that many of us would not think could or would ever do it, but at least one of them did.

One of those two people bombed my entire catalog in a momentary fit of petty rage. And it's not the only time that it's happened to me. It's happened at least three times that I can trace to AH shenanigans in the last year or so (and more that I can't trace). So to anyone who thinks that folks in the AH are above such petty antics like that, hate to tell you but you're wrong, quite wrong, very bloody dead wrong. And it's not just one or two people, because all the times that I've been hit with a single slate of 1s, means that they're using only one account to do it, and couldn't be bothered to alt-bomb or anonymous-bomb (which has also happened to me on another occasion which I have recounted a few times in other threads). Which means that at least three different people in this forum have bombed me in the past year or so (probably a few more than three, three is a lowball) and we'd all (myself included) would likely be shocked if we knew who they were. Trolls in sweetheart's clothing.

Words to the wise.
Well, I am sure you know it's impossible to actually prove or disprove such allegations.
Maybe you'll remember how much opposition I faced when I accused a proven troll - not an AH regular, of bombing my stories (and not only mine), and on top of it, I had an overwhelming amount of circumstantial proof, just no hard proof because hard proof is quite impossible to obtain. I can tell you that the reactions at the time opened my eyes to what AH is.

Your case is much slimmer but I understand and sympathize completely with that particular feeling when you are sure you know who did it and why. I don't know, maybe you are right, maybe regular AH-ers aren't above doing it, but I choose to cling to the opposite belief until I see at least some proof. Lashing out at someone with bombing is just so... petty and low in my eyes, and regardless of not having the highest of opinions on AH, I feel it's beneath the people I interact with here. Fuck knows. šŸ«¤
Well, I am sure you know it's impossible to actually prove or disprove such allegations.

I may not be able to prove who the actual individual was but I did more than enough to prove beyond any reasonable doubt that certain people in the AH are indeed that petty.

Remember, my example is only one example. I know of at least three times in the past year and a bit when someone got rage pissed at me in the forums and then an hour later (or less) I realize that my entire catalog was bombed. People come and go from here but if we estimate that at any given time there are maybe 50 regular contributors in here and 3 of them have done this to me, that's 6%. And 3 is the LOWBALL estimate. Remember, your original argument was that you didn't think anyone in the AH would be that petty. Well the even the lowball best case scenario, the statistics do not bear that out.

Yes, there are petty people here in the AH who would absolutely bomb your stories if they were pissed at you over a forum post. FUCK yes there are.

I'm not trying to say that I'm smarter than you, I'm just giving you the data to rethink it. like the Dude says "I've got information, man! New shit has come to light!"
I may not be able to prove who the actual individual was but I did more than enough to prove beyond any reasonable doubt that certain people in the AH are indeed that petty.

Remember, my example is only one example. I know of at least three times in the past year and a bit when someone got rage pissed at me in the forums and then an hour later (or less) I realize that my entire catalog was bombed. People come and go from here but if we estimate that at any given time there are maybe 50 regular contributors in here and 3 of them have done this to me, that's 6%. And 3 is the LOWBALL estimate. Remember, your original argument was that you didn't think anyone in the AH would be that petty. Well the even the lowball best case scenario, the statistics do not bear that out.

Yes, there are petty people here in the AH who would absolutely bomb your stories if they were pissed at you over a forum post. FUCK yes there are.

I'm not trying to say that I'm smarter than you, I'm just giving you the data to rethink it. like the Dude says "I've got information, man! New shit has come to light!"
Circumstantial evidence may or may not (EDIT for clarity) ALSO indicate that they carry grudges and have very long memories bordering on vendettas. Not that I personally would know anything about that. ;);)
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Circumstantial evidence may or may not indicate that they carry grudges and have very long memories bordering on vendettas. Not that I personally would know anything about that. ;);)

It does not, correct, but that's not what I was trying to prove. What I did prove is that there are people in the AH who will bomb you in a momentary fit of rage. Without question, there are. I made no mention of long term grudges.
I get the feeling that this conversation is only a few posts away from personal accusations. Perhaps we can leave it for what it is, before tempers heat up and it turns ugly?
I may not be able to prove who the actual individual was but I did more than enough to prove beyond any reasonable doubt that certain people in the AH are indeed that petty.

Remember, my example is only one example. I know of at least three times in the past year and a bit when someone got rage pissed at me in the forums and then an hour later (or less) I realize that my entire catalog was bombed. People come and go from here but if we estimate that at any given time there are maybe 50 regular contributors in here and 3 of them have done this to me, that's 6%. And 3 is the LOWBALL estimate. Remember, your original argument was that you didn't think anyone in the AH would be that petty. Well the even the lowball best case scenario, the statistics do not bear that out.

Yes, there are petty people here in the AH who would absolutely bomb your stories if they were pissed at you over a forum post. FUCK yes there are.

I'm not trying to say that I'm smarter than you, I'm just giving you the data to rethink it. like the Dude says "I've got information, man! New shit has come to light!"
Well, I've just received a couple of bombs in the last half an hour or so after a long long period of quiet, and I am pretty sure it was done by someone who wants me to think that it's you or someone else in this thread or whatever, simply trying to stir shit. I admit I used to care about bombs but now I really don't. I don't even write anymore, and this behavior is mostly a testimony of the website not caring about its own voting system or about the needs of authors. ;)
I tend to agree, based on my occasionally overzealous tracking. 3's are close to never, 2's are a bit more common, but 1, 4, and 5 are by far the most common vote.

I suspect 2's are an attempt at camouflage.
Speaking of which, how should you interpret a 2 anyway? Is that like, "This story completely sucked, ā€Šalmost." šŸ˜… I fail to see the point.
The trouble, of course, with all the threads on scoring, is it makes it so obvious how much the 'Itch for the H' warps writing behavior and what negativity does to dent author egos and their perceived reputation. Which accentuates the various unsightly urges to 'punish' individual or writers collectively.

If i thought stopping any and all discussion of scoring would change anything, I'd suggest it. But probably best to just plunge ahead. The old motto for the improv comedy 'What's my line?' works for Literotica too: 'everything's made up and the points don't matter.'

Or you can just sit back in your chair and sing the old One Bomb Song.
I wasn't just bombed by an AHer with whom I had a violent disagreement in the forums.

That same individual reported every single one of my stories (about 10-12, at that time) for underage content (though there wasn't any), knowing that would get them yanked from the site until I cleared them again with Laurel. That took about a week. I know he did it because he taunted me about it via PM.

I don't underestimate the vindictiveness of some (by no means MOST) people here in the AH. This was a highly respected and very prolific writer and poster.
I wasn't just bombed by an AHer with whom I had a violent disagreement in the forums.

That same individual reported every single one of my stories (about 10-12, at that time) for underage content (though there wasn't any), knowing that would get them yanked from the site until I cleared them again with Laurel. That took about a week. I know he did it because he taunted me about it via PM.

I don't underestimate the vindictiveness of some (by no means MOST) people here in the AH. This was a highly respected and very prolific writer and poster.
Did you forward your evidence to laurel? I'd be surprised she wouldn't do something about actions that flagrant.