Married Woman Who Like To...

I think when you been married for along time you know your partner well and its very hard to keep things fresh and different and after a while you tend to get stuck in a rut,same things same days,

I agree that this tends to happen and one must work on keeping things hot. Over the years hubby and I have done new things. Chatting online, sharing pics, sexual experiences and personal info are turn on for me and also excites hubby to know another guy has seen my nude pics and knows stuff about me sexually or personally.
:D I'm very new posting here so nosing around and trying to figure out what's old and new and not bump up dead threads or step out of line! :devil: :caning:

Hey Rainshine,

I know how you feel, it has taken sometime for me to get into the swing of it.

Enjoy yourself.


Happy to chat with you.
I discovered this simple truth too late....i was mid divirce when I read about it...

I don't remember the terms (and tough in my phone to click through and get back...) But to paraphrase:

I express and feel love through service. She ignored literally thousands of acts if service really from the time we dated on through twenty years. Even counseling in the middle years didnt help. In addition to her taking my help for granred excwpt when the subject of husbands that help around the house came up with her incredulous friends...(he gets uo and feeds the baby??! Wait! He cooks?, changes diapers? Dirty ones??!)...she grew up in chaos, and to be frank was lazy and nor self starting....most years a housewife, who did no acts of service for me. I didnt know how to explain how this felt, even in therapy.

Now my part:

Her 'language' was the kind where you verbalize thw I love yous...lots of compliments...(volume trumps depth).

I did compliment her but tried to time them for imoact and sincerity. My dad was (is) a lunkhead that tosses out trite hackneyed compliments. My mom was (is) a bitch who rolled her eyes and made ascerbic, snarky retorts. She gave no quarter, no points for 'effort'.

New guy?

Lunkhead who like my dad was rhe same late in kufe spoiled baby of the family my dad was. Even has the same name. Couple if "yor a be,a,yootiful whoa-mans her direction and he was in her


If you've not heard of it, I'd s[/B]uggest checking out The Five Love Languages.

The premise is that there are 5 basic ways most people demonstrate their love or affection for someone else. But miscommunication or misunderstanding can occur when two people don't speak the same love language. It might be that your husband is expressing his appreciation for you in a way that makes sense to him (ie words of affirmation - "you're beautiful"), but that really doesn't have as much meaning for you.

I found it to be a very interesting read and it's helped me not only in my relationship with my husband, but with my kids as well - as I learn to understand their love languages. Good luck!
Wow, serendipitous that I wandered into this particular sub fora

so in between laboriously typing the above and then deciding to edit and possibly delete, I happen to be in the little local cafe killing time when I should be at work because I took time off work to go to the doctor.

young blonde cutie friend of mine (cousin of a crush of mine), has recently reconciled with her cheating husband. we got to talking into their problem is definitely 5 languages of love based.. I recommended the book and we were role playing practice lines that she can use to give her husband the positive verbal incouragement he needs, then he called she stepped outside to talk to him on the phone as I was leaving she gave me a big thumbs up and she was chatting with him with a huge smile on her face.
I am married, he is a stick in the mud wants to do the same thing everytime I want more...I love chats with they guys that I have meet from here..I have to say I have even learned some new stuff that I have been thinking about...and I have cheated yes since I am not getting what I crave at home..and I will keep on cheating...

My full understanding and admiration! :rose:
So I came to this thread expecting one thing but found something else. Imagine that, women who dont get enough attention from thier respective husbands and come to the lit forum to try and fullfill that need. Now I know there are many men out there with this problem, I am one of them too, but the ladies.... who knew???

I would certainly be more than happy to PM with anyone in a similar boat. Misery does love company!!!

We ladies knew, that's who! :D

I know what you mean about finding something other than you expected in this thread, earth7913 and you're right, misery does love company. It's kind've nice to know that I'm not the only woman in the world with this problem... :eek:

It makes you wonder what's going on with married couples these days. Why is playing XBox games so much more interesting than playing around with your wife? :confused:
This is a great thread, I thought I was alone with this same problem, but I see men and women have the same issues. I for one love to be touchy feely and have sex on a regular basis but the wife never really does. We love each other and are happy but worlds apart on sex.
Its not always the Mans Fault

I am sitting here reading this thread and find that the ladies are having troubles with there Husbands. Well I have just the oppisite problem My wife is the one that is not interested any more and that is why I am on lit so much tring to find people to chat with. We have not been intimate since 2004. So anyone want to chat about anything just drop me a line. I am on here most of the day.:D

JonnyD1 this is a good thread thank you for starting it.
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