Memo to the media: GOP policies — not the rare liberal prosecutors — are driving crime

It reviewed data and provided conclusions on that data. You'll never even glance at it, nor will champy, so it doesn't matter
Oh I'm sure It used whatever bullshit "data" it could find to push it's narrative.

Where did this get posted?? Wonkette?? RAW? Salon??

It doesn't mater because in the observable real world people aren't fleeing the crime of Florida and Texas by the hundreds of thousands..... meanwhile in blue shit holes.
Same can and should be said for both sides.

Studies by mostly leftist universities and media centers like UCLA and youtube show the right and moderates get info from both sides, the left does NOT.... they largely go out of their way to avoid anything they don't agree with.

We moderates just aren't into the reality denial that the radical left is. That's why we're largely voting Republican this fall... get woke go broke.
Yea... might want to check the propaganda rags and question that Kool-Aid you're chugging.

Oh wait, that would make you an ALT-REICH FASCIST NAZI RACIST MISOGYNIST!!!!

To what?
Lol....already derailed from your own discussion points. Record timing there.
Lol....already derailed from your own discussion points. Record timing there.

OP was DOA.... anyone who thinks these blue metro areas who have for the last 40-110+ years been run near if not exclusively by democrats are all fucked up because of Republicans???

Is not only chugging kool-aid they're lacing it with PCP too.

You have to be a TRULY delusional lunatic to think SF, LA, NYC, Portland, Seattle or Chicago is the way it is because Republicans....... peck might as well have posted a thread titled "Democrats aren't at all responsible for anything they've done in the last any way shape or form." it would have been a bit more honest and every bit as absurd.
OP was DOA.... anyone who thinks these blue metro areas who have for the last 40-110+ years been run near if not exclusively by democrats are all fucked up because of Republicans???

Amen and pass the plate.
Owning the results of denying reality is not their forte.
This is why they are forced to point fingers to direct the voters they purposely under-educate.
Democrat born. Democrat bred. Libertarian led (by Democrats).
OP was DOA.... anyone who thinks these blue metro areas who have for the last 40-110+ years been run near if not exclusively by democrats are all fucked up because of Republicans???

Is not only chugging kool-aid they're lacing it with PCP too.

You have to be a TRULY delusional lunatic to think SF, LA, NYC, Portland, Seattle or Chicago is the way it is because Republicans....... peck might as well have posted a thread titled "Democrats aren't at all responsible for anything they've done in the last any way shape or form." it would have been a bit more honest and every bit as absurd.
I was talking about your own talking points, not the OP. But continue to devolve down the rabbit hole. It looks like champy is here to stroke your ego for the ride.
I don't believe crime is driven by public policy, other than maybe on the margins. It's mostly demographics; I don't think it's a coincidence that crime rates rose in the 1960s and started their long decline in the 1990s, paralleling when the oldest baby boomers became teenagers and then when the youngest of them were in their twenties.

Young men are disproportionately the ones who crime, and there are fewer of them than there used to be.
I don't believe crime is driven by public policy, other than maybe on the margins. It's mostly demographics; I don't think it's a coincidence that crime rates rose in the 1960s and started their long decline in the 1990s, paralleling when the oldest baby boomers became teenagers and then when the youngest of them were in their twenties.

Young men are disproportionately the ones who crime, and there are fewer of them than there used to be.
It does seem like the current movement in the country indicates a good investment opportunity for prison building.
Prisons aren’t free. Nor are they working in the sense of rehabilitating anyone. That’s the funny thing about economics as it applies to policy’s that lead to crime and the approach to filling prisons with offenders based on the offense and the likelihood to recommit said crime or graduate to worse.

If a society cannot provide for its citizens and the citizens find it easier to cheat rob and steal (and kill) you can blame the justice system or find a way to provide equal outcome to all.
Prisons aren’t free. Nor are they working in the sense of rehabilitating anyone. That’s the funny thing about economics as it applies to policy’s that lead to crime and the approach to filling prisons with offenders based on the offense and the likelihood to recommit said crime or graduate to worse.

If a society cannot provide for its citizens and the citizens find it easier to cheat rob and steal (and kill) you can blame the justice system or find a way to provide equal outcome to all.
My statement was fairly tongue and cheek, though it was based on the last time crime rose at this pace and the results that came from it.

It isn't the actual fix to the's the knee jerk reaction that the fear mongering generates.
Totally agree I actually meant to quote the poster above who doesn’t think policy has anything to do with crime.

It has everything to do with crime. White collar especially.
The data is sound for sure. All it proves is poor people commit desperate crimes and the easy access to guns is helping. The guns are purchased in states with no laws and brought into our cities and sold out of trunks to anyone with cash. The cashs used comes from drug selling and other criminal acts. Drugs and guns are at the corner of American politics. It bugs me that people vilify one side and think the other is the guardian at your back. I am not accusing you of this but the desperate need to rid the country of one party we all hate and leave us with the other we all hate is not the answer.
Exactly...but It wasn't a problem until the crime left the cities. Why?

Thanks for supporting CRT
Exactly...but It wasn't a problem until the crime left the cities. Why?

Thanks for supporting CRT

Crime will never leave cities no matter who’s in charge. I’m not sure I get what you mean? I don’t support CRTs. Why bother when we have amazing LED pictures.. so much faster than cathode ray tubes. The rendering is amazing.
Critical Race Theory...

Crime, has always existed. But it has become more of an issue in the last 50 years. Why? What makes a kid choose crime? A system so broken...set against them anyway? No one gave a shit about crime or drugs until it reached beyond those segregated walls. Why? If it wasn't a problem then...why is it a problem now?

People that think small....for example...."there is nothing we can do to change it" are more of the problem than the criminals. Argue for your limitations and so they shall be yours. I don't have the answers...but I do know what we as society are doing is making it worse. It doesn't matter what we try to fix will always be better to try and fail than doing nothing and saying there is nothing we can do.
I’m aware of critical race theory but it’s only taught in law school. Unless you watch too many talking heads opining over idiocy on any of the infotainment networks.

If my post regarding said crime in the context of this discussion aggravated you, there’s not much I can do. People disagree sometimes. I’m not going to explain it. Nor does it sum up the approach I can take and have taken. This has plagued mankind since it’s inception. You think a thread on a porn forum is going to help?

What do you do to make your community better? What is it you think people should do? Please help me help them. Let’s get it done. A couple more posts and who knows! We’ll solve world peace!
Yah, good question. If only there was a way......
I can't remember the last time I saw a Salon or Raw link and I have no idea what Wonkette means but I'm not a spazmatic dumbfuck perusing shitty websites.