Let's discuss policies and issues

It's how America operated for 120-plus years. They couldn't be sufficient to fund today's government, but then again neither is the entire take in federal taxes either.
In other words, at least two outcomes would be much smaller government and long term expensive wars would be impossible.
There was no federal income tax prior to 1913. How did we get along for over 120 years without it? The answer is tariffs. The government wasn't designed to be everything to everybody.
Tariffs ARE taxes on the American people, moron. I wish you and Trump would look up what tariffs are and how they work. And are you saying that our government should go back to the way it was in 1913? I highly doubt we could fund our $800+ billion dollar a year military budget...
There was no federal income tax prior to 1913. How did we get along for over 120 years without it? The answer is tariffs. The government wasn't designed to be everything to everybody.
That’s where our political system went off the rails, starting with Roosevelt. He transformed our economic system from a capitalist system to a socialist experiment and now we’re 36 trillion in debt and a bonified nanny state. Meritocracy is a thing of the past. We’re not even a country anymore, we’re nothing more than two political ideologies at war with each other. The rant today is power to the party.
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Tariffs ARE taxes on the American people, moron. I wish you and Trump would look up what tariffs are and how they work. And are you saying that our government should go back to the way it was in 1913? I highly doubt we could fund our $800+ billion dollar a year military budget...
Tariffs are a balancing tool. But before we balance trade we need to balance our budget. Politicians need to make difficult decisions.
Tariffs ARE taxes on the American people, moron. I wish you and Trump would look up what tariffs are and how they work. And are you saying that our government should go back to the way it was in 1913? I highly doubt we could fund our $800+ billion dollar a year military budget...
Before 1913, the U.S. government primarily collected tariffs on imported goods rather than directly taxing individuals. These tariffs were levied on products coming into the country, and the revenue generated was a significant source of federal income. They were not imposed on individual citizens as personal taxes, MORON.
Before 1913, the U.S. government primarily collected tariffs on imported goods rather than directly taxing individuals. These tariffs were levied on products coming into the country, and the revenue generated was a significant source of federal income. They were not imposed on individual citizens as personal taxes, MORON.
Who do you think was buying the imported goods and therefore paying the indirect tax, moron? Jesus, you're slow. Goddammit, look up how tariffs work!
Tariffs ARE taxes on the American people, moron. I wish you and Trump would look up what tariffs are and how they work. And are you saying that our government should go back to the way it was in 1913? I highly doubt we could fund our $800+ billion dollar a year military budget...
Tariffs protect domestic industries, such as agriculture and manufacturing, as well as to retaliate against other states' unfair trade practices.
Very few people are talking about the issues. We, instead, hear a lot of lies and fearmongering such as being told that Haitians eat pets, Democrats harvest unborn babies for adenochrome, or that Washington arrived on the Mayflower and immediately knelt down to pray at the World Trade Center. And when the lies get proven false, people say, "I don't care, I just care about the policies". But then they never talk about the policies or issues because in truth, they want the lies.

But I want to talk about the policies and issues. Please don't talk about political parties or specific individuals. I know I can't enforce it but this discussion should focus on policies and issues, not parties or politicians.

The following are the ways I would handle different policies and issues if I was in charge:

Abortion: On the one hand, I do believe that abortion is wrong. However, I believe that these abortion bans are way too strict. In the name of preventing the murder of one third of a baby, abortion bans cause the death of women. Women die trying to give birth because complications often occur during those nine months. Abortion bans commit murder in the name of preventing murder. And there should be no laws preventing non-abortive forms of contraception.

Border: We should close the border to illegal immigration but we should open a door to legal immigration. Most immigrants are law abiding citizens that improve life for everyone. We just need to filter the incoming immigrants to separate the good ones from the bad ones. A wall is not the answer since people will get past the wall anyway but we need to come up with some form of effective border control.

Racism: Racism does still exist and there are a lot of racists. We have made significant progress in that there is much less racism now than there used to be but there is still more that needs to be done.

Immunity: No politician, police officer, or business owner should be above the law. All immunity must be eliminated. People complain about a petty thug that steals a thousand but when a billionaire steals billions, for some reason people think the billionaire stealing billions is not committing a serious enough crime to be convicted over. But who do you think these billionaires are stealing from? They're stealing from you, oh American citizen. It is not that we need to lower taxes but we do need to stop politicians and business owners from using your taxes to bribe one another into looking the other way while they gouge prices and steal even more from you.

Cost of Healthcare: The real reason for the high cost of healthcare is not insurance. The real reason for the high cost of healthcare is that a few executives have practiced unfair business practices in order to eliminate the competition, monopolize the healthcare industry and then gouge prices to double or triple or even ten times what the prices ought to be. Big Pharma is real and we need to crack down on Big Pharma and hold it accountable.

Foreign Relations: We did once have allies. Now understand, we do need to stop being the world police. We do need to put America first but not to the degree that we completely alienate our allies. Our allies used to buy things from us but because we imposed such high tariffs on them, they stopped buying from us. It's a very bad business practice to drive one's customers away. We also need to remember who our allies are. Trump tells the story about the snake. How ironic is it then that Trump keeps trying to build alliances with snakes like Russia, Iran, North Korea, Hungary, and the Taliban? But I don't want to talk about Trump. I want to focus on restoring our alliances with Canada, United Kingdom, Mexico, China and Japan, more honorable, less snake-like allies. I know China is a little snake-like but China isn't nearly as snake-like as Russia and North Korea are.

Taxes: We don't necessarily want cheap taxes. The way it should be is that you get what you pay for. If you don't pay much in taxes, you shouldn't receive much in terms of roads, healthcare or protection. But our current tax codes are very lopsided where the wealthy pay zero taxes and reap all the benefits while the poor pay high taxes and get denied the benefits. We don't necessarily need lower taxes but we do need reform to make taxes more balanced and fair.

And of course there are other policies and issues that need to be addressed but this is a good start.
You left out voter disenfranchisement, specifically the section targeting married women. It is extremely disturbing. It is estimated that the Trump and GOP's voter identification bill will remove 90% of all married women from the voter rolls. In 2022 it there were 68.7 million married women, which meant approximately 61 million women would not be able to vote if that bill was in effect. Tens of millions of women, not allowed to vote.

Trump's proposed voter identification requirements will disenfranchise millions of women voters. it is disgusting that Trump has proposed, and supports it. It falls in line with Trump wanting to take us backwards, all the way back to a time when women were not allowed to vote. it is a chilling portent of his driving mania to win at all costs regardless of the consequences to others, in this case American women.

Without a passport, or other proof of citizenship with a woman's married name, a woman must provide a birth certificate from the state it was issued (with a full on proper state seal, no copies), and a CURRENT form of identification, both of which must have the EXACT same name on them. If a woman changed her name in the court, a copy of those court documents would be accepted, but how many women go to court to legally change their names? It could instantly disqualify 90% of all married women without passports or other proof that matches their birth certificates or proof of a legal name change.

The estimates are 90% of married women will be disenfranchised, 90 frigging percent!!! Why isn't this being discussed in the media since Trump wants to close down our country by blocking the budget unless the bill is passed? He is attempting to blackmail our county in order to win the election by disenfranchising tens of millions of women voters. How can anyone support that bill? Every congressional member and congressional candidates must be held accountable if they support that bill. Force them to admit they support voter disentrancement of millions of Americans.

It goes against everything our country stands for.
Who do you think was buying the imported goods and therefore paying the indirect tax, moron? Jesus, you're slow. Goddammit, look up how tariffs work!
A sales tax collected by the states isn't an income tax and they are beyond subject of tariffs, MORON. I know what they are, you don't.
Tariffs protect domestic industries, such as agriculture and manufacturing, as well as to retaliate against other states' unfair trade practices.
You forgot the part about how the extra cost is passed along to the consumers of the products as an indirect tax. But nice copy and paste job, Mr. Accounting Doctorate Man.
A sales tax collected by the states isn't an income tax and they are beyond subject of tariffs, MORON. I know what they are, you don't.
I never said tariffs were an INCOME tax, dolt. And since you think ALL taxes are illegal (everything should be funded by tariffs, apparently), are you saying states should do away with sales taxes, as well?
I never said tariffs were an INCOME tax, dolt. And since you think ALL taxes are illegal (everything should be funded by tariffs, apparently), are you saying states should do away with sales taxes, as well?
The subject was the income tax vis a vis the Federal Reserve Act and the need 16th Amendment. Go back and follow the progression of the conversation you interrupted with your assumptions.
The subject was the income tax vis a vis the Federal Reserve Act and the need 16th Amendment. Go back and follow the progression of the conversation you interrupted with your assumptions.
Can someone defend Tariffs as a source for Government money not as a way to protect an exclusive market in a country ?

Let’s hear it!
It's how America operated for 120-plus years. They couldn't be sufficient to fund today's government, but then again neither is the entire take in federal taxes either.
This conversation was not about income taxes. It was about tariffs, shit for brains.