Let's discuss policies and issues

Tell you what, if I become president, I will set aside a portion of Detroit and declare it an anarchist reservation. People who move there would not have to pay a cent in taxes. Of course they would receive absolutely no services either. You could work together all you want to build whatever you want. Let's see if you can rejuvenate Detroit.
Do you think this fantasy scenario you wrote is any kind of argument or rebuttal to what I said?
I disagree with you. If you wanted to shut down specific agencies, we might talk about those specific agencies but many of these agencies are preventing monopolies and dictatorships so I would want to keep many of them. Also, we seriously need a Department of Education in particular. This allowing parents to not teach their children is a large part of why America is falling apart. I'm not saying that everyone should go to public education but someone needs to make sure kids are getting an education.
I don't see a benefit of keeping bureaucrats who work for the monopolies, rackets, and corporate crime syndicates. An example of corporate aid by bureaucracy is the covid shutdown that killed vast numbers of small businesses and self-employment and enriched a few giant corporations like Amazon. Most of those will be dying off as dinosaurs, so I could look for ways to nudge them along into their extinctions.

I see the Department of Education having a big role in making education worse. It's not the only organization responsible. There is plenty more blame for the entire field, including private schools. A recent example there is my elementary school. It was an ordinary suburban school with around 600 students. The district demolished it and and a few more schools some years ago because it couldn't afford all the schools it had with current design parameters and regulations. The students in those neighborhoods must now ride buses or their parents' cars to the fewer remaining schools. From my childhood home to the closest remaining school is 1.3 miles. That's a short walk for a country kid or a short ride for a kid on a bike, but across a main road with too much traffic for little kids. The busing is an extra expense for an entire district moving in the wrong direction, more consolidation into giant schools. That trend started with a belief in "efficiency," but the result is worse education and generally miserable experiences in schools designed and run like prisons. Schools need to be smaller and more local, like in someone's living room, one room schoolhouses, or any space a teacher can find to teach.