MLP~Mystic Lake Poetry

smiling ty blue! I knew you knew the du drop of lac~

bluerains said:
The Lady of the Lake
The Tradition: The Lady of the Lake was the foster-mother of Sir Lancelot and raised him beneath the murky waters of her Lake. She is, however, best known for her presentation to King Arthur of his magical sword Excalibur, through the intervention of the King's druidic advisor, Merlin (Myrddin) who was constantly worried that his monarch would fall in battle.

Since the Lady of the Lake's place as Merlin's student and lover was largely overtaken by Morgan Le Fay, a lady whose very name in Breton indicates a water-nymph, it seems that the two were aspects of the same character. Indeed, as both appear among the three queens who escort Arthur to Avalon, she no doubt had a third aspect making up the well-known theme of a Celtic Triple-Goddess.


Copyright ©2001, LLC
Originally Posted by bluerains
The Lady of the Lake
The Tradition: The Lady of the Lake was the foster-mother of Sir Lancelot and raised him beneath the murky waters of her Lake. She is, however, best known for her presentation to King Arthur of his magical sword Excalibur, through the intervention of the King's druidic advisor, Merlin (Myrddin) who was constantly worried that his monarch would fall in battle.

Since the Lady of the Lake's place as Merlin's student and lover was largely overtaken by Morgan Le Fay, a lady whose very name in Breton indicates a water-nymph, it seems that the two were aspects of the same character. Indeed, as both appear among the three queens who escort Arthur to Avalon, she no doubt had a third aspect making up the well-known theme of a Celtic Triple-Goddess.


mystic marvel

Mother of all…foundation of all …the oldest one

I shall sing to Earth

She feeds everything that is in the world

Whoever you are …whether you live upon her sacred ground..or whether you live along the paths of the sea

Your that fly.

It is she who nourishes you from her treasure-store.

Hymn to Gaia by Homer :rose:
Du Lac said:
JC I agree you have really caught the tail of that mystic poem. Keep writing I am enjoying your writes
du lac~

I can't believe I missed this post!

Thanks Du Huni ~ :rose:

I'm loving this thread :)
more of the mother


Gaea, Grecian Primordial Being; Creator of Life; Supreme Being; Family and Tribes

"Earth." She is believed to have emerged from Chaos. A supreme power, she created everything -- the universe, deities, and humans; an "all-producing and all-nourishing" goddess. She may have been an earlier Phoenician goddess whom
the Greeks took as their own. She had many children, including
Agdistis, Ceto, and Charybdis, some by herself and some with male impregnation. She was the mother of the first race, the Titans. She was also the mother of the Moirae, the Erinyes, and the Muses with Uranus or Aether. In later times, she was
assimilated by other goddess, just as she had assimilated Titaea. Her Roman name is Tellus. Similar to Mulaprakriti, Indian Subcontinent.
Equivalent to Apia and Ghe, Near East. Alternate forms: Anesidora, Curotrophos,

variously known as Delphyna, Python, and Typhon. This serpent symbol
also appears in accounts of Hera and Athena, both of whom absorbed many
of the attributes of Gaia. The presence of Mycenaen artifacts at the
shrine of Delphi suggests that the image of Gaia may have been linked to
Goddess reverence on Crete.

Merlin Stone Ancient Mirrors of Womanhood p362

Gaea: Greek name for Mother Earth, the "Deep-breasted One," called
Oldest of Divinities. Though the Olympian Gods under Zeus took over her
ancient shrines, yet they swore their binding oaths by her name because
they were subject to her law.

Barbara Walker Encyclopedia of Women's Myths and Secrets p332

In *A History of God,* Karen Armstrong traces the first
Genesis creation story
(In the beginning the earth was without form and void) to an epic poem, theEnuma Elish (read annually in a Babylonian festival, seventeenth century BCE). In this poem *the gods emerged, two by two, from a formless, watery waste, a substance which was itself divine* (7). First 3 gods emerged from this divine substance: *Apsu (identified with the sweet waters of the rivers), his wife, Tiamat (the salty sea), and Mummu, the Womb of chaos* (8). From these
gods emerged others: *First came Lahmu and Lahamn (their names meant silt': water and earth still mixed together). Next came Ansher and Kishar, identified respectively with the horizons and sea. Then Anu (the heavens) and Ea (the earth). . . * (8).

However, the Enuma Elish obviously was composed after the *sky gods* had married with the Goddess, so it would be interesting to find some
earlier Goddess-only creation stories to see if we could determine how the earlier stories influenced the Enuma Elish (which influenced the Genesis writings).


This was carved three thousand years ago in stone
But even then it was an ancient saying, for She was in the beginning*

Donna Wilshire's *Virgin Mother Crone*:

Gaia is the name of the Goddess with which the ancient Greeks honored our earth,.....A cosmic, procreative womb...which emerged out of the primeval void called Chaos, it was believed Gaia existed before all other life...Gaia formed from her womb the sky, which she called Uranus, to keep her company
and to make love lying upon Earth created numerous children within Gaia's great womb, but Uranus, fearful they would prove stronger than he, would not allow Gaia to give birth to them...Gaia gave her strongest child Kronos, or Time, a sickle made of diamond like material which he used to cut Uranus's genitals from the portal of her womb.

In this way Gaia, created all the gods and goddesses of the Greek
world. At her famed shrine at Delphi, Gaia was especially worshipped by
priestesses who threw sacred herbs into a cauldron, using the fragrant
smoke to invoke Gaia's eternal wisdom.
A story of creation

Who is Gaia
The Gaia theology

bluerains said:

Gaea, Grecian Primordial Being; Creator of Life; Supreme Being; Family and Tribes

"Earth." She is believed to have emerged from Chaos. A supreme power, she created everything -- the universe, deities, and humans; an "all-producing and all-nourishing" goddess. She may have been an earlier Phoenician goddess whom
the Greeks took as their own. She had many children, including
Agdistis, Ceto, and Charybdis, some by herself and some with male impregnation. She was the mother of the first race, the Titans. She was also the mother of the Moirae, the Erinyes, and the Muses with Uranus or Aether. In later times, she was
assimilated by other goddess, just as she had assimilated Titaea. Her Roman name is Tellus. Similar to Mulaprakriti, Indian Subcontinent.
Equivalent to Apia and Ghe, Near East. Alternate forms: Anesidora, Curotrophos,

variously known as Delphyna, Python, and Typhon. This serpent symbol
also appears in accounts of Hera and Athena, both of whom absorbed many
of the attributes of Gaia. The presence of Mycenaen artifacts at the
shrine of Delphi suggests that the image of Gaia may have been linked to
Goddess reverence on Crete.

Merlin Stone Ancient Mirrors of Womanhood p362

Gaea: Greek name for Mother Earth, the "Deep-breasted One," called
Oldest of Divinities. Though the Olympian Gods under Zeus took over her
ancient shrines, yet they swore their binding oaths by her name because
they were subject to her law.

Barbara Walker Encyclopedia of Women's Myths and Secrets p332

In *A History of God,* Karen Armstrong traces the first
Genesis creation story
(In the beginning the earth was without form and void) to an epic poem, theEnuma Elish (read annually in a Babylonian festival, seventeenth century BCE). In this poem *the gods emerged, two by two, from a formless, watery waste, a substance which was itself divine* (7). First 3 gods emerged from this divine substance: *Apsu (identified with the sweet waters of the rivers), his wife, Tiamat (the salty sea), and Mummu, the Womb of chaos* (8). From these
gods emerged others: *First came Lahmu and Lahamn (their names meant silt': water and earth still mixed together). Next came Ansher and Kishar, identified respectively with the horizons and sea. Then Anu (the heavens) and Ea (the earth). . . * (8).

However, the Enuma Elish obviously was composed after the *sky gods* had married with the Goddess, so it would be interesting to find some
earlier Goddess-only creation stories to see if we could determine how the earlier stories influenced the Enuma Elish (which influenced the Genesis writings).


This was carved three thousand years ago in stone
But even then it was an ancient saying, for She was in the beginning*

Donna Wilshire's *Virgin Mother Crone*:

Gaia is the name of the Goddess with which the ancient Greeks honored our earth,.....A cosmic, procreative womb...which emerged out of the primeval void called Chaos, it was believed Gaia existed before all other life...Gaia formed from her womb the sky, which she called Uranus, to keep her company
and to make love lying upon Earth created numerous children within Gaia's great womb, but Uranus, fearful they would prove stronger than he, would not allow Gaia to give birth to them...Gaia gave her strongest child Kronos, or Time, a sickle made of diamond like material which he used to cut Uranus's genitals from the portal of her womb.

In this way Gaia, created all the gods and goddesses of the Greek
world. At her famed shrine at Delphi, Gaia was especially worshipped by
priestesses who threw sacred herbs into a cauldron, using the fragrant
smoke to invoke Gaia's eternal wisdom.
A story of creation

Who is Gaia
The Gaia theology


thats great blue,
Du is probably more tired than a mother with four hungry infant mouths nursing <grin> poor du...I think this will cheer her up ...
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
for you blue ! and all that post here while I am ripping my hair out trying to get rid of all my stuff and work full time .. travel and oh sleep?
love you all
moving is a real bitch

Du Lac said:
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
for you blue ! and all that post here while I am ripping my hair out trying to get rid of all my stuff and work full time .. travel and oh sleep?
love you all

summer heat does not help..good luck..hope to hear from you soon as your able..
Du Lac said:
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
for you blue ! and all that post here while I am ripping my hair out trying to get rid of all my stuff and work full time .. travel and oh sleep?
love you all

<grin> mystic marvel over long winds trail
wisdom in flight ...a snow owl...
A lying winter's morning sings extravagantly
moping with startled strength
and romping darkly in delight.
Whilst dry summer bows down
to the stars,
and day reclines in pride.
Each rain drop echoes in green pigments ,
spreading opulently past the stars
and I watch, enthralled.

Hey Du huni :)

Hope all is going well for you :rose:
bluerains said:

Gaea, Grecian Primordial Being; Creator of Life; Supreme Being; Family and Tribes

"Earth." She is believed to have emerged from Chaos. A supreme power, she created everything -- the universe, deities, and humans; an "all-producing and all-nourishing" goddess. She may have been an earlier Phoenician goddess whom
the Greeks took as their own. She had many children, including
Agdistis, Ceto, and Charybdis, some by herself and some with male impregnation. She was the mother of the first race, the Titans. She was also the mother of the Moirae, the Erinyes, and the Muses with Uranus or Aether. In later times, she was
assimilated by other goddess, just as she had assimilated Titaea. Her Roman name is Tellus. Similar to Mulaprakriti, Indian Subcontinent.
Equivalent to Apia and Ghe, Near East. Alternate forms: Anesidora, Curotrophos,

variously known as Delphyna, Python, and Typhon. This serpent symbol
also appears in accounts of Hera and Athena, both of whom absorbed many
of the attributes of Gaia. The presence of Mycenaen artifacts at the
shrine of Delphi suggests that the image of Gaia may have been linked to
Goddess reverence on Crete.

Merlin Stone Ancient Mirrors of Womanhood p362

Gaea: Greek name for Mother Earth, the "Deep-breasted One," called
Oldest of Divinities. Though the Olympian Gods under Zeus took over her
ancient shrines, yet they swore their binding oaths by her name because
they were subject to her law.

Barbara Walker Encyclopedia of Women's Myths and Secrets p332

In *A History of God,* Karen Armstrong traces the first
Genesis creation story
(In the beginning the earth was without form and void) to an epic poem, theEnuma Elish (read annually in a Babylonian festival, seventeenth century BCE). In this poem *the gods emerged, two by two, from a formless, watery waste, a substance which was itself divine* (7). First 3 gods emerged from this divine substance: *Apsu (identified with the sweet waters of the rivers), his wife, Tiamat (the salty sea), and Mummu, the Womb of chaos* (8). From these
gods emerged others: *First came Lahmu and Lahamn (their names meant silt': water and earth still mixed together). Next came Ansher and Kishar, identified respectively with the horizons and sea. Then Anu (the heavens) and Ea (the earth). . . * (8).

However, the Enuma Elish obviously was composed after the *sky gods* had married with the Goddess, so it would be interesting to find some
earlier Goddess-only creation stories to see if we could determine how the earlier stories influenced the Enuma Elish (which influenced the Genesis writings).


This was carved three thousand years ago in stone
But even then it was an ancient saying, for She was in the beginning*

Donna Wilshire's *Virgin Mother Crone*:

Gaia is the name of the Goddess with which the ancient Greeks honored our earth,.....A cosmic, procreative womb...which emerged out of the primeval void called Chaos, it was believed Gaia existed before all other life...Gaia formed from her womb the sky, which she called Uranus, to keep her company
and to make love lying upon Earth created numerous children within Gaia's great womb, but Uranus, fearful they would prove stronger than he, would not allow Gaia to give birth to them...Gaia gave her strongest child Kronos, or Time, a sickle made of diamond like material which he used to cut Uranus's genitals from the portal of her womb.

In this way Gaia, created all the gods and goddesses of the Greek
world. At her famed shrine at Delphi, Gaia was especially worshipped by
priestesses who threw sacred herbs into a cauldron, using the fragrant
smoke to invoke Gaia's eternal wisdom.
A story of creation

Who is Gaia
The Gaia theology


I see blue
like the sky

unable to touch
yet absorbed
in sight

trails of mist
in the morning

yet unable to hold
dissolving mist
in to the blue
midnight blue
morning Du
fairys that ryhme
JC gushing poetic chime...

quiet poet writes
in shades of LeBroz
dancing wanton vixxxens
on a templeminded mind
sippin champagne
My Erotic Tale said:
midnight blue
morning Du
fairys that ryhme
JC gushing poetic chime...

quiet poet writes
in shades of LeBroz
dancing wanton vixxxens
on a templeminded mind
sippin champagne

nice .. very nice n cute.
we have a gem of a poet
here my friends.

My Erotic Tale said:
thanks that was good a quickie ...mmmmmm (O_O)

this one?
let me start from the first page and i will let you know
first let me do a zmp and then i will do this one

alby=backing up
seranade said:
this one?
let me start from the first page and i will let you know
first let me do a zmp and then i will do this one

alby=backing up

either or and or even maybe both <grin>
just looking for you writing again
lyrical <chuckleboned>
My Erotic Tale said:
The Moonlight
© By Giridhar Mohanarangan
My Erotic Tale said:

Laurel goes through a lot of trouble every day to guarantee that none of our poems are snatched from Literotica and posted elsewhere without our expressed permission. Please show that same consideration toward the nice people at the League of American Poets.

Remember the Forum Guidelines:

3. Do not post/hotlink copyrighted images, articles, stories or poems in their entirety. Fair use laws allow some posting of copyrighted material, such as excerpts from articles and screen captures from movies, under certain circumstances. Please do a Google search under "Fair Use" if you want to understand this issue better.
The Poets said:
Laurel goes through a lot of trouble every day to guarantee that none of our poems are snatched from Literotica and posted elsewhere without our expressed permission. Please show that same consideration toward the nice people at the League of American Poets.

Remember the Forum Guidelines:

3. Do not post/hotlink copyrighted images, articles, stories or poems in their entirety. Fair use laws allow some posting of copyrighted material, such as excerpts from articles and screen captures from movies, under certain circumstances. Please do a Google search under "Fair Use" if you want to understand this issue better.

okay, thank you very much, I will. I am glad to know the facts, thank you.
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shades of indigo

endless drifting
in neap tides
stumbling in dark
corners of departure
only to arrive
on a perch of
owls blinking
with ancient
reptilian thinking
unwilling to pluck
the stone from
blind eyes tracing
trails of knowledge
Last edited:
Shaking my fist at the Heavens...

...kicking dirt into Hell~
by Art

My heart thundered and cracked
like the seals of armagedon
I went off half cocked and storming
after laying the telephone down

I was Paramount at Mt. Olympia
throwing stones at Zeus
taunting him to throw his thunder bolts
for life had already given me a jolt.

In the valley of the shadow of death
I rang the bell to Hell
come out you devil if you dare
I'll put your fire out...
with my cold heart's blank stare

I marched up the steps of the stairway to heaven
beat my fist bloody at the pearly gates
challenged Michael, God's warrior Angel
to do battle with me today
for I'm frustrated in the worst way

I have a few stripes on a belt of black
but today I lost my passive way
looking for vengence not justice
my mind was a swirling bliss

I pulled the tail of the tiger
and at the dragon I hissed
for I've never been a man of fear
but today, they lost someone
that I will never hear

I tossed a bible at Budda
with his one finger raised up high
I gave him the finger in return
as I started to cry

Ala and I
don't see eye to eye
in fact he needs to clean up his act
or on his back he needs to strap
some bombs and be blown away

Shaking my fist at the Heavens
while kicking dirt into hell
I challenged who ever
rules this worldly sphere
as down my cheek ran a tear

my anger raged and emotions high
for my heart was heavy and torn
wanting to know who gave the order
for the Grim take a New Born
shades of indigo II

bluerains said:
endless drifting
in neap tides
stumbling in dark
corners of departure
only to arrive
on a perch of
owls blinking
with ancient
reptilian thinking
unwilling to pluck
the stone from
blind eyes tracing
trails of knowledge

a vulcan within
transfixes to
strokes of new age
as it courses through
veins of another
logic speaks in circular
but, chaos extracts
its beauty from another beast....
the bloodline resends
its keystrokes
bluerains said:
a vulcan within
transfixes to
strokes of new age
as it courses through
veins of another
logic speaks in circular
but, chaos extracts
its beauty from another beast....
the bloodline resends
its keystrokes

very nice blue

we miss Du? <grin>
bluerains said:
uh huh ...we miss the du~ :eek:

Friends call from away,
sending good ju ju with no pay,
I miss you
Yes I du!

Miss you all love Du :heart:
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